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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#ifndef DIVE_H
#define DIVE_H
// dive and dive computer related structures and helpers
#include "divemode.h"
#include "divecomputer.h"
#include "equipment.h"
#include "picture.h" // TODO: remove
#include "tag.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
extern int last_xml_version;
extern const char *divemode_text_ui[];
extern const char *divemode_text[];
struct dive_site;
struct dive_table;
struct dive_trip;
struct full_text_cache;
struct event;
struct trip_table;
struct dive {
struct dive_trip *divetrip = nullptr;
timestamp_t when = 0;
struct dive_site *dive_site = nullptr;
std::string notes;
std::string diveguide, buddy;
std::string suit;
cylinder_table cylinders;
weightsystem_table weightsystems;
int number = 0;
int rating = 0;
int wavesize = 0, current = 0, visibility = 0, surge = 0, chill = 0; /* 0 - 5 star ratings */
int sac = 0, otu = 0, cns = 0, maxcns = 0;
/* Calculated based on dive computer data */
temperature_t mintemp, maxtemp, watertemp, airtemp;
depth_t maxdepth, meandepth;
pressure_t surface_pressure;
duration_t duration;
int salinity = 0; // kg per 10000 l
int user_salinity = 0; // water density reflecting a user-specified type
tag_list tags;
std::vector<divecomputer> dcs; // Attn: pointers to divecomputers are not stable!
int id = 0; // unique ID for this dive
picture_table pictures;
unsigned char git_id[20] = {};
bool notrip = false; /* Don't autogroup this dive to a trip */
bool selected = false;
bool hidden_by_filter = false;
struct full_text_cache *full_text = nullptr; /* word cache for full text search */
bool invalid = false;
dive(dive &&);
dive &operator=(const dive &);
/* For the top-level list: an entry is either a dive or a trip */
struct dive_or_trip {
struct dive *dive;
struct dive_trip *trip;
extern void invalidate_dive_cache(struct dive *dive);
extern bool dive_cache_is_valid(const struct dive *dive);
extern int get_cylinder_idx_by_use(const struct dive *dive, enum cylinderuse cylinder_use_type);
extern void cylinder_renumber(struct dive *dive, int mapping[]);
extern int same_gasmix_cylinder(const cylinder_t &cyl, int cylid, const struct dive *dive, bool check_unused);
Calculate nitrogen and helium gas pressures for CCR after import from CSV Currently the gas pressures stored in structures of pressure are calculated using the gasmix composition of the currently selected cylinder. But with CCR dives the default cylinder is the oxygen cylinder (here, index 0). However, the gas pressures need to be calculated using gasmix data from cylinder 1 (the diluent cylinder). This patch allows setting the appropriate cylinder for calculating the values in the structures of pressure. It also allows for correctly calculating gas pressures for any open circuit cylinders (e.g. bailout) that a CCR diver may use. This is performed as follows: 1) In dive.h create an enum variable {oxygen, diluent, bailout} 2) Within the definition of cylinder_t, add a member: cylinder_use_type This stores an enum variable, one of the above. 3) In file.c where the Poseidon CSV data are read in, assign the appropriate enum values to each of the cylinders. 4) Within the definition of structure dive, add two members: int oxygen_cylinder_index int diluent_cylinder_index This will keep the indices of the two main CCR cylinders. 5) In dive.c create a function get_cylinder_use(). This scans the cylinders for that dive, looking for a cylinder that has a particular cylinder_use_type and returns that cylinder index. 6) In dive.c create a function fixup_cylinder_use() that stores the indices of the oxygen and diluent cylinders in the variables dive->oxygen_cylinder_index and dive->diluent_cylinder_index, making use of the function in 4) above. 7) In profile.c, modify function calculate_gas_information_new() to use the above functions for CCR dives to find the oxygen and diluent cylinders and to calculate partail gas pressures based on the diluent cylinder gas mix. This results in the correct calculation of gas partial pressures in the case of CCR dives, displaying the correct partial pressure graphs in the dive profile widget. Signed-off-by: willem ferguson <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2014-11-03 22:11:00 +02:00
/* when selectively copying dive information, which parts should be copied? */
struct dive_components {
unsigned int divesite : 1;
unsigned int notes : 1;
unsigned int diveguide : 1;
unsigned int buddy : 1;
unsigned int suit : 1;
unsigned int rating : 1;
unsigned int visibility : 1;
unsigned int wavesize : 1;
unsigned int current : 1;
unsigned int surge : 1;
unsigned int chill : 1;
unsigned int tags : 1;
unsigned int cylinders : 1;
unsigned int weights : 1;
unsigned int number : 1;
unsigned int when : 1;
extern bool has_gaschange_event(const struct dive *dive, const struct divecomputer *dc, int idx);
extern int explicit_first_cylinder(const struct dive *dive, const struct divecomputer *dc);
extern fraction_t best_o2(depth_t depth, const struct dive *dive, bool in_planner);
extern fraction_t best_he(depth_t depth, const struct dive *dive, bool o2narcotic, fraction_t fo2);
extern int get_surface_pressure_in_mbar(const struct dive *dive, bool non_null);
extern int depth_to_mbar(int depth, const struct dive *dive);
extern double depth_to_mbarf(int depth, const struct dive *dive);
extern double depth_to_bar(int depth, const struct dive *dive);
extern double depth_to_atm(int depth, const struct dive *dive);
extern int rel_mbar_to_depth(int mbar, const struct dive *dive);
extern int mbar_to_depth(int mbar, const struct dive *dive);
extern depth_t gas_mod(struct gasmix mix, pressure_t po2_limit, const struct dive *dive, int roundto);
extern depth_t gas_mnd(struct gasmix mix, depth_t end, const struct dive *dive, int roundto);
extern struct dive *get_dive(int nr);
extern struct dive *get_dive_from_table(int nr, const struct dive_table *dt);
extern struct dive_site *get_dive_site_for_dive(const struct dive *dive);
extern std::string get_dive_country(const struct dive *dive);
extern std::string get_dive_location(const struct dive *dive);
extern unsigned int number_of_computers(const struct dive *dive);
extern struct divecomputer *get_dive_dc(struct dive *dive, int nr);
extern const struct divecomputer *get_dive_dc(const struct dive *dive, int nr);
extern timestamp_t dive_endtime(const struct dive *dive);
extern temperature_t dc_airtemp(const struct dive *dive);
extern temperature_t dc_watertemp(const struct dive *dive);
extern void set_git_prefs(const char *prefs);
extern struct dive *make_first_dc(const struct dive *d, int dc_number);
extern struct dive *clone_delete_divecomputer(const struct dive *d, int dc_number);
void split_divecomputer(const struct dive *src, int num, struct dive **out1, struct dive **out2);
* Iterate over each dive, with the first parameter being the index
* iterator variable, and the second one being the dive one.
* I don't think anybody really wants the index, and we could make
* it local to the for-loop, but that would make us requires C99.
#define for_each_dive(_i, _x) \
for ((_i) = 0; ((_x) = get_dive(_i)) != NULL; (_i)++)
extern struct dive *get_dive_by_uniq_id(int id);
extern int get_idx_by_uniq_id(int id);
extern bool dive_site_has_gps_location(const struct dive_site *ds);
extern int dive_has_gps_location(const struct dive *dive);
extern location_t dive_get_gps_location(const struct dive *d);
extern bool time_during_dive_with_offset(const struct dive *dive, timestamp_t when, timestamp_t offset);
extern int save_dives(const char *filename);
extern int save_dives_logic(const char *filename, bool select_only, bool anonymize);
extern int save_dive(FILE *f, struct dive *dive, bool anonymize);
extern int export_dives_xslt(const char *filename, bool selected, const int units, const char *export_xslt, bool anonymize);
extern int save_dive_sites_logic(const char *filename, const struct dive_site *sites[], int nr_sites, bool anonymize);
struct membuffer;
extern void save_one_dive_to_mb(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, bool anonymize);
extern void subsurface_console_init();
extern void subsurface_console_exit();
extern bool subsurface_user_is_root();
extern void record_dive_to_table(struct dive *dive, struct dive_table *table);
extern void clear_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern void copy_dive(const struct dive *s, struct dive *d);
extern void selective_copy_dive(const struct dive *s, struct dive *d, struct dive_components what, bool clear);
extern struct std::unique_ptr<dive> move_dive(struct dive *s);
extern int legacy_format_o2pressures(const struct dive *dive, const struct divecomputer *dc);
extern bool dive_less_than(const struct dive *a, const struct dive *b);
extern bool dive_or_trip_less_than(struct dive_or_trip a, struct dive_or_trip b);
extern struct dive *fixup_dive(struct dive *dive);
extern pressure_t calculate_surface_pressure(const struct dive *dive);
extern pressure_t un_fixup_surface_pressure(const struct dive *d);
extern int get_dive_salinity(const struct dive *dive);
extern int dive_getUniqID();
extern int split_dive(const struct dive *dive, struct dive **new1, struct dive **new2);
extern int split_dive_at_time(const struct dive *dive, duration_t time, struct dive **new1, struct dive **new2);
extern struct dive *merge_dives(const struct dive *a, const struct dive *b, int offset, bool prefer_downloaded, struct dive_trip **trip, struct dive_site **site);
extern struct dive *try_to_merge(struct dive *a, struct dive *b, bool prefer_downloaded);
extern void copy_events_until(const struct dive *sd, struct dive *dd, int dcNr, int time);
extern void copy_used_cylinders(const struct dive *s, struct dive *d, bool used_only);
extern bool is_cylinder_used(const struct dive *dive, int idx);
extern bool is_cylinder_prot(const struct dive *dive, int idx);
First step in cleaning up cylinder pressure sensor logic This clarifies/changes the meaning of our "cylinderindex" entry in our samples. It has been rather confused, because different dive computers have done things differently, and the naming really hasn't helped. There are two totally different - and independent - cylinder "indexes": - the pressure sensor index, which indicates which cylinder the sensor data is from. - the "active cylinder" index, which indicates which cylinder we actually breathe from. These two values really are totally independent, and have nothing what-so-ever to do with each other. The sensor index may well be fixed: many dive computers only support a single pressure sensor (whether wireless or wired), and the sensor index is thus always zero. Other dive computers may support multiple pressure sensors, and the gas switch event may - or may not - indicate that the sensor changed too. A dive computer might give the sensor data for *all* cylinders it can read, regardless of which one is the one we're actively breathing. In fact, some dive computers might give sensor data for not just *your* cylinder, but your buddies. This patch renames "cylinderindex" in the samples as "sensor", making it quite clear that it's about which sensor index the pressure data in the sample is about. The way we figure out which is the currently active gas is with an explicit has change event. If a computer (like the Uemis Zurich) joins the two concepts together, then a sensor change should also create a gas switch event. This patch also changes the Uemis importer to do that. Finally, it should be noted that the plot info works totally separately from the sample data, and is about what we actually *display*, not about the sample pressures etc. In the plot info, the "cylinderindex" does in fact mean the currently active cylinder, and while it is initially set to match the sensor information from the samples, we then walk the gas change events and fix it up - and if the active cylinder differs from the sensor cylinder, we clear the sensor data. [Dirk Hohndel: this conflicted with some of my recent changes - I think I merged things correctly...] Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
2012-12-30 20:00:51 -08:00
extern void add_gas_switch_event(struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, int time, int idx);
extern struct event create_gas_switch_event(struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, int seconds, int idx);
extern void per_cylinder_mean_depth(const struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, int *mean, int *duration);
extern int get_cylinder_index(const struct dive *dive, const struct event &ev);
extern struct gasmix get_gasmix_from_event(const struct dive *, const struct event &ev);
extern bool cylinder_with_sensor_sample(const struct dive *dive, int cylinder_id);
/* UI related protopypes */
extern void invalidate_dive_cache(struct dive *dc);
extern int total_weight(const struct dive *);
extern bool is_planned(const struct dive *dive);
extern bool is_logged(const struct dive *dive);
/* Get gasmix at a given time */
extern struct gasmix get_gasmix_at_time(const struct dive &dive, const struct divecomputer &dc, duration_t time);
extern void update_setpoint_events(const struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc);
/* Make pointers to dive and dive_trip "Qt metatypes" so that they can be passed through
* QVariants and through QML.
#include <QObject>
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(struct dive *);
extern std::string existing_filename;
#endif // DIVE_H