#include "downloadfromdcthread.h" #include "core/libdivecomputer.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/settings/qPrefDiveComputer.h" #include "core/divelist.h" #include <QDebug> #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #endif QStringList vendorList; QHash<QString, QStringList> productList; static QHash<QString, QStringList> mobileProductList; // BT, BLE or FTDI supported DCs for mobile QMap<QString, dc_descriptor_t *> descriptorLookup; ConnectionListModel connectionListModel; static QString str_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); const QString str = QString().vsprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); return str; } static void updateRememberedDCs() { QString current = qPrefDiveComputer::vendor() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::product() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::device(); QStringList dcs = { qPrefDiveComputer::vendor1() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::product1() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::device1(), qPrefDiveComputer::vendor2() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::product2() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::device2(), qPrefDiveComputer::vendor3() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::product3() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::device3(), qPrefDiveComputer::vendor4() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::product4() + " - " + qPrefDiveComputer::device4() }; if (dcs.contains(current)) // already in the list return; // add the current one as the first remembered one and drop the 4th one // don't get confused by 0-based and 1-based indices! if (dcs[2] != " - ") { qPrefDiveComputer::set_vendor4(qPrefDiveComputer::vendor3()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_product4(qPrefDiveComputer::product3()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_device4(qPrefDiveComputer::device3()); } if (dcs[1] != " - ") { qPrefDiveComputer::set_vendor3(qPrefDiveComputer::vendor2()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_product3(qPrefDiveComputer::product2()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_device3(qPrefDiveComputer::device2()); } if (dcs[0] != " - ") { qPrefDiveComputer::set_vendor2(qPrefDiveComputer::vendor1()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_product2(qPrefDiveComputer::product1()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_device2(qPrefDiveComputer::device1()); } qPrefDiveComputer::set_vendor1(qPrefDiveComputer::vendor()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_product1(qPrefDiveComputer::product()); qPrefDiveComputer::set_device1(qPrefDiveComputer::device()); } #define NUMTRANSPORTS 7 static QString transportStringTable[NUMTRANSPORTS] = { QStringLiteral("SERIAL"), QStringLiteral("USB"), QStringLiteral("USBHID"), QStringLiteral("IRDA"), QStringLiteral("BT"), QStringLiteral("BLE"), QStringLiteral("USBSTORAGE"), }; static QString getTransportString(unsigned int transport) { QString ts; for (int i = 0; i < NUMTRANSPORTS; i++) { if (transport & 1 << i) ts += transportStringTable[i] + ", "; } ts.chop(2); return ts; } DownloadThread::DownloadThread() : downloadTable({ 0 }), diveSiteTable({ 0 }), m_data(DCDeviceData::instance()) { } void DownloadThread::run() { auto internalData = m_data->internalData(); internalData->descriptor = descriptorLookup[m_data->vendor().toLower() + m_data->product().toLower()]; internalData->download_table = &downloadTable; internalData->sites = &diveSiteTable; internalData->btname = strdup(m_data->devBluetoothName().toUtf8()); if (!internalData->descriptor) { qDebug() << "No download possible when DC type is unknown"; return; } // get the list of transports that this device supports and filter depending on Bluetooth option unsigned int transports = dc_descriptor_get_transports(internalData->descriptor); if (internalData->bluetooth_mode) transports &= (DC_TRANSPORT_BLE | DC_TRANSPORT_BLUETOOTH); else transports &= ~(DC_TRANSPORT_BLE | DC_TRANSPORT_BLUETOOTH); if (transports == DC_TRANSPORT_USBHID) internalData->devname = ""; qDebug() << "Starting download from " << getTransportString(transports); qDebug() << "downloading" << (internalData->force_download ? "all" : "only new") << "dives"; clear_dive_table(&downloadTable); clear_dive_site_table(&diveSiteTable); Q_ASSERT(internalData->download_table != nullptr); const char *errorText; import_thread_cancelled = false; error.clear(); if (!strcmp(internalData->vendor, "Uemis")) errorText = do_uemis_import(internalData); else errorText = do_libdivecomputer_import(internalData); if (errorText) { error = str_error(errorText, internalData->devname, internalData->vendor, internalData->product); qDebug() << "Finishing download thread:" << error; } else { if (!downloadTable.nr) error = tr("No new dives downloaded from dive computer"); qDebug() << "Finishing download thread:" << downloadTable.nr << "dives downloaded"; } qPrefDiveComputer::set_vendor(internalData->vendor); qPrefDiveComputer::set_product(internalData->product); qPrefDiveComputer::set_device(internalData->devname); qPrefDiveComputer::set_device_name(m_data->devBluetoothName()); updateRememberedDCs(); } void fill_computer_list() { dc_iterator_t *iterator = NULL; dc_descriptor_t *descriptor = NULL; unsigned int transportMask = get_supported_transports(NULL); dc_descriptor_iterator(&iterator); while (dc_iterator_next(iterator, &descriptor) == DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // mask out the transports that aren't supported unsigned int transports = dc_descriptor_get_transports(descriptor) & transportMask; if (transports == 0) // none of the transports are available, skip continue; const char *vendor = dc_descriptor_get_vendor(descriptor); const char *product = dc_descriptor_get_product(descriptor); if (!vendorList.contains(vendor)) vendorList.append(vendor); if (!productList[vendor].contains(product)) productList[vendor].append(product); descriptorLookup[QString(vendor).toLower() + QString(product).toLower()] = descriptor; } dc_iterator_free(iterator); Q_FOREACH (QString vendor, vendorList) { auto &l = productList[vendor]; std::sort(l.begin(), l.end()); } #if !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) && !defined(Q_OS_IOS) /* currently suppress the Uemis Zurich on Q_OS_ANDROID and Q_OS_IOS, * as it is no BT device */ /* and add the Uemis Zurich which we are handling internally THIS IS A HACK as we magically have a data structure here that happens to match a data structure that is internal to libdivecomputer; this WILL BREAK if libdivecomputer changes the dc_descriptor struct... eventually the UEMIS code needs to move into libdivecomputer, I guess */ struct mydescriptor *mydescriptor = (struct mydescriptor *)malloc(sizeof(struct mydescriptor)); mydescriptor->vendor = "Uemis"; mydescriptor->product = "Zurich"; mydescriptor->type = DC_FAMILY_NULL; mydescriptor->model = 0; mydescriptor->transports = DC_TRANSPORT_USBSTORAGE; if (!vendorList.contains("Uemis")) vendorList.append("Uemis"); if (!productList["Uemis"].contains("Zurich")) productList["Uemis"].push_back("Zurich"); // note: keys in the descriptorLookup are always lowercase descriptorLookup["uemiszurich"] = (dc_descriptor_t *)mydescriptor; #endif std::sort(vendorList.begin(), vendorList.end()); } void show_computer_list() { unsigned int transportMask = get_supported_transports(NULL); qDebug() << "Supported dive computers:"; Q_FOREACH (QString vendor, vendorList) { QString msg = vendor + ": "; Q_FOREACH (QString product, productList[vendor]) { dc_descriptor_t *descriptor = descriptorLookup[vendor.toLower() + product.toLower()]; unsigned int transport = dc_descriptor_get_transports(descriptor) & transportMask; QString transportString = getTransportString(transport); msg += product + " (" + transportString + "), "; } msg.chop(2); qDebug() << msg; } } DCDeviceData::DCDeviceData() { memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.download_table = nullptr; data.diveid = 0; data.deviceid = 0; #if defined(BT_SUPPORT) data.bluetooth_mode = true; #else data.bluetooth_mode = false; #endif data.force_download = false; data.libdc_dump = false; #if defined(SUBSURFACE_MOBILE) data.libdc_log = true; #else data.libdc_log = false; #endif #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) data.androidUsbDeviceDescriptor = nullptr; #endif } DCDeviceData *DCDeviceData::instance() { static DCDeviceData self; return &self; } QStringList DCDeviceData::getProductListFromVendor(const QString &vendor) { return productList[vendor]; } int DCDeviceData::getMatchingAddress(const QString &vendor, const QString &product) { Q_UNUSED(vendor) return connectionListModel.indexOf(product); } DCDeviceData *DownloadThread::data() { return m_data; } QString DCDeviceData::vendor() const { return data.vendor; } QString DCDeviceData::product() const { return data.product; } QString DCDeviceData::devName() const { return data.devname; } QString DCDeviceData::devBluetoothName() const { return m_devBluetoothName; } QString DCDeviceData::descriptor() const { return ""; } bool DCDeviceData::bluetoothMode() const { return data.bluetooth_mode; } bool DCDeviceData::forceDownload() const { return data.force_download; } int DCDeviceData::deviceId() const { return data.deviceid; } int DCDeviceData::diveId() const { return data.diveid; } void DCDeviceData::setVendor(const QString &vendor) { data.vendor = copy_qstring(vendor); } void DCDeviceData::setProduct(const QString &product) { data.product = copy_qstring(product); } void DCDeviceData::setDevName(const QString &devName) { // This is a workaround for bug #1002. A string of the form "devicename (deviceaddress)" // or "deviceaddress (devicename)" may have found its way into the preferences. // Try to fetch the address from such a string // TODO: Remove this code in due course if (data.bluetooth_mode) { int idx1 = devName.indexOf('('); int idx2 = devName.lastIndexOf(')'); if (idx1 >= 0 && idx2 >= 0 && idx2 > idx1) { QString front = devName.left(idx1).trimmed(); QString back = devName.mid(idx1 + 1, idx2 - idx1 - 1); QString newDevName = back.indexOf(':') >= 0 ? back : front; qWarning() << "Found invalid bluetooth device" << devName << "corrected to" << newDevName << "."; data.devname = copy_qstring(newDevName); return; } } data.devname = copy_qstring(devName); } #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) void DCDeviceData::setUsbDevice(const android_usb_serial_device_descriptor &usbDescriptor) { androidUsbDescriptor = usbDescriptor; data.androidUsbDeviceDescriptor = &androidUsbDescriptor; } #endif void DCDeviceData::setDevBluetoothName(const QString &name) { m_devBluetoothName = name; } void DCDeviceData::setBluetoothMode(bool mode) { data.bluetooth_mode = mode; } void DCDeviceData::setForceDownload(bool force) { data.force_download = force; } void DCDeviceData::setDeviceId(int deviceId) { data.deviceid = deviceId; } void DCDeviceData::setDiveId(int diveId) { data.diveid = diveId; } void DCDeviceData::setSaveDump(bool save) { data.libdc_dump = save; } bool DCDeviceData::saveDump() const { return data.libdc_dump; } void DCDeviceData::setSaveLog(bool saveLog) { data.libdc_log = saveLog; } bool DCDeviceData::saveLog() const { return data.libdc_log; } device_data_t *DCDeviceData::internalData() { return &data; } int DCDeviceData::getDetectedVendorIndex() { #if defined(BT_SUPPORT) QList<BTDiscovery::btVendorProduct> btDCs = BTDiscovery::instance()->getBtDcs(); // Pick the vendor of the first confirmed find of a DC (if any) if (!btDCs.isEmpty()) return btDCs.first().vendorIdx; #endif return -1; } int DCDeviceData::getDetectedProductIndex(const QString ¤tVendorText) { #if defined(BT_SUPPORT) QList<BTDiscovery::btVendorProduct> btDCs = BTDiscovery::instance()->getBtDcs(); // Display in the QML UI, the first found dive computer that is been // detected as a possible real dive computer (and not some other paired // BT device) if (!btDCs.isEmpty()) return btDCs.first().productIdx; #endif return -1; }