/* divesite.c */ #include "divesite.h" #include "dive.h" struct dive_site_table dive_site_table; /* there could be multiple sites of the same name - return the first one */ uint32_t get_dive_site_uuid_by_name(const char *name, struct dive_site **dsp) { int i; struct dive_site *ds; for_each_dive_site (i, ds) { if (same_string(ds->name, name)) { if (dsp) *dsp = ds; return ds->uuid; } } return 0; } /* there could be multiple sites at the same GPS fix - return the first one */ uint32_t get_dive_site_uuid_by_gps(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude, struct dive_site **dsp) { int i; struct dive_site *ds; for_each_dive_site (i, ds) { if (ds->latitude.udeg == latitude.udeg && ds->longitude.udeg == longitude.udeg) { if (dsp) *dsp = ds; return ds->uuid; } } return 0; } /* this is in globe.cpp, so including the .h file is a pain */ extern double getDistance(int lat1, int lon1, int lat2, int lon2); /* find the closest one, no more than distance meters away - if more than one at same distance, pick the first */ uint32_t get_dive_site_uuid_by_gps_proximity(degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude, int distance, struct dive_site **dsp) { int i; int uuid = 0; struct dive_site *ds; double cur_distance, min_distance = distance + 0.001; for_each_dive_site (i, ds) { if (dive_site_has_gps_location(ds) && (cur_distance = getDistance(ds->latitude.udeg, ds->longitude.udeg, latitude.udeg, longitude.udeg)) < min_distance) { min_distance = cur_distance; uuid = ds->uuid; if (dsp) *dsp = ds; } } return uuid; } /* try to create a uniqe ID - fingers crossed */ static uint32_t dive_site_getUniqId() { uint32_t id = 0; while (id == 0 || get_dive_site_by_uuid(id)) { id = rand() & 0xff; id |= (rand() & 0xff) << 8; id |= (rand() & 0xff) << 16; id |= (rand() & 0xff) << 24; } return id; } struct dive_site *alloc_dive_site() { int nr = dive_site_table.nr, allocated = dive_site_table.allocated; struct dive_site **sites = dive_site_table.dive_sites; if (nr >= allocated) { allocated = (nr + 32) * 3 / 2; sites = realloc(sites, allocated * sizeof(struct dive_site *)); if (!sites) exit(1); dive_site_table.dive_sites = sites; dive_site_table.allocated = allocated; } struct dive_site *ds = calloc(1, sizeof(*ds)); if (!ds) exit(1); sites[nr] = ds; dive_site_table.nr = nr + 1; ds->uuid = dive_site_getUniqId(); return ds; } void delete_dive_site(uint32_t id) { int nr = dive_site_table.nr; for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site(i); if (ds->uuid == id) { free(ds->name); free(ds->notes); free(ds); if (nr - 1 > i) memmove(&dive_site_table.dive_sites[i], &dive_site_table.dive_sites[i+1], (nr - 1 - i) * sizeof(dive_site_table.dive_sites[0])); dive_site_table.nr = nr - 1; break; } } } /* allocate a new site and add it to the table */ uint32_t create_dive_site(const char *name) { struct dive_site *ds = alloc_dive_site(); ds->name = copy_string(name); return ds->uuid; } /* same as before, but with GPS data */ uint32_t create_dive_site_with_gps(const char *name, degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude) { struct dive_site *ds = alloc_dive_site(); ds->name = copy_string(name); ds->latitude = latitude; ds->longitude = longitude; return ds->uuid; } /* a uuid is always present - but if all the other fields are empty, the dive site is pointless */ bool dive_site_is_empty(struct dive_site *ds) { return same_string(ds->name, "") && same_string(ds->description, "") && same_string(ds->notes, "") && ds->latitude.udeg == 0 && ds->longitude.udeg == 0; }