diff --git a/translations/subsurface_source.ts b/translations/subsurface_source.ts
index db3fd14cc..8d53f99b7 100644
--- a/translations/subsurface_source.ts
+++ b/translations/subsurface_source.ts
@@ -2367,12 +2367,12 @@ GPS location:
- Load image(s) from file(s)
+ Load media from file(s)
- Load image from web
+ Load media from web
@@ -4520,419 +4520,414 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ &View
+ &Help
+ &Import
+ &Edit
+ Share on
+ &New logbook
+ New
+ &Open logbook
+ Open
+ &Save
+ Save
+ Sa&ve as
+ Save as
+ &Close
+ Close
+ &Print
+ P&references
+ &Quit
+ Import from &dive computer
+ Edit device &names
+ &Add dive
- &Edit dive
+ &Copy dive components
+ &Paste dive components
+ &Renumber
+ Auto &group
+ &Yearly statistics
+ &Dive list
+ &Profile
+ &Info
+ &All
+ P&revious DC
+ &Next DC
+ &About Subsurface
+ User &manual
+ &Map
+ P&lan dive
+ &Import log files
+ Import divelog files from other applications
+ Import &from divelogs.de
+ &Full screen
+ Toggle full screen
+ &Check for updates
+ &Export
+ Export dive logs
+ Configure &dive computer
+ Edit &dive in planner
+ Toggle pO₂ graph
+ Toggle pN₂ graph
+ Toggle pHe graph
+ Toggle DC reported ceiling
+ Toggle calculated ceiling
+ Toggle calculating all tissues
+ Toggle calculated ceiling with 3m increments
+ Toggle heart rate
+ Toggle MOD
+ Toggle EAD, END, EADD
+ Toggle NDL, TTS
+ Toggle SAC rate
+ Toggle ruler
+ Scale graph
+ Toggle media
+ &Find moved media files
+ Toggle gas bar
+ &Filter divelist
+ Toggle tissue heat-map
+ User &survey
+ &Undo
+ &Redo
+ Open c&loud storage
+ Save to clo&ud storage
+ &Manage dive sites
+ Dive Site &Edit
+ Facebook
+ Cloud storage online
+ Connect to
+ Disconnect from
+ Please save or cancel the current dive edit before opening a new file.
+ Open file
+ Cancel
+ Warning
@@ -4942,12 +4937,12 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+ Template backup created
+ The following backup printing templates were created:
@@ -4961,212 +4956,212 @@ can overwrite them on startup.
+ Please save or cancel the current dive edit before going online
+ You have unsaved changes. Do you want to commit them to the cloud storage?
If answering no, the cloud will only be synced on next call to "Open cloud storage" or "Save to cloud storage".
+ Failure taking cloud storage online
+ Please save or cancel the current dive edit before closing the file.
+ Please save or cancel the current dive edit before trying to add a dive.
+ Print runtime table
+ Trying to replan a dive that's not a planned dive.
+ Please, first finish the current edition before trying to do another.
+ Yearly statistics
+ Dive log files
+ Subsurface files
+ Cochran
+ DiveLogs.de
+ JDiveLog
+ Liquivision
+ Suunto
+ Divesoft
+ Datatrak/WLog
+ MkVI files
+ APD log viewer
+ OSTCtools
+ All files
+ Do you want to save the changes that you made in the file %1?
+ Do you want to save the changes that you made in the data file?
+ Save changes?
+ Changes will be lost if you don't save them.
+ Save file as
+ [local cache for] %1
+ [cloud storage for] %1
+ Opening datafile from older version
+ You opened a data file from an older version of Subsurface. We recommend you read the manual to learn about the changes in the new version, especially about dive site management which has changed significantly.
Subsurface has already tried to pre-populate the data but it might be worth while taking a look at the new dive site management system and to make sure that everything looks correct.
+ Open dive log file
+ Contacting cloud service...
@@ -10689,7 +10684,7 @@ Is the Uemis Zurich plugged in correctly?
+ Don't save an empty log to the cloud