Style the checkbox

Using a normal checkbox, we get black text, not our styled Label. Since,
short of doing a style, this is the only way to get the label the right
color, and thus not screw up the visual appearance of the drawer, we
hand-roll it.

This is a bit clunky, but I prefer visual continuity here over code
complexity concerns.

Signed-off-by: Sebastian Kügler <>
This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Kügler 2015-11-30 01:48:10 +01:00
parent c5722773d2
commit 5f40ac6da3

View file

@ -106,11 +106,33 @@ MobileComponents.ApplicationWindow {
CheckBox {
text: "Run location service"
checked: manager.locationServiceEnabled
onCheckedChanged: {
manager.locationServiceEnabled = checked;
MouseArea {
height: childrenRect.height
width: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit * 10
CheckBox {
//text: "Run location service"
id: locationCheckbox
anchors {
left: parent.left
checked: manager.locationServiceEnabled
onCheckedChanged: {
manager.locationServiceEnabled = checked;
MobileComponents.Label {
x: MobileComponents.Units.gridUnit * 1.5
anchors {
left: locationCheckbox.right
//leftMargin: units.smallSpacing
verticalCenter: locationCheckbox.verticalCenter
text: "Run location service"
onClicked: {
locationCheckbox.checked = !locationCheckbox.checked