// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "statsview.h" #include "barseries.h" #include "boxseries.h" #include "histogrammarker.h" #include "legend.h" #include "pieseries.h" #include "quartilemarker.h" #include "regressionitem.h" #include "scatterseries.h" #include "statsaxis.h" #include "statscolors.h" #include "statsgrid.h" #include "statshelper.h" #include "statsstate.h" #include "statstranslations.h" #include "statsvariables.h" #include "zvalues.h" #include "core/divefilter.h" #include "core/subsurface-qt/divelistnotifier.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Constants that control the graph layouts static const double sceneBorder = 5.0; // Border between scene edges and statitistics view static const double titleBorder = 2.0; // Border between title and chart StatsView::StatsView(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickItem(parent), highlightedSeries(nullptr), xAxis(nullptr), yAxis(nullptr), draggedItem(nullptr), rootNode(nullptr), firstDirtyChartItem(nullptr), lastDirtyChartItem(nullptr) { setFlag(ItemHasContents, true); connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::numShownChanged, this, &StatsView::replotIfVisible); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt::LeftButton); QFont font; titleFont = QFont(font.family(), font.pointSize(), QFont::Light); // Make configurable } StatsView::StatsView() : StatsView(nullptr) { } StatsView::~StatsView() { } void StatsView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { // Currently, we only support dragging of the legend. If other objects // should be made draggable, this needs to be generalized. if (legend) { QPointF pos = event->localPos(); QRectF rect = legend->getRect(); if (legend->getRect().contains(pos)) { dragStartMouse = pos; dragStartItem = rect.topLeft(); draggedItem = legend.get(); grabMouse(); } } } void StatsView::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { if (draggedItem) { draggedItem = nullptr; ungrabMouse(); } } class RootNode : public QSGNode { public: RootNode(QQuickWindow *w); QSGRectangleNode *backgroundNode; // solid background QSGImageNode *imageNode; // imageNode to plot QGRaphicsScene on. Remove in due course. // We entertain one node per Z-level. std::array zNodes; }; RootNode::RootNode(QQuickWindow *w) { // Add a background rectangle with a solid color. This could // also be done on the widget level, but would have to be done // separately for desktop and mobile, so do it here. backgroundNode = w->createRectangleNode(); backgroundNode->setColor(backgroundColor); appendChildNode(backgroundNode); for (QSGNode *&zNode: zNodes) { zNode = new QSGNode; appendChildNode(zNode); } imageNode = w->createImageNode(); zNodes[(int)ChartZValue::Series]->appendChildNode(imageNode); } QSGNode *StatsView::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, QQuickItem::UpdatePaintNodeData *) { // The QtQuick drawing interface is utterly bizzare with a distinct 1980ies-style memory management. // This is just a copy of what is found in Qt's documentation. RootNode *n = static_cast(oldNode); if (!n) n = rootNode = new RootNode(window()); QRectF rect = boundingRect(); if (plotRect != rect) { plotRect = rect; rootNode->backgroundNode->setRect(rect); plotAreaChanged(plotRect.size()); } for (ChartItem *item = std::exchange(firstDirtyChartItem, nullptr); item; item = std::exchange(item->dirtyNext, nullptr)) { item->render(); item->dirty = false; item->dirtyPrev = nullptr; } img->fill(Qt::transparent); scene.render(painter.get()); texture.reset(window()->createTextureFromImage(*img, QQuickWindow::TextureHasAlphaChannel)); n->imageNode->setTexture(texture.get()); n->imageNode->setRect(rect); return n; } void StatsView::addQSGNode(QSGNode *node, ChartZValue z) { int idx = std::clamp((int)z, 0, (int)ChartZValue::Count - 1); rootNode->zNodes[idx]->appendChildNode(node); } void StatsView::unregisterDirtyChartItem(ChartItem &item) { if (!item.dirty) return; if (item.dirtyNext) item.dirtyNext->dirtyPrev = item.dirtyPrev; else lastDirtyChartItem = item.dirtyPrev; if (item.dirtyPrev) item.dirtyPrev->dirtyNext = item.dirtyNext; else firstDirtyChartItem = item.dirtyNext; item.dirtyPrev = item.dirtyNext = nullptr; item.dirty = false; } void StatsView::registerDirtyChartItem(ChartItem &item) { if (item.dirty) return; if (!firstDirtyChartItem) { firstDirtyChartItem = &item; } else { item.dirtyPrev = lastDirtyChartItem; lastDirtyChartItem->dirtyNext = &item; } lastDirtyChartItem = &item; item.dirty = true; } QQuickWindow *StatsView::w() const { return window(); } QSizeF StatsView::size() const { return boundingRect().size(); } QRectF StatsView::plotArea() const { return plotRect; } void StatsView::plotAreaChanged(const QSizeF &s) { // Make sure that image is at least one pixel wide / high, otherwise // the painter starts acting up. int w = std::max(1, static_cast(floor(s.width()))); int h = std::max(1, static_cast(floor(s.height()))); scene.setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, static_cast(w), static_cast(h))); painter.reset(); img.reset(new QImage(w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32)); painter.reset(new QPainter(img.get())); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); double left = sceneBorder; double top = sceneBorder; double right = s.width() - sceneBorder; double bottom = s.height() - sceneBorder; const double minSize = 30.0; if (title) top += title->boundingRect().height() + titleBorder; // Currently, we only have either none, or an x- and a y-axis std::pair horizontalSpace{ 0.0, 0.0 }; if (xAxis) { bottom -= xAxis->height(); horizontalSpace = xAxis->horizontalOverhang(); } if (bottom - top < minSize) return; if (yAxis) { yAxis->setSize(bottom - top); horizontalSpace.first = std::max(horizontalSpace.first, yAxis->width()); } left += horizontalSpace.first; right -= horizontalSpace.second; if (yAxis) yAxis->setPos(QPointF(left, bottom)); if (right - left < minSize) return; if (xAxis) { xAxis->setSize(right - left); xAxis->setPos(QPointF(left, bottom)); } if (grid) grid->updatePositions(); for (auto &series: series) series->updatePositions(); for (auto &marker: quartileMarkers) marker->updatePosition(); if (regressionItem) regressionItem->updatePosition(); for (auto &marker: histogramMarkers) marker->updatePosition(); if (legend) legend->resize(); updateTitlePos(); } void StatsView::replotIfVisible() { if (isVisible()) plot(state); } void StatsView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!draggedItem) return; QSizeF sceneSize = size(); if (sceneSize.width() <= 1.0 || sceneSize.height() <= 1.0) return; draggedItem->setPos(event->pos() - dragStartMouse + dragStartItem); update(); } void StatsView::hoverEnterEvent(QHoverEvent *) { } void StatsView::hoverMoveEvent(QHoverEvent *event) { QPointF pos = event->pos(); for (auto &series: series) { if (series->hover(pos)) { if (series.get() != highlightedSeries) { if (highlightedSeries) highlightedSeries->unhighlight(); highlightedSeries = series.get(); } return update(); } } // No series was highlighted -> unhighlight any previously highlighted series. if (highlightedSeries) { highlightedSeries->unhighlight(); highlightedSeries = nullptr; update(); } } template T *StatsView::createSeries(Args&&... args) { T *res = new T(*this, xAxis, yAxis, std::forward(args)...); series.emplace_back(res); series.back()->updatePositions(); return res; } void StatsView::setTitle(const QString &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) { title.reset(); return; } title = createItemPtr(&scene, s); title->setFont(titleFont); } void StatsView::updateTitlePos() { if (!title) return; QRectF rect = scene.sceneRect(); title->setPos(sceneBorder + (rect.width() - title->boundingRect().width()) / 2.0, sceneBorder); } template T *StatsView::createAxis(const QString &title, Args&&... args) { std::unique_ptr ptr = createChartItem(title, std::forward(args)...); T *res = ptr.get(); axes.push_back(std::move(ptr)); return res; } void StatsView::setAxes(StatsAxis *x, StatsAxis *y) { xAxis = x; yAxis = y; if (x && y) grid = std::make_unique(*this, *x, *y); } void StatsView::reset() { highlightedSeries = nullptr; xAxis = yAxis = nullptr; draggedItem = nullptr; for (ChartItem *item = std::exchange(firstDirtyChartItem, nullptr); item; item = std::exchange(item->dirtyNext, nullptr)) { item->dirty = false; item->dirtyPrev = nullptr; } legend.reset(); series.clear(); quartileMarkers.clear(); histogramMarkers.clear(); regressionItem.reset(); grid.reset(); axes.clear(); title.reset(); } void StatsView::plot(const StatsState &stateIn) { state = stateIn; plotChart(); plotAreaChanged(scene.sceneRect().size()); update(); } void StatsView::plotChart() { if (!state.var1) return; reset(); const std::vector dives = DiveFilter::instance()->visibleDives(); switch (state.type) { case ChartType::DiscreteBar: return plotBarChart(dives, state.subtype, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2, state.var2Binner, state.labels, state.legend); case ChartType::DiscreteValue: return plotValueChart(dives, state.subtype, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2, state.var2Operation, state.labels); case ChartType::DiscreteCount: return plotDiscreteCountChart(dives, state.subtype, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.labels); case ChartType::Pie: return plotPieChart(dives, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.labels, state.legend); case ChartType::DiscreteBox: return plotDiscreteBoxChart(dives, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2); case ChartType::DiscreteScatter: return plotDiscreteScatter(dives, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2, state.quartiles); case ChartType::HistogramCount: return plotHistogramCountChart(dives, state.subtype, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.labels, state.median, state.mean); case ChartType::HistogramValue: return plotHistogramValueChart(dives, state.subtype, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2, state.var2Operation, state.labels); case ChartType::HistogramStacked: return plotHistogramStackedChart(dives, state.subtype, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2, state.var2Binner, state.labels, state.legend); case ChartType::HistogramBox: return plotHistogramBoxChart(dives, state.var1, state.var1Binner, state.var2); case ChartType::ScatterPlot: return plotScatter(dives, state.var1, state.var2); case ChartType::Invalid: return; default: qWarning("Unknown chart type: %d", (int)state.type); return; } } template CategoryAxis *StatsView::createCategoryAxis(const QString &name, const StatsBinner &binner, const std::vector &bins, bool isHorizontal) { std::vector labels; labels.reserve(bins.size()); for (const auto &[bin, dummy]: bins) labels.push_back(binner.format(*bin)); return createAxis(name, labels, isHorizontal); } CountAxis *StatsView::createCountAxis(int maxVal, bool isHorizontal) { return createAxis(StatsTranslations::tr("No. dives"), maxVal, isHorizontal); } // For "two-dimensionally" binned plots (eg. stacked bar or grouped bar): // Counts for each bin on the independent variable, including the total counts for that bin. struct BinCounts { StatsBinPtr bin; std::vector counts; int total; }; // The problem with bar plots is that for different category // bins, we might get different value bins. So we have to keep track // of our counts and adjust accordingly. That's a bit annoying. // Perhaps we should determine the bins of all dives first and then // query the counts for precisely those bins? struct BarPlotData { std::vector hbin_counts; // For each category bin the counts for all value bins std::vector vbins; std::vector vbinNames; int maxCount; // Highest count of any bin-combination int maxCategoryCount; // Highest count of any category bin // Attention: categoryBin argument will be consumed! BarPlotData(std::vector &categoryBins, const StatsBinner &valuebinner); }; BarPlotData::BarPlotData(std::vector &categoryBins, const StatsBinner &valueBinner) : maxCount(0), maxCategoryCount(0) { for (auto &[bin, dives]: categoryBins) { // This moves the bin - the original pointer is invalidated hbin_counts.push_back({ std::move(bin), std::vector(vbins.size(), 0), 0 }); for (auto &[vbin, count]: valueBinner.count_dives(dives, false)) { // Note: we assume that the bins are sorted! auto it = std::lower_bound(vbins.begin(), vbins.end(), vbin, [] (const StatsBinPtr &p, const StatsBinPtr &bin) { return *p < *bin; }); ssize_t pos = it - vbins.begin(); if (it == vbins.end() || **it != *vbin) { // Add a new value bin. // Attn: this invalidates "vbin", which must not be used henceforth! vbins.insert(it, std::move(vbin)); // Fix the old arrays for (auto &[bin, v, total]: hbin_counts) v.insert(v.begin() + pos, 0); } hbin_counts.back().counts[pos] = count; hbin_counts.back().total += count; if (count > maxCount) maxCount = count; } maxCategoryCount = std::max(maxCategoryCount, hbin_counts.back().total); } vbinNames.reserve(vbins.size()); for (const auto &vbin: vbins) vbinNames.push_back(valueBinner.formatWithUnit(*vbin)); } // Formats "x (y%)" as either a single or two strings for horizontal and non-horizontal cases, respectively. static std::vector makePercentageLabels(int count, int total, bool isHorizontal) { double percentage = count * 100.0 / total; QString countString = QString("%L1").arg(count); QString percentageString = QString("%L1%").arg(percentage, 0, 'f', 1); if (isHorizontal) return { QString("%1 (%2)").arg(countString, percentageString) }; else return { countString, percentageString }; } // From a list of counts, make (count, label) pairs, where the label // formats the total number and the percentage of dives. static std::vector>> makeCountLabels(const std::vector &counts, int total, bool labels, bool isHorizontal) { std::vector>> count_labels; count_labels.reserve(counts.size()); for (int count: counts) { std::vector label = labels ? makePercentageLabels(count, total, isHorizontal) : std::vector(); count_labels.push_back(std::make_pair(count, label)); } return count_labels; } void StatsView::plotBarChart(const std::vector &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, const StatsBinner *valueBinner, bool labels, bool showLegend) { if (!categoryBinner || !valueBinner) return; setTitle(valueVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*valueBinner)); std::vector categoryBins = categoryBinner->bin_dives(dives, false); bool isStacked = subType == ChartSubType::VerticalStacked || subType == ChartSubType::HorizontalStacked; bool isHorizontal = subType == ChartSubType::HorizontalGrouped || subType == ChartSubType::HorizontalStacked; // Construct the histogram axis now, because the pointers to the bins // will be moved away when constructing BarPlotData below. CategoryAxis *catAxis = createCategoryAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, !isHorizontal); BarPlotData data(categoryBins, *valueBinner); int maxVal = isStacked ? data.maxCategoryCount : data.maxCount; CountAxis *valAxis = createCountAxis(maxVal, isHorizontal); if (isHorizontal) setAxes(valAxis, catAxis); else setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); // Paint legend first, because the bin-names will be moved away from. if (showLegend) legend = createChartItem(data.vbinNames); std::vector items; items.reserve(data.hbin_counts.size()); double pos = 0.0; for (auto &[hbin, counts, total]: data.hbin_counts) { items.push_back({ pos - 0.5, pos + 0.5, makeCountLabels(counts, total, labels, isHorizontal), categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*hbin) }); pos += 1.0; } createSeries(isHorizontal, isStacked, categoryVariable->name(), valueVariable, std::move(data.vbinNames), items); } const double NaN = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); // These templates are used to extract min and max y-values of various lists. // A bit too convoluted for my tastes - can we make that simpler? static std::pair getMinMaxValueBase(const std::vector &values) { // Attention: this supposes that the list is sorted! return values.empty() ? std::make_pair(NaN, NaN) : std::make_pair(values.front().v, values.back().v); } static std::pair getMinMaxValueBase(double v) { return { v, v }; } static std::pair getMinMaxValueBase(const StatsQuartiles &q) { return { q.min, q.max }; } static std::pair getMinMaxValueBase(const StatsScatterItem &s) { return { s.y, s.y }; } template static std::pair getMinMaxValueBase(const std::pair &p) { return getMinMaxValueBase(p.second); } template static std::pair getMinMaxValueBase(const StatsBinValue &v) { return getMinMaxValueBase(v.value); } template static void updateMinMax(double &min, double &max, bool &found, const T &v) { const auto [mi, ma] = getMinMaxValueBase(v); if (!std::isnan(mi) && mi < min) min = mi; if (!std::isnan(ma) && ma > max) max = ma; if (!std::isnan(mi) || !std::isnan(ma)) found = true; } template static std::pair getMinMaxValue(const std::vector &values) { double min = 1e14, max = 0.0; bool found = false; for (const T &v: values) updateMinMax(min, max, found, v); return found ? std::make_pair(min, max) : std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0); } static std::pair getMinMaxValue(const std::vector &bins, StatsOperation op) { double min = 1e14, max = 0.0; bool found = false; for (auto &[bin, res]: bins) { if (!res.isValid()) continue; updateMinMax(min, max, found, res.get(op)); } return found ? std::make_pair(min, max) : std::make_pair(0.0, 0.0); } void StatsView::plotValueChart(const std::vector &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, StatsOperation valueAxisOperation, bool labels) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(valueVariable->name(), StatsVariable::operationName(valueAxisOperation))); std::vector categoryBins = valueVariable->bin_operations(*categoryBinner, dives, false); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; bool isHorizontal = subType == ChartSubType::Horizontal; const auto [minValue, maxValue] = getMinMaxValue(categoryBins, valueAxisOperation); int decimals = valueVariable->decimals(); CategoryAxis *catAxis = createCategoryAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, !isHorizontal); ValueAxis *valAxis = createAxis(valueVariable->nameWithUnit(), 0.0, maxValue, valueVariable->decimals(), isHorizontal); if (isHorizontal) setAxes(valAxis, catAxis); else setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); std::vector items; items.reserve(categoryBins.size()); double pos = 0.0; QString unit = valueVariable->unitSymbol(); for (auto &[bin, res]: categoryBins) { if (res.isValid()) { double height = res.get(valueAxisOperation); QString value = QString("%L1").arg(height, 0, 'f', decimals); std::vector label = labels ? std::vector { value } : std::vector(); items.push_back({ pos - 0.5, pos + 0.5, height, label, categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin), res }); } pos += 1.0; } createSeries(isHorizontal, categoryVariable->name(), valueVariable, items); } static int getTotalCount(const std::vector &bins) { int total = 0; for (const auto &[bin, count]: bins) total += count; return total; } template static int getMaxCount(const std::vector &bins) { int res = 0; for (auto const &[dummy, val]: bins) { if (val > res) res = val; } return res; } void StatsView::plotDiscreteCountChart(const std::vector &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, bool labels) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner)); std::vector categoryBins = categoryBinner->count_dives(dives, false); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; int total = getTotalCount(categoryBins); bool isHorizontal = subType != ChartSubType::Vertical; CategoryAxis *catAxis = createCategoryAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, !isHorizontal); int maxCount = getMaxCount(categoryBins); CountAxis *valAxis = createCountAxis(maxCount, isHorizontal); if (isHorizontal) setAxes(valAxis, catAxis); else setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); std::vector items; items.reserve(categoryBins.size()); double pos = 0.0; for (auto const &[bin, count]: categoryBins) { std::vector label = labels ? makePercentageLabels(count, total, isHorizontal) : std::vector(); items.push_back({ pos - 0.5, pos + 0.5, count, label, categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin), total }); pos += 1.0; } createSeries(isHorizontal, categoryVariable->name(), items); } void StatsView::plotPieChart(const std::vector &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, bool labels, bool showLegend) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner)); std::vector categoryBins = categoryBinner->count_dives(dives, false); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; std::vector> data; data.reserve(categoryBins.size()); for (auto const &[bin, count]: categoryBins) data.emplace_back(categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin), count); bool keepOrder = categoryVariable->type() != StatsVariable::Type::Discrete; PieSeries *series = createSeries(categoryVariable->name(), data, keepOrder, labels); if (showLegend) legend = createChartItem(series->binNames()); } void StatsView::plotDiscreteBoxChart(const std::vector &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(valueVariable->name()); std::vector categoryBins = valueVariable->bin_quartiles(*categoryBinner, dives, false); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; CategoryAxis *catAxis = createCategoryAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, true); auto [minY, maxY] = getMinMaxValue(categoryBins); ValueAxis *valueAxis = createAxis(valueVariable->nameWithUnit(), minY, maxY, valueVariable->decimals(), false); setAxes(catAxis, valueAxis); BoxSeries *series = createSeries(valueVariable->name(), valueVariable->unitSymbol(), valueVariable->decimals()); double pos = 0.0; for (auto &[bin, q]: categoryBins) { if (q.isValid()) series->append(pos - 0.5, pos + 0.5, q, categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin)); pos += 1.0; } } void StatsView::plotDiscreteScatter(const std::vector &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, bool quartiles) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(valueVariable->name()); std::vector categoryBins = valueVariable->bin_values(*categoryBinner, dives, false); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; CategoryAxis *catAxis = createCategoryAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, true); auto [minValue, maxValue] = getMinMaxValue(categoryBins); ValueAxis *valAxis = createAxis(valueVariable->nameWithUnit(), minValue, maxValue, valueVariable->decimals(), false); setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); ScatterSeries *series = createSeries(*categoryVariable, *valueVariable); double x = 0.0; for (const auto &[bin, array]: categoryBins) { for (auto [v, d]: array) series->append(d, x, v); if (quartiles) { StatsQuartiles quartiles = StatsVariable::quartiles(array); if (quartiles.isValid()) { quartileMarkers.push_back(createChartItem( x, quartiles.q1, catAxis, valAxis)); quartileMarkers.push_back(createChartItem( x, quartiles.q2, catAxis, valAxis)); quartileMarkers.push_back(createChartItem( x, quartiles.q3, catAxis, valAxis)); } } x += 1.0; } } void StatsView::addHistogramMarker(double pos, QColor color, bool isHorizontal, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis) { histogramMarkers.push_back(createChartItem(pos, isHorizontal, color, xAxis, yAxis)); } // Yikes, we get our data in different kinds of (bin, value) pairs. // To create a category axis from this, we have to templatify the function. template HistogramAxis *StatsView::createHistogramAxis(const QString &name, const StatsBinner &binner, const std::vector &bins, bool isHorizontal) { std::vector labels; for (auto const &[bin, dummy]: bins) { QString label = binner.formatLowerBound(*bin); double lowerBound = binner.lowerBoundToFloat(*bin); bool prefer = binner.preferBin(*bin); labels.push_back({ label, lowerBound, prefer }); } const StatsBin &lastBin = *bins.back().bin; QString lastLabel = binner.formatUpperBound(lastBin); double upperBound = binner.upperBoundToFloat(lastBin); labels.push_back({ lastLabel, upperBound, false }); return createAxis(name, std::move(labels), isHorizontal); } void StatsView::plotHistogramCountChart(const std::vector &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, bool labels, bool showMedian, bool showMean) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(categoryVariable->name()); std::vector categoryBins = categoryBinner->count_dives(dives, true); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; bool isHorizontal = subType == ChartSubType::Horizontal; HistogramAxis *catAxis = createHistogramAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, !isHorizontal); int maxCategoryCount = getMaxCount(categoryBins); int total = getTotalCount(categoryBins); StatsAxis *valAxis = createCountAxis(maxCategoryCount, isHorizontal); if (isHorizontal) setAxes(valAxis, catAxis); else setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); std::vector items; items.reserve(categoryBins.size()); for (auto const &[bin, count]: categoryBins) { double lowerBound = categoryBinner->lowerBoundToFloat(*bin); double upperBound = categoryBinner->upperBoundToFloat(*bin); std::vector label = labels ? makePercentageLabels(count, total, isHorizontal) : std::vector(); items.push_back({ lowerBound, upperBound, count, label, categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin), total }); } createSeries(isHorizontal, categoryVariable->name(), items); if (categoryVariable->type() == StatsVariable::Type::Numeric) { if (showMean) { double mean = categoryVariable->mean(dives); if (!std::isnan(mean)) addHistogramMarker(mean, Qt::green, isHorizontal, xAxis, yAxis); } if (showMedian) { double median = categoryVariable->quartiles(dives).q2; if (!std::isnan(median)) addHistogramMarker(median, Qt::red, isHorizontal, xAxis, yAxis); } } } void StatsView::plotHistogramValueChart(const std::vector &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, StatsOperation valueAxisOperation, bool labels) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(valueVariable->name(), StatsVariable::operationName(valueAxisOperation))); std::vector categoryBins = valueVariable->bin_operations(*categoryBinner, dives, true); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; bool isHorizontal = subType == ChartSubType::Horizontal; HistogramAxis *catAxis = createHistogramAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, !isHorizontal); const auto [minValue, maxValue] = getMinMaxValue(categoryBins, valueAxisOperation); int decimals = valueVariable->decimals(); ValueAxis *valAxis = createAxis(valueVariable->nameWithUnit(), 0.0, maxValue, decimals, isHorizontal); if (isHorizontal) setAxes(valAxis, catAxis); else setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); std::vector items; items.reserve(categoryBins.size()); QString unit = valueVariable->unitSymbol(); for (auto const &[bin, res]: categoryBins) { if (!res.isValid()) continue; double height = res.get(valueAxisOperation); double lowerBound = categoryBinner->lowerBoundToFloat(*bin); double upperBound = categoryBinner->upperBoundToFloat(*bin); QString value = QString("%L1").arg(height, 0, 'f', decimals); std::vector label = labels ? std::vector { value } : std::vector(); items.push_back({ lowerBound, upperBound, height, label, categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin), res }); } createSeries(isHorizontal, categoryVariable->name(), valueVariable, items); } void StatsView::plotHistogramStackedChart(const std::vector &dives, ChartSubType subType, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, const StatsBinner *valueBinner, bool labels, bool showLegend) { if (!categoryBinner || !valueBinner) return; setTitle(valueVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*valueBinner)); std::vector categoryBins = categoryBinner->bin_dives(dives, true); // Construct the histogram axis now, because the pointers to the bins // will be moved away when constructing BarPlotData below. bool isHorizontal = subType == ChartSubType::HorizontalStacked; HistogramAxis *catAxis = createHistogramAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, !isHorizontal); BarPlotData data(categoryBins, *valueBinner); if (showLegend) legend = createChartItem(data.vbinNames); CountAxis *valAxis = createCountAxis(data.maxCategoryCount, isHorizontal); if (isHorizontal) setAxes(valAxis, catAxis); else setAxes(catAxis, valAxis); std::vector items; items.reserve(data.hbin_counts.size()); for (auto &[hbin, counts, total]: data.hbin_counts) { double lowerBound = categoryBinner->lowerBoundToFloat(*hbin); double upperBound = categoryBinner->upperBoundToFloat(*hbin); items.push_back({ lowerBound, upperBound, makeCountLabels(counts, total, labels, isHorizontal), categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*hbin) }); } createSeries(isHorizontal, true, categoryVariable->name(), valueVariable, std::move(data.vbinNames), items); } void StatsView::plotHistogramBoxChart(const std::vector &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsBinner *categoryBinner, const StatsVariable *valueVariable) { if (!categoryBinner) return; setTitle(valueVariable->name()); std::vector categoryBins = valueVariable->bin_quartiles(*categoryBinner, dives, true); // If there is nothing to display, quit if (categoryBins.empty()) return; HistogramAxis *catAxis = createHistogramAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithBinnerUnit(*categoryBinner), *categoryBinner, categoryBins, true); auto [minY, maxY] = getMinMaxValue(categoryBins); ValueAxis *valueAxis = createAxis(valueVariable->nameWithUnit(), minY, maxY, valueVariable->decimals(), false); setAxes(catAxis, valueAxis); BoxSeries *series = createSeries(valueVariable->name(), valueVariable->unitSymbol(), valueVariable->decimals()); for (auto &[bin, q]: categoryBins) { if (!q.isValid()) continue; double lowerBound = categoryBinner->lowerBoundToFloat(*bin); double upperBound = categoryBinner->upperBoundToFloat(*bin); series->append(lowerBound, upperBound, q, categoryBinner->formatWithUnit(*bin)); } } static bool is_linear_regression(int sample_size, double cov, double sx2, double sy2) { // One point never, two points always form a line if (sample_size < 2) return false; if (sample_size <= 2) return true; const double tval[] = { 12.709, 4.303, 3.182, 2.776, 2.571, 2.447, 2.201, 2.120, 2.080, 2.056, 2.021, 1.960, 1.960 }; const int t_df[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 40, 100, 100000 }; int df = sample_size - 2; // Following is the one-tailed t-value at p < 0.05 and [sample_size - 2] degrees of freedom for the dive data: double t = (cov / sx2) / sqrt(((sy2 - cov * cov / sx2) / (double)df) / sx2); for (int i = std::size(tval) - 2; i >= 0; i--) { // We do linear interpolation rather than having a large lookup table. if (df >= t_df[i]) { // Look up the appropriate reference t-value at p < 0.05 and df degrees of freedom double t_lookup = tval[i] - (tval[i] - tval[i+1]) * (df - t_df[i]) / (t_df[i+1] - t_df[i]); return abs(t) >= t_lookup; } } return true; // can't happen, as we tested for sample_size above. } // Returns the coefficients a,b of the line y = ax + b // as well as the variance of the residuals (averaged residual squared) as res2 // and r^2 = 1.0 - variance of data / res2 which is the fraction of the variance of // the data that is explained by the linear regression. // If case of an undetermined regression or one with infinite slope, returns {nan, nan, 0.0, 0.0} static struct regression_data linear_regression(const std::vector &v) { struct regression_data ret = { .a = NaN, .b = NaN, .res2 = 0.0, .r2 = 0.0, .sx2 = 0.0, .xavg = 0.0}; ret.n = v.size(); if (ret.n < 2) return ret; // First, calculate the x and y average double avg_x = 0.0, avg_y = 0.0; for (auto [x, y, d]: v) { avg_x += x; avg_y += y; } avg_x /= ret.n; avg_y /= ret.n; double cov = 0.0, sx2 = 0.0, sy2 = 0.0; for (auto [x, y, d]: v) { cov += (x - avg_x) * (y - avg_y); sx2 += (x - avg_x) * (x - avg_x); sy2 += (y - avg_y) * (y - avg_y); } bool is_linear = is_linear_regression((int)v.size(), cov, sx2, sy2); if (fabs(sx2) < 1e-10 || !is_linear) // If t is not statistically significant, do not plot the regression line. return ret; ret.xavg = avg_x; ret.sx2 = sx2; ret.a = cov / sx2; ret.b = avg_y - ret.a * avg_x; for (auto [x, y, d]: v) ret.res2 += (y - ret.a * x - ret.b) * (y - ret.a * x - ret.b); ret.r2 = sy2 > 0.0 ? 1.0 - ret.res2 / sy2 : 1.0; return ret; } void StatsView::plotScatter(const std::vector &dives, const StatsVariable *categoryVariable, const StatsVariable *valueVariable) { setTitle(StatsTranslations::tr("%1 vs. %2").arg(valueVariable->name(), categoryVariable->name())); std::vector points = categoryVariable->scatter(*valueVariable, dives); if (points.empty()) return; double minX = points.front().x; double maxX = points.back().x; auto [minY, maxY] = getMinMaxValue(points); StatsAxis *axisX = categoryVariable->type() == StatsVariable::Type::Continuous ? static_cast(createAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithUnit(), minX, maxX, true)) : static_cast(createAxis(categoryVariable->nameWithUnit(), minX, maxX, categoryVariable->decimals(), true)); StatsAxis *axisY = createAxis(valueVariable->nameWithUnit(), minY, maxY, valueVariable->decimals(), false); setAxes(axisX, axisY); ScatterSeries *series = createSeries(*categoryVariable, *valueVariable); for (auto [x, y, dive]: points) series->append(dive, x, y); // y = ax + b struct regression_data reg = linear_regression(points); if (!std::isnan(reg.a)) regressionItem = createChartItem(reg, xAxis, yAxis); }