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synced 2025-02-01 00:23:23 +00:00
Add additional data to TeX-export
The purpose of this work is to allow for generation of more complete log pages using TeX/LaTeX. Previously, the exporting to TeX generated a document that contained very limited information about the dive. For example: the only details reported about air consumption were delta pressure and SAC. In addition no data was reported about what equipment (weights, tanks, suit) was used. Per feedback, code was updated to use helper functions, and now exports data with the units set by the user in the Subsurface preferences. Some characters (Degree symbol) do not render correctly by default in LaTeX, so sample code to address this was included in the top comments. Volume units do not export an ideal character string, so another string was substituted. This update adds the following information: * GPS Location * Dive computer used * Max, Min, Air, and Water Temperatures * Average depth * Number of cylinders listed, mix, and start/end pressure for each * Total weight used, and the description and quantity of each weight * Dive rating (previously, only visibility was reported) * Buddy * Dive master * Suit This update moved several fields that had no output or had unexpected names (i.e. "spot", "place") into a "Deprecated section" Future work: * The export currently only includes the first entry in the tag list. * Future versions should export all tags. * Ideally, this would export a screenshot of the dive location. * Create a table of correct size for weights and cylinders. * It would be nice to have a bit more control over the generation of profile images, but that may be beyond me. Rebased-and-cleaned-by: Robert C. Helling <helling@atdotde.de> Signed-off-by: Ben McCandless <mccand@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 177 additions and 14 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <QShortcut>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QtConcurrent>
#include <string.h> // Allows string comparisons and substitutions in TeX export
#include "desktop-widgets/divelogexportdialog.h"
#include "core/divelogexportlogic.h"
@ -13,13 +14,14 @@
#include "core/save-html.h"
#include "desktop-widgets/mainwindow.h"
#include "profile-widget/profilewidget2.h"
#include "core/dive.h" // Allows access to helper functions in TeX export.
#define GET_UNIT(name, field, f, t) \
v = settings.value(QString(name)); \
if (v.isValid()) \
// Retrieves the current unit settings defined in the Subsurface preferences.
#define GET_UNIT(name, field, f, t) \
v = settings.value(QString(name)); \
if (v.isValid()) \
field = (v.toInt() == 0) ? (t) : (f); \
else \
else \
field = default_prefs.units.field
DiveLogExportDialog::DiveLogExportDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent),
@ -237,7 +239,10 @@ void DiveLogExportDialog::export_TeX(const char *filename, const bool selected_o
FILE *f;
struct dive *dive;
struct units *units = get_units();
const char *unit;
int i;
int tmp;
bool need_pagebreak = false;
struct membuffer buf = {};
@ -245,7 +250,52 @@ void DiveLogExportDialog::export_TeX(const char *filename, const bool selected_o
put_format(&buf, "\\input subsurfacetemplate\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% This is a plain TeX file. Compile with pdftex, not pdflatex!\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% You will also need a subsurfacetemplate.tex in the current directory.\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% You can downlaod an example from http://www.atdotde.de/~robert/subsurfacetemplate\n%%\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% You can download an example from http://www.atdotde.de/~robert/subsurfacetemplate\n%%\n");
put_format(&buf, "%%\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% Notes: TeX/LaTex will not render the degree symbol correctly by default. In LaTeX, you may\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% add the following line to the end of the preamble of your template to ensure correct output:\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \\usepackage{gensymb}\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00B0}{\degree}\n"); //replaces ° with \degree
put_format(&buf, "%%\n");
/* Define text fields with the units used for export. These values are set in the Subsurface Preferences
* and the text fields created here are included in the data fields below.
put_format(&buf, "\n%% These fields contain the units used in other fields below. They may be\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% referenced as needed in TeX templates.\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% \n");
put_format(&buf, "%% By default, Subsurface exports units of volume as \"ℓ\" and \"cuft\", which do\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% not render well in TeX/LaTeX. The code below substitutes \"L\" and \"ft$^{3}$\",\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% respectively. If you wish to display the original values, you may edit this\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% list and all calls to those units will be updated in your document.\n");
tmp = get_depth_units(1, NULL, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\depthunit{%s}\n", unit);
tmp = get_weight_units(1, NULL, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\weightunit{%s}\n", unit);
tmp = get_pressure_units(1, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\pressureunit{%s}\n", unit);
tmp = get_temp_units(1, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\temperatureunit{%s}\n", unit);
tmp = get_volume_units(1, NULL, &unit);
if (strcmp(unit, "ℓ") == 0)
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\volumeunit{L}\n");
else if (strcmp(unit, "cuft") == 0)
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\volumeunit{ft$^{3}$}\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\volumeunit{%s}\n", unit);
tmp = get_vertical_speed_units(1, NULL, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\verticalspeedunit{%s}\n", unit);
put_format(&buf, "\n%%%%%%%%%% Begin Dive Data: %%%%%%%%%%\n");
for_each_dive (i, dive) {
if (selected_only && !dive->selected)
@ -259,7 +309,6 @@ void DiveLogExportDialog::export_TeX(const char *filename, const bool selected_o
struct tm tm;
utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm);
@ -275,31 +324,145 @@ void DiveLogExportDialog::export_TeX(const char *filename, const bool selected_o
QString star = "*";
QString viz = star.repeated(dive->visibility);
int i;
QString rating = star.repeated(dive->rating);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++)
if (is_cylinder_used(dive, i))
delta_p.mbar += dive->cylinder[i].start.mbar - dive->cylinder[i].end.mbar;
int i;
int qty_cyl;
int qty_weight;
float total_weight;
if (need_pagebreak)
put_format(&buf, "\\vfill\\eject\n");
need_pagebreak = true;
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Time, Date, and location:\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\date{%04u-%02u-%02u}\n",
tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\number{%d}\n", dive->number);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\place{%s}\n", site ? site->name : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\spot{}\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\sitename{%s}\n", site ? site->name : "");
site ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslat{%f}\n", site->latitude.udeg / 1000000.0) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslat{}\n");
site ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslon{%f}\n", site->longitude.udeg / 1000000.0) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslon{}\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslat{%f}\n", site ? site->latitude.udeg / 1000000.0 : 0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gpslon{%f}\n", site ? site->longitude.udeg / 1000000.0 : 0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\computer{%s}\n", dive->dc.model);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\country{%s}\n", country.toUtf8().data());
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\entrance{}\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\time{%u:%02u}\n", FRACTION(dive->duration.seconds, 60));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\depth{%u.%01um}\n", FRACTION(dive->maxdepth.mm / 100, 10));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gasuse{%u.%01ubar}\n", FRACTION(delta_p.mbar / 100, 10));
// Code has generally been reworked to use helper functions to access data, and to print a blank field "{}" if data is not plausible (i.e. 0 deg K)
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Dive Profile Details:\n");
get_temp_units(dive->maxtemp.mkelvin, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\maxtemp{%.1f\\temperatureunit}\n", get_temp_units(dive->maxtemp.mkelvin, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\maxtemp{}\n");
get_temp_units(dive->mintemp.mkelvin, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\mintemp{%.1f\\temperatureunit}\n", get_temp_units(dive->mintemp.mkelvin, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\mintemp{}\n");
get_temp_units(dive->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\watertemp{%.1f\\temperatureunit}\n", get_temp_units(dive->watertemp.mkelvin, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\watertemp{}\n");
get_temp_units(dive->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\airtemp{%.1f\\temperatureunit}\n", get_temp_units(dive->airtemp.mkelvin, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\airtemp{}\n");
get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\maximumdepth{%.1f \\depthunit}\n", get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\maximumdepth{}\n");
get_depth_units(dive->meandepth.mm, NULL, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\meandepth{%.1f \\depthunit}\n", get_depth_units(dive->meandepth.mm, NULL, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\meandepth{}\n");
//Code block for misc dive parameters
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\type{%s}\n", dive->tag_list ? dive->tag_list->tag->name : ""); // this currently prints only a single tag.
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\maxtemp{%.2f}\n", (dive->maxtemp.mkelvin) ? (dive->maxtemp.mkelvin / 1000.0) - 273.15 : 0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\mintemp{%.2f}\n", (dive->mintemp.mkelvin) ? (dive->mintemp.mkelvin / 1000.0) - 273.15 : 0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\watertemp{%.2f}\n", (dive->watertemp.mkelvin) ? (dive->watertemp.mkelvin / 1000.0) - 273.15 : 0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\airtemp{%.2f}\n", (dive->airtemp.mkelvin) ? (dive->airtemp.mkelvin / 1000.0) - 273.15 : 0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\maxdepth{%u.%01u m}\n", FRACTION(dive->maxdepth.mm / 100, 10));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\avedepth{%u.%01u m}\n", FRACTION(dive->meandepth.mm / 100, 10));
//Code block prints start/end press. for all cylinders used, number of cyl. used, SAC, and total delta_p
qty_cyl = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++)
if (is_cylinder_used(dive, i)){
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%ddescription{%s}\n", i + 1, dive->cylinder[i].type.description);
if (dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.o2.permille > 0){ //This code assumes that all gas must have oxygen, so a zero value indicated that the gas in question is AIR
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixO2{%u\%}\n", i + 1, FRACTION(dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.o2.permille, 10));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixN2{%u\%}\n", i + 1, FRACTION(1000 - dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.o2.permille - dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.he.permille, 10));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixHe{%u\%}\n", i + 1, FRACTION(dive->cylinder[i].gasmix.he.permille, 10));
} else {
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixO2{21\%}\n", i + 1);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixN2{79\%}\n", i + 1);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixHe{0\%}\n", i + 1);
delta_p.mbar += dive->cylinder[i].start.mbar - dive->cylinder[i].end.mbar;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dstartpress{%u.%01u bar}\n", i + 1, FRACTION(dive->cylinder[i].start.mbar / 100, 10));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dendpress{%u.%01u bar}\n", i + 1, FRACTION(dive->cylinder[i].end.mbar / 100, 10));
qty_cyl += 1;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\qtycyl{%d}\n", qty_cyl);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gasuse{%u.%01u bar}\n", FRACTION(delta_p.mbar / 100, 10));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\sac{%u.%01u l/min}\n", FRACTION(dive->sac/100,10));
//Code block prints all weights used.
qty_weight = 0;
total_weight = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++)
if (dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams != NULL){
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\weight%dtype{%s}\n", i + 1, dive->weightsystem[i].description);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\weight%damt{%u.%01u kg}\n", i + 1, FRACTION(dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams, 1000));
qty_weight += 1;
total_weight += dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\qtyweights{%d}\n", qty_weight);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\totalweight{%u.%01u kg}\n", FRACTION(total_weight, 1000));
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\type{%s}\n", dive->tag_list ? dive->tag_list->tag->name : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\viz{%s}\n", viz.toUtf8().data());
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\rating{%s}\n", rating.toUtf8().data());
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\plot{\\includegraphics[width=9cm,height=4cm]{profile%d}}\n", dive->number);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\comment{%s}\n", dive->notes ? dive->notes : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\buddy{%s}\n", dive->buddy ? dive->buddy : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\divemaster{%s}\n", dive->divemaster ? dive->divemaster : "");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\suit{%s}\n", dive->suit ? dive->suit : "");
//Code block prints start/end press. for all cylinders defined in dive, number of cyl. used, SAC, and total delta_p
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Gas use information:\n");
qty_cyl = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++){
/* Previously, this IF statement used "is_cylinder_used(...)" to print only the cylinders where pressure
* identified by Subsurface as being used. Now it prints all cylinders that are associated with the
* dive. This way, bailout cylinders that are not needed are still shown, rather than disappearing,*/
if (dive->cylinder[i].type.description != NULL){
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%ddescription{%s}\n", i + 1, dive->cylinder[i].type.description);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixO2{%.1f\\%}\n", i + 1, get_o2(&dive->cylinder[i].gasmix)/10.0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixHe{%.1f\\%}\n", i + 1, get_he(&dive->cylinder[i].gasmix)/10.0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dmixN2{%.1f\\%}\n", i + 1, (100.0 - (get_o2(&dive->cylinder[i].gasmix)/10.0) - (get_he(&dive->cylinder[i].gasmix)/10.0)));
delta_p.mbar += dive->cylinder[i].start.mbar - dive->cylinder[i].end.mbar;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dstartpress{%.1f \\pressureunit}\n", i + 1, get_pressure_units(dive->cylinder[i].start.mbar, &unit)/1.0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\cyl%dendpress{%.1f \\pressureunit}\n", i + 1, get_pressure_units(dive->cylinder[i].end.mbar, &unit)/1.0);
qty_cyl += 1;
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\qtycyl{%d}\n", qty_cyl);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\gasuse{%.1f \\pressureunit}\n", get_pressure_units(delta_p.mbar, &unit)/1.0);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\sac{%.2f \\volumeunit/min}\n", get_volume_units(dive->sac, NULL, &unit));
//Code block prints all weights listed in dive.
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Weighting information:\n");
qty_weight = 0;
total_weight = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEIGHTSYSTEMS; i++){
if (dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams != NULL){
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\weight%dtype{%s}\n", i + 1, dive->weightsystem[i].description);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\weight%damt{%.3f \\weightunit}\n", i + 1, get_weight_units(dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams, NULL, &unit));
qty_weight += 1;
total_weight += get_weight_units(dive->weightsystem[i].weight.grams, NULL, &unit);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\qtyweights{%d}\n", qty_weight);
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\totalweight{%.2f \\weightunit}\n", total_weight);
unit = "";
// Deprecated fields
put_format(&buf, "\n%% Deprecated Fields - kept to maintain compatibility with legacy templates:\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% The following fields are deprecated and may not return any value!\n");
put_format(&buf, "%% They have been let here to preserve functionality in legacy templates.");
put_format(&buf, "%% Do not use these fields in future templates.\n");
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\spot{} %% Deprecated - does not return a value\n"); // Deprecated - remains for use in legacy templates
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\entrance{} %% Deprecated - does not return a value\n"); // Deprecated - remains for use in legacy templates
put_format(&buf, "\\def\\place{%s} %% Deprecated - use \\sitename instead\n", site ? site->name : ""); // Deprecated - remains for use in legacy templates
get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit) > 0 ? put_format(&buf, "\\def\\depth{%.1f \\depthunit}%% Deprecated - use \\maximumdepth instead\n", get_depth_units(dive->maxdepth.mm, NULL, &unit)) : put_format(&buf, "\\def\\depth{} %% Deprecated - use \\maximumdepth instead\n"); // Deprecated - remains for use in legacy templates
put_format(&buf, "\\page\n");
Add table
Reference in a new issue