Display statistics by depth and temperature in Yearly statistics

Create a label for each line added for the depth and temperature
statistics buckets

Add line to statistics widget for each bucket to be displayed

Signed-off-by: Doug Junkins <junkins@foghead.com>
This commit is contained in:
Doug Junkins 2019-03-09 18:27:51 -08:00 committed by bstoeger
parent 4613321e3e
commit a0f9957bce

View file

@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ void YearlyStatisticsModel::update_yearly_stats()
int i, month = 0;
unsigned int j, combined_months;
stats_summary_auto_free stats;
QString label;
temperature_t t_range_min,t_range_max;
calculate_stats_summary(&stats, false);
for (i = 0; stats.stats_yearly != NULL && stats.stats_yearly[i].period; ++i) {
@ -225,4 +227,38 @@ void YearlyStatisticsModel::update_yearly_stats()
item->parent = rootItem.get();
/* Show the statistic sorted by dive depth */
if (stats.stats_by_depth != NULL && stats.stats_by_depth[0].selection_size) {
YearStatisticsItem *item = new YearStatisticsItem(stats.stats_by_depth[0]);
for (i = 1; stats.stats_by_depth[i].is_trip; ++i)
if (stats.stats_by_depth[i].selection_size) {
label = QString(tr("%1 - %2")).arg(get_depth_string((i - 1) * (STATS_DEPTH_BUCKET * 1000), true, false),
get_depth_string(i * (STATS_DEPTH_BUCKET * 1000), true, false));
stats.stats_by_depth[i].location = strdup(label.toUtf8().data());
YearStatisticsItem *iChild = new YearStatisticsItem(stats.stats_by_depth[i]);
iChild->parent = item;
item->parent = rootItem.get();
/* Show the statistic sorted by dive temperature */
if (stats.stats_by_temp != NULL && stats.stats_by_temp[0].selection_size) {
YearStatisticsItem *item = new YearStatisticsItem(stats.stats_by_temp[0]);
for (i = 1; stats.stats_by_temp[i].is_trip; ++i)
if (stats.stats_by_temp[i].selection_size) {
t_range_min.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((i - 1) * STATS_TEMP_BUCKET);
t_range_max.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(i * STATS_TEMP_BUCKET);
label = QString(tr("%1 - %2")).arg(get_temperature_string(t_range_min, true),
get_temperature_string(t_range_max, true));
stats.stats_by_temp[i].location = strdup(label.toUtf8().data());
YearStatisticsItem *iChild = new YearStatisticsItem(stats.stats_by_temp[i]);
iChild->parent = item;
item->parent = rootItem.get();