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mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00

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import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import org.subsurfacedivelog.mobile 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.mobilecomponents 0.2 as MobileComponents
MobileComponents.Page {
id: gpsListWindow
width: parent.width - MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit
anchors.margins: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
objectName: "gpsList"
/* this can be done by hitting the back key
contextualActions: [
Action {
text: "Close GPS list"
iconName: "dialog-cancel"
onTriggered: {
Component {
id: gpsDelegate
MobileComponents.ListItemWithActions {
id: gpsFix
enabled: true
width: parent.width
property int horizontalPadding: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2 - MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing + 1
Item {
width: parent.width - MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit
height: childrenRect.height - MobileComponents.Units.smallSpacing
GridLayout {
columns: 4
id: timeAndName
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: horizontalPadding
right: parent.right
rightMargin: horizontalPadding
MobileComponents.Label {
text: 'Date: '
opacity: 0.6
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: date
Layout.preferredWidth: Math.max(parent.width / 5, paintedWidth)
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: 'Name: '
opacity: 0.6
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: name
Layout.preferredWidth: Math.max(parent.width / 5, paintedWidth)
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: 'Latitude: '
opacity: 0.6
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: latitude
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: 'Longitude: '
opacity: 0.6
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
MobileComponents.Label {
text: longitude
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
actions: [
Action {
iconName: "trash-empty"
onTriggered: {
print("delete this!")
Action {
iconName: "gps"
onTriggered: {
print("show map")
manager.showMap(latitude + " " + longitude)
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
ListView {
id: gpsListView
anchors.fill: parent
model: gpsModel
currentIndex: -1
delegate: gpsDelegate
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
maximumFlickVelocity: parent.height * 5
cacheBuffer: Math.max(5000, parent.height * 5)
focus: true
clip: true
header: MobileComponents.Heading {
x: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
height: paintedHeight + MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit / 2
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignBottom
text: "List of stored GPS fixes"