PreferencesGraph 0 0 655 634 Form Gas pressure display setup true Threshold for pO₂ (minimum, maximum) true bar 0.010000000000000 true bar 0.100000000000000 true Threshold for pN₂ (maximum only) true bar 0.100000000000000 true Threshold for pHe (maximum only) true bar 0.100000000000000 true pO₂ in calculating MOD (maximum only ) true bar 0.100000000000000 Rebreather setup CCR options: Dive planner default setpoint bar 2 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 Show O₂ sensor values when viewing pO₂ Show CCR setpoints when viewing pO₂ pSCR options: pSCR metabolic rate O₂ ℓ/min 3 Dilution ratio Qt::AlignCenter 1: Show equivalent OC pO₂ with pSCR pO₂ Planner setup Show warnings for isobaric counterdiffusion Allow open circuit gas to be used as diluent for CCR Ceiling display setup GFHigh Qt::AlignCenter B&ühlmann true true Algorithm for calculated ceiling: % 10 150 Conservatism level Qt::AlignCenter + 0 4 true Draw dive computer reported ceiling red &VPM-B % 40 150 GFLow Qt::AlignCenter Qt::Vertical 20 40 po2ThresholdMin po2ThresholdMax pn2Threshold pheThreshold maxpo2 defaultSetpoint show_ccr_sensors show_ccr_setpoint psro2rate pscrfactor show_scr_ocpo2 show_icd red_ceiling vpmb vpmb_conservatism buehlmann gflow gfhigh