#!/usr/bin/perl my $input = $ARGV[0]; my $source = `clang-format $input`; # for_each_dive (...) and friends... $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(.*each.*\(.*) \* (\S.*\))$/$1 *$2/img; # if a variable is declared in the argument, '*' is an indicator for a pointer, not arithmatic $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(.*each.*\(.*) \& (\S.*\))$/$1 &$2/img; # if a variable is declared in the argument, '&' is an indicator for a reference, not bit logic $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(.*each[^\s(]*)\s*(\(.*)$/$1 $2/img; # we want exactly one space between keyword and opening parenthesis '(' $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(.*each.*\(.*\).*)\n\s*{\s*$/$1 {/img; # we want the opening curly brace on the same line, separated by a space $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(\s+[^#\/*].*each.*\(.*\))\n(\s*)([^{}\s])/$1\n\t$2$3/img; # don't have '{' in the next line when declaring data types $source =~ s/^(\s*struct[^()\n]*)\n\s*{\s*$/$1 {/img; $source =~ s/^(\s*static\s+struct[^()\n]*)\n\s*{\s*$/$1 {/img; $source =~ s/^(\s*union[^()\n]*)\n\s*{\s*$/$1 {/img; $source =~ s/^(\s*static\s+union[^()\n]*)\n\s*{\s*$/$1 {/img; $source =~ s/^(\s*class.*)\n\s*{\s*$/$1 {/img; # a namespace shouldn't look like a function $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(namespace.*)\n\{/$1 {/img; # colon goes at the end of a line $source =~ s/^(\S*::\S*.*)\n\s*: /$1 : /img; # odd indentations from clang-format: # six spaces or four spaces after tabs (for continuation strings) $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)[ ]{6}/\t/mg; $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(\t*)[ ]{4}"/$1\t"/mg; # the next ones are rather awkward # they capture multi line #define and #if definded statements # that clang-format messes up (where does that 4 space indentation come # from? # I couldn't figure out how to make it apply to an arbitrary number of # intermediate lines, so I hardcoded 0 through 5 lines between the #define # or #if defined statements and the end of the multi line statement $source =~ s/^(#(?:if |)define.*)\n +([^*].*)$/$1\n\t$2/mg; $source =~ s/^(#(?:if |)define.*)((?:\\\n.*){1})\n +([^*].*)$/$1$2\n\t$3/mg; $source =~ s/^(#(?:if |)define.*)((?:\\\n.*){2})\n +([^*].*)$/$1$2\n\t$3/mg; $source =~ s/^(#(?:if |)define.*)((?:\\\n.*){3})\n +([^*].*)$/$1$2\n\t$3/mg; $source =~ s/^(#(?:if |)define.*)((?:\\\n.*){4})\n +([^*].*)$/$1$2\n\t$3/mg; $source =~ s/^(#(?:if |)define.*)((?:\\\n.*){5})\n +([^*].*)$/$1$2\n\t$3/mg; # don't put line break before the last single term argument of a calculation $source =~ s/(?:\G|^)(.*[+-])\n\s*(\S*\;)$/$1 $2/mg; sub indent_ctor_init_lists { my($content) = @_; # all caps/_ with just an argument list is a macro invocation and shouldn't be moved my @not_ctor_words = qw( \bdo\b \belse\b \bfor\b \bif\b \bsizeof\b \bswitch\b \bwhile\b \btr\b \bconnect\b ^[A-Z_]+\(.*\)$ ); my $regexStr = "(" . join("|", @not_ctor_words) . ")"; my $not_ctor_regex = qr{$regexStr}; my $result = ""; for ( split(/\n/, $content) ) { if ($_ =~ $not_ctor_regex) { # probably not a ctor line. leave it be. $result .= $_ . "\n"; } else { $_ =~ s/^\s*(\w*\(.*\),?)$/\t$1/mg; $result .= $_ . "\n"; } } return $result; } $source = indent_ctor_init_lists($source); $quotedinput = $input; $quotedinput =~ s|/|\\/|g; open (DIFF, "| diff -u $input - | sed -e 's/--- $quotedinput/--- $quotedinput.old/' | sed -e 's/+++ -/+++ $quotedinput/'"); print DIFF $source ;