// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2. #include "qmlprofile.h" #include "profilescene.h" #include "mobile-widgets/qmlmanager.h" #include "core/errorhelper.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include "core/metrics.h" #include #include #include const double fontScale = 0.6; // profile looks less cluttered with smaller font QMLProfile::QMLProfile(QQuickItem *parent) : QQuickPaintedItem(parent), m_devicePixelRatio(1.0), m_margin(0), m_xOffset(0.0), m_yOffset(0.0) { createProfileView(); setAntialiasing(true); setFlags(QQuickItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape | QQuickItem::ItemHasContents ); connect(QMLManager::instance(), &QMLManager::sendScreenChanged, this, &QMLProfile::screenChanged); connect(this, &QMLProfile::scaleChanged, this, &QMLProfile::triggerUpdate); connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::divesChanged, this, &QMLProfile::divesChanged); setDevicePixelRatio(QMLManager::instance()->lastDevicePixelRatio()); } QMLProfile::~QMLProfile() { } void QMLProfile::createProfileView() { m_profileWidget.reset(new ProfileScene(fontScale * m_devicePixelRatio, true, false)); } // we need this so we can connect update() to the scaleChanged() signal - which the connect above cannot do // directly as it chokes on the default parameter for update(). // If the scale changes we may need to change our offsets to ensure that we still only show a subset of // the profile and not empty space around it, which the paint() method below will take care of, which will // eventually get called after we call update() void QMLProfile::triggerUpdate() { update(); } void QMLProfile::paint(QPainter *painter) { QElapsedTimer timer; if (verbose) timer.start(); // let's look at the intended size of the content and scale our scene accordingly QRect painterRect = painter->viewport(); if (m_diveId < 0) return; struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(m_diveId); if (!d) return; m_profileWidget->draw(painter, painterRect, d, dc_number, nullptr, false); } void QMLProfile::setMargin(int margin) { m_margin = margin; } int QMLProfile::diveId() const { return m_diveId; } void QMLProfile::setDiveId(int diveId) { m_diveId = diveId; } qreal QMLProfile::devicePixelRatio() const { return m_devicePixelRatio; } void QMLProfile::setDevicePixelRatio(qreal dpr) { if (dpr != m_devicePixelRatio) { m_devicePixelRatio = dpr; // Recreate the view to redraw the text items with the new scale. createProfileView(); updateDevicePixelRatio(dpr); emit devicePixelRatioChanged(); } } // don't update the profile here, have the user update x and y and then manually trigger an update void QMLProfile::setXOffset(qreal value) { if (IS_FP_SAME(value, m_xOffset)) return; m_xOffset = value; emit xOffsetChanged(); } // don't update the profile here, have the user update x and y and then manually trigger an update void QMLProfile::setYOffset(qreal value) { if (IS_FP_SAME(value, m_yOffset)) return; m_yOffset = value; emit yOffsetChanged(); } void QMLProfile::screenChanged(QScreen *screen) { setDevicePixelRatio(screen->devicePixelRatio()); } void QMLProfile::divesChanged(const QVector &dives, DiveField) { for (struct dive *d: dives) { if (d->id == m_diveId) { qDebug() << "dive #" << d->number << "changed, trigger profile update"; triggerUpdate(); return; } } }