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synced 2025-01-31 21:33:24 +00:00
[Bug #2934] Geo Lookup - support for remote dive sites
Some remote dive sites have no populated places (towns, cities)
nearby. For such sites, we now fall back to looking up
unpopulated place names, such as the reef or island name.
Also some code refactorisation:
the actual network access is now encapsulated in its own
function removing some duplicated code handling in the
reverseGeoLookup function and making it more readable.
Furthermore, reverseGeoLookup() was completely refactored as
most of its functionality was due to legacy requirements; the
current code-base only calls this function from a single
location and only with an empty taxonomy_data object. This
makes the function more focussed and much simpler and more
Finally, a resource leak in reverseGeocde introduced in
was fixed.
Signed-off-by: Michael Werle <micha@michaelwerle.com>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 100 additions and 124 deletions
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
#include <QTimer>
#include <memory>
void reverseGeoLookup(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude, taxonomy_data *taxonomy)
/** Performs a REST get request to a service returning a JSON object. */
static QJsonObject doAsyncRESTGetRequest(const QString& url, int msTimeout)
// By making the QNetworkAccessManager static and local to this function,
// only one manager exists for all geo-lookups and it is only initialized
@ -30,16 +31,13 @@ void reverseGeoLookup(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude, taxonomy_data *ta
static QNetworkAccessManager rgl;
QNetworkRequest request;
QEventLoop loop;
QString geonamesURL("http://api.geonames.org/findNearbyPlaceNameJSON?lang=%1&lat=%2&lng=%3&radius=50&username=dirkhh");
QString geonamesOceanURL("http://api.geonames.org/oceanJSON?lang=%1&lat=%2&lng=%3&radius=50&username=dirkhh");
QTimer timer;
request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/json");
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8());
QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// first check the findNearbyPlaces API from geonames - that should give us country, state, city
request.setUrl(geonamesURL.arg(getUiLanguage().section(QRegExp("[-_ ]"), 0, 0)).arg(latitude.udeg / 1000000.0).arg(longitude.udeg / 1000000.0));
// By using a std::unique_ptr<>, we can exit from the function at any point
// and the reply will be freed. Likewise, when overwriting the pointer with
@ -48,119 +46,95 @@ void reverseGeoLookup(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude, taxonomy_data *ta
std::unique_ptr<QNetworkReply> reply(rgl.get(request));
QObject::connect(&*reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
timer.start(5000); // 5 secs. timeout
if (timer.isActive()) {
if (reply->error() > 0) {
report_error("got error accessing geonames.org: %s", qPrintable(reply->errorString()));
int v = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
if (v < 200 || v >= 300)
QByteArray fullReply = reply->readAll();
QJsonParseError errorObject;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(fullReply, &errorObject);
if (errorObject.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
report_error("error parsing geonames.org response: %s", qPrintable(errorObject.errorString()));
QJsonObject obj = jsonDoc.object();
QVariant geoNamesObject = obj.value("geonames").toVariant();
QVariantList geoNames = geoNamesObject.toList();
if (geoNames.count() > 0) {
QVariantMap firstData = geoNames.at(0).toMap();
int ri = 0, l3 = -1, lt = -1;
if (taxonomy->category == NULL) {
taxonomy->category = alloc_taxonomy();
} else {
// clear out the data (except for the ocean data)
int ocean;
if ((ocean = taxonomy_index_for_category(taxonomy, TC_OCEAN)) > 0) {
taxonomy->category[0] = taxonomy->category[ocean];
taxonomy->nr = 1;
} else {
// ocean is -1 if there is no such entry, and we didn't copy above
// if ocean is 0, so the following gets us the correct count
taxonomy->nr = ocean + 1;
// get all the data - OCEAN is special, so start at COUNTRY
for (int j = TC_COUNTRY; j < TC_NR_CATEGORIES; j++) {
if (firstData[taxonomy_api_names[j]].isValid()) {
taxonomy->category[ri].category = j;
taxonomy->category[ri].origin = taxonomy_origin::GEOCODED;
free((void *)taxonomy->category[ri].value);
taxonomy->category[ri].value = copy_qstring(firstData[taxonomy_api_names[j]].toString());
taxonomy->nr = ri;
l3 = taxonomy_index_for_category(taxonomy, TC_ADMIN_L3);
lt = taxonomy_index_for_category(taxonomy, TC_LOCALNAME);
if (l3 == -1 && lt != -1) {
// basically this means we did get a local name (what we call town), but just like most places
// we didn't get an adminName_3 - which in some regions is the actual city that town belongs to,
// then we copy the town into the city
taxonomy->category[ri].value = copy_string(taxonomy->category[lt].value);
taxonomy->category[ri].origin = taxonomy_origin::GEOCOPIED;
taxonomy->category[ri].category = TC_ADMIN_L3;
} else {
report_error("geonames.org did not provide reverse lookup information");
qDebug() << "no reverse geo lookup; geonames returned\n" << fullReply;
} else {
report_error("timeout accessing geonames.org");
if (!timer.isActive()) {
report_error("timeout accessing %s", qPrintable(url));
QObject::disconnect(&*reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
return QJsonObject{};
// next check the oceans API to figure out the body of water
request.setUrl(geonamesOceanURL.arg(getUiLanguage().section(QRegExp("[-_ ]"), 0, 0)).arg(latitude.udeg / 1000000.0).arg(longitude.udeg / 1000000.0));
reply.reset(rgl.get(request)); // Note: frees old reply.
QObject::connect(&*reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
timer.start(5000); // 5 secs. timeout
if (timer.isActive()) {
if (reply->error() > 0) {
report_error("got error accessing oceans API of geonames.org: %s", qPrintable(reply->errorString()));
int v = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
if (v < 200 || v >= 300)
QByteArray fullReply = reply->readAll();
QJsonParseError errorObject;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(fullReply, &errorObject);
if (errorObject.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
report_error("error parsing geonames.org response: %s", qPrintable(errorObject.errorString()));
QJsonObject obj = jsonDoc.object();
QVariant oceanObject = obj.value("ocean").toVariant();
QVariantMap oceanName = oceanObject.toMap();
if (oceanName["name"].isValid()) {
int idx;
if (taxonomy->category == NULL)
taxonomy->category = alloc_taxonomy();
idx = taxonomy_index_for_category(taxonomy, TC_OCEAN);
if (idx == -1)
idx = taxonomy->nr;
if (idx < TC_NR_CATEGORIES) {
taxonomy->category[idx].category = TC_OCEAN;
taxonomy->category[idx].origin = taxonomy_origin::GEOCODED;
taxonomy->category[idx].value = copy_qstring(oceanName["name"].toString());
if (idx == taxonomy->nr)
} else {
report_error("timeout accessing geonames.org");
QObject::disconnect(&*reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
if (reply->error() > 0) {
report_error("got error accessing %s: %s", qPrintable(url), qPrintable(reply->errorString()));
return QJsonObject{};
int v = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
if (v < 200 || v >= 300) {
return QJsonObject{};
QByteArray fullReply = reply->readAll();
QJsonParseError errorObject;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(fullReply, &errorObject);
if (errorObject.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
report_error("error parsing JSON response: %s", qPrintable(errorObject.errorString()));
return QJsonObject{};
// Success, return JSON response from server
return jsonDoc.object();
/// Performs a reverse-geo-lookup of the coordinates and returns the taxonomy data.
taxonomy_data reverseGeoLookup(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude)
const QString geonamesNearbyURL = QStringLiteral("http://api.geonames.org/findNearbyJSON?lang=%1&lat=%2&lng=%3&radius=50&username=dirkhh");
const QString geonamesNearbyPlaceNameURL = QStringLiteral("http://api.geonames.org/findNearbyPlaceNameJSON?lang=%1&lat=%2&lng=%3&radius=50&username=dirkhh");
const QString geonamesOceanURL = QStringLiteral("http://api.geonames.org/oceanJSON?lang=%1&lat=%2&lng=%3&radius=50&username=dirkhh");
QString url;
QJsonObject obj;
taxonomy_data taxonomy = { 0, alloc_taxonomy() };
// check the oceans API to figure out the body of water
url = geonamesOceanURL.arg(getUiLanguage().section(QRegExp("[-_ ]"), 0, 0)).arg(latitude.udeg / 1000000.0).arg(longitude.udeg / 1000000.0);
obj = doAsyncRESTGetRequest(url, 5000); // 5 secs. timeout
QVariantMap oceanName = obj.value("ocean").toVariant().toMap();
if (oceanName["name"].isValid()) {
taxonomy.category[0].category = TC_OCEAN;
taxonomy.category[0].origin = taxonomy_origin::GEOCODED;
taxonomy.category[0].value = copy_qstring(oceanName["name"].toString());
taxonomy.nr = 1;
// check the findNearbyPlaces API from geonames - that should give us country, state, city
url = geonamesNearbyPlaceNameURL.arg(getUiLanguage().section(QRegExp("[-_ ]"), 0, 0)).arg(latitude.udeg / 1000000.0).arg(longitude.udeg / 1000000.0);
obj = doAsyncRESTGetRequest(url, 5000); // 5 secs. timeout
QVariantList geoNames = obj.value("geonames").toVariant().toList();
if (geoNames.count() == 0) {
// check the findNearby API from geonames if the previous search came up empty - that should give us country, state, location
url = geonamesNearbyURL.arg(getUiLanguage().section(QRegExp("[-_ ]"), 0, 0)).arg(latitude.udeg / 1000000.0).arg(longitude.udeg / 1000000.0);
obj = doAsyncRESTGetRequest(url, 5000); // 5 secs. timeout
geoNames = obj.value("geonames").toVariant().toList();
if (geoNames.count() > 0) {
QVariantMap firstData = geoNames.at(0).toMap();
// fill out all the data - start at COUNTRY since we already got OCEAN above
for (int idx = TC_COUNTRY; idx < TC_NR_CATEGORIES; idx++) {
if (firstData[taxonomy_api_names[idx]].isValid()) {
taxonomy.category[taxonomy.nr].category = idx;
taxonomy.category[taxonomy.nr].origin = taxonomy_origin::GEOCODED;
taxonomy.category[taxonomy.nr].value = copy_qstring(firstData[taxonomy_api_names[idx]].toString());
int l3 = taxonomy_index_for_category(&taxonomy, TC_ADMIN_L3);
int lt = taxonomy_index_for_category(&taxonomy, TC_LOCALNAME);
if (l3 == -1 && lt != -1) {
// basically this means we did get a local name (what we call town), but just like most places
// we didn't get an adminName_3 - which in some regions is the actual city that town belongs to,
// then we copy the town into the city
taxonomy.category[taxonomy.nr].category = TC_ADMIN_L3;
taxonomy.category[taxonomy.nr].origin = taxonomy_origin::GEOCOPIED;
taxonomy.category[taxonomy.nr].value = copy_string(taxonomy.category[lt].value);
} else {
report_error("geonames.org did not provide reverse lookup information");
//qDebug() << "no reverse geo lookup; geonames returned\n" << fullReply;
return taxonomy;
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#include "taxonomy.h"
#include "units.h"
// Perform a reverse geo-lookup and put data in the provided taxonomy field.
// Original data with the exception of OCEAN will be overwritten.
void reverseGeoLookup(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude, taxonomy_data *taxonomy);
/// Performs a reverse geo-lookup and returns the data.
/// It is up to the caller to merge the data with any existing data.
taxonomy_data reverseGeoLookup(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude);
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ void free_taxonomy(struct taxonomy_data *t)
void copy_taxonomy(struct taxonomy_data *orig, struct taxonomy_data *copy)
void copy_taxonomy(const struct taxonomy_data *orig, struct taxonomy_data *copy)
if (orig->category == NULL) {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void copy_taxonomy(struct taxonomy_data *orig, struct taxonomy_data *copy)
int taxonomy_index_for_category(struct taxonomy_data *t, enum taxonomy_category cat)
int taxonomy_index_for_category(const struct taxonomy_data *t, enum taxonomy_category cat)
for (int i = 0; i < t->nr; i++)
if (t->category[i].category == cat)
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ struct taxonomy_data {
struct taxonomy *alloc_taxonomy();
void free_taxonomy(struct taxonomy_data *t);
void copy_taxonomy(struct taxonomy_data *orig, struct taxonomy_data *copy);
int taxonomy_index_for_category(struct taxonomy_data *t, enum taxonomy_category cat);
void copy_taxonomy(const struct taxonomy_data *orig, struct taxonomy_data *copy);
int taxonomy_index_for_category(const struct taxonomy_data *t, enum taxonomy_category cat);
const char *taxonomy_get_country(struct taxonomy_data *t);
void taxonomy_set_country(struct taxonomy_data *t, const char *country, enum taxonomy_origin origin);
@ -317,10 +317,12 @@ void LocationInformationWidget::reverseGeocode()
location_t location = parseGpsText(ui.diveSiteCoordinates->text());
if (!ds || !has_location(&location))
taxonomy_data taxonomy = { 0, 0 };
reverseGeoLookup(location.lat, location.lon, &taxonomy);
if (ds != diveSite)
taxonomy_data taxonomy = reverseGeoLookup(location.lat, location.lon);
if (ds != diveSite) {
// This call transfers ownership of the taxonomy memory into an EditDiveSiteTaxonomy object
Command::editDiveSiteTaxonomy(ds, taxonomy);
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