// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* * uemis-downloader.cpp * * Copyright (c) Dirk Hohndel <dirk@hohndel.org> * released under GPL2 * * very (VERY) loosely based on the algorithms found in Java code by Fabian Gast <fgast@only640k.net> * which was released under the BSD-STYLE BEER WARE LICENSE * I believe that I only used the information about HOW to do this (download data from the Uemis * Zurich) but did not actually use any of his copyrighted code, therefore the license under which * he released his code does not apply to this new implementation in C * * Modified by Guido Lerch guido.lerch@gmail.com in August 2015 */ #include <fcntl.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <array> #include <string> #include <charconv> #include <unordered_map> #include "gettext.h" #include "libdivecomputer.h" #include "uemis.h" #include "dive.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "divelog.h" #include "divesite.h" #include "errorhelper.h" #include "file.h" #include "format.h" #include "subsurface-time.h" #include "tag.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #define ACTION_RECONNECT QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Disconnect/reconnect the SDA") #define ERR_FS_ALMOST_FULL QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Uemis Zurich: the file system is almost full.\nDisconnect/reconnect the dive computer\nand click \'Retry\'") #define ERR_FS_FULL QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Uemis Zurich: the file system is full.\nDisconnect/reconnect the dive computer\nand click Retry") #define ERR_FS_SHORT_WRITE QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Short write to req.txt file.\nIs the Uemis Zurich plugged in correctly?") #define ERR_NO_FILES QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "No dives to download.") constexpr size_t num_param_bufs = 10; // debugging setup //#define UEMIS_DEBUG 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 static constexpr int uemis_max_files = 4000; static constexpr int uemis_spot_block_size = 1; static constexpr int uemis_dive_details_size = 2; static constexpr int uemis_log_block_size = 10; enum class uemis_mem_status { ok, full }; enum class uemis_checkpoint { log, details, single_dive }; #if UEMIS_DEBUG static std::string home, user, d_time; static int debug_round = 0; #endif #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 64 /* we are reading from a copy of the filesystem, not the device - no need to wait */ static constexpr int uemis_timeout = 50; /* 50ns */ static constexpr int uemis_long_timeout = 500; /* 500ns */ static constexpr int uemis_max_timeout = 2000; /* 2ms */ #else static constexpr int uemis_timeout = 50000; /* 50ms */ static constexpr int uemis_long_timeout = 500000; /* 500ms */ static constexpr int uemis_max_timeout = 2000000; /* 2s */ #endif static uemis uemis_obj; static std::array<std::string, num_param_bufs> param_buff; static std::string reqtxt_path; static int filenr; static int number_of_files; static int max_mem_used = -1; static int dive_to_read = 0; /* Hash map to remember already executed divespot download requests */ static std::unordered_map<int, dive_site *> divespot_mapping; /* helper function to parse the Uemis data structures */ static timestamp_t uemis_ts(std::string_view buffer) { struct tm tm; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); sscanf(buffer.begin(), "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d", &tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday, &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec); tm.tm_mon -= 1; return utc_mktime(&tm); } /* helper function to make the std::from_chars() interface more * palatable. * std::from_chars(s.begin(), s.end(), v) * works for the compilers we use, but is not guaranteed to work * as per standard. * see: https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2020/p2007r0.html */ template <typename T> auto from_chars(std::string_view s, T &v) { return std::from_chars(s.data(), s.data() + s.size(), v); } /* Sadly, a number of supported compilers do not support from_chars() * to double. Therefore, implement our own version. * Frustrating, but oh well. TODO: Try to find the proper check for the * existence of this function. */ static std::from_chars_result from_chars(const std::string &s, double &v) { const char *end; double res = ascii_strtod(s.c_str(), &end); if (end == s.c_str()) return { end, std::errc::invalid_argument }; v = res; return { end, std::errc() }; } template <> auto from_chars<double>(std::string_view sv, double &v) { std::string s(sv); // Generate a null-terminated string to work on. return from_chars(s, v); } /* float minutes */ static void uemis_duration(std::string_view buffer, duration_t &duration) { from_chars(buffer, duration.seconds); } /* int cm */ static void uemis_depth(std::string_view buffer, depth_t &depth) { if (from_chars(buffer, depth.mm).ec != std::errc::invalid_argument) depth.mm *= 10; } static void uemis_get_index(std::string_view buffer, int &idx) { from_chars(buffer, idx); } /* space separated */ static void uemis_add_string(std::string_view buffer, std::string &text, const char *delimit) { /* do nothing if this is an empty buffer (Uemis sometimes returns a single * space for empty buffers) */ if (buffer.empty() || buffer == " ") return; if (!text.empty()) text += delimit; text += buffer; } /* still unclear if it ever reports lbs */ static void uemis_get_weight(std::string_view buffer, weightsystem_t &weight, int diveid) { double val; if (from_chars(buffer, val).ec != std::errc::invalid_argument) { weight.weight.grams = uemis_obj.get_weight_unit(diveid) ? lbs_to_grams(val) : lrint(val * 1000); } weight.description = translate("gettextFromC", "unknown"); } static std::unique_ptr<dive> uemis_start_dive(uint32_t deviceid) { auto dive = std::make_unique<struct dive>(); dive->dcs[0].model = "Uemis Zurich"; dive->dcs[0].deviceid = deviceid; return dive; } static struct dive *get_dive_by_uemis_diveid(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t object_id) { for (auto &d: devdata->log->dives) { if (object_id == d->dcs[0].diveid) return d.get(); } return NULL; } /* send text to the importer progress bar */ static void uemis_info(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); progress_bar_text = vformat_string_std(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (verbose) report_info("Uemis downloader: %s", progress_bar_text.c_str()); } static long bytes_available(int file) { long result, r2; long now = lseek(file, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (now == -1) return 0; result = lseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); r2 = lseek(file, now, SEEK_SET); if (now == -1 || result == -1 || r2 == -1) return 0; return result; } static int number_of_file(const std::string &path) { int count = 0; #ifdef WIN32 struct _wdirent *entry; _WDIR *dirp = (_WDIR *)subsurface_opendir(path.c_str()); #else struct dirent *entry; DIR *dirp = (DIR *)subsurface_opendir(path.c_str()); #endif while (dirp) { #ifdef WIN32 entry = _wreaddir(dirp); if (!entry) break; #else entry = readdir(dirp); if (!entry) break; if (strstr(entry->d_name, ".TXT") || strstr(entry->d_name, ".txt")) /* If the entry is a regular file */ #endif count++; } #ifdef WIN32 _wclosedir(dirp); #else closedir(dirp); #endif return count; } static std::string build_filename(const std::string &path, const std::string &name) { #if WIN32 return path + "\\" + name; #else return path + "/" + name; #endif } /* Check if there's a req.txt file and get the starting filenr from it. * Test for the maximum number of ANS files (I believe this is always * 4000 but in case there are differences depending on firmware, this * code is easy enough */ static bool uemis_init(const std::string &path) { using namespace std::string_literals; divespot_mapping.clear(); if (path.empty()) return false; /* let's check if this is indeed a Uemis DC */ reqtxt_path = build_filename(path, "req.txt"s); int reqtxt_file = subsurface_open(reqtxt_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); if (reqtxt_file < 0) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 1 report_info(":EE req.txt can't be opened\n"); #endif return false; } if (bytes_available(reqtxt_file) > 5) { char tmp[6]; if (read(reqtxt_file, tmp, 5) != 5) { close(reqtxt_file); return false; } tmp[5] = '\0'; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("::r req.txt \"%s\"\n", tmp); #endif if (sscanf(tmp + 1, "%d", &filenr) != 1) { close(reqtxt_file); return false; } } else { filenr = 0; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("::r req.txt skipped as there were fewer than 5 bytes\n"); #endif } close(reqtxt_file); /* It would be nice if we could simply go back to the first set of * ANS files. But with a FAT filesystem that isn't possible */ std::string ans_path = build_filename(path, "ANS"s); number_of_files = number_of_file(ans_path); /* initialize the array in which we collect the answers */ for (std::string &s: param_buff) s.clear(); return true; } static void str_append_with_delim(std::string &s, const std::string &t) { s += t; s += '{'; } /* The communication protocol with the DC is truly funky. * After you write your request to the req.txt file you call this function. * It writes the number of the next ANS file at the beginning of the req.txt * file (prefixed by 'n' or 'r') and then again at the very end of it, after * the full request (this time without the prefix). * Then it syncs (not needed on Windows) and closes the file. */ static void trigger_response(int file, const char *command, int nr, long tailpos) { char fl[10]; snprintf(fl, 8, "%s%04d", command, nr); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info(":tr %s (after seeks)\n", fl); #endif if (lseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) goto fs_error; if (write(file, fl, strlen(fl)) == -1) goto fs_error; if (lseek(file, tailpos, SEEK_SET) == -1) goto fs_error; if (write(file, fl + 1, strlen(fl + 1)) == -1) goto fs_error; #ifndef WIN32 fsync(file); #endif fs_error: close(file); } static std::string_view next_token(std::string_view &buf) { size_t pos = buf.find('{'); std::string_view res; if (pos == std::string::npos) { res = buf; buf = std::string_view(); } else { res = buf.substr(0, pos); buf = buf.substr(pos + 1); } return res; } /* poor man's tokenizer that understands a quoted delimiter ('{') */ static std::string next_segment(const std::string &buf, int &offset) { size_t i = static_cast<size_t>(offset); std::string segment; while (i < buf.size()) { if (i + 1 < buf.size() && buf[i] == '\\' && (buf[i + 1] == '\\' || buf[i + 1] == '{')) { i++; } else if (buf[i] == '{') { i++; break; } segment += buf[i++]; } offset = i; return segment; } /* are there more ANS files we can check? */ static bool next_file(int max) { if (filenr >= max) return false; filenr++; return true; } /* try and do a quick decode - without trying to get too fancy in case the data * straddles a block boundary... * we are parsing something that looks like this: * object_id{int{2{date{ts{2011-04-05T12:38:04{duration{float{12.000... */ static std::string first_object_id_val(std::string_view buf) { size_t object = buf.find( "object_id"); if (object != std::string::npos && object + 14 < buf.size()) { /* get the value */ size_t p = object + 14; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 char debugbuf[50]; strncpy(debugbuf, buf.begin() + object, 49); debugbuf[49] = '\0'; report_info("buf |%s|\n", debugbuf); #endif std::string res; while (p < buf.size() && buf[p] != '{' && res.size() < 9) res += buf[p++]; if (buf[p] == '{') { /* found the object_id - let's quickly look for the date */ std::string_view buf2 = buf.substr(p); if (starts_with(buf2, "{date{ts{") && buf2.find("{duration{") != std::string::npos) { /* cool - that was easy */ res += ','; res += ' '; /* skip the 9 characters we just found and take the date, ignoring the seconds * and replace the silly 'T' in the middle with a space */ res += buf2.substr(9, 16); size_t pos = res.size() - 16 + 10; if (res[pos] == 'T') res[pos] = ' '; } return res; } } return NULL; } /* ultra-simplistic; it doesn't deal with the case when the object_id is * split across two chunks. It also doesn't deal with the discrepancy between * object_id and dive number as understood by the dive computer */ static void show_progress(const std::string &buf, const char *what) { std::string val = first_object_id_val(buf); if (!val.empty()) { /* let the user know what we are working on */ #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 8 report_info("reading %s\n %s\n %s\n", what, val.c_str(), buf.c_str()); #endif uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "%s %s"), what, val.c_str()); } } static void uemis_increased_timeout(int *timeout) { if (*timeout < uemis_max_timeout) *timeout += uemis_long_timeout; usleep(*timeout); } static std::string build_ans_path(const std::string &path, int filenumber) { using namespace std::string_literals; /* Clamp filenumber into the 0..9999 range. This is never necessary, * as filenumber can never go above uemis_max_files, but gcc doesn't * recognize that and produces very noisy warnings. */ filenumber = filenumber < 0 ? 0 : filenumber % 10000; std::string fl = "ANS"s + std::to_string(filenumber) + ".TXT"s; std::string intermediate = build_filename(path, "ANS"s); return build_filename(intermediate, fl); } /* send a request to the dive computer and collect the answer */ static std::string uemis_get_answer(const std::string &path, const std::string &request, int n_param_in, int n_param_out, std::string &error_text) { int i = 0; char tmp[101]; const char *what = translate("gettextFromC", "data"); bool searching = true; bool assembling_mbuf = false; bool ismulti = false; bool found_answer = false; bool more_files = true; bool answer_in_mbuf = false; int ans_file; int timeout = uemis_long_timeout; int reqtxt_file = subsurface_open(reqtxt_path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); if (reqtxt_file < 0) { error_text = "can't open req.txt"; #ifdef UEMIS_DEBUG report_info("open %s failed with errno %d\n", reqtxt_path.c_str(), errno); #endif return std::string(); } std::string sb; str_append_with_delim(sb, request); for (i = 0; i < n_param_in; i++) str_append_with_delim(sb, param_buff[i]); if (request == "getDivelogs" || request == "getDeviceData" || request == "getDirectory" || request == "getDivespot" || request == "getDive") { answer_in_mbuf = true; str_append_with_delim(sb, std::string()); if (request == "getDivelogs") what = translate("gettextFromC", "dive log #"); else if (request == "getDivespot") what = translate("gettextFromC", "dive spot #"); else if (request == "getDive") what = translate("gettextFromC", "details for #"); } str_append_with_delim(sb, std::string()); size_t file_length = sb.size(); std::string header = format_string_std("n%04d%08lu", filenr, (unsigned long)file_length); sb = header + sb; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("::w req.txt \"%s\"\n", sb.c_str()); #endif int written = write(reqtxt_file, sb.c_str(), sb.size()); if (written == -1 || (size_t)written != sb.size()) { error_text = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_SHORT_WRITE); close(reqtxt_file); return std::string(); } if (!next_file(number_of_files)) { error_text = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_FULL); more_files = false; } trigger_response(reqtxt_file, "n", filenr, file_length); usleep(timeout); std::string mbuf; while (searching || assembling_mbuf) { if (import_thread_cancelled) return std::string(); progress_bar_fraction = filenr / (double)uemis_max_files; std::string ans_path = build_ans_path(path, filenr - 1); ans_file = subsurface_open(ans_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0666); if (ans_file < 0) { error_text = "can't open Uemis response file"; #ifdef UEMIS_DEBUG report_info("open %s failed with errno %d\n", ans_path.c_str(), errno); #endif return std::string(); } if (read(ans_file, tmp, 100) < 3) { close(ans_file); return std::string(); } close(ans_file); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 8 tmp[100] = '\0'; report_info("::t %s \"%s\"\n", ans_path.c_str(), tmp); #elif UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 char pbuf[4]; pbuf[0] = tmp[0]; pbuf[1] = tmp[1]; pbuf[2] = tmp[2]; pbuf[3] = 0; report_info("::t %s \"%s...\"\n", ans_path.c_str(), pbuf); #endif if (tmp[0] == '1') { searching = false; if (tmp[1] == 'm') { assembling_mbuf = true; ismulti = true; } if (tmp[2] == 'e') assembling_mbuf = false; if (assembling_mbuf) { if (!next_file(number_of_files)) { error_text = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_FULL); more_files = false; assembling_mbuf = false; } reqtxt_file = subsurface_open(reqtxt_path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); if (reqtxt_file < 0) { error_text = "can't open req.txt"; report_info("open %s failed with errno %d", reqtxt_path.c_str(), errno); return std::string(); } trigger_response(reqtxt_file, "n", filenr, file_length); } } else { if (!next_file(number_of_files - 1)) { error_text = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_FULL); more_files = false; assembling_mbuf = false; searching = false; } reqtxt_file = subsurface_open(reqtxt_path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); if (reqtxt_file < 0) { error_text = "can't open req.txt"; report_info("open %s failed with errno %d", reqtxt_path.c_str(), errno); return std::string(); } trigger_response(reqtxt_file, "r", filenr, file_length); uemis_increased_timeout(&timeout); } if (ismulti && more_files && tmp[0] == '1') { int size; std::string ans_path = build_ans_path(std::string(path), assembling_mbuf ? filenr - 2 : filenr - 1); ans_file = subsurface_open(ans_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0666); if (ans_file < 0) { error_text = "can't open Uemis response file"; #ifdef UEMIS_DEBUG report_info("open %s failed with errno %d\n", ans_path.c_str(), errno); #endif return std::string(); } size = bytes_available(ans_file); if (size > 3) { int r; if (lseek(ans_file, 3, SEEK_CUR) == -1) goto fs_error; std::string buf(size - 3, ' '); if ((r = read(ans_file, buf.data(), size - 3)) != size - 3) goto fs_error; mbuf += buf; show_progress(buf, what); if (param_buff[3].size() > 1) param_buff[3] = param_buff[3].substr(1); } close(ans_file); timeout = uemis_timeout; usleep(uemis_timeout); } } if (more_files) { int j = 0; std::string buf; if (!ismulti) { std::string ans_path = build_ans_path(std::string(path), filenr - 1); ans_file = subsurface_open(ans_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0666); if (ans_file < 0) { error_text = "can't open Uemis response file"; #ifdef UEMIS_DEBUG report_info("open %s failed with errno %d\n", ans_path.c_str(), errno); #endif return std::string(); } int size = bytes_available(ans_file); if (size > 3) { int r; if (lseek(ans_file, 3, SEEK_CUR) == -1) goto fs_error; buf = std::string(size - 3, ' '); if ((r = read(ans_file, buf.data(), size - 3)) != size - 3) goto fs_error; mbuf += buf; show_progress(buf, what); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 8 report_info("::r %s \"%s\"\n", ans_path.c_str(), buf.c_str()); #endif } close(ans_file); } else { ismulti = false; } #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 8 report_info(":r: %s\n", buf.c_str()); #endif if (!answer_in_mbuf) for (i = 0; i < n_param_out && (size_t)j < buf.size(); i++) param_buff[i] = next_segment(buf, j); found_answer = true; } #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 1 for (i = 0; i < n_param_out; i++) report_info("::: %d: %s\n", i, param_buff[i].c_str()); #endif return found_answer ? std::move(mbuf) : std::string(); fs_error: close(ans_file); return std::string(); } static bool parse_divespot(const std::string &buf) { std::string_view bp = std::string_view(buf).substr(1); std::string_view tp = next_token(bp); std::string_view tag, type, val; std::string locationstring; int divespot; double latitude = 0.0, longitude = 0.0; // dive spot got deleted, so fail here if (bp.find("deleted{bool{true") != std::string::npos) return false; // not a dive spot, fail here if (tp != "divespot") return false; do tag = next_token(bp); while (!bp.empty() && tag != "object_id"); if (bp.empty()) return false; next_token(bp); val = next_token(bp); if (from_chars(val, divespot).ec == std::errc::invalid_argument) return false; do { tag = next_token(bp); type = next_token(bp); val = next_token(bp); if (type == "string" && !val.empty() && val != " ") { if (!locationstring.empty()) locationstring += ", "; locationstring += val; } else if (type == "float") { if (tag == "longitude") from_chars(val, longitude); else if (tag == "latitude") from_chars(val, latitude); } } while (!tag.empty()); uemis_obj.set_divelocation(divespot, locationstring, longitude, latitude); return true; } static const char *suit[] = {"", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "wetsuit"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "semidry"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "drysuit")}; static const char *suit_type[] = {"", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "shorty"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "vest"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "long john"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "jacket"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "full suit"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "2 pcs full suit")}; static const char *suit_thickness[] = {"", "0.5-2mm", "2-3mm", "3-5mm", "5-7mm", "8mm+", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "membrane")}; static void parse_tag(struct dive *dive, std::string_view tag, std::string_view val) { /* we can ignore computer_id, water and gas as those are redundant * with the binary data and would just get overwritten */ #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 if (tag == "file_content") report_info("Adding to dive %d : %s = %s\n", dive->dcs[0].diveid, std::string(tag).c_str(), std::string(val).c_str()); #endif if (tag == "date") { dive->when = uemis_ts(val); } else if (tag == "duration") { uemis_duration(val, dive->dcs[0].duration); } else if (tag == "depth") { uemis_depth(val, dive->dcs[0].maxdepth); } else if (tag == "file_content") { uemis_obj.parse_divelog_binary(val, dive); } else if (tag == "altitude") { uemis_get_index(val, dive->dcs[0].surface_pressure.mbar); } else if (tag == "f32Weight") { weightsystem_t ws; uemis_get_weight(val, ws, dive->dcs[0].diveid); dive->weightsystems.push_back(std::move(ws)); } else if (tag == "notes") { uemis_add_string(val, dive->notes, " "); } else if (tag == "u8DiveSuit") { int idx = 0; uemis_get_index(val, idx); if (idx > 0 && idx < (int)std::size(suit)) uemis_add_string(translate("gettextFromC", suit[idx]), dive->suit, " "); } else if (tag == "u8DiveSuitType") { int idx = 0; uemis_get_index(val, idx); if (idx > 0 && idx < (int)std::size(suit_type)) uemis_add_string(translate("gettextFromC", suit_type[idx]), dive->suit, " "); } else if (tag == "u8SuitThickness") { int idx = 0; uemis_get_index(val, idx); if (idx > 0 && idx < (int)std::size(suit_thickness)) uemis_add_string(translate("gettextFromC", suit_thickness[idx]), dive->suit, " "); } else if (tag == "nickname") { uemis_add_string(val, dive->buddy, ","); } } static bool uemis_delete_dive(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t diveid) { auto it = std::find_if(devdata->log->dives.begin(), devdata->log->dives.end(), [diveid] (auto &d) { return d->dcs[0].diveid == diveid; }); if (it == devdata->log->dives.end()) return false; devdata->log->dives.erase(it); return true; } /* This function is called for both dive log and dive information that we get * from the SDA (what an insane design, btw). The object_id in the dive log * matches the logfilenr in the dive information (which has its own, often * different object_id) - we use this as the diveid. * We create the dive when parsing the dive log and then later, when we parse * the dive information we locate the already created dive via its diveid. * Most things just get parsed and converted into our internal data structures, * but the dive location API is even more crazy. We just get an id that is an * index into yet another data store that we read out later. In order to * correctly populate the location and gps data from that we need to remember * the addresses of those fields for every dive that references the dive spot. */ static bool process_raw_buffer(device_data_t *devdata, uint32_t deviceid, std::string_view buf, int &max_divenr, int *for_dive) { using namespace std::string_literals; bool done = false; bool is_log = false; std::vector<std::string_view> sections; std::unique_ptr<dive> owned_dive; // in log mode struct dive *non_owned_dive = nullptr; // in dive (non-log) mode int dive_no = 0; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 8 report_info("p_r_b %s\n", std::string(buf).c_str()); #endif if (for_dive) *for_dive = -1; std::string_view bp = buf.substr(1); std::string_view tp = next_token(bp); if (tp == "divelog") { /* this is a dive log */ is_log = true; tp = next_token(bp); /* is it a valid entry or nothing ? */ if (tp != "1.0" || buf.find("divelog{1.0{{{{") != std::string::npos) return false; } else if (tp == "dive") { /* this is dive detail */ is_log = false; tp = next_token(bp); if (tp != "1.0") return false; } else { /* don't understand the buffer */ return false; } if (is_log) { owned_dive = uemis_start_dive(deviceid); } else { /* remember, we don't know if this is the right entry, * so first test if this is even a valid entry */ if (buf.find("deleted{bool{true") != std::string::npos) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("p_r_b entry deleted\n"); #endif /* oops, this one isn't valid, suggest to try the previous one */ return false; } /* quickhack and workaround to capture the original dive_no * I am doing this so I don't have to change the original design * but when parsing a dive we never parse the dive number because * at the time it's being read the *dive variable is not set because * the dive_no tag comes before the object_id in the uemis ans file */ size_t dive_no_pos = buf.find("dive_no{int{"); if (dive_no_pos != std::string::npos) { dive_no_pos += 12; size_t dive_no_end = buf.find('{', dive_no_pos); if (dive_no_end != std::string::npos) { std::string_view dive_no_str = buf.substr(dive_no_pos, dive_no_end - dive_no_pos); if (from_chars(dive_no_str, dive_no).ec == std::errc::invalid_argument) dive_no = 0; } } } while (!done) { /* the valid buffer ends with a series of delimiters */ if (bp.size() < 2 || starts_with(bp, "{{")) break; std::string_view tag = next_token(bp); /* we also end if we get an empty tag */ if (tag.empty()) break; if (std::find(sections.begin(), sections.end(), tag) != sections.end()) tag = next_token(bp); std::string_view type = next_token(bp); if (type == "1.0") { /* this tells us the sections that will follow; the tag here * is of the format dive-<section> */ size_t pos = tag.find('-'); if (pos != std::string::npos) sections.push_back(tag.substr(pos + 1)); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("Expect to find section %s\n", std::string(sections.back()).c_str()); #endif continue; } std::string_view val = next_token(bp); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 8 if (val.size() < 20) report_info("Parsed %s, %s, %s\n*************************\n", std::string(tag).c_str(), std::string(type).c_str(), std::string(val).c_str()); #endif if (is_log) { // Is log if (tag == "object_id") { from_chars(val, max_divenr); owned_dive->dcs[0].diveid = max_divenr; #if UEMIS_DEBUG % 2 report_info("Adding new dive from log with object_id %d.\n", max_divenr); #endif } parse_tag(owned_dive.get(), tag, val); if (tag == "file_content") done = true; /* done with one dive (got the file_content tag), but there could be more: * a '{' indicates the end of the record - but we need to see another "{{" * later in the buffer to know that the next record is complete (it could * be a short read because of some error */ if (done && bp.size() > 3) { bp = bp.substr(1); if (bp[0] != '{' && bp.find("{{") != std::string::npos) { done = false; devdata->log->dives.record_dive(std::move(owned_dive)); owned_dive = uemis_start_dive(deviceid); } } } else { // Is dive if (tag == "logfilenr") { /* this one tells us which dive we are adding data to */ int diveid = 0; from_chars(val, diveid); non_owned_dive = get_dive_by_uemis_diveid(devdata, diveid); if (dive_no != 0) non_owned_dive->number = dive_no; if (for_dive) *for_dive = diveid; } else if (non_owned_dive && tag == "divespot_id") { int divespot_id; if (from_chars(val, divespot_id).ec != std::errc::invalid_argument) { struct dive_site *ds = devdata->log->sites.create("from Uemis"s); unregister_dive_from_dive_site(non_owned_dive); ds->add_dive(non_owned_dive); uemis_obj.mark_divelocation(non_owned_dive->dcs[0].diveid, divespot_id, ds); } #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("Created divesite %d for diveid : %d\n", non_owned_dive->dive_site->uuid, non_owned_dive->dcs[0].diveid); #endif } else if (non_owned_dive) { parse_tag(non_owned_dive, tag, val); } } } if (is_log) { if (owned_dive->dcs[0].diveid) devdata->log->dives.record_dive(std::move(owned_dive)); else /* partial dive */ return false; } return true; } // Returns (mindiveid, maxdiveid) static std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> uemis_get_divenr(uint32_t deviceid, struct dive_table *table, int force) { uint32_t maxdiveid = 0; uint32_t mindiveid = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* * If we are are retrying after a disconnect/reconnect, we * will look up the highest dive number in the dives we * already have. * * Also, if "force_download" is true, do this even if we * don't have any dives (maxdiveid will remain ~0). * * Otherwise, use the global dive table. */ if (!force && table->empty()) table = &divelog.dives; for (auto &d: *table) { if (!d) continue; for (auto &dc: d->dcs) { if (dc.model == "Uemis Zurich" && (dc.deviceid == 0 || dc.deviceid == 0x7fffffff || dc.deviceid == deviceid)) { if (dc.diveid > maxdiveid) maxdiveid = dc.diveid; if (dc.diveid < mindiveid) mindiveid = dc.diveid; } } } return std::make_pair(mindiveid, maxdiveid); } #if UEMIS_DEBUG static bool do_dump_buffer_to_file(std::string_view buf, const char *prefix) { using namespace std::string_literals; static int bufCnt = 0; if (buf.empty()) return false; size_t datepos = buf.find("date{ts{"); std::string pdate; if (datepos != std::string::npos) { std::string_view ptr1 = buf.substr(datepos); next_token(ptr1); next_token(ptr1); pdate = next_token(ptr1); } else { pdate = "date{ts{no-date{"s; } size_t obidpos = buf.find("object_id{int{"); if (obidpos == std::string::npos) return false; std::string_view ptr2 = buf.substr(obidpos); next_token(ptr2); next_token(ptr2); std::string pobid = std::string(next_token(ptr2)); std::string path = format_string_std("/%s/%s/UEMIS Dump/%s_%s_Uemis_dump_%s_in_round_%d_%d.txt", home.c_str(), user.c_str(), prefix, pdate.c_str(), pobid.c_str(), debug_round, bufCnt); int dumpFile = subsurface_open(path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); if (dumpFile == -1) return false; bool success = (size_t)write(dumpFile, buf.data(), buf.size()) == buf.size(); close(dumpFile); bufCnt++; return success; } #endif /* do some more sophisticated calculations here to try and predict if the next round of * divelog/divedetail reads will fit into the UEMIS buffer, * filenr holds now the uemis filenr after having read several logs including the dive details, * fCapacity will five us the average number of files needed for all currently loaded data * remember the maximum file usage per dive * return : ok if there is enough memory for a full round * full if the memory is exhausted */ static uemis_mem_status get_memory(struct dive_table &td, uemis_checkpoint checkpoint) { if (td.empty()) return uemis_mem_status::ok; switch (checkpoint) { case uemis_checkpoint::log: if (filenr / static_cast<int>(td.size()) > max_mem_used) max_mem_used = filenr / static_cast<int>(td.size()); /* check if a full block of dive logs + dive details and dive spot fit into the UEMIS buffer */ #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("max_mem_used %d (from td.size() %d) * block_size %d > max_files %d - filenr %d?\n", max_mem_used, static_cast<int>(td.size()), uemis_log_block_size, uemis_max_files, filenr); #endif if (max_mem_used * uemis_log_block_size > uemis_max_files - filenr) return uemis_mem_status::full; break; case uemis_checkpoint::details: /* check if the next set of dive details and dive spot fit into the UEMIS buffer */ if ((uemis_dive_details_size + uemis_spot_block_size) * uemis_log_block_size > uemis_max_files - filenr) return uemis_mem_status::full; break; case uemis_checkpoint::single_dive: if (uemis_dive_details_size + uemis_spot_block_size > uemis_max_files - filenr) return uemis_mem_status::full; break; } return uemis_mem_status::ok; } /* we misuse the hidden_by_filter flag to mark a dive as deleted. * this will be picked up by some cleaning statement later. */ static void do_delete_dives(struct dive_table &td, size_t idx) { for (auto it = td.begin() + idx; it != td.end(); ++it) (*it)->hidden_by_filter = true; } static bool load_uemis_divespot(const std::string &mountpath, int divespot_id) { param_buff[2] = std::to_string(divespot_id); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("getDivespot %d\n", divespot_id); #endif std::string error_text; // unused std::string mbuf = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDivespot", 3, 0, error_text); if (!mbuf.empty()) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 16 do_dump_buffer_to_file(mbuf, "Spot"); #endif return parse_divespot(mbuf); } return false; } static void get_uemis_divespot(device_data_t *devdata, const std::string &mountpath, int divespot_id, struct dive *dive) { struct dive_site *nds = dive->dive_site; auto it = divespot_mapping.find(divespot_id); if (it != divespot_mapping.end()) { struct dive_site *ds = it->second; unregister_dive_from_dive_site(dive); ds->add_dive(dive); } else if (nds && !nds->name.empty() && nds->name.find("from Uemis") != std::string::npos) { if (load_uemis_divespot(mountpath, divespot_id)) { /* get the divesite based on the diveid, this should give us * the newly created site */ /* with the divesite name we got from parse_dive, that is called on load_uemis_divespot * we search all existing divesites if we have one with the same name already. The function * returns the first found which is luckily not the newly created. */ struct dive_site *ods = devdata->log->sites.get_by_name(nds->name); if (ods && nds->uuid != ods->uuid) { /* if the uuid's are the same, the new site is a duplicate and can be deleted */ unregister_dive_from_dive_site(dive); ods->add_dive(dive); devdata->log->sites.pull(nds); } divespot_mapping[divespot_id] = dive->dive_site; } else { /* if we can't load the dive site details, delete the site we * created in process_raw_buffer */ devdata->log->sites.pull(dive->dive_site); dive->dive_site = nullptr; } } } static bool get_matching_dive(size_t idx, int &newmax, uemis_mem_status &mem_status, device_data_t *data, const std::string &mountpath, const char deviceidnr) { auto &dive = data->log->dives[idx]; char log_file_no_to_find[20]; bool found = false; bool found_below = false; bool found_above = false; int deleted_files = 0; int fail_count = 0; snprintf(log_file_no_to_find, sizeof(log_file_no_to_find), "logfilenr{int{%d", dive->dcs[0].diveid); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("Looking for dive details to go with dive log id %d\n", dive->dcs[0].diveid); #endif while (!found) { if (import_thread_cancelled) break; param_buff[2] = std::to_string(dive_to_read); std::string error_text; // unused std::string mbuf = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDive", 3, 0, error_text); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 16 do_dump_buffer_to_file(mbuf, "Dive"); #endif mem_status = get_memory(data->log->dives, uemis_checkpoint::single_dive); if (mem_status == uemis_mem_status::ok) { /* if the memory isn's completely full we can try to read more dive log vs. dive details * and the dive spots should fit into the UEMIS memory * The match we do here is to map the object_id to the logfilenr, we do this * by iterating through the last set of loaded dive logs and then find the corresponding * dive with the matching logfilenr */ if (!mbuf.empty()) { if (strstr(mbuf.c_str(), log_file_no_to_find)) { /* we found the logfilenr that matches our object_id from the dive log we were looking for * we mark the search successful even if the dive has been deleted. */ found = true; if (strstr(mbuf.c_str(), "deleted{bool{true") == NULL) { process_raw_buffer(data, deviceidnr, mbuf, newmax, NULL); /* remember the last log file number as it is very likely that subsequent dives * have the same or higher logfile number. * UEMIS unfortunately deletes dives by deleting the dive details and not the logs. */ #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 d_time = get_dive_date_c_string(dive->when); report_info("Matching dive log id %d from %s with dive details %d\n", dive->dcs[0].diveid, d_time.c_str(), dive_to_read); #endif int divespot_id = uemis_obj.get_divespot_id_by_diveid(dive->dcs[0].diveid); if (divespot_id >= 0) get_uemis_divespot(data, mountpath, divespot_id, dive.get()); } else { /* in this case we found a deleted file, so let's increment */ #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 d_time = get_dive_date_c_string(dive->when); report_info("TRY matching dive log id %d from %s with dive details %d but details are deleted\n", dive->dcs[0].diveid, d_time.c_str(), dive_to_read); #endif deleted_files++; /* mark this log entry as deleted and cleanup later, otherwise we mess up our array */ dive->hidden_by_filter = true; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("Deleted dive from %s, with id %d from table -- newmax is %d\n", d_time.c_str(), dive->dcs[0].diveid, newmax); #endif } } else { uint32_t nr_found = 0; size_t pos = mbuf.find("logfilenr"); if (pos != std::string::npos && mbuf.find("act{") != std::string::npos) { sscanf(mbuf.c_str() + pos, "logfilenr{int{%u", &nr_found); if (nr_found >= dive->dcs[0].diveid || nr_found == 0) { found_above = true; dive_to_read = dive_to_read - 2; } else { found_below = true; } if (dive_to_read < -1) dive_to_read = -1; } else if (mbuf.find("act{") == std::string::npos && ++fail_count == 10) { if (verbose) report_info("Uemis downloader: Cannot access dive details - searching from start"); dive_to_read = -1; } } } if (found_above && found_below) break; dive_to_read++; } else { /* At this point the memory of the UEMIS is full, let's cleanup all dive log files were * we could not match the details to. */ do_delete_dives(data->log->dives, idx); return false; } } /* decrement iDiveToRead by the amount of deleted entries found to assure * we are not missing any valid matches when processing subsequent logs */ dive_to_read = (dive_to_read - deleted_files > 0 ? dive_to_read - deleted_files : 0); deleted_files = 0; return true; } std::string do_uemis_import(device_data_t *data) { const std::string &mountpath = data->devname; short force_download = data->force_download; int newmax = -1; int first, start, end = -2; uint32_t deviceidnr; std::string deviceid; std::string result; bool once = true; int dive_offset = 0; uemis_mem_status mem_status = uemis_mem_status::ok; // To speed up sync you can skip downloading old dives by defining UEMIS_DIVE_OFFSET if (getenv("UEMIS_DIVE_OFFSET")) { dive_offset = atoi(getenv("UEMIS_DIVE_OFFSET")); report_info("Uemis: Using dive # offset %d\n", dive_offset); } #if UEMIS_DEBUG home = getenv("HOME"); user = getenv("LOGNAME"); #endif uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "Initialise communication")); if (!uemis_init(mountpath)) { return translate("gettextFromC", "Uemis init failed"); } if (uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDeviceId", 0, 1, result).empty()) goto bail; deviceid = param_buff[0]; deviceidnr = atoi(deviceid.c_str()); /* param_buff[0] is still valid */ if (uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "initSession", 1, 6, result).empty()) goto bail; uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "Start download")); if (uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "processSync", 0, 2, result).empty()) goto bail; /* before starting the long download, check if user pressed cancel */ if (import_thread_cancelled) goto bail; param_buff[1] = "notempty"; { auto [mindiveid, maxdiveid] = uemis_get_divenr(deviceidnr, &data->log->dives, force_download); newmax = maxdiveid; if (verbose) report_info("Uemis downloader: start looking at dive nr %d", newmax); first = start = newmax; dive_to_read = (int)mindiveid < first ? first - mindiveid : first; } if (dive_offset > 0) start += dive_offset; for (;;) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 debug_round++; #endif #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("d_u_i inner loop start %d end %d newmax %d\n", start, end, newmax); #endif /* start at the last filled download table index */ size_t match_dive_and_log = data->log->dives.size(); newmax = start; std::string newmax_str = std::to_string(newmax); param_buff[2] = newmax_str.c_str(); param_buff[3].clear(); std::string mbuf = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDivelogs", 3, 0, result); mem_status = get_memory(data->log->dives, uemis_checkpoint::details); /* first, remove any leading garbage... this needs to start with a '{' */ std::string_view realmbuf = mbuf; size_t pos = realmbuf.find('{'); if (pos != std::string::npos) realmbuf = realmbuf.substr(pos); if (!realmbuf.empty() && mem_status != uemis_mem_status::full) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 16 do_dump_buffer_to_file(realmbuf, "Dive logs"); #endif bool success = true; /* process the buffer we have assembled */ if (!process_raw_buffer(data, deviceidnr, realmbuf, newmax, NULL)) { /* if no dives were downloaded, mark end appropriately */ /* Might be related to the "clean up mbuf" below. * Disable for now, since end will be overwritten anyway */ //if (end == -2) //end = start - 1; success = false; } if (once) { std::string t = first_object_id_val(realmbuf); int val; if (from_chars(t, val).ec != std::errc::invalid_argument) { start = std::max(val, start); } once = false; } /* clean up mbuf */ /* reason unclear: const char *endptr = strstr(realmbuf, "{{{"); if (endptr) *(endptr + 2) = '\0'; */ /* last object_id we parsed */ end = newmax; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("d_u_i after download and parse start %d end %d newmax %d progress %4.2f\n", start, end, newmax, progress_bar_fraction); #endif /* The way this works is that I am reading the current dive from what has been loaded during the getDiveLogs call to the UEMIS. * As the object_id of the dive log entry and the object_id of the dive details are not necessarily the same, the match needs * to happen based on the logfilenr. * What the following part does is to optimize the mapping by using * dive_to_read = the dive details entry that need to be read using the object_id * logFileNoToFind = map the logfilenr of the dive details with the object_id = diveid from the get dive logs */ for (size_t i = match_dive_and_log; i < data->log->dives.size(); i++) { if (!get_matching_dive(i, newmax, mem_status, data, mountpath, deviceidnr)) break; if (import_thread_cancelled) break; } start = end; /* Do some memory checking here */ mem_status = get_memory(data->log->dives, uemis_checkpoint::log); if (mem_status != uemis_mem_status::ok) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("d_u_i out of memory, bailing\n"); #endif mbuf = uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "terminateSync", 0, 3, result); const char *errormsg = translate("gettextFromC", ACTION_RECONNECT); for (int wait=60; wait >=0; wait--){ uemis_info("%s %ds", errormsg, wait); usleep(1000000); } // Resetting to original state filenr = 0; max_mem_used = -1; mem_status = get_memory(data->log->dives, uemis_checkpoint::details); if (uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "getDeviceId", 0, 1, result).empty()) goto bail; if (deviceid != param_buff[0]) { report_info("Uemis: Device id has changed after reconnect!"); goto bail; } param_buff[0] = deviceid; if (uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "initSession", 1, 6, result).empty()) goto bail; uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "Start download")); if (uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "processSync", 0, 2, result).empty()) goto bail; param_buff[1] = "notempty"; } /* if the user clicked cancel, exit gracefully */ if (import_thread_cancelled) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("d_u_i thread canceled, bailing\n"); #endif break; } /* if we got an error or got nothing back, stop trying */ if (!success || param_buff[3].empty()) { #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("d_u_i after download nothing found, giving up\n"); #endif break; } #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 if (debug_round != -1) if (debug_round-- == 0) { report_info("d_u_i debug_round is now 0, bailing\n"); goto bail; } #endif } else { /* some of the loading from the UEMIS failed at the dive log level * if the memory status = full, we can't even load the dive spots and/or buddies. * The loaded block of dive logs is useless and all new loaded dive logs need to * be deleted from the download_table. */ if (mem_status == uemis_mem_status::full) do_delete_dives(data->log->dives, match_dive_and_log); #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 4 report_info("d_u_i out of memory, bailing instead of processing\n"); #endif break; } } if (end == -2) end = newmax; #if UEMIS_DEBUG & 2 report_info("Done: read from object_id %d to %d\n", first, end); #endif /* Regardless on where we are with the memory situation, it's time now * to see if we have to clean some dead bodies from our download table */ for (size_t next_table_index = 0; next_table_index < data->log->dives.size(); ) { if (data->log->dives[next_table_index]->hidden_by_filter) uemis_delete_dive(data, data->log->dives[next_table_index]->dcs[0].diveid); else next_table_index++; } if (mem_status != uemis_mem_status::ok) result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_ALMOST_FULL); if (data->sync_time) uemis_info(translate("gettextFromC", "Time sync not supported by dive computer")); bail: (void)uemis_get_answer(mountpath, "terminateSync", 0, 3, result); if (param_buff[0] == "error") { if (param_buff[2] == "Out of Memory") result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_FS_FULL); else result = param_buff[2]; } if (data->log->dives.empty()) result = translate("gettextFromC", ERR_NO_FILES); return result; }