diff --git a/qt-ui/maintab.cpp b/qt-ui/maintab.cpp
index 8857e3b4f..a70f3901e 100644
--- a/qt-ui/maintab.cpp
+++ b/qt-ui/maintab.cpp
@@ -885,13 +885,17 @@ void MainTab::updateDiveSite(int divenr)
 	newDs = get_dive_site_by_uuid(pickedUuid);
-	copy_dive_site(newDs, &displayed_dive_site);
+	// Copy everything from the displayed_dive_site, so we have the latitude, longitude, notes, etc.
+	// The user *might* be using wrongly the 'choose dive site' just to edit the name of it, sigh.
+	if(origDs) {
+		copy_dive_site(origDs, newDs);
+		free(newDs->name);
+		newDs->name = copy_string(qPrintable(ui.location->text().constData()));
+		newDs->uuid = pickedUuid;
+	}
 	if (origDs && pickedUuid != origDs->uuid && same_string(origDs->notes, "SubsurfaceWebservice")) {
-		// this is a special case - let's keep the GPS data and
-		// remove the original dive site if this was the only user
-		newDs->latitude.udeg = origDs->latitude.udeg;
-		newDs->longitude.udeg = origDs->longitude.udeg;
 		if (!is_dive_site_used(origDs->uuid, false)) {
 			if (verbose)
 				qDebug() << "delete the autogenerated dive site" << origDs->name;