Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface.git synced 2025-02-19 22:16:15 +00:00

Start the SettingsObjectWrapper - a QSettings helper for QML

This class needs to have all settings in Q_PROPERTIES
so it can be used in QML. I know we will not use all of the
settings in a visible way for the user on the QML app, but
we might increase things in the future and on different
form factors so it's good to be prepared.

Currently I implemented all of the possible properties, but
I still need to hoock up everything.

Signed-off-by: Tomaz Canabrava <tomaz.canabrava@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org>
This commit is contained in:
Tomaz Canabrava 2016-01-11 19:10:00 -02:00 committed by Dirk Hohndel
parent abd05f0d21
commit ec01fcda5b

View file

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
#include <QObject>
#include "../pref.h"
#include "../prefs-macros.h"
/* Wrapper class for the Settings. This will allow
* seamlessy integration of the settings with the QML
* and QWidget frontends. This class will be huge, since
* I need tons of properties, one for each option. */
/* Control the state of the Partial Pressure Graphs preferences */
class PartialPressureGasSettings : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(short show_po2 READ showPo2 WRITE setShowPo2 NOTIFY showPo2Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(short show_pn2 READ showPn2 WRITE setShowPn2 NOTIFY showPn2Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(short show_phe READ showPhe WRITE setShowPhe NOTIFY showPheChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double po2_threshold READ po2Threshold WRITE setPo2Threshold NOTIFY po2ThresholdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double pn2_threshold READ pn2Threshold WRITE setPn2Threshold NOTIFY pn2ThresholdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double phe_threshold READ pheThreshold WRITE setPheThreshold NOTIFY pheThresholdChanged)
PartialPressureGasSettings(QObject *parent);
/* Control the state of the Facebook preferences */
class FacebookSettings : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(access_token READ WRITE setAccessToken NOTIFY accessTokenChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(user_id READ WRITE setUserId NOTIFY userIdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(album_id READ WRITE setAlbumId NOTIFY albumIdChanged)
FacebookSettings(QObject *parent);
/* Control the state of the Geocoding preferences */
class GeocodingPreferences : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(bool enable_geocoding READ enableGeocoding WRITE setEnableGeocoding NOTIFY enableGeocodingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool parse_dive_without_gps READ parseDiveWithoutGps WRITE setParseDiveWithoutGps NOTIFY parseDiveWithoutGpsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool tag_existing_dives READ tagExistingDives WRITE setTagExistingDives NOTIFY tagExistingDivesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(taxonomy_category first READ firstTaxonomyCategory WRITE setFirstTaxonomyCategory NOTIFY firstTaxonomyCategoryChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(taxonomy_category second READ secondTaxonomyCategory WRITE setSecondTaxonomyCategory NOTIFY secondTaxonomyCategoryChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(taxonomy_category third READ thirdTaxonomyCategory WRITE setThirdTaxonomyCategory NOTIFY thirdTaxonomyCategoryChanged)
GeocodingPreferences(QObject *parent);
class ProxySettings : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(int type READ type WRITE setType NOTIFY typeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString host READ host WRITE setHost NOTIFY hostChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int port READ port WRITE setPort NOTIFY portChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short auth READ auth WRITE setAuth NOTIFY authChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString user READ user WRITE setUser NOTIFY userChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString pass READ pass WRITE setPass NOTIFY passChanged)
ProxySettings(QObject *parent);
class CloudStorageSettings : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QString password READ password WRITE setPassword NOTIFY passwordChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString newpassword READ newPassword WRITE setNewPassword NOTIFY newPasswordChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString email READ email WRITE setEmail NOTIFY emailChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString email_encoded READ emailEncoded WRITE setEmailEncoded NOTIFY emailEncodedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool save_password_local READ savePasswordLocal WRITE setSavePasswordLocal NOTIFY savePasswordLocalChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short verification_status READ verificationStatus WRITE setVerificationStatus NOTIFY verificationStatusChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool background_sync READ backgroundSync WRITE setBackgroundSync NOTIFY backgroundSyncChanged)
CloudStorageSettings(QObject *parent);
/* Monster class, should be breaken into a few more understandable classes later, wich will be easy to do:
* grab the Q_PROPERTYES and create a wrapper class like the ones above.
class SettingsObjectWrapper : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QString divelist_font READ divelistFont WRITE setDivelistFont NOTIFY divelistFontChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString default_filename READ defaultFilename WRITE setDefaultFilename NOTIFY defaultFilenameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString default_cylinder READ defaultCylinder WRITE setDefaultCylinder NOTIFY defaultCylinderChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString cloud_base_url READ cloudBaseUrl WRITE setCloudBaseURL NOTIFY cloudBaseUrlChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString cloud_git_url READ cloudGitUrl WRITE setCloudGitUrl NOTIFY cloudGitUrlChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString time_format READ timeFormat WRITE setTimeFormat NOTIFY timeFormatChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString date_format READ dateFormat WRITE setDateFormat NOTIFY dateFormatChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString date_format_short READ dateFormatShort WRITE setDateFormatShort NOTIFY dateFormatShortChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool time_format_override READ timeFormatOverride WRITE setTimeFormatOverride NOTIFY timeFormatOverrideChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool date_format_override READ dateFormatOverride WRITE setDateFormatOverride NOTIFY dateFormatOverrideChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(double font_size READ fontSize WRITE setFontSize NOTIFY fontSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short mod READ mod WRITE setMod NOTIFY modChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(double modpO2 READ modp02 WRITE setModp02 NOTIFY modpO2Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(short ead READ ead WRITE setEad NOTIFY eadChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short dcceiling READ dcceiling WRITE setDCceiling NOTIFY dcceilingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short redceiling READ redceiling WRITE setRedceiling NOTIFY redceilingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short calcceiling READ calcceiling WRITE setCalcceiling NOTIFY calcceilingChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short calcceiling3m READ calcceiling3m WRITE setCalcceiling3m NOTIFY calcceiling3mChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short calcalltissues READ calcalltissues WRITE setCalcalltissues NOTIFY calcalltissuesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short calcndltts READ calcndltts WRITE setCalcndltts NOTIFY calcndlttsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short gflow READ gflow WRITE setGflow NOTIFY gflowChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short gfhigh READ gfhigh WRITE setGfhigh NOTIFY gfhighChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int animation_speed READ animationSpeed WRITE setAnimationSpeed NOTIFY animationSpeedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool gf_low_at_maxdepth READ gfLowAtMaxDepth WRITE setGfLowAtMaxDepth NOTIFY gfLowAtMaxDepthChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool show_ccr_setpoint READ showCCRSetpoint WRITE setShowCCRSetpoint NOTIFY showCCRSetpointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool show_ccr_sensors READ showCCRSensors WRITE setShowCCRSensors NOTIFY showCCRSensorsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short display_invalid_dives READ displayInvalidDives WRITE setDisplayInvalidDives NOTIFY displayInvalidDivesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short unit_system READ unitSystem WRITE setUnitSystem NOTIFY uintSystemChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool coordinates_traditional READ coordinatesTraditional WRITE setCoordinatesTraditional NOTIFY coordinatesTraditionalChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short show_sac READ showSac WRITE setShowSac NOTIFY showSacChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short display_unused_tanks READ displayUnusedTanks WRITE setDisplayUnusedTanks NOTIFY displayUnusedTanksChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short show_average_depth READ showAverageDepth WRITE setShowAverageDepth NOTIFY showAverageDepthChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short zoomed_plot READ zoomedPlot WRITE setZoomedPlot NOTIFY zoomedPlotChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short hrgraph READ hrgraph WRITE setHRgraph NOTIFY hrgraphChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short percentagegraph READ percentageGraph WRITE setPercentageGraph NOTIFY percentageGraphChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short rulergraph READ rulerGraph WRITE setRulerGraph NOTIFY rulerGraphChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short tankbar READ tankBar WRITE setTankBar NOTIFY tankBarChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short save_userid_local READ saveUserIdLocal WRITE setSaveUserIdLocal NOTIFY saveUserIdLocalChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString userid READ userId WRITE setUserId NOTIFY userIdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int ascrate75 READ ascrate75 WRITE setAscrate75 NOTIFY ascrate75Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(int ascrate50 READ ascrate50 WRITE setAscrate50 NOTIFY ascrate50Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(int ascratestops READ ascratestops WRITE setAscratestops NOTIFY ascratestopsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int ascratelast6m READ ascratelast6m WRITE setAscratelast6m NOTIFY ascratelast6mChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int descrate READ descrate WRITE setDescrate NOTIFY descrateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int bottompo2 READ bottompo2 WRITE setBottompo2 NOTIFY bottompo2Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(int decopo2 READ decopo2 WRITE setDecopo2 NOTIFY decopo2Changed)
Q_PROPERTY(bool doo2breaks READ doo2breaks WRITE setDoo2breaks NOTIFY doo2breaksChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool drop_stone_mode READ dropStoneMode WRITE setDropStoneMode NOTIFY dropStoneModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool last_stop READ lastStop WRITE setLastStop NOTIFY lastStopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool verbatim_plan READ verbatimPlan WRITE setVerbatimPlan NOTIFY verbatimPlanChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool display_runtime READ displayRuntime WRITE setDisplayRuntime NOTIFY displayRuntimeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool display_duration READ displayDuration WRITE setDisplayDuration NOTIFY displayDurationChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool display_transitions READ displayTransitions WRITE setDisplayTransitions NOTIFY displayTransitionsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool safetystop READ safetyStop WRITE setSafetyStop NOTIFY safetyStopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool switch_at_req_stop READ switchAtRequiredStop WRITE setSwitchAtRequiredStop NOTIFY switchAtRequiredStopChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int reserve_gas READ reserveGas WRITE setReserveGas NOTIFY reserveGasChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int min_switch_duration READ minSwitchDuration WRITE setMinSwitchDuration NOTIFY minSwitchDurationChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int bottomsac READ bottomSac WRITE setBottomSac NOTIFY bottomSacChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int decosac READ decoSac WRITE setSecoSac NOTIFY decoSacChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int o2consumption READ o2Consumption WRITE setO2Consumption NOTIFY o2ConsumptionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int pscr_ratio READ pscrRatio WRITE setPscrRatio NOTIFY pscrRatioChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int defaultsetpoint READ defaultSetPoint WRITE setDefaultSetPoint NOTIFY defaultSetPointChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool show_pictures_in_profile READ showPicturesInProfile WRITE setShowPicturesInProfile NOTIFY showPicturesInProfileChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool use_default_file READ useDefaultFile WRITE setUseDefaultFile NOTIFY useDefaultFileChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short default_file_behavior READ defaultFileBehavior WRITE setDefaultFileBehavior NOTIFY defaultFileBehaviorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(short conservatism_level READ conservatism_level WRITE setConservatismLevel NOTIFY conservatismLevelChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int time_threshold READ timeThreshold WRITE setTimeThreshold NOTIFY timeThresholdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int distance_threshold READ distanceThreshold WRITE setDistanceThreshold NOTIFY distanceThresholdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool git_local_only READ gitLocalOnly WRITE setGitLocalOnly NOTIFY gitLocalOnlyChanged)
PartialPressureGasSettings *pp_gas;
FacebookSettings *facebook;
GeocodingPreferences *geocoding;
ProxySettings *proxy;
// Units
struct units units;
// Decompression Mode
enum deco_mode deco_mode;
SettingsObjectWrapper(QObject *parent = NULL);