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synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00
Interpret divelist printing templates
This is a first step of an efford to get rid of the Grantlee dependency. This implements template processing for those constructs used in our divelist and statistics printing templates. It implements a template parser for loops over dives, cylinders and year and variable replacement. As the previous Grantlee code, it does not really use Qt's QObject introspection capabilities but reuses the old long chain of if-else-statements. The grantlee code is not yet removed. Signed-off-by: Robert C. Helling <helling@atdotde.de> Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 389 additions and 0 deletions
@ -161,6 +161,19 @@ QString TemplateLayout::generate()
/* don't use the Grantlee loader API */
QString templateContents = readTemplate(printOptions->p_template);
QHash<QString, QVariant> options;
options["print_options"] = QVariant::fromValue(*printOptions);
options["template_options"] = QVariant::fromValue(*templateOptions);
options["dives"] = QVariant::fromValue(diveList);
QList<token> tokens = lexer(templateContents);
QString buffer;
QTextStream out(&buffer);
int pos = 0;
parser(tokens, pos, out, options);
htmlContent = out.readAll();
return htmlContent;
QString preprocessed = preprocessTemplate(templateContents);
/* create the template from QString; is this thing allocating memory? */
@ -215,6 +228,21 @@ QString TemplateLayout::generateStatistics()
qDebug() << "Can't load template";
return htmlContent;
QString templateFile = QString("statistics") + QDir::separator() + printOptions->p_template;
QString templateContents = readTemplate(templateFile);
QHash<QString, QVariant> options;
options["print_options"] = QVariant::fromValue(*printOptions);
options["template_options"] = QVariant::fromValue(*templateOptions);
options["years"] = QVariant::fromValue(years);
QList<token> tokens = lexer(templateContents);
QString buffer;
QTextStream out(&buffer);
int pos = 0;
parser(tokens, pos, out, options);
htmlContent = out.readAll();
return htmlContent;
htmlContent = t->render(&c);
@ -246,3 +274,351 @@ void TemplateLayout::writeTemplate(QString template_name, QString grantlee_templ
struct token stringToken(QString s)
struct token newtoken;
newtoken.type = LITERAL;
newtoken.contents = s;
return newtoken;
static QRegularExpression keywordFor(R"(\bfor\b)");
static QRegularExpression keywordEndfor(R"(\bendfor\b)");
static QRegularExpression keywordBlock(R"(\bblock\b)");
static QRegularExpression keywordEndblock(R"(\bendblock\b)");
static QRegularExpression keywordIf(R"(\bif\b)");
static QRegularExpression keywordEndif(R"(\bendif\b)");
struct token operatorToken(QString s)
struct token newtoken;
QRegularExpressionMatch match = keywordFor.match(s);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
newtoken.type = FORSTART;
newtoken.contents = s.mid(match.capturedEnd());
return newtoken;
match = keywordEndfor.match(s);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
newtoken.type = FORSTOP;
newtoken.contents = "";
return newtoken;
match = keywordBlock.match(s);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
newtoken.type = BLOCKSTART;
newtoken.contents = s.mid(match.capturedEnd());
return newtoken;
match = keywordEndblock.match(s);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
newtoken.type = BLOCKSTOP;
newtoken.contents = "";
return newtoken;
match = keywordIf.match(s);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
newtoken.type = IFSTART;
newtoken.contents = s.mid(match.capturedEnd());
return newtoken;
match = keywordEndif.match(s);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
newtoken.type = IFSTOP;
newtoken.contents = "";
return newtoken;
newtoken.type = PARSERERROR;
newtoken.contents = "";
return newtoken;
static QRegularExpression op(R"(\{%([\w\s\.\|\:]+)%\})"); // Look for {% stuff %}
QList<token> TemplateLayout::lexer(QString input)
QList<token> tokenList;
int last = 0;
QRegularExpressionMatch match = op.match(input);
while (match.hasMatch()) {
tokenList << stringToken(input.mid(last, match.capturedStart() - last));
tokenList << operatorToken(match.captured(1));
last = match.capturedEnd();
match = op.match(input, last);
tokenList << stringToken(input.mid(last));
return tokenList;
static QRegularExpression var(R"(\{\{\s*(\w+)\.(\w+)\s*(\|\s*(\w+))?\s*\}\})"); // Look for {{ stuff.stuff|stuff }}
QString TemplateLayout::translate(QString s, QHash<QString, QVariant> options)
QString out;
int last = 0;
QRegularExpressionMatch match = var.match(s);
while (match.hasMatch()) {
QString obname = match.captured(1);
QString memname = match.captured(2);
out += s.mid(last, match.capturedStart() - last);
QVariant value = getValue(obname, memname, options.value(obname));
out += value.toString();
last = match.capturedEnd();
match = var.match(s, last);
out += s.mid(last);
return out;
static QRegularExpression forloop(R"(\s*(\w+)\s+in\s+(\w+))"); // Look for "VAR in LISTNAME"
static QRegularExpression ifstatement(R"(forloop\.counter\|\s*divisibleby\:\s*(\d+))"); // Look for forloop.counter|divisibleby: NUMBER
void TemplateLayout::parser(QList<token> tokenList, int &pos, QTextStream &out, QHash<QString, QVariant> options)
while (pos < tokenList.length()) {
switch (tokenList[pos].type) {
out << translate(tokenList[pos].contents, options);
QString argument = tokenList[pos].contents;
QRegularExpressionMatch match = forloop.match(argument);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
QString itemname = match.captured(1);
QString listname = match.captured(2);
QString buffer;
QTextStream capture(&buffer);
QVariantList list = options[listname].value<QVariantList>();
int savepos = pos;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
QVariant item = list.at(i);
QVariant olditerator = options["forloopiterator"];
options[itemname] = item;
options["forloopiterator"] = i + 1;
pos = savepos;
if (listname == "dives")
options["cylinders"] = QVariant::fromValue(item.value<DiveObjectHelperGrantlee>().cylinderList());
parser(tokenList, pos, capture, options);
if (listname == "dives")
if (olditerator.isValid())
options["forloopiterator"] = olditerator;
out << capture.readAll();
} else {
out << "PARSING ERROR: '" << argument << "'";
QString argument = tokenList[pos].contents;
QRegularExpressionMatch match = ifstatement.match(argument);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
int divisor = match.captured(1).toInt();
QString buffer;
QTextStream capture(&buffer);
int counter = options["forloopiterator"].toInt();
parser(tokenList, pos, capture, options);
if (!(counter % divisor))
out << capture.readAll();
} else {
out << "PARSING ERROR: '" << argument << "'";
case IFSTOP:
QVariant TemplateLayout::getValue(QString list, QString property, QVariant option)
if (list == "template_options") {
template_options object = option.value<template_options>();
if (property == "font") {
switch (object.font_index) {
case 0:
return "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
case 1:
return "Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif";
case 2:
return "Georgia, serif";
case 3:
return "Courier, monospace";
case 4:
return "Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif";
} else if (property == "borderwidth") {
return object.border_width;
} else if (property == "font_size") {
return object.font_size / 9.0;
} else if (property == "line_spacing") {
return object.line_spacing;
} else if (property == "color1") {
return object.color_palette.color1.name();
} else if (property == "color2") {
return object.color_palette.color2.name();
} else if (property == "color3") {
return object.color_palette.color3.name();
} else if (property == "color4") {
return object.color_palette.color4.name();
} else if (property == "color5") {
return object.color_palette.color5.name();
} else if (property == "color6") {
return object.color_palette.color6.name();
} else if (list == "print_options") {
print_options object = option.value<print_options>();
if (property == "grayscale") {
if (object.color_selected) {
return "";
} else {
return "-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%)";
} else if (list =="year") {
YearInfo object = option.value<YearInfo>();
if (property == "year") {
return object.year->period;
} else if (property == "dives") {
return object.year->selection_size;
} else if (property == "min_temp") {
return object.year->min_temp.mkelvin == 0 ? "0" : get_temperature_string(object.year->min_temp, true);
} else if (property == "max_temp") {
return object.year->max_temp.mkelvin == 0 ? "0" : get_temperature_string(object.year->max_temp, true);
} else if (property == "total_time") {
return get_dive_duration_string(object.year->total_time.seconds, gettextFromC::tr("h"),
gettextFromC::tr("min"), gettextFromC::tr("sec"), " ");
} else if (property == "avg_time") {
return get_minutes(object.year->total_time.seconds / object.year->selection_size);
} else if (property == "shortest_time") {
return get_minutes(object.year->shortest_time.seconds);
} else if (property == "longest_time") {
return get_minutes(object.year->longest_time.seconds);
} else if (property == "avg_depth") {
return get_depth_string(object.year->avg_depth);
} else if (property == "min_depth") {
return get_depth_string(object.year->min_depth);
} else if (property == "max_depth") {
return get_depth_string(object.year->max_depth);
} else if (property == "avg_sac") {
return get_volume_string(object.year->avg_sac);
} else if (property == "min_sac") {
return get_volume_string(object.year->min_sac);
} else if (property == "max_sac") {
return get_volume_string(object.year->max_sac);
} else if (list == "cylinder") {
CylinderObjectHelper object = option.value<CylinderObjectHelper>();
if (property == "description") {
return object.description;
} else if (property == "size") {
return object.size;
} else if (property == "workingPressure") {
return object.workingPressure;
} else if (property == "startPressure") {
return object.startPressure;
} else if (property == "endPressure") {
return object.endPressure;
} else if (property == "gasMix") {
return object.gasMix;
} else if (list == "dive") {
DiveObjectHelperGrantlee object = option.value<DiveObjectHelperGrantlee>();
if (property == "number") {
return object.number;
} else if (property == "id") {
return object.id;
} else if (property == "rating") {
return object.rating;
} else if (property == "visibility") {
return object.visibility;
} else if (property == "date") {
return object.date();
} else if (property == "time") {
return object.time();
} else if (property == "timestamp") {
return QVariant::fromValue(object.timestamp);
} else if (property == "location") {
return object.location;
} else if (property == "gps") {
return object.gps;
} else if (property == "gps_decimal") {
return object.gps_decimal;
} else if (property == "dive_site") {
return object.dive_site;
} else if (property == "duration") {
return object.duration;
} else if (property == "noDive") {
return object.noDive;
} else if (property == "depth") {
return object.depth;
} else if (property == "divemaster") {
return object.divemaster;
} else if (property == "buddy") {
return object.buddy;
} else if (property == "airTemp") {
return object.airTemp;
} else if (property == "waterTemp") {
return object.waterTemp;
} else if (property == "notes") {
return object.notes;
} else if (property == "tags") {
return object.tags;
} else if (property == "gas") {
return object.gas;
} else if (property == "sac") {
return object.sac;
} else if (property == "weightList") {
return object.weightList;
} else if (property == "weights") {
return object.weights;
} else if (property == "singleWeight") {
return object.singleWeight;
} else if (property == "suit") {
return object.suit;
} else if (property == "cylinderList") {
return object.cylinderList();
} else if (property == "cylinders") {
return object.cylinders;
} else if (property == "cylinderObjects") {
return QVariant::fromValue(object.cylinderObjects);
} else if (property == "maxcns") {
return object.maxcns;
} else if (property == "otu") {
return object.otu;
} else if (property == "sumWeight") {
return object.sumWeight;
} else if (property == "getCylinder") {
return object.getCylinder;
} else if (property == "startPressure") {
return object.startPressure;
} else if (property == "endPressure") {
return object.endPressure;
} else if (property == "firstGas") {
return object.firstGas;
return QVariant();
@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ void find_all_templates();
void set_bundled_templates_as_read_only();
void copy_bundled_templates(QString src, QString dst, QStringList *templateBackupList);
struct token {
enum token_t type;
QString contents;
extern QList<QString> grantlee_templates, grantlee_statistics_templates;
class TemplateLayout : public QObject {
@ -30,6 +37,12 @@ public:
print_options *printOptions;
template_options *templateOptions;
QList<token> lexer(QString input);
void parser(QList<token> tokenList, int &pos, QTextStream &out, QHash<QString, QVariant> options);
QVariant getValue(QString list, QString property, QVariant option);
QString translate(QString s, QHash<QString, QVariant> options);
void progressUpdated(int value);
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