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synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Uemis downloader: change download logic
- change the way how dive logs are mapped to dive details in do_uemis_import() - dives deleted on the Uemis will not be downloaded anymore (added function uemis_delete_dive_by_diveid) - change the way the memory consumption was checked to acknowledge very large files (trying to predic on how many more files fit into the buffer by calculating an average consumbtion over each divelogs block) - minimal design change to support the above [Dirk Hohndel: refactored one huge commit into smaller pieces] Signed-off-by: Guido Lerch <guido.lerch@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 244 additions and 94 deletions
@ -59,9 +59,13 @@ static int filenr;
static int number_of_files;
static char *mbuf = NULL;
static int mbuf_size = 0;
static int nr_divespots = -1;
static int buddies_start = 0;
static int buddies = -1;
static int max_mem_used = -1;
static int next_table_index = 0;
/* helper function to parse the Uemis data structures */
static void uemis_ts(char *buffer, void *_when)
@ -784,7 +788,7 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
bool done = false;
int inbuflen = strlen(inbuf);
char *endptr = buf + inbuflen;
bool log = false;
bool is_log, is_dive = false;
char *sections[10];
int s, nr_sections = 0;
struct dive *dive = NULL;
@ -798,7 +802,7 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
tp = next_token(&bp);
if (strcmp(tp, "divelog") == 0) {
/* this is a divelog */
log = true;
is_log = true;
tp = next_token(&bp);
/* is it a valid entry or nothing ? */
if (strcmp(tp, "1.0") != 0 || strstr(inbuf, "divelog{1.0{{{{")) {
@ -807,6 +811,7 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
} else if (strcmp(tp, "dive") == 0) {
/* this is dive detail */
is_dive = true;
tp = next_token(&bp);
if (strcmp(tp, "1.0") != 0) {
@ -817,7 +822,7 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
return false;
if (log) {
if (is_log) {
dive = uemis_start_dive(deviceid);
} else {
/* remember, we don't know if this is the right entry,
@ -857,26 +862,30 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
val = next_token(&bp);
if (log && !strcmp(tag, "object_id")) {
if (strlen(val) < 20)
fprintf(debugfile, "Parsed %s, %s, %s\n*************************\n", tag, type, val);
if (is_log && strcmp(tag, "object_id") == 0) {
*max_divenr = strdup(val);
dive->dc.diveid = atoi(val);
fprintf(debugfile, "Adding new dive from log with object_id %d.\n", atoi(val));
/* glerch Sep. 2015
* maybe I am missing something here but this seems wrong
if (keep_number)
dive->number = atoi(val);
} else if (!log && !strcmp(tag, "logfilenr")) {
} else if (is_dive && strcmp(tag, "logfilenr") == 0) {
/* this one tells us which dive we are adding data to */
dive = get_dive_by_uemis_diveid(devdata, atoi(val));
if (for_dive)
*for_dive = atoi(val);
} else if (!log && dive && !strcmp(tag, "divespot_id")) {
dive->dive_site_uuid = create_dive_site("from Uemis", dive->when);
} else if (!is_log && dive && !strcmp(tag, "divespot_id")) {
timestamp_t t;
dive->dive_site_uuid = create_dive_site("from Uemis", (int)time(NULL));
track_divespot(val, dive->dc.diveid, dive->dive_site_uuid);
fprintf(debugfile, "Created divesite %d for diveid : %d\n", dive->dive_site_uuid, dive->dc.diveid);
@ -884,7 +893,7 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
} else if (dive) {
parse_tag(dive, tag, val);
if (log && !strcmp(tag, "file_content"))
if (is_log && !strcmp(tag, "file_content"))
done = true;
/* done with one dive (got the file_content tag), but there could be more:
* a '{' indicates the end of the record - but we need to see another "{{"
@ -897,7 +906,7 @@ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, char *
dive = uemis_start_dive(deviceid);
if (log) {
if (is_log) {
if (dive->dc.diveid) {
record_uemis_dive(devdata, dive);
@ -928,7 +937,7 @@ static char *uemis_get_divenr(char *deviceidstr)
struct dive *d;
for_each_dive (i, d) {
struct divecomputer *dc;
for_each_dc(d, dc) {
for_each_dc (d, dc) {
if (dc->model && !strcmp(dc->model, "Uemis Zurich") &&
(dc->deviceid == 0 || dc->deviceid == 0x7fffffff || dc->deviceid == deviceid) &&
dc->diveid > maxdiveid)
@ -1008,43 +1017,65 @@ static int get_memory(struct dive_table *td)
return UEMIS_MEM_OK;
/* mark a dive as deleted by setting download to false
* this will be picked up by some cleaning statement later */
static void do_delete_dives(struct dive_table *td, int idx)
for (int x = idx; x < td->nr; x++)
td->dives[x]->downloaded = false;
const char *do_uemis_import(device_data_t *data)
const char *mountpath = data->devname;
short force_download = data->force_download;
char *newmax = NULL;
int first, start, end = -2;
int i, offset = 0;
int i = 0;
uint32_t deviceidnr;
char objectid[10];
//char objectid[10];
char *deviceid = NULL;
const char *result = NULL;
char *endptr;
bool success, keep_number = false, once = true;
char dive_to_read_buf[10];
char log_file_no_to_find[20];
int deleted_files = 0;
int last_found_log_file_nr = 0;
int match_dive_and_log = 0;
int start_cleanup = 0;
struct dive_table *td = NULL;
struct dive *dive = NULL;
int uemis_mem_status = UEMIS_MEM_OK;
const char *dTime;
if (dive_table.nr == 0)
keep_number = true;
uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "Initialise communication"));
if (!uemis_init(mountpath)) {
return translate("gettextFromC", "Uemis init failed");
if (!uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDeviceId", 0, 1, &result))
goto bail;
deviceid = strdup(param_buff[0]);
deviceidnr = atoi(deviceid);
/* the answer from the DeviceId call becomes the input parameter for getDeviceData */
if (!uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDeviceData", 1, 0, &result))
goto bail;
/* param_buff[0] is still valid */
if (!uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "initSession", 1, 6, &result))
goto bail;
uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "Start download"));
if (!uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "processSync", 0, 2, &result))
goto bail;
/* before starting the long download, check if user pressed cancel */
if (import_thread_cancelled)
goto bail;
param_buff[1] = "notempty";
/* if we force it we start downloading from the first dive on the Uemis;
* otherwise check which was the last dive downloaded */
@ -1052,108 +1083,227 @@ const char *do_uemis_import(device_data_t *data)
newmax = uemis_get_divenr(deviceid);
newmax = strdup("0");
// newmax = strdup("240");
first = start = atoi(newmax);
int rounds = -1;
int round = 0;
for (;;) {
fprintf(debugfile, "d_u_i inner loop start %d end %d newmax %s\n", start, end, newmax);
/* start at the last filled download table index */
start_cleanup = match_dive_and_log = data->download_table->nr;
sprintf(newmax, "%d", start);
param_buff[2] = newmax;
param_buff[3] = 0;
success = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDivelogs", 3, 0, &result);
/* process the buffer we have assembled */
if (mbuf)
uemis_mem_status = get_memory(data->download_table);
if (success && mbuf && uemis_mem_status != UEMIS_MEM_FULL) {
do_dump_buffer_to_file(mbuf, strdup("Divelogs"), round);
/* process the buffer we have assembled */
if (!process_raw_buffer(data, deviceidnr, mbuf, &newmax, keep_number, NULL)) {
/* if no dives were downloaded, mark end appropriately */
if (end == -2)
end = start - 1;
success = false;
if (once) {
char *t = first_object_id_val(mbuf);
if (t && atoi(t) > start)
start = atoi(t);
once = false;
/* clean up mbuf */
endptr = strstr(mbuf, "{{{");
if (endptr)
*(endptr + 2) = '\0';
/* last object_id we parsed */
sscanf(newmax, "%d", &end);
fprintf(debugfile, "d_u_i after download and parse start %d end %d newmax %s progress %4.2f\n", start, end, newmax, progress_bar_fraction);
/* now download the additional dive data with "getDive" for the dives
* we just downloaded - yes, this is completely insane - why isn't all of
* this downloaded in the first place??? */
for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
snprintf(objectid, sizeof(objectid), "%d", i + offset);
param_buff[2] = objectid;
fprintf(debugfile, "getDive %d, object_id %s\n", i, objectid);
/* there is no way I have found to directly get the dive information
* for dive #i as the object_id and logfilenr can be different in the
* getDive call; so we get the first one, compare the actual divenr
* with the one that we wanted, calculate the offset and try again.
* What an insane design... */
success = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDive", 3, 0, &result);
if (mbuf) {
int divenr;
(void)process_raw_buffer(data, deviceidnr, mbuf, &newmax, false, &divenr);
fprintf(debugfile, "got dive %d, looking for dive %d\n", divenr, i);
if (divenr != i) {
if (divenr == -1) {
} else {
offset += i - divenr;
fprintf(debugfile, " -> trying again with offset %d\n", offset);
i = start - 1;
if (i + offset < 0)
if (once) {
char *t = first_object_id_val(mbuf);
if (t && atoi(t) > start)
start = atoi(t);
once = false;
if (!success || import_thread_cancelled)
/* clean up mbuf */
endptr = strstr(mbuf, "{{{");
if (endptr)
*(endptr + 2) = '\0';
/* last object_id we parsed */
sscanf(newmax, "%d", &end);
fprintf(debugfile, "d_u_i after download and parse start %d end %d newmax %s progress %4.2f\n", start, end, newmax, progress_bar_fraction);
/* The way this works is that I am reading the current dive from what has been loaded during the getDiveLogs call to the UEMIS.
* As the object_id of the divelog entry and the object_id of the dive details are not necessarily the same, the match needs
* to happen based on the logfilenr.
* What the following part does is to optimize the mapping by using
* dive_to_read = the dive deatils entry that need to be read using the object_id
* logFileNoToFind = map the logfilenr of the dive details with the object_id = diveid from the get dive logs */
int dive_to_read = (last_found_log_file_nr > 0 ? last_found_log_file_nr + 1 : start);
td = data->download_table;
for (int i = match_dive_and_log; i < td->nr; i++) {
dive = td->dives[i];
dTime = get_dive_date_c_string(dive->when);
snprintf(log_file_no_to_find, sizeof(log_file_no_to_find), "logfilenr{int{%d", dive->dc.diveid);
bool found = false;
while (!found) {
snprintf(dive_to_read_buf, sizeof(dive_to_read_buf), "%d", dive_to_read);
param_buff[2] = dive_to_read_buf;
success = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDive", 3, 0, &result);
do_dump_buffer_to_file(mbuf, strdup("Dive"), round);
uemis_mem_status = get_memory(data->download_table);
if (uemis_mem_status == UEMIS_MEM_OK || uemis_mem_status == UEMIS_MEM_CRITICAL) {
/* if the memory isn's completely full we can try to read more divelog vs. dive details
* UEMIS_MEM_CRITICAL means not enough space for a full round but the dive details
* and the divespots should fit into the UEMIS memory
* The match we do here is to map the object_id to the logfilenr, we do this
* by iterating through the last set of loaded divelogs and then find the corresponding
* dive with the matching logfilenr */
if (mbuf) {
if (strstr(mbuf, log_file_no_to_find)) {
/* we found the logfilenr that matches our object_id from the divelog we were looking for
* we mark the search sucessfull even if the dive has been deleted. */
found = true;
process_raw_buffer(data, deviceidnr, mbuf, &newmax, false, NULL);
if (strstr(mbuf, strdup("deleted{bool{true")) == NULL) {
/* remember the last log file number as it is very likely that subsequent dives
* have the same or higher logfile number.
* UEMIS unfortunately deletes dives by deleting the dive details and not the logs. */
fprintf(debugfile, "Matching divelog id %d from %s with dive details %d\n", dive->dc.diveid, dTime, iDiveToRead);
last_found_log_file_nr = dive_to_read;
} else {
/* in this case we found a deleted file, so let's increment */
fprintf(debugfile, "TRY matching divelog id %d from %s with dive details %d but details are deleted\n", dive->dc.diveid, dTime, iDiveToRead);
/* mark this log entry as deleted and cleanup later, otherwise we mess up our array */
dive->downloaded = false;
fprintf(debugfile, "Deleted dive from %s, with id %d from table\n", dTime, dive->dc.diveid);
} else {
/* Ugly, need something better than this
* essentially, if we start reading divelogs not from the start
* we have no idea on how many log entries are there that have no
* valid dive details */
if (dive_to_read >= dive->dc.diveid)
dive_to_read = (dive_to_read - 2 >= 0 ? dive_to_read - 2 : 0);
} else {
/* At this point the memory of the UEMIS is full, let's cleanup all divelog files were
* we could not match the details to. */
do_delete_dives(td, i);
/* decrement iDiveToRead by the amount of deleted entries found to assure
* we are not missing any valid matches when processing subsequent logs */
dive_to_read = (dive_to_read - deleted_files > 0 ? dive_to_read - deleted_files : 0);
deleted_files = 0;
if (uemis_mem_status == UEMIS_MEM_FULL)
/* game over, not enough memory left */
for (int i = iStartCleanup; i < data->download_table->nr; i++)
if (!data->download_table->dives[i]->downloaded) {
uemis_delete_dive(data, data->download_table->dives[i]->dc.diveid);
i = (i > iStartCleanup ? i-- : i = iStartCleanup);
start = end;
/* Do some memory checking here */
uemis_mem_status = get_memory(data->download_table);
if (uemis_mem_status != UEMIS_MEM_OK)
start = end + 1;
/* if the user clicked cancel, exit gracefully */
if (import_thread_cancelled)
goto bail;
/* if we got an error or got nothing back, stop trying */
if (!success || !param_buff[3])
/* finally, if the memory is getting too full, maybe we better stop, too */
if (progress_bar_fraction > 0.80) {
result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_ALMOST_FULL);
/* if the user clicked cancel, exit gracefully */
if (import_thread_cancelled)
/* if we got an error or got nothing back, stop trying */
if (!success || !param_buff[3])
/* finally, if the memory is getting too full, maybe we better stop, too */
if (progress_bar_fraction > 0.80) {
result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_ALMOST_FULL);
if (rounds != -1)
if (rounds-- == 0)
goto bail;
} else {
/* some of the loading from the UEMIS failed at the divelog level
* if the memory status = full, we cant even load the divespots and/or buddys.
* The loaded block of divelogs is useless and all new loaded divelogs need to
* be deleted from the download_table.
if (uemis_mem_status == UEMIS_MEM_FULL)
do_delete_dives(data->download_table, match_dive_and_log);
if (end == -2 && sscanf(newmax, "%d", &end) != 1)
end = start;
fprintf(debugfile, "done: read from object_id %d to %d\n", first, end);
fprintf(debugfile, "Done: read from object_id %d to %d\n", first, end);
success = true;
for (i = 0; i <= nr_divespots; i++) {
char divespotnr[10];
snprintf(divespotnr, sizeof(divespotnr), "%d", i);
param_buff[2] = divespotnr;
fprintf(debugfile, "getDivespot %d\n", i);
success = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDivespot", 3, 0, &result);
if (mbuf)
/* Regardless on where we are with the memory situation, it's time now
* to see if we have to clean some dead bodies from our download table */
next_table_index = 0;
while (data->download_table->dives[next_table_index]) {
if (!data->download_table->dives[next_table_index]->downloaded)
uemis_delete_dive(data, data->download_table->dives[next_table_index]->dc.diveid);
switch (uemis_mem_status) {
for (i = 0; i <= nr_divespots; i++) {
char divespotnr[10];
snprintf(divespotnr, sizeof(divespotnr), "%d", i);
param_buff[2] = divespotnr;
fprintf(debugfile, "getDivespot %d of %d, started at %d\n", i, nr_divespots, 0);
success = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDivespot", 3, 0, &result);
if (mbuf && success) {
do_dump_buffer_to_file(mbuf, strdup("Spot"), round);
if (uemis_mem_status == UEMIS_MEM_CRITICAL)
result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_ALMOST_FULL);
result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_FULL);
(void)uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "terminateSync", 0, 3, &result);
if (!strcmp(param_buff[0], "error")) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue