#include "string-format.h" #include "dive.h" #include "divesite.h" #include "qthelper.h" #include "subsurface-string.h" #include <QDateTime> #include <QTextDocument> enum returnPressureSelector { START_PRESSURE, END_PRESSURE }; static QString getPressures(const struct dive *dive, int i, enum returnPressureSelector ret) { const cylinder_t *cyl = get_cylinder(dive, i); QString fmt; if (ret == START_PRESSURE) { if (cyl->start.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->start, true); else if (cyl->sample_start.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_start, true); } if (ret == END_PRESSURE) { if (cyl->end.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true); else if(cyl->sample_end.mbar) fmt = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_end, true); } return fmt; } QString formatSac(const dive *d) { if (!d->sac) return QString(); const char *unit; int decimal; double value = get_volume_units(d->sac, &decimal, &unit); return QString::number(value, 'f', decimal).append(unit); } QString formatNotes(const dive *d) { QString tmp = d->notes ? QString::fromUtf8(d->notes) : QString(); if (is_dc_planner(&d->dc)) { QTextDocument notes; #define _NOTES_BR "\n" tmp.replace("<thead>", "<thead>" _NOTES_BR) .replace("<br>", "<br>" _NOTES_BR) .replace("<br/>", "<br/>" _NOTES_BR) .replace("<br />", "<br />" _NOTES_BR) .replace("<tr>", "<tr>" _NOTES_BR) .replace("</tr>", "</tr>" _NOTES_BR); notes.setHtml(tmp); tmp = notes.toPlainText(); tmp.replace(_NOTES_BR, "<br/>"); #undef _NOTES_BR } else { tmp.replace("\n", "<br/>"); } return tmp; } QString format_gps_decimal(const dive *d) { bool savep = prefs.coordinates_traditional; prefs.coordinates_traditional = false; QString val = d->dive_site ? printGPSCoords(&d->dive_site->location) : QString(); prefs.coordinates_traditional = savep; return val; } QStringList formatGetCylinder(const dive *d) { QStringList getCylinder; for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(d, i)) getCylinder << get_cylinder(d, i)->type.description; } return getCylinder; } QStringList formatStartPressure(const dive *d) { QStringList startPressure; for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(d, i)) startPressure << getPressures(d, i, START_PRESSURE); } return startPressure; } QStringList formatEndPressure(const dive *d) { QStringList endPressure; for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(d, i)) endPressure << getPressures(d, i, END_PRESSURE); } return endPressure; } QStringList formatFirstGas(const dive *d) { QStringList gas; for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) { if (is_cylinder_used(d, i)) gas << get_gas_string(get_cylinder(d, i)->gasmix); } return gas; } // Add string to sorted QStringList, if it doesn't already exist and // it isn't the empty string. static void addStringToSortedList(QStringList &l, const char *s) { if (empty_string(s)) return; // Do a binary search for the string. lower_bound() returns an iterator // to either the searched-for element or the next higher element if it // doesn't exist. QString qs(s); auto it = std::lower_bound(l.begin(), l.end(), qs); // TODO: use locale-aware sorting if (it != l.end() && *it == s) return; // Add new string at sorted position l.insert(it, s); } QStringList formatFullCylinderList() { QStringList cylinders; struct dive *d; int i = 0; for_each_dive (i, d) { for (int j = 0; j < d->cylinders.nr; j++) addStringToSortedList(cylinders, get_cylinder(d, j)->type.description); } for (int ti = 0; ti < tank_info_table.nr; ti++) addStringToSortedList(cylinders, tank_info_table.infos[ti].name); return cylinders; } static QString formattedCylinder(const struct dive *dive, int idx) { const cylinder_t *cyl = get_cylinder(dive, idx); const char *desc = cyl->type.description; QString fmt = desc ? QString(desc) : gettextFromC::tr("unknown"); fmt += ", " + get_volume_string(cyl->type.size, true); fmt += ", " + get_pressure_string(cyl->type.workingpressure, true); fmt += ", " + get_pressure_string(cyl->start, false) + " - " + get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true); fmt += ", " + get_gas_string(cyl->gasmix); return fmt; } QStringList formatCylinders(const dive *d) { QStringList cylinders; for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) { QString cyl = formattedCylinder(d, i); cylinders << cyl; } return cylinders; } QString formatGas(const dive *d) { /*WARNING: here should be the gastlist, returned * from the get_gas_string function or this is correct? */ QString gas, gases; for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; i++) { if (!is_cylinder_used(d, i)) continue; gas = get_cylinder(d, i)->type.description; if (!gas.isEmpty()) gas += QChar(' '); gas += gasname(get_cylinder(d, i)->gasmix); // if has a description and if such gas is not already present if (!gas.isEmpty() && gases.indexOf(gas) == -1) { if (!gases.isEmpty()) gases += QString(" / "); gases += gas; } } return gases; } QString formatSumWeight(const dive *d) { return get_weight_string(weight_t { total_weight(d) }, true); } static QString getFormattedWeight(const struct dive *dive, int idx) { const weightsystem_t *weight = &dive->weightsystems.weightsystems[idx]; if (!weight->description) return QString(); QString fmt = QString(weight->description); fmt += ", " + get_weight_string(weight->weight, true); return fmt; } QString formatWeightList(const dive *d) { QString weights; for (int i = 0; i < d->weightsystems.nr; i++) { QString w = getFormattedWeight(d, i); if (w.isEmpty()) continue; weights += w + "; "; } return weights; } QStringList formatWeights(const dive *d) { QStringList weights; for (int i = 0; i < d->weightsystems.nr; i++) { QString w = getFormattedWeight(d, i); if (w.isEmpty()) continue; weights << w; } return weights; } QString formatDiveDuration(const dive *d) { return get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, gettextFromC::tr("h"), gettextFromC::tr("min")); } QString formatDiveGPS(const dive *d) { return d->dive_site ? printGPSCoords(&d->dive_site->location) : QString(); } QString formatDiveDate(const dive *d) { QDateTime localTime = timestampToDateTime(d->when); return localTime.date().toString(prefs.date_format_short); } QString formatDiveTime(const dive *d) { QDateTime localTime = timestampToDateTime(d->when); return localTime.time().toString(prefs.time_format); } QString formatDiveDateTime(const dive *d) { QDateTime localTime = timestampToDateTime(d->when); return QStringLiteral("%1 %2").arg(localTime.date().toString(prefs.date_format_short), localTime.time().toString(prefs.time_format)); } QString formatDayOfWeek(int day) { // I can't wrap my head around the fact that Sunday is the // first day of the week, but that's how it is. switch (day) { default: case 0: return gettextFromC::tr("Sunday"); case 1: return gettextFromC::tr("Monday"); case 2: return gettextFromC::tr("Tuesday"); case 3: return gettextFromC::tr("Wednesday"); case 4: return gettextFromC::tr("Thursday"); case 5: return gettextFromC::tr("Friday"); case 6: return gettextFromC::tr("Saturday"); } }