mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
profile: clip DiveProfileItems
Avoid "overshooting" of the profile items by linearly clipping the first and last segment to the boundaries of the time-axis. Sadly, quite a lot of code, because every profile item is slightly different. In particular the pressure-segment handling was rewritten. It now stores the begin and end of each segment to draw the appropriate text items. Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <bstoeger@mail.tuwien.ac.at>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 216 additions and 116 deletions
@ -26,6 +26,44 @@ void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::clear()
static std::pair<double,double> clip(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x)
double rel = fabs(x2 - x1) > 1e-10 ? (x - x1) / (x2 - x1) : 0.5;
return { x, (y2 - y1) * rel + y1 };
void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::clipStart(double &x, double &y, double next_x, double next_y) const
if (x < hAxis.minimum())
std::tie(x, y) = clip(x, y, next_x, next_y, hAxis.minimum());
void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::clipStop(double &x, double &y, double prev_x, double prev_y) const
if (x > hAxis.maximum())
std::tie(x, y) = clip(prev_x, prev_y, x, y, hAxis.maximum());
std::pair<double, double> AbstractProfilePolygonItem::getPoint(int i) const
double x = dataModel.index(i, hDataColumn).data().toReal();
double y = dataModel.index(i, vDataColumn).data().toReal();
// Do clipping of first and last value
if (i == from && i < to) {
double next_x = dataModel.index(i+1, hDataColumn).data().toReal();
double next_y = dataModel.index(i+1, vDataColumn).data().toReal();
clipStart(x, y, next_x, next_y);
if (i == to - 1 && i > 0) {
double prev_x = dataModel.index(i-1, hDataColumn).data().toReal();
double prev_y = dataModel.index(i-1, vDataColumn).data().toReal();
clipStop(x, y, prev_x, prev_y);
return { x, y };
void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::makePolygon(int fromIn, int toIn)
from = fromIn;
@ -38,8 +76,8 @@ void AbstractProfilePolygonItem::makePolygon(int fromIn, int toIn)
// to our coordinates, store. no painting is done here.
QPolygonF poly;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
double horizontalValue = dataModel.index(i, hDataColumn).data().toReal();
double verticalValue = dataModel.index(i, vDataColumn).data().toReal();
auto [horizontalValue, verticalValue] = getPoint(i);
if (i == from) {
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(horizontalValue), vAxis.posAtValue(0.0));
@ -175,7 +213,7 @@ void DiveHeartrateItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
from = fromIn;
to = toIn;
int last = -300, last_printed_hr = 0, sec = 0;
int last = -300, last_printed_hr = 0;
struct sec_hr {
int sec;
int hr;
@ -187,11 +225,12 @@ void DiveHeartrateItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
// Ignore empty values. a heart rate of 0 would be a bad sign.
QPolygonF poly;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
int hr = dataModel.index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
auto [sec_double, hr_double] = getPoint(i);
int hr = lrint(hr_double);
if (!hr)
sec = dataModel.index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(hr));
int sec = lrint(sec_double);
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(sec_double), vAxis.posAtValue(hr_double));
if (hr == hist[2].hr)
// same as last one, no point in looking at printing
@ -263,7 +302,7 @@ void DiveTemperatureItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
from = fromIn;
to = toIn;
int last = -300, last_printed_temp = 0, sec = 0, last_valid_temp = 0;
double last = -300.0, last_printed_temp = 0.0, last_valid_temp = 0.0, sec = 0.0;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> textItems;
@ -271,35 +310,34 @@ void DiveTemperatureItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
// Ignore empty values. things do not look good with '0' as temperature in kelvin...
QPolygonF poly;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
int mkelvin = dataModel.index(i, vDataColumn).data().toInt();
if (!mkelvin)
auto [sec, mkelvin] = getPoint(i);
if (mkelvin < 1.0)
last_valid_temp = mkelvin;
sec = dataModel.index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(mkelvin));
last_valid_temp = sec;
/* don't print a temperature
* if it's been less than 5min and less than a 2K change OR
* if it's been less than 2min OR if the change from the
* last print is less than .4K (and therefore less than 1F) */
if (((sec < last + 300) && (abs(mkelvin - last_printed_temp) < 2000)) ||
(sec < last + 120) ||
(abs(mkelvin - last_printed_temp) < 400))
if (((sec < last + 300.0) && (fabs(mkelvin - last_printed_temp) < 2000.0)) ||
(sec < last + 120.0) ||
(fabs(mkelvin - last_printed_temp) < 400.0))
last = sec;
if (mkelvin > 200000)
textItems.push_back({ sec, mkelvin });
if (mkelvin > 200000.0)
textItems.push_back({ static_cast<int>(sec), static_cast<int>(mkelvin) });
last_printed_temp = mkelvin;
/* it would be nice to print the end temperature, if it's
* different or if the last temperature print has been more
* than a quarter of the dive back */
if (last_valid_temp > 200000 &&
((abs(last_valid_temp - last_printed_temp) > 500) || ((double)last / (double)sec < 0.75))) {
textItems.push_back({ sec, last_valid_temp });
/* print the end temperature, if it's different or if the
* last temperature print has been more than a quarter of the
* dive back */
if (last_valid_temp > 200000.0 &&
((fabs(last_valid_temp - last_printed_temp) > 500.0) || (last < 0.75 * sec))) {
textItems.push_back({ static_cast<int>(sec), static_cast<int>(last_valid_temp) });
for (size_t i = 0; i < textItems.size(); ++i) {
@ -340,7 +378,30 @@ DiveMeanDepthItem::DiveMeanDepthItem(const DivePlotDataModel &model, const DiveC
lastRunningSum = 0.0;
// Apparently, there can be samples without mean depth? If not, remove these functions.
std::pair<double,double> DiveMeanDepthItem::getMeanDepth(int i) const
for ( ; i >= 0; --i) {
const plot_data &entry = dataModel.data().entry[i];
if (entry.running_sum > 0)
return { static_cast<double>(entry.sec),
static_cast<double>(entry.running_sum) / entry.sec };
return { 0.0, 0.0 };
std::pair<double,double> DiveMeanDepthItem::getNextMeanDepth(int first) const
int last = dataModel.data().nr;
for (int i = first + 1; i < last; ++i) {
const plot_data &entry = dataModel.data().entry[i];
if (entry.running_sum > 0)
return { static_cast<double>(entry.sec),
static_cast<double>(entry.running_sum) / entry.sec };
return getMeanDepth(first);
void DiveMeanDepthItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
@ -348,22 +409,32 @@ void DiveMeanDepthItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
from = fromIn;
to = toIn;
double meandepthvalue = 0.0;
double prevSec = 0.0, prevMeanDepth = 0.0;
QPolygonF poly;
plot_data *entry = dataModel.data().entry + from;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++, entry++) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
auto [sec, meanDepth] = getMeanDepth(i);
// Ignore empty values
if (entry->running_sum == 0 || entry->sec == 0)
if (meanDepth == 0)
if (i == from && i < to) {
auto [sec2, meanDepth2] = getNextMeanDepth(i);
if (meanDepth2 > 0.0)
clipStart(sec, meanDepth, sec2, meanDepth2);
if (i == to - 1 && i > 0)
clipStop(sec, meanDepth, prevSec, prevMeanDepth);
meandepthvalue = entry->running_sum / entry->sec;
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(entry->sec), vAxis.posAtValue(meandepthvalue));
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(meanDepth));
prevSec = sec;
prevMeanDepth = meanDepth;
lastRunningSum = meandepthvalue;
if (prevMeanDepth > 0.0)
createTextItem(prevSec, prevMeanDepth);
@ -377,15 +448,13 @@ void DiveMeanDepthItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*
void DiveMeanDepthItem::createTextItem()
void DiveMeanDepthItem::createTextItem(double lastSec, double lastMeanDepth)
plot_data *entry = dataModel.data().entry;
int sec = to > 0 ? entry[to-1].sec : 0;
DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(dpr, 0.8, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignTop, this);
text->set(get_depth_string(lrint(lastRunningSum), true), getColor(TEMP_TEXT));
text->setPos(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(sec) + 1, vAxis.posAtValue(lastRunningSum)));
text->set(get_depth_string(lrint(lastMeanDepth), true), getColor(TEMP_TEXT));
text->setPos(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(lastSec) + dpr, vAxis.posAtValue(lastMeanDepth)));
@ -396,21 +465,37 @@ void DiveGasPressureItem::replot(const dive *d, int fromIn, int toIn, bool in_pl
const struct plot_info *pInfo = &dataModel.data();
std::vector<int> plotted_cyl(pInfo->nr_cylinders, false);
std::vector<int> last_plotted(pInfo->nr_cylinders, 0);
std::vector<std::vector<Entry>> poly(pInfo->nr_cylinders);
std::vector<double> last_plotted(pInfo->nr_cylinders, 0.0);
std::vector<Segment> act_segments(pInfo->nr_cylinders);
QPolygonF boundingPoly;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
const struct plot_data *entry = pInfo->entry + i;
for (int cyl = 0; cyl < pInfo->nr_cylinders; cyl++) {
int mbar = get_plot_pressure(pInfo, i, cyl);
int time = entry->sec;
double mbar = static_cast<double>(get_plot_pressure(pInfo, i, cyl));
double time = static_cast<double>(entry->sec);
if (!mbar)
if (mbar < 1.0)
if (i == from && i < to - 1) {
double mbar2 = static_cast<double>(get_plot_pressure(pInfo, i+1, cyl));
double time2 = static_cast<double>(entry[1].sec);
if (mbar2 < 1.0)
clipStart(time, mbar, time2, mbar2);
if (i == to - 1 && i > from) {
double mbar2 = static_cast<double>(get_plot_pressure(pInfo, i-1, cyl));
double time2 = static_cast<double>(entry[-1].sec);
if (mbar2 < 1.0)
clipStop(time, mbar, time2, mbar2);
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(time), vAxis.posAtValue(mbar));
@ -421,46 +506,50 @@ void DiveGasPressureItem::replot(const dive *d, int fromIn, int toIn, bool in_pl
} else {
if (mbar < 0)
if (mbar < 0.0)
color = MAGENTA;
color = getPressureColor(entry->density);
if (plotted_cyl[cyl]) {
if (!act_segments[cyl].polygon.empty()) {
/* Have we used this cylinder in the last two minutes? Continue */
if (time - last_plotted[cyl] <= 2*60) {
poly[cyl].push_back({ point, color });
last_plotted[cyl] = time;
if (time - act_segments[cyl].last.time <= 2*60) {
act_segments[cyl].polygon.push_back({ point, color });
act_segments[cyl].last.time = time;
act_segments[cyl].last.pressure = mbar;
/* Finish the previous one, start a new one */
act_segments[cyl].cyl = cyl;
act_segments[cyl] = Segment();
plotted_cyl[cyl] = true;
last_plotted[cyl] = time;
poly[cyl].push_back({ point, color });
act_segments[cyl].polygon.push_back({ point, color });
act_segments[cyl].last.time = time;
act_segments[cyl].last.pressure = mbar;
if (act_segments[cyl].first.pressure == 0.0) {
act_segments[cyl].first.time = time;
act_segments[cyl].first.pressure = mbar;
for (int cyl = 0; cyl < pInfo->nr_cylinders; cyl++) {
if (!plotted_cyl[cyl])
if (act_segments[cyl].polygon.empty())
act_segments[cyl].cyl = cyl;
std::vector<int> seen_cyl(pInfo->nr_cylinders, false);
std::vector<int> last_pressure(pInfo->nr_cylinders, 0);
std::vector<int> last_time(pInfo->nr_cylinders, 0);
// These are offset values used to print the gas lables and pressures on a
// These are offset values used to print the gas labels and pressures on a
// dive profile at appropriate Y-coordinates. We alternate aligning the
// label and the gas pressure above and under the pressure line.
// The values are historical, and we could try to pick the over/under
@ -473,54 +562,35 @@ void DiveGasPressureItem::replot(const dive *d, int fromIn, int toIn, bool in_pl
double labelHeight = DiveTextItem::fontHeight(dpr, 1.0);
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
const struct plot_data *entry = pInfo->entry + i;
for (const Segment &segment: segments) {
// Magic Y offset depending on whether we're aliging
// the top of the text or the bottom of the text to
// the pressure line.
double value_y_offset = -0.5 * dpr;
double label_y_offset = alignVar & Qt::AlignTop ? labelHeight : -labelHeight;
gasmix gas = get_cylinder(d, segment.cyl)->gasmix;
plotPressureValue(segment.first.pressure, segment.first.time, alignVar, value_y_offset);
plotGasValue(segment.first.pressure, segment.first.time, gas, alignVar, label_y_offset);
for (int cyl = 0; cyl < pInfo->nr_cylinders; cyl++) {
int mbar = get_plot_pressure(pInfo, i, cyl);
// For each cylinder, on right hand side of the curve, write cylinder pressure
plotPressureValue(segment.last.pressure, segment.last.time, alignVar | Qt::AlignLeft, value_y_offset);
if (!mbar)
if (!seen_cyl[cyl]) {
// Magic Y offset depending on whether we're aliging
// the top of the text or the bottom of the text to
// the pressure line.
double value_y_offset = -0.5;
double label_y_offset = alignVar & Qt::AlignTop ? labelHeight : -labelHeight;
plotPressureValue(mbar, entry->sec, alignVar, value_y_offset);
plotGasValue(mbar, entry->sec, get_cylinder(d, cyl)->gasmix, alignVar, label_y_offset);
seen_cyl[cyl] = true;
/* Alternate alignment as we see cylinder use.. */
align[cyl] = alignVar;
alignVar ^= Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignBottom;
last_pressure[cyl] = mbar;
last_time[cyl] = entry->sec;
// For each cylinder, on right hand side of profile, write cylinder pressure
for (int cyl = 0; cyl < pInfo->nr_cylinders; cyl++) {
if (last_time[cyl]) {
double value_y_offset = -0.5;
plotPressureValue(last_pressure[cyl], last_time[cyl], align[cyl] | Qt::AlignLeft, value_y_offset);
/* Alternate alignment as we see cylinder use.. */
alignVar ^= Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignBottom;
void DiveGasPressureItem::plotPressureValue(int mbar, int sec, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double pressure_offset)
void DiveGasPressureItem::plotPressureValue(double mbar, double sec, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double pressure_offset)
const char *unit;
int pressure = get_pressure_units(mbar, &unit);
int pressure = get_pressure_units(lrint(mbar), &unit);
DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(dpr, 1.0, align, this);
text->set(QString("%1%2").arg(pressure).arg(unit), getColor(PRESSURE_TEXT));
text->setPos(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(mbar) + pressure_offset);
void DiveGasPressureItem::plotGasValue(int mbar, int sec, struct gasmix gasmix, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double gasname_offset)
void DiveGasPressureItem::plotGasValue(double mbar, double sec, struct gasmix gasmix, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double gasname_offset)
QString gas = get_gas_string(gasmix);
DiveTextItem *text = new DiveTextItem(dpr, 1.0, align, this);
@ -537,11 +607,11 @@ void DiveGasPressureItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsIte
for (const std::vector<Entry> &poly: polygons) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < poly.size(); i++) {
for (const Segment &segment: segments) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < segment.polygon.size(); i++) {
painter->drawLine(poly[i - 1].pos, poly[i].pos);
painter->drawLine(segment.polygon[i - 1].pos, segment.polygon[i].pos);
@ -583,6 +653,27 @@ DiveReportedCeiling::DiveReportedCeiling(const DivePlotDataModel &model, const D
std::pair<double,double> DiveReportedCeiling::getTimeValue(int i) const
const plot_data &entry = dataModel.data().entry[i];
int value = entry.in_deco && entry.stopdepth ? std::min(entry.stopdepth, entry.depth) : 0;
return { static_cast<double>(entry.sec), static_cast<double>(value) };
std::pair<double, double> DiveReportedCeiling::getPoint(int i) const
auto [x,y] = getTimeValue(i);
if (i == from && i < to) {
auto [next_x, next_y] = getTimeValue(i + 1);
clipStart(x, y, next_x, next_y);
if (i == to - 1 && i > 0) {
auto [prev_x, prev_y] = getTimeValue(i - 1);
clipStop(x, y, prev_x, prev_y);
return { x, y };
void DiveReportedCeiling::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
from = fromIn;
@ -590,14 +681,12 @@ void DiveReportedCeiling::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
QPolygonF p;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
const plot_data &entry = dataModel.data().entry[i];
auto [sec, value] = getPoint(i);
if (i == from)
p.append(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(entry.sec), vAxis.posAtValue(0)));
if (entry.in_deco && entry.stopdepth) {
p.append(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(entry.sec), vAxis.posAtValue(std::min(entry.stopdepth, entry.depth))));
} else {
p.append(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(entry.sec), vAxis.posAtValue(0)));
p.append(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(0.0)));
p.append(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(value)));
if (i == to - 1)
p.append(QPointF(hAxis.posAtValue(sec), vAxis.posAtValue(0)));
QLinearGradient pat(0, p.boundingRect().top(), 0, p.boundingRect().bottom());
@ -625,7 +714,6 @@ void PartialPressureGasItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
from = fromIn;
to = toIn;
plot_data *entry = dataModel.data().entry + from;
QPolygonF poly;
QPolygonF alertpoly;
@ -636,9 +724,8 @@ void PartialPressureGasItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
if (thresholdPtrMin)
threshold_min = *thresholdPtrMin;
bool inAlertFragment = false;
for (int i = from; i < to; i++, entry++) {
double value = dataModel.index(i, vDataColumn).data().toDouble();
int time = dataModel.index(i, hDataColumn).data().toInt();
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
auto [time, value] = getPoint(i);
QPointF point(hAxis.posAtValue(time), vAxis.posAtValue(value));
if (thresholdPtrMax && value >= threshold_max) {
@ -664,9 +751,6 @@ void PartialPressureGasItem::replot(const dive *, int fromIn, int toIn, bool)
createPPLegend(trUtf8("pN₂"), getColor(PN2), legendPos);
void PartialPressureGasItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget*)
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ public:
void makePolygon(int from, int to);
void clipStart(double &x, double &y, double next_x, double next_y) const;
void clipStop(double &x, double &y, double prev_x, double prev_y) const;
std::pair<double, double> getPoint(int i) const;
const DiveCartesianAxis &hAxis;
const DiveCartesianAxis &vAxis;
const DivePlotDataModel &dataModel;
@ -74,8 +77,9 @@ public:
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0) override;
void createTextItem();
double lastRunningSum;
void createTextItem(double lastSec, double lastMeanDepth);
std::pair<double,double> getMeanDepth(int i) const;
std::pair<double,double> getNextMeanDepth(int i) const;
QString visibilityKey;
@ -111,13 +115,22 @@ public:
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0) override;
void plotPressureValue(int mbar, int sec, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double offset);
void plotGasValue(int mbar, int sec, struct gasmix gasmix, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double offset);
void plotPressureValue(double mbar, double sec, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double offset);
void plotGasValue(double mbar, double sec, struct gasmix gasmix, QFlags<Qt::AlignmentFlag> align, double offset);
struct PressureEntry {
double time = 0.0;
double pressure = 0.0;
struct Entry {
QPointF pos;
QColor col;
std::vector<std::vector<Entry>> polygons;
struct Segment {
int cyl;
std::vector<Entry> polygon;
PressureEntry first, last;
std::vector<Segment> segments;
class DiveCalculatedCeiling : public AbstractProfilePolygonItem {
@ -137,6 +150,9 @@ public:
DiveReportedCeiling(const DivePlotDataModel &model, const DiveCartesianAxis &hAxis, int hColumn, const DiveCartesianAxis &vAxis, int vColumn, double dpr);
void replot(const dive *d, int from, int to, bool in_planner) override;
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget = 0) override;
std::pair<double,double> getTimeValue(int i) const;
std::pair<double, double> getPoint(int i) const;
class DiveCalculatedTissue : public DiveCalculatedCeiling {
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