#!/bin/bash # # find the changeset id for a given CICD release number # and optionally checkout the resulting changeset # # # we ignore the base version here - all that is expected is the 'patch' part of the version # little silly helper functions croak() { echo "$0: $*" >&2 exit 1 } croak_usage() { croak "Usage: $0 <patch_version_number> [-c]" } if [[ $# -gt 2 ]] ; then croak_usage ; fi CICD_VERSION=$1 if [[ $# -eq 2 ]] ; then if [[ $2 != "-c" ]] ; then croak_usage ; fi DO_CHECKOUT=1 fi # figure out where we are in the file system pushd . &> /dev/null cd "$(dirname "$0")/../" pushd . &> /dev/null if [ ! -d "./nightly-builds" ] ; then git clone https://github.com/subsurface/nightly-builds &> /dev/null || croak "failed to clone nightly-builds repo" fi cd nightly-builds git fetch &> /dev/null BUILD_SHA="" BUILD_BRANCHES=$(git branch -a --sort=-committerdate --list origin/branch-for-\* | cut -d/ -f3) for BUILD_BRANCH in $BUILD_BRANCHES ; do git checkout $BUILD_BRANCH &> /dev/null if [[ $(<./latest-subsurface-buildnumber) == $CICD_VERSION ]]; then BUILD_SHA=$(cut -d- -f 3 <<< "$BUILD_BRANCH") break fi done popd &> /dev/null printf '%s' "$BUILD_SHA" if [[ "$DO_CHECKOUT" == "1" && $BUILD_SHA != "" ]]; then git checkout $BUILD_SHA &> /dev/null fi popd &> /dev/null