// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "maplocationmodel.h" #include "divelocationmodel.h" #include "core/divesite.h" #ifndef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE #include "qt-models/filtermodels.h" #include "desktop-widgets/mapwidget.h" #endif #define MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_DIVE_SITES_M 50.0 MapLocation::MapLocation(struct dive_site *dsIn, QGeoCoordinate coordIn, QString nameIn, bool selectedIn) : divesite(dsIn), coordinate(coordIn), name(nameIn), selected(selectedIn) { } // Check whether we are in divesite-edit mode. This doesn't // exist on mobile. And on desktop we have to access the MapWidget. // Simplify this! static bool inEditMode() { #ifdef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE return false; #else return MapWidget::instance()->editMode(); #endif } QVariant MapLocation::getRole(int role) const { switch (role) { case Roles::RoleDivesite: return QVariant::fromValue(divesite); case Roles::RoleCoordinate: return QVariant::fromValue(coordinate); case Roles::RoleName: return QVariant::fromValue(name); case Roles::RolePixmap: return selected ? QString("qrc:///dive-location-marker-selected-icon") : inEditMode() ? QString("qrc:///dive-location-marker-inactive-icon") : QString("qrc:///dive-location-marker-icon"); case Roles::RoleZ: return selected ? 1 : 0; case Roles::RoleIsSelected: return QVariant::fromValue(selected); default: return QVariant(); } } MapLocationModel::MapLocationModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent) { connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::diveSiteChanged, this, &MapLocationModel::diveSiteChanged); } MapLocationModel::~MapLocationModel() { qDeleteAll(m_mapLocations); } QVariant MapLocationModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const { if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_mapLocations.size()) return QVariant(); return m_mapLocations.at(index.row())->getRole(role); } QHash MapLocationModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles[MapLocation::Roles::RoleDivesite] = "divesite"; roles[MapLocation::Roles::RoleCoordinate] = "coordinate"; roles[MapLocation::Roles::RoleName] = "name"; roles[MapLocation::Roles::RolePixmap] = "pixmap"; roles[MapLocation::Roles::RoleZ] = "z"; roles[MapLocation::Roles::RoleIsSelected] = "isSelected"; return roles; } int MapLocationModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return m_mapLocations.size(); } void MapLocationModel::add(MapLocation *location) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_mapLocations.size(), m_mapLocations.size()); m_mapLocations.append(location); endInsertRows(); } const QVector &MapLocationModel::selectedDs() const { return m_selectedDs; } static bool hasVisibleDive(const dive_site *ds) { return std::any_of(&ds->dives.dives[0], &ds->dives.dives[ds->dives.nr], [] (const dive *d) { return !d->hidden_by_filter; }); } static bool hasSelectedDive(const dive_site *ds) { return std::any_of(&ds->dives.dives[0], &ds->dives.dives[ds->dives.nr], [] (const dive *d) { return d->selected; }); } void MapLocationModel::selectionChanged() { if (m_mapLocations.isEmpty()) return; for(MapLocation *m: m_mapLocations) m->selected = m_selectedDs.contains(m->divesite); emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(m_mapLocations.size() - 1, 0)); } void MapLocationModel::reload(QObject *map) { beginResetModel(); qDeleteAll(m_mapLocations); m_mapLocations.clear(); m_selectedDs.clear(); QMap locationNameMap; #ifdef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE bool diveSiteMode = false; #else // In dive site mode (that is when either editing a dive site or on // the dive site tab), we want to show all dive sites, not only those // of the non-hidden dives. Moreover, the selected dive sites are those // that we filter for. bool diveSiteMode = MultiFilterSortModel::instance()->diveSiteMode(); if (diveSiteMode) m_selectedDs = MultiFilterSortModel::instance()->filteredDiveSites(); #endif for (int i = 0; i < dive_site_table.nr; ++i) { struct dive_site *ds = dive_site_table.dive_sites[i]; QGeoCoordinate dsCoord; // Don't show dive sites of hidden dives, unless we're in dive site edit mode. if (!diveSiteMode && !hasVisibleDive(ds)) continue; if (!dive_site_has_gps_location(ds)) { // Dive sites that do not have a gps location are not shown in normal mode. // In dive-edit mode, selected sites are placed at the center of the map, // so that the user can drag them somewhere without having to enter coordinates. if (!diveSiteMode || !m_selectedDs.contains(ds) || !map) continue; dsCoord = map->property("center").value(); } else { qreal latitude = ds->location.lat.udeg * 0.000001; qreal longitude = ds->location.lon.udeg * 0.000001; dsCoord = QGeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude); } if (!diveSiteMode && hasSelectedDive(ds) && !m_selectedDs.contains(ds)) m_selectedDs.append(ds); QString name(ds->name); if (!diveSiteMode) { // don't add dive locations with the same name, unless they are // at least MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_DIVE_SITES_M apart if (locationNameMap.contains(name)) { MapLocation *existingLocation = locationNameMap[name]; QGeoCoordinate coord = existingLocation->coordinate; if (dsCoord.distanceTo(coord) < MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_DIVE_SITES_M) continue; } } bool selected = m_selectedDs.contains(ds); MapLocation *location = new MapLocation(ds, dsCoord, name, selected); m_mapLocations.append(location); if (!diveSiteMode) locationNameMap[name] = location; } endResetModel(); } void MapLocationModel::setSelected(struct dive_site *ds) { m_selectedDs.clear(); if (ds) m_selectedDs.append(ds); } void MapLocationModel::setSelected(const QVector &divesites) { m_selectedDs = divesites; } MapLocation *MapLocationModel::getMapLocation(const struct dive_site *ds) { MapLocation *location; foreach(location, m_mapLocations) { if (ds == location->divesite) return location; } return NULL; } void MapLocationModel::diveSiteChanged(struct dive_site *ds, int field) { // Find dive site int row; for (row = 0; row < m_mapLocations.size(); ++row) { if (m_mapLocations[row]->divesite == ds) break; } if (row == m_mapLocations.size()) return; switch (field) { case LocationInformationModel::LOCATION: if (has_location(&ds->location)) { const qreal latitude_r = ds->location.lat.udeg * 0.000001; const qreal longitude_r = ds->location.lon.udeg * 0.000001; QGeoCoordinate coord(latitude_r, longitude_r); m_mapLocations[row]->coordinate = coord; } break; case LocationInformationModel::NAME: m_mapLocations[row]->name = ds->name; break; default: break; } emit dataChanged(createIndex(row, 0), createIndex(row, 0)); }