diff --git a/libdivecomputer.c b/libdivecomputer.c
index d405253d4..b20acdbec 100644
--- a/libdivecomputer.c
+++ b/libdivecomputer.c
@@ -120,18 +120,43 @@ static int parse_gasmixes(struct dive *dive, parser_t *parser, int ngases)
static void handle_event(struct dive **divep, struct sample *sample, parser_sample_value_t value)
+ int type, time;
static const char *events[] = {
"none", "deco", "rbt", "ascent", "ceiling", "workload", "transmitter",
"violation", "bookmark", "surface", "safety stop", "gaschange",
"safety stop (voluntary)", "safety stop (mandatory)", "deepstop",
"ceiling (safety stop)", "unknown", "divetime", "maxdepth",
- "OLF", "PO2", "airtime", "rgbm", "heading", "tissue level warning"};
+ "OLF", "PO2", "airtime", "rgbm", "heading", "tissue level warning"
+ };
+ const int nr_events = sizeof(events) / sizeof(const char *);
+ const char *name;
- printf(" %s\n",
- value.event.type, value.event.time, value.event.flags, value.event.value, events[value.event.type]);
+ /*
+ * Just ignore surface events. They are pointless. What "surface"
+ * means depends on the dive computer (and possibly even settings
+ * in the dive computer). It does *not* necessarily mean "depth 0",
+ * so don't even turn it into that.
+ */
+ if (value.event.type == SAMPLE_EVENT_SURFACE)
+ return;
+ /*
+ * Other evens might be more interesting, but for now we just print them out.
+ */
+ type = value.event.type;
+ name = "invalid event number";
+ if (type < nr_events)
+ name = events[type];
+ time = value.event.time;
+ if (sample)
+ time += sample->time.seconds;
+ printf(" \n",
+ type, time / 60, time % 60,
+ value.event.flags, value.event.value, name);
sample_cb(parser_sample_type_t type, parser_sample_value_t value, void *userdata)