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/* qt-gui.cpp */
/* Qt UI implementation */
Conversion to gettext to allow localization This is just the first step - convert the string literals, try to catch all the places where this isn't possible and the program needs to convert string constants at runtime (those are the N_ macros). Add a very rough first German localization so I can at least test what I have done. Seriously, I have never used a localized OS, so I am certain that I have many of the 'standard' translations wrong. Someone please take over :-) Major issues with this: - right now it hardcodes the search path for the message catalog to be ./locale - that's of course bogus, but it works well while doing initial testing. Once the tooling support is there we just should use the OS default. - even though de_DE defaults to ISO-8859-15 (or ISO-8859-1 - the internets can't seem to agree) I went with UTF-8 as that is what Gtk appears to want to use internally. ISO-8859-15 encoded .mo files create funny looking artefacts instead of Umlaute. - no support at all in the Makefile - I was hoping someone with more experience in how to best set this up would contribute a good set of Makefile rules - likely this will help fix the first issue in that it will also install the .mo file(s) in the correct place(s) For now simply run msgfmt -c -o subsurface.mo deutsch.po to create the subsurface.mo file and then move it to ./locale/de_DE.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES/subsurface.mo If you make changes to the sources and need to add new strings to be translated, this is what seems to work (again, should be tooled through the Makefile): xgettext -o subsurface-new.pot -s -k_ -kN_ --add-comments="++GETTEXT" *.c msgmerge -s -U po/deutsch.po subsurface-new.pot If you do this PLEASE do one commit that just has the new msgid as changes in line numbers create a TON of diff-noise. Do changes to translations in a SEPARATE commit. - no testing at all on Windows or Mac It builds on Windows :-) Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
2012-10-11 09:42:59 +09:00
#include <libintl.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dive.h"
#include "divelist.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "uemis.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "webservice.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "libdivecomputer.h"
#include "qt-ui/mainwindow.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "qthelper.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMultiMap>
const char *default_dive_computer_vendor;
const char *default_dive_computer_product;
const char *default_dive_computer_device;
DiveComputerList dcList;
class Translator: public QTranslator
Translator(QObject *parent = 0);
~Translator() {}
virtual QString translate(const char *context, const char *sourceText,
const char *disambiguation = NULL) const;
Translator::Translator(QObject *parent):
QString Translator::translate(const char *context, const char *sourceText,
const char *disambiguation) const
return gettext(sourceText);
static QApplication *application = NULL;
int error_count;
const char *existing_filename;
void init_qt_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp, char *errormessage)
application->installTranslator(new Translator(application));
MainWindow *window = new MainWindow();
if (existing_filename && existing_filename[0] != '\0')
const char *getSetting(QSettings &s, QString name)
QVariant v;
v = s.value(name);
if (v.isValid()) {
return strdup(v.toString().toUtf8().data());
return NULL;
void init_ui(int *argcp, char ***argvp)
QVariant v;
application = new QApplication(*argcp, *argvp);
// the Gtk theme makes things unbearably ugly
// so switch to Oxygen in this case
if (application->style()->objectName() == "gtk+")
#if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
// ask QString in Qt 4 to interpret all char* as UTF-8,
// like Qt 5 does.
// 106 is "UTF-8", this is faster than lookup by name
// [http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xml]
QSettings s;
prefs.default_filename = getSetting(s, "default_filename");
default_dive_computer_vendor = getSetting(s, "dive_computer_vendor");
default_dive_computer_product = getSetting(s,"dive_computer_product");
default_dive_computer_device = getSetting(s, "dive_computer_device");
void run_ui(void)
void exit_ui(void)
delete application;
if (existing_filename)
free((void *)existing_filename);
if (default_dive_computer_device)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_device);
void set_filename(const char *filename, gboolean force)
if (!force && existing_filename)
free((void *)existing_filename);
if (filename)
existing_filename = strdup(filename);
existing_filename = NULL;
const QString get_dc_nickname(const char *model, uint32_t deviceid)
const DiveComputerNode *existNode = dcList.getExact(model, deviceid);
if (!existNode)
return QString("");
if (existNode->nickName != "")
return existNode->nickName;
return model;
void set_dc_nickname(struct dive *dive)
if (!dive)
struct divecomputer *dc = &dive->dc;
while (dc) {
if (dc->model && *dc->model && dc->deviceid &&
!dcList.getExact(dc->model, dc->deviceid)) {
// we don't have this one, yet
const DiveComputerNode *existNode = dcList.get(dc->model);
if (existNode) {
// we already have this model but a different deviceid
QString simpleNick(dc->model);
if (dc->deviceid == 0)
simpleNick.append(" (unknown deviceid)");
simpleNick.append(" (").append(QString::number(dc->deviceid, 16)).append(")");
dcList.addDC(dc->model, dc->deviceid, simpleNick);
} else {
dcList.addDC(dc->model, dc->deviceid);
dc = dc->next;
QString get_depth_string(depth_t depth, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.length == units::METERS) {
double meters = depth.mm / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(meters, 0, 'f', meters >= 20.0 ? 0 : 1 ).arg(showunit ? _("m") : "");
} else {
double feet = mm_to_feet(depth.mm);
return QString("%1%2").arg(feet, 0, 'f', 1). arg(showunit ? _("ft") : "");
QString get_depth_unit()
if (prefs.units.length == units::METERS)
return "m";
return "ft";
QString get_weight_string(weight_t weight, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.weight == units::KG) {
double kg = weight.grams / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(kg, 0, 'f', kg >= 20.0 ? 0 : 1 ).arg(showunit ? _("kg") : "");
} else {
double lbs = grams_to_lbs(weight.grams);
return QString("%1%2").arg(lbs, 0, 'f', lbs >= 40.0 ? 0 : 1 ).arg(showunit ? _("lbs") : "");
QString get_weight_unit()
if (prefs.units.weight == units::KG)
return "kg";
return "lbs";
QString get_temperature_string(temperature_t temp, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS) {
double celsius = mkelvin_to_C(temp.mkelvin);
return QString("%1%2%3").arg(celsius, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? (UTF8_DEGREE): "")
.arg(showunit ? _("C") : "");
} else {
double fahrenheit = mkelvin_to_F(temp.mkelvin);
return QString("%1%2%3").arg(fahrenheit, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? (UTF8_DEGREE): "")
.arg(showunit ? _("F") : "");
QString get_temp_unit()
if (prefs.units.temperature == units::CELSIUS)
return QString(UTF8_DEGREE "C");
return QString(UTF8_DEGREE "F");
QString get_volume_string(volume_t volume, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.volume == units::LITER) {
double liter = volume.mliter / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(liter, 0, 'f', liter >= 40.0 ? 0 : 1 ).arg(showunit ? _("l") : "");
} else {
double cuft = ml_to_cuft(volume.mliter);
return QString("%1%2").arg(cuft, 0, 'f', cuft >= 20.0 ? 0 : (cuft >= 2.0 ? 1 : 2)).arg(showunit ? _("cuft") : "");
QString get_volume_unit()
if (prefs.units.volume == units::LITER)
return "l";
return "cuft";
QString get_pressure_string(pressure_t pressure, bool showunit)
if (prefs.units.pressure == units::BAR) {
double bar = pressure.mbar / 1000.0;
return QString("%1%2").arg(bar, 0, 'f', 1).arg(showunit ? _("bar") : "");
} else {
double psi = mbar_to_PSI(pressure.mbar);
return QString("%1%2").arg(psi, 0, 'f', 0).arg(showunit ? _("psi") : "");
double get_screen_dpi()
QDesktopWidget *mydesk = application->desktop();
return mydesk->physicalDpiX();
int is_default_dive_computer(const char *vendor, const char *product)
return default_dive_computer_vendor && !strcmp(vendor, default_dive_computer_vendor) &&
default_dive_computer_product && !strcmp(product, default_dive_computer_product);
int is_default_dive_computer_device(const char *name)
return default_dive_computer_device && !strcmp(name, default_dive_computer_device);
void set_default_dive_computer(const char *vendor, const char *product)
QSettings s;
if (!vendor || !*vendor)
if (!product || !*product)
if (is_default_dive_computer(vendor, product))
if (default_dive_computer_vendor)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_vendor);
if (default_dive_computer_product)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_product);
default_dive_computer_vendor = strdup(vendor);
default_dive_computer_product = strdup(product);
s.setValue("dive_computer_vendor", vendor);
s.setValue("dive_computer_product", product);
void set_default_dive_computer_device(const char *name)
QSettings s;
if (!name || !*name)
if (is_default_dive_computer_device(name))
if (default_dive_computer_device)
free((void *)default_dive_computer_device);
default_dive_computer_device = strdup(name);
s.setValue("dive_computer_device", name);
QString getSubsurfaceDataPath(QString folderToFind)
QString execdir;
QDir folder;
// first check if we are running in the build dir, so this
// is just subdirectory of the current directory
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append(QDir::separator()).append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
// next check for the Linux typical $(prefix)/share/subsurface
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.replace("bin", "share/subsurface/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
// then look for the usual location on a Mac
execdir = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
folder = QDir(execdir.append("/../Resources/share/").append(folderToFind));
if (folder.exists())
return folder.absolutePath();
return QString("");
void create_device_node(const char *model, uint32_t deviceid, const char *serial, const char *firmware, const char *nickname)
dcList.addDC(model, deviceid, nickname, serial, firmware);
void call_for_each_dc(FILE *f, void (*callback)(FILE *, const char *, uint32_t,
const char *, const char *, const char *))
QList<DiveComputerNode> values = dcList.dcMap.values();
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
const DiveComputerNode *node = &values.at(i);
callback(f, node->model.toUtf8().data(), node->deviceId, node->nickName.toUtf8().data(),
node->serialNumber.toUtf8().data(), node->firmware.toUtf8().data());
#include "qt-gui.moc"