#!/bin/bash -e # This script is based in subsurface's packaging/windows/mxe-based-build.sh and # works in the same fashion. Building needs to be done in a directory out of # the source tree and, please, refer to said script for instructions on how to # build. # # Subsurface *MUST* have been built before running this script, as the importer # links against libsubsurface_corelib.a library. # Although is possible to build the latest git version of the importer against # whichever other version of subsurface, this should be avoided, and both # versions, subsurface and smtk-import should be the same. # # Flags and options: # -a (--auto): Mark the buils as "automatic". This assumes we are building # in a automated environment (e.g. travis-ci) and doesn't try # to change the git tag or repo. -t and -r flags are useless # if -a has been set. Building in travis-ci is detected and so # the flag is not necessary there. # -i (--installer): Packs a windows installer. This should always be used. # -t (--tag): Defines which git version we want to build. Defaults to # latest. E.g. -t v4.6.4 # -r (--repo): Set the repo you want to target for the build. If you are # working on a github fork, you will usually have an "origin" # and a "fork" repo, this enables choosing which repo you want # to pull from. # -b (--build): Values: debug or release. Defines the build we want to do. # -d (--dir): Specify a directory where a copy of the installer will be # placed. This is a *must* if the script runs in a VM, and # refers -usually- to a local dir mounted on the VM. # # Examples: (provided Subsurface has been previously cross built) # # For most pourposes, including travis builds, just # smtk2ssrf-mxe-build.sh -i # should be used. # # smtk2ssrf-mxe-build.sh -i -t master # This will build a release installer of smtk2ssrf placed in a directory under # the win-build directory where it has been launched, named smtk-import. It will # build git latest master regardless of subsurface's cross built version. # # smtk2ssrf-mxe-build.sh -b debug # This will build *just* a windows binary (no packing) of the latest master. # Use with care, this flag *must* match subsurface's build one. # # smtk2ssrf-mxe-build.sh -i -t v4.6.4 -b relase -d /mnt/data # As I'm building in a fedora-25 docker VM, this should bring up a release # installer of the v4.6.4 tag, and put a copy in my local mounted dir. In # fact this *should* fail to build because of portability issues in v4.6.4. # exec 1> >(tee ./winbuild_smtk2ssrf.log) 2>&1 # for debugging # trap "set +x; sleep 1; set -x" DEBUG # Set some colors for pretty output # BLUE="\033[0;34m" RED="\033[0;31m" LIGHT_GRAY="\033[0;37m" DEFAULT="\033[0m" SSRF_TAG="" RELEASE="Release" AUTO="${TRAVIS:-false}" # this is important, if we are building in a VM or if we want to get a copy # of the installer elsewhere out of the building tree. # In my case this is a mount point on the docker VM. DATADIR="" # Adjust desired build parallelism JOBS="-j1" EXECDIR=$(pwd) BASEDIR=$(cd "$EXECDIR/.."; pwd) BUILDDIR=$(cd "$EXECDIR"; pwd) GITREPO="" # Display an error message if we need to bail out # function aborting() { echo -e "$RED----> $1. Aborting.$DEFAULT" exit 1 } echo -e "$BLUE-> $BUILDDIR$DEFAULT" if [[ ! -d "$BASEDIR"/mxe ]] ; then echo -e "$RED--> Please start this from the right directory" echo -e "usually a winbuild directory parallel to the mxe directory $DEFAULT" exit 1 fi echo -e "$BLUE---> Building in$LIGHT_GRAY $BUILDDIR ...$DEFAULT" # check for arguments and set options if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "$BLUE---> No arguments given." echo -e "---> Building current git commit and Release type without installer $DEFAULT" else while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -a|--auto) AUTO="true" ;; -t|--tag) SSRF_TAG="$2" shift;; -i|--installer) INSTALLER="installer" ;; -b|--build) RELEASE="$2" shift;; -d|--dir) DATADIR="$2" shift;; -r|--repo) GITREPO="$2" shift;; esac shift done echo -e "$BLUE---> Subsurface tagged to:$LIGHT_GRAY ${SSRF_TAG:-latest}" echo -e "$BLUE---> Building type:$LIGHT_GRAY $RELEASE" echo -e "$BLUE---> Installer set to:$LIGHT_GRAY $INSTALLER $DEFAULT" fi case "$RELEASE" in debug|Debug) RELEASE=Debug [[ -f Release ]] && rm -rf ./* touch Debug ;; release|Release) RELEASE=Release [[ -f Debug ]] && rm -rf ./* touch Release ;; esac export PATH="$BASEDIR"/mxe/usr/bin:$PATH:"$BASEDIR"/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/bin/ export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH_x86_64_w64_mingw32_static="$BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/lib/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH_x86_64_w64_mingw32_shared="$BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/lib/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$PKG_CONFIG_PATH_x86_64_w64_mingw32_static":"$PKG_CONFIG_PATH_x86_64_w64_mingw32_shared" # # Subsurface # if [ "$AUTO" = "false" ]; then cd "$BASEDIR/subsurface" git reset --hard master && echo -e "$BLUE---> Uncommited changes to Subsurface (if any) dropped$DEFAULT" git checkout master if [ ! -z "$GITREPO" ]; then git pull --rebase "$GITREPO" master || aborting "git pull failed, Subsurface not updated" else git pull --rebase || aborting "git pull failed, Subsurface not updated" fi echo -e "$BLUE---> Subsurface updated$DEFAULT" if [ "$SSRF_TAG" != "" ]; then git checkout "$SSRF_TAG" || aborting "Failed to checkout Subsurface's $SSRF_TAG." fi fi # Every thing is ok. Go on. cd "$BUILDDIR" # Blow up smtk-import binary dir and make it again, just to be extra-clean rm -rf smtk-import && echo -e "$BLUE---> Deleted$LIGHT_GRAY $BUILDDIR/smtk-import folder$DEFAULT" mkdir -p smtk-import && echo -e "$BLUE---> Created new$LIGHT_GRAY $BUILDDIR/smtk-import folder$DEFAULT" # first copy the Qt plugins in place QT_PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES="$BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/plugins/iconengines \ $BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/plugins/imageformats \ $BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/plugins/styles \ $BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/plugins/platforms" # This comes from subsurface's mxe-based-build.sh. I'm not sure it is necessary # but, well, it doesn't hurt. EXTRA_MANUAL_DEPENDENCIES="$BASEDIR/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5/bin/Qt5Xml.dll" STAGING_DIR=$BUILDDIR/smtk-import/staging mkdir -p "$STAGING_DIR"/plugins for d in $QT_PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES do [[ -d $d ]] && cp -a "$d" "$STAGING_DIR"/plugins done for f in $EXTRA_MANUAL_DEPENDENCIES do [[ -f $f ]] && cp "$f" "$STAGING_DIR" done cd "$BUILDDIR"/smtk-import mkdir -p staging echo -e "$BLUE---> Building CMakeCache.txt$DEFAULT" x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-cmake \ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$BASEDIR"/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/share/cmake/mxe-conf.cmake \ -DPKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE="/usr/bin/pkg-config" \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$BASEDIR"/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared/qt5 \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$RELEASE \ -DMAKENSIS=x86_64-w64-mingw32.shared-makensis \ -DSSRF_CORELIB="$BUILDDIR"/subsurface/core/libsubsurface_corelib.a \ "$BASEDIR"/subsurface/smtk-import echo -e "$BLUE---> Building ...$DEFAULT" if [ ! -z "$INSTALLER" ]; then make "$JOBS" "$INSTALLER" else make "$JOBS" fi if [ ! -z "$DATADIR" ]; then echo -e "$BLUE---> Copying Smtk2ssrf installer to data folder$DEFAULT" cp -vf "$BUILDDIR"/smtk-import/smtk2ssrf-*.exe "$DATADIR" fi echo -e "$BLUE---> Building smtk2ssrf done$DEFAULT"