Remove commented out code

This code was commented out when I started to port the locations to new
code, and it's harmless to remove it now.

Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
This commit is contained in:
Tomaz Canabrava 2015-06-03 22:38:08 -03:00 committed by Dirk Hohndel
parent 1ee96f4ad6
commit 744ab4bc48

View file

@ -1269,14 +1269,6 @@ void MainTab::on_tagWidget_textChanged()
/* TODO: This seems wrong.
* The code here below should be triggered when the user changes
* the Location in the combobox (this was a LineEdit, but the code is
* mostly the same ). Check the currentTrip there to see if it`s being
* correctly triggered.
void MainTab::on_location_currentIndexChanged(int idx)
if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
@ -1300,21 +1292,6 @@ void MainTab::on_location_currentIndexChanged(int idx)
/* TODO:
* Check if we need to move this to location management.
// If we have GPS data for the location entered, add it.
void MainTab::on_location_editingFinished()
// find the dive site or create it
const char *name = copy_string(qPrintable(ui.location->currentText()));
uint32_t uuid = get_dive_site_uuid_by_name(name, NULL);
if (!uuid)
uuid = create_dive_site(name);
displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid = uuid;
void MainTab::on_suit_textChanged(const QString &text)
if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
@ -1345,25 +1322,6 @@ void MainTab::on_notes_textChanged()
#if 0 // we'll need something like this for the dive site management
void MainTab::on_coordinates_textChanged(const QString &text)
if (editMode == IGNORE || acceptingEdit == true)
bool gpsChanged = false;
bool parsed = false;
QPalette p;
ui.coordinates->setPalette(p); // reset palette
gpsChanged = gpsHasChanged(&displayed_dive, &displayed_dive, text, &parsed);
if (gpsChanged)
markChangedWidget(ui.coordinates); // marks things yellow
if (!parsed) {
p.setBrush(QPalette::Base, QColor(Qt::red).lighter());
ui.coordinates->setPalette(p); // marks things red
void MainTab::on_rating_valueChanged(int value)
if (acceptingEdit == true)
@ -1414,30 +1372,6 @@ void MainTab::editWeightWidget(const QModelIndex &index)
#if 0 // we'll need this for dive sites
void MainTab::updateCoordinatesText(qreal lat, qreal lon)
int ulat = rint(lat * 1000000);
int ulon = rint(lon * 1000000);
ui.coordinates->setText(printGPSCoords(ulat, ulon));
void MainTab::updateGpsCoordinates()
if (editMode == NONE)
struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(displayed_dive.dive_site_uuid);
if (ds && dive_site_has_gps_location(ds)) {
ui.coordinates->setText(printGPSCoords(ds->latitude.udeg, ds->longitude.udeg));
} else if (!ui.coordinates->text().isEmpty()) {
void MainTab::escDetected()
if (editMode != NONE)