The calculation of the range was broken, it resulted in
a to-value smaller than the from-value, owing to a
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
We must add one more entries than there are days, because the
entries describe the values between histograms.
The root cause of the problem here is that a histogram axis
is misused for a continuous day-axis.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Move the various font objects the the StatsTheme structure to enable
different font weights for different themes.
For the dark theme, switch to a bold font, because the thin white
font was barely visible.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
To enable rudimentary theming, collect all colors in a new
theme class. The class has to be passed down to the various
In general the items save a reference to the them in the
constructor. Alternatively, they might also just query
the StatsView everytime they need to access a color.
For now, it's hard the say what is preferred: a reference
per item or a function call per invokation?
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Fix a bug that was fixed in b5c8d0dbb4 and reintroduced in
e7907c494f. Here is the original commit message:
The range for a one-bin chart is [-0.5,0.5], thus the range
in an n-bin chart is [-0.5,n-0.5], not [-0.5,n+0.5].
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
The code was wrong, because it deleted the ChartItems in the
main UI thread, not the render thread. This would delete the
QSG nodes in the UI thread and then crash on mobile.
Therefore refactor this part of the code by adding the
items to be deleted to a list that will be deleted by the
render thread.
As a drop in replacement of std::unique_ptr, implement
a silly ChartItemPtr class, which auto-initializes to null.
This turns the deterministic and easily controlled memory
management into a steaming pile of insanity. Obviously,
this can be made much more elegant, but this has to do for now.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Render the labels and the title into a pixmap and render
the ticks and the base line using individual QSGNodes.
Attempting to render the ticks likewise into the pixmap
gave horrible results, because (quite obviously) rendering
with QPainter and the QSG shader gives non-matching ticks
and grid lines.
The memory management had to be changed a bit: The ChartItems
were collected in the root QSGNode. However, the axes are added
before the first plotting, so this node might not exist.
Therefore, store the axes in the StatsView object.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
In categorical axes all labels were printed leading to a big
tohu wa-bohu for two many bins. Therefore, if a label is
larger than the space between two ticks, replace by an ellipsis.
Adjust the size of the ellipsis (".", ".." or "...") to the
available space.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
The old code didn't consider that labels can peak out of
horizontal axes if labels are under ticks.
This commit takes this into account. However, it must be
noted that this is only heuristics: Before setting the
size of the axes, the actual minimum and maximum label are
not known, because we round to "nice" numbers. But the
size of the axis can only be set after knowing the overhang,
leading to a circular dependency. Therefore, the code
currently simply uses the minimum and maximum value of
the data, hoping that the "nice" values will not format
to something significantly larger. We could do a multi-pass
scheme, but let's not for now.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Android and iOS use qmake, so add the code to the .pro file.
This also removes all remnants of QCharts includes and uses and all the
references to QCharts in our various build systems.
That was a brief but extremely useful detour.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
It turns out that the wrong base class was used for the chart.
QQuickWidget can only be used on desktop, not in a mobile UI.
Therefore, turn this into a QQuickItem and move the container
QQuickWidget into desktop-only code.
Currently, this code is insane: The chart is rendered onto a
QGraphicsScene (as it was before), which is then rendered into
a QImage, which is transformed into a QSGTexture, which is then
projected onto the device. This is performed on every mouse
move event, since these events in general change the position
of the info-box.
The plan is to slowly convert elements such as the info-box into
QQuickItems. Browsing the QtQuick documentation, this will
not be much fun.
Also note that the rendering currently tears, flickers and has
antialiasing artifacts, most likely owing to integer (QImage)
to floating point (QGraphicsScene, QQuickItem) conversion
problems. The data flow is
QGraphicsScene (float) -> QImage (int) -> QQuickItem (float).
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
The range for a one-bin chart is [-0.5,0.5], thus the range
in an n-bin chart is [-0.5,n-0.5], not [-0.5,n+0.5].
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
The grid is based on the axis ticks. If labels in histogram
axes were skipped (because there are too many bins), it could
happen that the grid was incomplete, because the first and/or
last tick were missing. Add these explicitly.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
The coordinates of these were calculated when creating the feature.
This is wrong, because the min/max values of the axes can change
on resize to get "nice" number. Therefore, recalculate after resizing.
This means that the general "LineMarker" class has to be split into
two classes, one for regression lines and one for median/mean
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Easy enough to implement, but one weirdness:
To get the height of the rotated text, one has to access the
width() member of the boundingRect. I'm not sure if that makes
sense, but so be it.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Replace by custom implementation, with the ultimate goal to
remove the QtCharts module. This doesn't yet display axis
titles or a grid.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Signed-off-by: Dirk Hohndel <>
The chart was passed as argument to the function recalculating
the axis labels. Instead, pass the chart in the constructor of
the axes and save it. This gains us flexibility for the future:
There will be more functions that need to access the chart (e.g.
resizing of the axes).
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>
Implement five kinds of axes:
- ValueAxis: a standard axis for plotting numerical linear data.
- CountAxis: a ValueAxis for plotting counts of dives.
- CategoryAxis: an axis for plotting discrete variables without
any notion of distance.
- HistogramAxis: an axis for plotting bins with a numeric value.
- DateAxis: a HistogramAxis that formats dates.
The axes derive from a common virtual base class that defines
a small interface, notably, returning the minimum and maximum
displayed value and redrawing the axis.
The mapping and painting is performed by QtCharts' axes. On
the one hand, using QtCharts turned out to be too inflexible.
On the other hand it allowed us to quickly prototype the charts.
Ultimately, we should do our own drawing of the axis.
As a testament to the inflexibility, QtCharts' axes do not
allow for repeated labels is needed for quarter-based date
charts (year, Q2, Q3, Q4, year, Q2, Q3, ...). Therefore the
code disambiguates labels by adding unicode zero-width spaces.
When omitting labels due to space reasons, the histogram
axis attempts to show "preferred" labels. In the quarter
example above, it tries to show full years.
Signed-off-by: Berthold Stoeger <>