ConfigureDiveComputerDialog 0 0 842 614 Configure dive computer Device or mount point device 0 0 true Connect via Bluetooth Connect false Disconnect false Retrieve available details false Read settings from backup file or from device before writing to the device Save changes to device Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Read settings from backup file or from device before writing to a backup file Backup false Restore backup false Update firmware Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Save libdivecomputer logfile ... Cancel 0 2 Qt::Horizontal 240 16777215 12 64 64 OSTC Mk2/2N/2C :dc-ostc-2n-icon:dc-ostc-2n-icon OSTC 2/3/Sport/Plus/cR :dc-ostc-3-icon:dc-ostc-3-icon OSTC 4 :dc-ostc-4-icon:dc-ostc-4-icon Suunto Vyper family :dc-suunto-vyper-icon:dc-suunto-vyper-icon 0 0 Basic settings Serial No. serialNoLineEdit Length true 1 0 true Firmware version firmwareVersionLineEdit_3 Custom text customTextLlineEdit_3 1 0 23 Number of dives Show safety stop true Sampling rate samplingRateComboBox 0 0 1 120 10 Date format dateFormatComboBox MM/DD/YY DD/MM/YY YY/MM/DD Sync dive computer time with PC Salinity salinitySpinBox kg/ℓ 1.000000000000000 1.040000000000000 0.010000000000000 Qt::Vertical 20 177 Start Depth End Depth Reset Depth false s 10 250 180 false m 1 3.000000000000000 6.500000000000000 0.100000000000000 5.100000000000000 false m 1 2.500000000000000 5.000000000000000 2.900000000000000 false m 1 7.500000000000000 20.100000000000001 10.100000000000000 Advanced settings Alt GF can be selected underwater Desaturation desaturationSpinBox Future TTS % 60 100 90 Qt::Vertical 20 40 m 3 6 Decotype 4 ZH-L16 Gauge ZH-L16 CC Apnea L16-GF OC L16-GF CC PSCR-GF min 9 false % 5 255 30 Last deco lastDecoSpinBox % 100 140 110 Alt GFLow false % 5 255 90 Alt GFHigh Saturation saturationSpinBox GFHigh % 10 100 30 GFLow % 60 110 85 Graphical speed indicator ℓ/min 5 50 20 ℓ/min 5 50 20 Bottom gas consumption Deco gas consumption Gas settings 0 0 %O₂ %He Type Change depth Gas 1 Gas 2 Gas 3 Gas 4 Gas 5 0 0 %O₂ %He Type Change depth Dil 1 Dil 2 Dil 3 Dil 4 Dil 5 0 0 Setpoint Change depth SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 Qt::Vertical 20 40 cbar 120 180 160 cbar 16 21 19 pO₂ max pO₂ min 0 Basic settings Eco Medium High % 5 English German French Italian m/°C ft/°F Serial No. serialNoLineEdit 1 0 true Firmware version firmwareVersionLineEdit MMDDYY DDMMYY YYMMDD true Language languageComboBox Date format dateFormatComboBox Brightness brightnessComboBox Units unitsComboBox Salinity (0-5%) salinitySpinBox false Reset device to default settings 1 0 230LSB/Gauss 330LSB/Gauss 390LSB/Gauss 440LSB/Gauss 660LSB/Gauss 820LSB/Gauss 1090LSB/Gauss 1370LSB/Gauss Qt::Vertical 20 177 1 0 60 Compass gain compassGainComboBox Computer model Custom text customTextLlineEdit true OC CC Gauge Apnea Dive mode diveModeComboBox 2s 10s Sampling rate samplingRateComboBox Standard Red Green Blue Sync dive computer time with PC Dive mode color diveModeColour Show safety stop End Depth false s 60 240 180 Length Start Depth Reset Depth false m 1 2.100000000000000 6.100000000000000 0.100000000000000 5.100000000000000 false m 1 1.900000000000000 3.000000000000000 2.900000000000000 false m 1 8.100000000000000 15.100000000000000 10.100000000000000 Advanced settings Left button sensitivity Always show pO₂ Alt GF can be selected underwater Future TTS Pressure sensor offset GFLow % 10 100 30 GFHigh % 60 110 85 Desaturation desaturationSpinBox % 60 100 90 Qt::Vertical 20 40 m 3 6 Decotype false % 60 100 60 mbar -20 20 1 ZH-L16 ZH-L16+GF min 9 Last deco lastDecoSpinBox % 100 140 110 Alt GFLow false % 70 120 85 Alt GFHigh Saturation saturationSpinBox Flip screen Right button sensitivity MOD warning Graphical speed indicator Dynamic ascent rate Bottom gas consumption Deco gas consumption % 20 100 40 % 20 100 40 ℓ/min 5 50 20 ℓ/min 5 50 20 Temperature sensor offset °C 1 -2.000000000000000 2.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 Gas settings 0 0 %O₂ %He Type Change depth Gas 1 Gas 2 Gas 3 Gas 4 Gas 5 0 0 %O₂ %He Type Change depth Dil 1 Dil 2 Dil 3 Dil 4 Dil 5 0 0 Setpoint Change depth SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP 4 SP 5 O₂ in calibration gas % 21 100 21 Fixed setpoint Sensor Auto SP Qt::Vertical 20 40 cbar 120 160 160 cbar 16 19 19 pO₂ max pO₂ min 0 Basic settings Cave Eco Medium High % 5 English German French Italian m/°C ft/°F Serial No. serialNoLineEdit_4 1 0 true Firmware version firmwareVersionLineEdit_4 MMDDYY DDMMYY YYMMDD true Language languageComboBox_4 Date format dateFormatComboBox_4 Brightness brightnessComboBox_4 Units unitsComboBox_4 Salinity (0-5%) salinitySpinBox_4 false Reset device to default settings Qt::Vertical 20 177 1 0 60 Computer model Custom text customTextLlineEdit_4 true OC CC Gauge Apnea Dive mode diveModeComboBox_4 Standard Red Green Blue Sync dive computer time with PC Dive mode color diveModeColour_4 Show safety stop false s 60 255 180 Length Start Depth false m 1 3.000000000000000 6.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 5.100000000000000 Advanced settings Travel gas consumption % 70 110 100 Button sensitivity Future TTS Pressure sensor offset GFLow % 10 100 30 GFHigh % 60 110 85 m 3 6 Decotype % 60 100 60 mbar -20 20 1 ZH-L16 ZH-L16+GF VPM min 9 Last deco lastDecoSpinBox_4 Alt GFLow % 70 120 85 Alt GFHigh Bottom gas consumption Deco gas consumption ℓ/min 5 50 20 ℓ/min 5 50 20 ℓ/min 5 50 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Always show pO₂ VPM conservatism + 5 3 Temperature sensor offset °C 1 -2.000000000000000 2.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 Gas settings 0 0 %O₂ %He Type Change depth Gas 1 Gas 2 Gas 3 Gas 4 Gas 5 0 0 %O₂ %He Type Change depth Dil 1 Dil 2 Dil 3 Dil 4 Dil 5 0 0 Setpoint Change depth SP 1 SP 2 SP 3 SP 4 SP 5 Fixed setpoint Sensor Setpoint fallback true Qt::Vertical 20 40 cbar 120 160 160 cbar 16 19 19 pO₂ max pO₂ min 0 Basic settings 1 0 true 200.000000000000000 Safety level A0 (0m - 300m) A1 (300m - 1500m) A2 (1500m - 3000m) Altitude range Model 1 0 30 Number of dives Qt::Vertical 0 0 Serial No. serialNoLineEdit_1 1 0 true Firmware version firmwareVersionLineEdit_1 true Max. depth true 5000 Custom text customTextLlineEdit_1 Air Nitrox Gauge P0 (none) P1 (medium) P2 (high) Sample rate 10s 20s 30s 60s Total dive time Computer model true true min 0 5000000 24h 12h Time format Units Imperial Metric false s Light false 200.000000000000000 Depth alarm false min 999 Time alarm 0 device retrieveDetails saveSettingsPushButton backupButton restoreBackupButton cancel DiveComputerList currentRowChanged(int) dcStackedWidget setCurrentIndex(int) 20 20 20 20 lightCheckBox toggled(bool) lightSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 alarmDepthCheckBox toggled(bool) alarmDepthDoubleSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 alarmTimeCheckBox toggled(bool) alarmTimeSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 aGFSelectableCheckBox toggled(bool) aGFHighSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 340 229 686 265 aGFSelectableCheckBox toggled(bool) aGFLowSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 340 229 686 229 aGFSelectableCheckBox_3 toggled(bool) aGFHighSpinBox_3 setEnabled(bool) 340 229 686 265 aGFSelectableCheckBox_3 toggled(bool) aGFLowSpinBox_3 setEnabled(bool) 340 229 686 229 safetyStopCheckBox toggled(bool) safetyStopLengthSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox toggled(bool) safetyStopStartDepthDoubleSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox toggled(bool) safetyStopEndDepthDoubleSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox toggled(bool) safetyStopResetDepthDoubleSpinBox setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox_3 toggled(bool) safetyStopLengthSpinBox_3 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox_3 toggled(bool) safetyStopStartDepthDoubleSpinBox_3 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox_3 toggled(bool) safetyStopEndDepthDoubleSpinBox_3 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox_3 toggled(bool) safetyStopResetDepthDoubleSpinBox_3 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox_4 toggled(bool) safetyStopLengthSpinBox_4 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20 safetyStopCheckBox_4 toggled(bool) safetyStopStartDepthDoubleSpinBox_4 setEnabled(bool) 20 20 20 20