#!/bin/bash -e # start from the directory above the combined subsurface & subsurface/libdivecomputer directory # # in order to be able to make changes to the debian/* files without changing the source # this script assumes that the debian/* files plus a separate debian.changelog are in # this directory as well - this makes testing builds on launchpad easier # for most people all it should take is to run # cp -a packaging/ubuntu/debian . # if [[ $(pwd | grep "subsurface$") || ! -d subsurface || ! -d subsurface/libdivecomputer || ! -d subsurface/libgit2 ]] ; then echo "Please start this script from the folder ABOVE the subsurface source directory" echo "which includes libdivecomputer and libgit2 as subdirectories)." exit 1; fi GITVERSION=$(cd subsurface ; git describe | sed -e 's/-g.*$// ; s/^v//') GITREVISION=$(echo $GITVERSION | sed -e 's/.*-// ; s/.*\..*//') VERSION=$(echo $GITVERSION | sed -e 's/-/./') LIBDCREVISION=$(cd subsurface/libdivecomputer ; git rev-parse --verify HEAD) # # echo "building Subsurface" $VERSION "with libdivecomputer" $LIBDCREVISION # if [[ ! -d subsurface_$VERSION ]]; then mkdir subsurface_$VERSION if [[ "x$GITREVISION" != "x" ]] ; then rm -f subsurfacedaily-$VERSION ln -s subsurface_$VERSION subsurfacedaily-$VERSION else rm -f subsurfacebeta-$VERSION ln -s subsurface_$VERSION subsurfacebeta-$VERSION fi # # echo "copying sources" # (cd subsurface ; tar cf - . ) | (cd subsurface_$VERSION ; tar xf - ) cd subsurface_$VERSION; rm -rf .git libdivecomputer/.git libgit2/.git marble-source/.git echo $GITVERSION > .gitversion echo $LIBDCREVISION > libdivecomputer/revision # dh_make --email dirk@hohndel.org -c gpl2 --createorig --single --yes -p subsurface_$VERSION # rm debian/*.ex debian/*.EX debian/README.* # # echo "creating source tar file for OBS and Ununtu PPA" # if [[ "x$GITREVISION" != "x" ]] ; then (cd .. ; tar ch subsurfacedaily-$VERSION | xz > home:Subsurface-Divelog/Subsurface-daily/subsurface-$VERSION.orig.tar.xz) & else (cd .. ; tar ch subsurfacebeta-$VERSION | xz > home:Subsurface-Divelog/Subsurface-beta/subsurface-$VERSION.orig.tar.xz) & fi tar cf - . | xz > ../subsurface_$VERSION.orig.tar.xz else echo "using existing source tree" cd subsurface_$VERSION fi # # echo "preparint the debian directory" # export DEBEMAIL=dirk@hohndel.org rm -rf debian mkdir -p debian cp -a ../debian . cp ../debian.changelog debian/changelog rev=0 while [ $rev -le "99" ] do rev=$(($rev+1)) if [[ ! $(grep $VERSION-$rev debian/changelog) ]] ; then break fi done dch -v $VERSION-$rev~trusty -D trusty -M -m "next daily build" mv ~/src/debian.changelog ~/src/debian.changelog.previous cp debian/changelog ~/src/debian.changelog debuild -S #create builds for the newer Ubuntu releases that Launchpad supports rel=trusty others="vivid wily xenial yakkety" for next in $others do sed -i "s/${rel}/${next}/g" debian/changelog debuild -S rel=$next done # and now for precise (precise can't build Qt5 based packages) # with the switch to cmake the amount of effort to build Qt4 packages # on precise just doesn't seem worth it anymore #prev=vivid #rel=precise #sed -i "s/${prev}/${rel}/g" debian/changelog #cp debian/12.04.control debian/control #cp debian/12.04.rules debian/rules #debuild -S cd .. if [[ "$1x" = "postx" ]] ; then # daily vs. beta vs. release if [[ "x$GITREVISION" == "x" ]] ; then # this is a beta or a release; assume beta for now and deal with release later :-) dput ppa:subsurface/subsurface-beta subsurface_$VERSION-$rev~*.changes cd home:Subsurface-Divelog/Subsurface-beta osc rm $(ls subsurface*.tar.xz | grep -v $VERSION) osc add subsurface-$VERSION.orig.tar.xz sed -i "s/%define latestVersion.*/%define latestVersion $VERSION/" subsurfacebeta.spec sed -i "s/%define gitVersion .*/%define gitVersion 0/" subsurfacebeta.spec osc commit -m "next beta build" else dput ppa:subsurface/subsurface-daily subsurface_$VERSION-$rev~*.changes cd home:Subsurface-Divelog/Subsurface-daily osc rm $(ls subsurface*.tar.xz | grep -v $VERSION) osc add subsurface-$VERSION.orig.tar.xz sed -i "s/%define latestVersion.*/%define latestVersion $VERSION/" subsurfacedaily.spec sed -i "s/%define gitVersion .*/%define gitVersion $GITREVISION/" subsurfacedaily.spec osc commit -m "next daily build" fi fi