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mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00

Mobile: get dive details directly from the model

By getting a DiveObjectHelper and then dereferencing that we ended up
creating hundres and hundreds of these objects, only to immediately
destroy them after using a tiny part of the data.

Instead make those data available directly from the model, without
having to create a DiveObjectHelper forst.

Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
This commit is contained in:
Dirk Hohndel 2019-10-19 22:12:50 -04:00
parent 09c7115e21
commit 613a3112d2
4 changed files with 134 additions and 60 deletions

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Kirigami.Page {
property alias cylinderModel3: detailsEdit.cylinderModel3
property alias cylinderModel4: detailsEdit.cylinderModel4
title: currentItem && currentItem.modelData ? currentItem.modelData.dive.location : qsTr("Dive details")
title: currentItem && currentItem.modelData ? currentItem.modelData.location : qsTr("Dive details")
state: "view"
leftPadding: 0
topPadding: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit / 2
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Kirigami.Page {
target: diveDetailsPage;
actions {
right: deleteAction
left: currentItem ? (currentItem.modelData && currentItem.modelData.dive.gps !== "" ? mapAction : null) : null
left: currentItem ? (currentItem.modelData && currentItem.modelData.gps !== "" ? mapAction : null) : null
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ Kirigami.Page {
name: ":/icons/trash-empty.svg"
onTriggered: {
var deletedId = currentItem.modelData.dive.id
var deletedId = currentItem.modelData.id
var deletedIndex = diveDetailsListView.currentIndex
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ Kirigami.Page {
onTriggered: {
@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ Kirigami.Page {
// why do we do this? What consumes this?
manager.selectedDiveTimestamp = currentItem.modelData.dive.timestamp
// make sure the core data structures reflect that this dive is selected
// update the map to show the highlighted flag and center on it
if (rootItem.pageIndex(mapPage) !== -1) {
@ -251,34 +251,35 @@ Kirigami.Page {
// set things up for editing - so make sure that the detailsEdit has
// all the right data (using the property aliases set up above)
var dive = currentItem.modelData.dive
dive_id = dive.id
number = dive.number
date = dive.date + " " + dive.time
location = dive.location
locationIndex = manager.locationList.indexOf(dive.location)
gps = dive.gps
var modelData = currentItem.modelData
dive_id = modelData.id
number = modelData.number
date = modelData.dateTime
location = modelData.location
locationIndex = manager.locationList.indexOf(modelData.location)
gps = modelData.gps
gpsCheckbox = false
duration = dive.duration
depth = dive.depth
airtemp = dive.airTemp
watertemp = dive.waterTemp
suitIndex = manager.suitList.indexOf(dive.suit)
if (dive.buddy.indexOf(",") > 0) {
buddyIndex = manager.buddyList.indexOf(dive.buddy.split(",", 1).toString())
duration = modelData.duration
depth = modelData.depth
airtemp = modelData.airTemp
watertemp = modelData.waterTemp
suitIndex = manager.suitList.indexOf(modelData.suit)
if (modelData.buddy.indexOf(",") > 0) {
buddyIndex = manager.buddyList.indexOf(modelData.buddy.split(",", 1).toString())
} else {
buddyIndex = manager.buddyList.indexOf(dive.buddy)
buddyIndex = manager.buddyList.indexOf(modelData.buddy)
buddyText = dive.buddy;
if (dive.divemaster.indexOf(",") > 0) {
divemasterIndex = manager.divemasterList.indexOf(dive.divemaster.split(",", 1).toString())
buddyText = modelData.buddy;
if (modelData.diveMaster.indexOf(",") > 0) {
divemasterIndex = manager.divemasterList.indexOf(modelData.diveMaster.split(",", 1).toString())
} else {
divemasterIndex = manager.divemasterList.indexOf(dive.divemaster)
divemasterIndex = manager.divemasterList.indexOf(modelData.diveMaster)
divemasterText = dive.divemaster
notes = dive.notes
if (dive.singleWeight) {
divemasterText = modelData.diveMaster
notes = modelData.notes
if (modelData.singleWeight) {
// we have only one weight, go ahead, have fun and edit it
weight = dive.sumWeight
weight = modelData.sumWeight
} else {
// careful when translating, this text is "magic" in DiveDetailsEdit.qml
weight = "cannot edit multiple weight systems"
@ -292,8 +293,8 @@ Kirigami.Page {
cylinderIndex2 = dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[2])
cylinderIndex3 = dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[3])
cylinderIndex4 = dive.cylinderList.indexOf(usedCyl[4])
rating = dive.rating
visibility = dive.visibility
rating = modelData.rating
visibility = modelData.viz
diveDetailsPage.state = "edit"

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Item {
anchors.left: parent.left
Controls.Label {
id: locationText
text: dive.location
text: location
font.weight: Font.Bold
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.titlePointSize
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ Item {
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: dive.gps_decimal !== ""
enabled: gpsDecimal !== ""
onClicked: {
SsrfButton {
id: gpsButton
anchors.right: parent.right
enabled: dive.gps !== ""
enabled: gps !== ""
text: qsTr("Map it")
onClicked: {
Row {
@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
text: dive.date + " " + dive.time
text: dateTime
width: Math.max(locationText.width * 0.45, paintedWidth)
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
// let's try to show the depth / duration very compact
Controls.Label {
text: dive.depth + ' / ' + dive.duration
text: depthDuration
width: Math.max(Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 3, paintedWidth)
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
id: numberText
text: "#" + dive.number
text: "#" + number
font.pointSize: subsurfaceTheme.smallPointSize
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
anchors {
@ -117,35 +117,35 @@ Item {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: ratingText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.rating >= 1) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (rating >= 1) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: ratingText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.rating >= 2) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (rating >= 2) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: ratingText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.rating >= 3) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (rating >= 3) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: ratingText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.rating >= 4) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (rating >= 4) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: ratingText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.rating === 5) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (rating === 5) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
@ -165,35 +165,35 @@ Item {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: visibilityText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.visibility >= 1) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (viz >= 1) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: visibilityText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.visibility >= 2) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (viz >= 2) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: visibilityText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.visibility >= 3) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (viz >= 3) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: visibilityText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.visibility >= 4) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (viz >= 4) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Kirigami.Icon {
width: height
height: subsurfaceTheme.regularPointSize
anchors.verticalCenter: visibilityText.verticalCenter
source: (dive.visibility === 5) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
source: (viz === 5) ? ":/icons/ic_star.svg" : ":/icons/ic_star_border.svg"
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Item {
QMLProfile {
id: qmlProfile
visible: !dive.noDive
visible: !noDive
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: Layout.minimumHeight
Layout.minimumHeight: width * 0.75
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
id: noProfile
visible: dive.noDive
visible: noDive
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Layout.margins: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
@ -266,21 +266,21 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
id: txtSuit
text: dive.suit
text: suit
wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col1Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Controls.Label {
id: txtAirTemp
text: dive.airTemp
text: airTemp
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col2Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Controls.Label {
id: txtWaterTemp
text: dive.waterTemp
text: waterTemp
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col3Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
@ -325,21 +325,21 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
id: txtCylinder
text: dive.getCylinder.join(', ')
text: cylinder
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col1Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Controls.Label {
id: txtWeight
text: dive.sumWeight
text: sumWeight
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col2Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Controls.Label {
id: txtSAC
text: dive.sac
text: sac
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col3Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
@ -377,14 +377,14 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
id: txtDiveMaster
text: dive.divemaster
text: diveMaster
wrapMode: TextEdit.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col1Width
color: subsurfaceTheme.textColor
Controls.Label {
id: txtBuddy
text: dive.buddy
text: buddy
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
Layout.columnSpan: 2
Layout.maximumWidth: detailsView.col2Width + detailsView.col3Width
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ Item {
Controls.Label {
id: txtNotes
text: dive.notes
text: notes
focus: true
Layout.columnSpan: 3
Layout.fillWidth: true

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
#include "qt-models/divelistmodel.h"
#include "core/divesite.h"
#include "core/qthelper.h"
#include "core/trip.h"
#include "core/settings/qPrefGeneral.h"
@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ static dive_trip *tripIdToObject(const QString &s)
return nullptr;
int id = s.toInt();
dive_trip **trip = std::find_if(&trip_table.trips[0], &trip_table.trips[trip_table.nr],
[id] (const dive_trip *t) { return t->id == id; });
[id] (const dive_trip *t) { return t->id == id; });
if (trip == &trip_table.trips[trip_table.nr]) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown trip id passed through QML: %d\n", id);
return nullptr;
@ -256,8 +257,29 @@ QVariant DiveListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
case IdRole: return d->id;
case NumberRole: return d->number;
case LocationRole: return get_dive_location(d);
case DepthRole: return get_depth_string(d->dc.maxdepth.mm, true, true);
case DurationRole: return get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, gettextFromC::tr("h"), gettextFromC::tr("min"));
case DepthDurationRole: return QStringLiteral("%1 / %2").arg(get_depth_string(d->dc.maxdepth.mm, true, true),
get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, gettextFromC::tr("h"), gettextFromC::tr("min")));
case RatingRole: return d->rating;
case VizRole: return d->visibility;
case SuitRole: return d->suit;
case AirTempRole: return get_temperature_string(d->airtemp, true);
case WaterTempRole: return get_temperature_string(d->watertemp, true);
case SacRole: return formatSac(d);
case SumWeightRole: return get_weight_string(weight_t { total_weight(d) }, true);
case DiveMasterRole: return d->divemaster ? d->divemaster : QString();
case BuddyRole: return d->buddy ? d->buddy : QString();
case NotesRole: return formatNotes(d);
case GpsRole: return d->dive_site ? printGPSCoords(&d->dive_site->location) : QString();
case GpsDecimalRole: return format_gps_decimal(d);
case NoDiveRole: return d->duration.seconds == 0 && d->dc.duration.seconds == 0;
case DiveSiteRole: return QVariant::fromValue(d->dive_site);
case CylinderRole: return formatGetCylinder(d).join(", ");
case SingleWeightRole: return d->weightsystems.nr <= 1;
case StartPressureRole: return getStartPressure(d);
case EndPressureRole: return getEndPressure(d);
case FirstGasRole: return getFirstGas(d);
return QVariant();
@ -273,7 +295,28 @@ QHash<int, QByteArray> DiveListModel::roleNames() const
roles[IdRole] = "id";
roles[NumberRole] = "number";
roles[LocationRole] = "location";
roles[DepthRole] = "depth";
roles[DurationRole] = "duration";
roles[DepthDurationRole] = "depthDuration";
roles[RatingRole] = "rating";
roles[VizRole] = "viz";
roles[SuitRole] = "suit";
roles[AirTempRole] = "airTemp";
roles[WaterTempRole] = "waterTemp";
roles[SacRole] = "sac";
roles[SumWeightRole] = "sumWeight";
roles[DiveMasterRole] = "diveMaster";
roles[BuddyRole] = "buddy";
roles[NotesRole]= "notes";
roles[GpsRole] = "gps";
roles[GpsDecimalRole] = "gpsDecimal";
roles[NoDiveRole] = "noDive";
roles[DiveSiteRole] = "diveSite";
roles[CylinderRole] = "cylinder";
roles[SingleWeightRole] = "singleWeight";
roles[StartPressureRole] = "startPressure";
roles[EndPressureRole] = "endPressure";
roles[FirstGasRole] = "firstGas";
return roles;

View file

@ -29,6 +29,15 @@ private:
void updateFilterState();
QString formatSac(const dive *d);
QString formatNotes(const dive *d);
QString format_gps_decimal(const dive *d);
QStringList formatGetCylinder(const dive *d);
QStringList getStartPressure(const dive *d);
QStringList getEndPressure(const dive *d);
QStringList getFirstGas(const dive *d);
class DiveListModel : public QAbstractListModel
@ -42,7 +51,28 @@ public:
static DiveListModel *instance();