// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "btdiscovery.h" #include "downloadfromdcthread.h" #include "core/libdivecomputer.h" #include <QTimer> #include <QDebug> #include <QLoggingCategory> #include <QRegularExpression> #include <QElapsedTimer> #include <QCoreApplication> extern QMap<QString, dc_descriptor_t *> descriptorLookup; namespace { QHash<QString, QBluetoothDeviceInfo> btDeviceInfo; } BTDiscovery *BTDiscovery::m_instance = NULL; struct modelPattern { uint16_t model; const char *vendor; const char *product; }; static struct modelPattern model[] = { { 0x4552, "Oceanic", "Pro Plus X" }, { 0x455A, "Aqualung", "i750TC" }, { 0x4647, "Sherwood", "Sage" }, { 0x4648, "Aqualung", "i300C" }, { 0x4649, "Aqualung", "i200C" }, { 0x4651, "Aqualung", "i770R" }, { 0x4652, "Aqualung", "i550C" }, { 0x4653, "Oceanic", "Geo 4.0" }, { 0x4654, "Oceanic", "Veo 4.0" }, { 0x4655, "Sherwood", "Wisdom 4" }, { 0x4656, "Oceanic", "Pro Plus 4" }, { 0x4743, "Aqualung", "i470TC" } }; struct namePattern { const char *prefix; const char *vendor; const char *product; }; static struct namePattern name[] = { // Shearwater dive computers { "Predator", "Shearwater", "Predator" }, // both the Petrel and Petrel 2 identify as "Petrel" as BT/BLE device // but only the Petrel 2 is listed as available dive computer on iOS (which requires BLE support) // so always pick the "Petrel 2" as product when seeing a Petrel { "Petrel", "Shearwater", "Petrel 2" }, { "Perdix", "Shearwater", "Perdix" }, { "Teric", "Shearwater", "Teric" }, { "Peregrine", "Shearwater", "Peregrine" }, { "NERD 2", "Shearwater", "NERD 2" }, { "NERD", "Shearwater", "NERD" }, // order is important, test for the more specific one first { "Predator", "Shearwater", "Predator" }, // Suunto dive computers { "EON Steel", "Suunto", "EON Steel" }, { "EON Core", "Suunto", "EON Core" }, { "Suunto D5", "Suunto", "D5" }, // Scubapro dive computers { "G2", "Scubapro", "G2" }, { "HUD", "Scubapro", "G2 HUD" }, { "Aladin", "Scubapro", "Aladin Sport Matrix" }, { "A1", "Scubapro", "Aladin A1" }, { "A2", "Scubapro", "Aladin A2" }, // Mares dive computers { "Mares Genius", "Mares", "Genius" }, { "Mares", "Mares", "Quad" }, // we actually don't know and just pick a common one - user needs to fix in UI // Cress dive computers { "CARESIO_", "Cressi", "Cartesio" }, { "GOA_", "Cressi", "Goa" }, // Deepblu dive computesr { "COSMIQ", "Deepblu", "Cosmiq+" }, // Oceans dive computers { "S1", "Oceans", "S1" }, // McLean dive computers { "McLean Extreme", "McLean", "Extreme" }, // Tecdiving dive computers { "DiveComputer", "Tecdiving", "DiveComputer.eu" } }; static dc_descriptor_t *getDeviceType(QString btName) // central function to convert a BT name to a Subsurface known vendor/model pair { QString vendor, product; if (btName.startsWith("OSTC")) { vendor = "Heinrichs Weikamp"; if (btName.mid(4,1) == "3") product = "OSTC Plus"; else if (btName.mid(4,2) == "s#") product = "OSTC Sport"; else if (btName.mid(4,2) == "s ") product = "OSTC Sport"; else if (btName.mid(4,2) == "4-") product = "OSTC 4"; else if (btName.mid(4,2) == "2-") product = "OSTC 2N"; else if (btName.mid(4,2) == "+ ") product = "OSTC 2"; // all BT/BLE enabled OSTCs are HW_FAMILY_OSTC_3, so when we do not know, // just use a default product that allows the codoe to download from the // user's dive computer else product = "OSTC 2"; } else if (btName.contains(QRegularExpression("^DS\\d{6}"))) { // The Ratio bluetooth name looks like the Pelagic ones, // but that seems to be just happenstance. vendor = "Ratio"; product = "iX3M GPS Easy"; // we don't know which of the GPS models, so set one } else if (btName.contains(QRegularExpression("^IX5M\\d{6}"))) { // The 2021 iX3M models (square buttons) report as iX5M, // eventhough the physical model states iX3M. vendor = "Ratio"; product = "iX3M GPS Easy"; // we don't know which of the GPS models, so set one } else if (btName.contains(QRegularExpression("^[A-Z]{2}\\d{6}"))) { // try the Pelagic/Aqualung name patterns // the source of truth for this data is in libdivecomputer/src/descriptor.c // we'd prefer to use the filter functions there but current design makes that really challenging // The Pelagic dive computers (generally branded as Oceanic, Aqualung, or Sherwood) // show up with a two-byte model code followed by six bytes of serial // number. The model code matches the hex model (so "FQ" is 0x4651, // where 'F' is 46h and 'Q' is 51h in ASCII). for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(model) / sizeof(struct modelPattern); i++) { QString pattern = QString("^%1%2\\d{6}$").arg(QChar(model[i].model >> 8)).arg(QChar(model[i].model & 0xFF)); if (btName.contains(QRegularExpression(pattern))) { vendor = model[i].vendor; product = model[i].product; break; } } } else { // finally try all the string prefix based ones for (uint16_t i = 0; i < sizeof(name) / sizeof(struct namePattern); i++) { if (btName.startsWith(name[i].prefix)) { vendor = name[i].vendor; product = name[i].product; break; } } } // check if we found a known dive computer if (!vendor.isEmpty() && !product.isEmpty()) { dc_descriptor_t *lookup = descriptorLookup.value(vendor.toLower() + product.toLower()); if (!lookup) qWarning("known dive computer %s not found in descriptorLookup", qPrintable(QString(vendor + product))); return lookup; } return nullptr; } bool matchesKnownDiveComputerNames(QString btName) { return getDeviceType(btName) != nullptr; } BTDiscovery::BTDiscovery(QObject*) : m_btValid(false), m_showNonDiveComputers(false), discoveryAgent(nullptr) { if (m_instance) { qDebug() << "trying to create an additional BTDiscovery object"; return; } m_instance = this; #if defined(BT_SUPPORT) QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules(QStringLiteral("qt.bluetooth* = true")); BTDiscoveryReDiscover(); #endif } void BTDiscovery::showNonDiveComputers(bool show) { m_showNonDiveComputers = show; } void BTDiscovery::BTDiscoveryReDiscover() { #if !defined(Q_OS_IOS) qDebug() << "BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localBtDevice.isValid()" << localBtDevice.isValid(); if (localBtDevice.isValid() && localBtDevice.hostMode() != QBluetoothLocalDevice::HostPoweredOff) { btPairedDevices.clear(); qDebug() << "BTDiscoveryReDiscover: localDevice " + localBtDevice.name() + " is powered on, starting discovery"; #else // for iOS we can't use the localBtDevice as iOS is BLE only // we need to find some other way to test if Bluetooth is enabled, though // for now just hard-code it if (1) { #endif m_btValid = true; if (discoveryAgent == nullptr) { discoveryAgent = new QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent(this); discoveryAgent->setLowEnergyDiscoveryTimeout(3 * 60 * 1000); // search for three minutes connect(discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::deviceDiscovered, this, &BTDiscovery::btDeviceDiscovered); connect(discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::finished, this, &BTDiscovery::btDeviceDiscoveryFinished); connect(discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::canceled, this, &BTDiscovery::btDeviceDiscoveryFinished); connect(discoveryAgent, QOverload<QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error>::of(&QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::error), [this](QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error error){ qDebug() << "device discovery received error" << discoveryAgent->errorString(); }); qDebug() << "discovery methods" << (int)QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::supportedDiscoveryMethods(); } #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) // on Android, we cannot scan for classic devices - we just get the paired ones qDebug() << "starting BLE discovery"; discoveryAgent->start(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::LowEnergyMethod); getBluetoothDevices(); // and add the paired devices to the internal data // So behaviour is same on Linux/Bluez stack and // Android/Java stack with respect to discovery for (int i = 0; i < btPairedDevices.length(); i++) btDeviceDiscoveredMain(btPairedDevices[i], true); #else qDebug() << "starting BT/BLE discovery"; discoveryAgent->start(); for (int i = 0; i < btPairedDevices.length(); i++) qDebug() << "Paired =" << btPairedDevices[i].name << btPairedDevices[i].address; #endif #if defined(Q_OS_IOS) || (defined(Q_OS_LINUX) && !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)) QTimer timer; timer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, discoveryAgent, &QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::stop); timer.start(3000); #endif } else { qDebug() << "localBtDevice isn't valid or not connectable"; m_btValid = false; } } BTDiscovery::~BTDiscovery() { m_instance = NULL; #if defined(BT_SUPPORT) delete discoveryAgent; #endif } BTDiscovery *BTDiscovery::instance() { if (!m_instance) m_instance = new BTDiscovery(); return m_instance; } #if defined(BT_SUPPORT) extern void addBtUuid(QBluetoothUuid uuid); extern QHash<QString, QStringList> productList; extern QStringList vendorList; QString btDeviceAddress(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo *device, bool isBle) { QString address = device->address().isNull() ? device->deviceUuid().toString() : device->address().toString(); const char *prefix = isBle ? "LE:" : ""; return prefix + address; } QString markBLEAddress(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo *device) { QBluetoothDeviceInfo::CoreConfigurations flags = device->coreConfigurations(); bool isBle = flags == QBluetoothDeviceInfo::LowEnergyCoreConfiguration; return btDeviceAddress(device, isBle); } void BTDiscovery::btDeviceDiscoveryFinished() { qDebug() << "BT/BLE finished discovery"; QList<QBluetoothDeviceInfo> devList = discoveryAgent->discoveredDevices(); for (QBluetoothDeviceInfo device: devList) { qDebug() << device.name() << device.address().toString(); } } void BTDiscovery::btDeviceDiscovered(const QBluetoothDeviceInfo &device) { btPairedDevice this_d; this_d.address = markBLEAddress(&device); this_d.name = device.name(); btPairedDevices.append(this_d); const auto serviceUuids = device.serviceUuids(); for (QBluetoothUuid id: serviceUuids) { addBtUuid(id); qDebug() << id.toByteArray(); } #if defined(Q_OS_IOS) || defined(Q_OS_MACOS) || defined(Q_OS_WIN) // on Windows, macOS and iOS we need to scan in order to be able to access a device; // let's remember the information we scanned on this run so we can at least // refer back to it and don't need to open the separate scanning dialog every // time we try to download from a BT/BLE dive computer. saveBtDeviceInfo(btDeviceAddress(&device, false), device); #endif btDeviceDiscoveredMain(this_d, false); } void BTDiscovery::btDeviceDiscoveredMain(const btPairedDevice &device, bool fromPaired) { btVendorProduct btVP; QString newDevice; dc_descriptor_t *newDC = getDeviceType(device.name); if (newDC) newDevice = dc_descriptor_get_product(newDC); else newDevice = device.name; QString msg; msg = QString("%1 device: '%2' [%3]: ").arg(fromPaired ? "Paired" : "Discovered new").arg(newDevice).arg(device.address); if (newDC) { QString vendor = dc_descriptor_get_vendor(newDC); qDebug() << msg << "this could be a " + vendor; btVP.btpdi = device; btVP.dcDescriptor = newDC; btVP.vendorIdx = vendorList.indexOf(vendor); btVP.productIdx = productList[vendor].indexOf(newDevice); btDCs << btVP; connectionListModel.addAddress(newDevice + " " + device.address); return; } // Do we want only devices we recognize as dive computers? if (m_showNonDiveComputers) { if (!newDevice.isEmpty()) newDevice += " "; connectionListModel.addAddress(newDevice + device.address); } qDebug() << msg << "not recognized as dive computer"; } QList<BTDiscovery::btVendorProduct> BTDiscovery::getBtDcs() { return btDCs; } bool BTDiscovery::btAvailable() const { return m_btValid; } // Android: As Qt is not able to pull the pairing data from a device, i // a lengthy discovery process is needed to see what devices are paired. On // https://forum.qt.io/topic/46075/solved-bluetooth-list-paired-devices // user s.frings74 does, however, present a solution to this using JNI. // Currently, this code is taken "as is". #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) void BTDiscovery::getBluetoothDevices() { struct BTDiscovery::btPairedDevice result; // Query via Android Java API. // returns a BluetoothAdapter QAndroidJniObject adapter=QAndroidJniObject::callStaticObjectMethod("android/bluetooth/BluetoothAdapter","getDefaultAdapter","()Landroid/bluetooth/BluetoothAdapter;"); if (checkException("BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter()", &adapter)) { return; } // returns a Set<BluetoothDevice> QAndroidJniObject pairedDevicesSet=adapter.callObjectMethod("getBondedDevices","()Ljava/util/Set;"); if (checkException("BluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices()", &pairedDevicesSet)) { return; } jint size=pairedDevicesSet.callMethod<jint>("size"); checkException("Set<BluetoothDevice>.size()", &pairedDevicesSet); if (size > 0) { // returns an Iterator<BluetoothDevice> QAndroidJniObject iterator=pairedDevicesSet.callObjectMethod("iterator","()Ljava/util/Iterator;"); if (checkException("Set<BluetoothDevice>.iterator()", &iterator)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // returns a BluetoothDevice QAndroidJniObject dev=iterator.callObjectMethod("next","()Ljava/lang/Object;"); if (checkException("Iterator<BluetoothDevice>.next()", &dev)) { continue; } jint btType = dev.callMethod<jint>("getType", "()I"); // 1 means Classic. 2 means BLE, 3 means dual stack result.address = dev.callObjectMethod("getAddress","()Ljava/lang/String;").toString(); result.name = dev.callObjectMethod("getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;").toString(); if (btType & 1) { // DEVICE_TYPE_CLASSIC qDebug() << "paired BT classic device type" << btType << "with address" << result.address; btPairedDevices.append(result); } if (btType & 2) { // DEVICE_TYPE_LE result.address = QString("LE:%1").arg(result.address); qDebug() << "paired BLE device type" << btType << "with address" << result.address; btPairedDevices.append(result); } } } } bool BTDiscovery::checkException(const char* method, const QAndroidJniObject *obj) { static QAndroidJniEnvironment env; bool result = false; if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { qCritical("Exception in %s", method); env->ExceptionDescribe(); env->ExceptionClear(); result=true; } if (!(obj == NULL || obj->isValid())) { qCritical("Invalid object returned by %s", method); result=true; } return result; } #endif // Q_OS_ANDROID void BTDiscovery::discoverAddress(QString address) { // if we have a discovery agent, check if we know about the address and if not // make sure we are looking for it // (if we don't have a discoveryAgent then likely BT is off or something else went wrong) if (!discoveryAgent) return; // let's make sure there is no device name mixed in with the address QString btAddress; btAddress = extractBluetoothAddress(address); if (!btDeviceInfo.keys().contains(address) && !discoveryAgent->isActive()) { qDebug() << "restarting discovery agent"; discoveryAgent->start(); } } void BTDiscovery::stopAgent() { if (!discoveryAgent) return; qDebug() << "---> stopping the discovery agent"; discoveryAgent->stop(); } bool isBluetoothAddress(const QString &address) { return extractBluetoothAddress(address) != QString(); } QString extractBluetoothAddress(const QString &address) { QRegularExpression re("(LE:)*([0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}|{[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}})", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(address); return m.captured(0); } QString extractBluetoothNameAddress(const QString &address, QString &name) { // sometimes our device text is of the form "name (address)", sometimes it's just "address" // let's simply return the address name = QString(); QString extractedAddress = extractBluetoothAddress(address); if (extractedAddress == address.trimmed()) return address; QRegularExpression re("^([^()]+)\\(([^)]*\\))$"); QRegularExpressionMatch m = re.match(address); if (m.hasMatch()) { name = m.captured(1).trimmed(); return extractedAddress; } qDebug() << "can't parse address" << address; return QString(); } void saveBtDeviceInfo(const QString &devaddr, QBluetoothDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { btDeviceInfo[devaddr] = deviceInfo; } QBluetoothDeviceInfo getBtDeviceInfo(const QString &devaddr) { if (btDeviceInfo.contains(devaddr)) { BTDiscovery::instance()->stopAgent(); return btDeviceInfo[devaddr]; } if(!btDeviceInfo.keys().contains(devaddr)) { qDebug() << "still looking scan is still running, we should just wait for a few moments"; // wait for a maximum of 30 more seconds // yes, that seems crazy, but on my Mac I see this take more than 20 seconds QElapsedTimer timer; timer.start(); do { if (btDeviceInfo.keys().contains(devaddr)) { BTDiscovery::instance()->stopAgent(); return btDeviceInfo[devaddr]; } QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); QThread::msleep(100); } while (timer.elapsed() < 30000); } qDebug() << "notify user that we can't find" << devaddr; return QBluetoothDeviceInfo(); } #endif // BT_SUPPORT