// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "barseries.h" #include "informationbox.h" #include "statscolors.h" #include "statshelper.h" #include "statstranslations.h" #include "statsview.h" #include "zvalues.h" #include // for lrint() #include // Constants that control the bar layout static const double barWidth = 0.8; // 1.0 = full width of category static const double subBarWidth = 0.9; // For grouped bar charts static const double barBorderWidth = 1.0; // Default constructor: invalid index. BarSeries::Index::Index() : bar(-1), subitem(-1) { } BarSeries::Index::Index(int bar, int subitem) : bar(bar), subitem(subitem) { } bool BarSeries::Index::operator==(const Index &i2) const { return std::tie(bar, subitem) == std::tie(i2.bar, i2.subitem); } BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis, bool horizontal, bool stacked, const QString &categoryName, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, std::vector valueBinNames) : StatsSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis), horizontal(horizontal), stacked(stacked), categoryName(categoryName), valueVariable(valueVariable), valueBinNames(std::move(valueBinNames)) { } BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis, bool horizontal, const QString &categoryName, const std::vector &items) : BarSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis, horizontal, false, categoryName, nullptr, std::vector()) { for (const CountItem &item: items) { StatsOperationResults res; res.count = item.count; double value = item.count; add_item(item.lowerBound, item.upperBound, makeSubItems(value, item.label), item.binName, res, item.total, horizontal, stacked); } } BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis, bool horizontal, const QString &categoryName, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, const std::vector &items) : BarSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis, horizontal, false, categoryName, valueVariable, std::vector()) { for (const ValueItem &item: items) { add_item(item.lowerBound, item.upperBound, makeSubItems(item.value, item.label), item.binName, item.res, -1, horizontal, stacked); } } BarSeries::BarSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis, bool horizontal, bool stacked, const QString &categoryName, const StatsVariable *valueVariable, std::vector valueBinNames, const std::vector &items) : BarSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis, horizontal, stacked, categoryName, valueVariable, std::move(valueBinNames)) { for (const MultiItem &item: items) { StatsOperationResults res; std::vector>> valuesLabels; valuesLabels.reserve(item.countLabels.size()); int total = 0; for (auto &[count, label]: item.countLabels) { valuesLabels.push_back({ static_cast(count), std::move(label) }); total += count; } add_item(item.lowerBound, item.upperBound, makeSubItems(valuesLabels), item.binName, res, total, horizontal, stacked); } } BarSeries::~BarSeries() { } BarSeries::BarLabel::BarLabel(StatsView &view, const std::vector &labels, int bin_nr, int binCount) : isOutside(false) { QFont f; // make configurable item = view.createChartItem(ChartZValue::SeriesLabels, f, labels, true); //highlight(false, bin_nr, binCount); } void BarSeries::BarLabel::setVisible(bool visible) { item->setVisible(visible); } void BarSeries::BarLabel::highlight(bool highlight, int bin_nr, int binCount, const QColor &background) { // For labels that are on top of a bar, use the corresponding bar color // as background. Rendering on a transparent background gives ugly artifacts. item->setColor(highlight || isOutside ? darkLabelColor : labelColor(bin_nr, binCount), isOutside ? Qt::transparent : background); } void BarSeries::BarLabel::updatePosition(bool horizontal, bool center, const QRectF &rect, int bin_nr, int binCount, const QColor &background) { QSizeF itemSize = item->getRect().size(); if (!horizontal) { if (itemSize.width() > rect.width()) { setVisible(false); return; } QPointF pos = rect.center(); pos.rx() -= round(itemSize.width() / 2.0); // Heuristics: if the label fits nicely into the bar (bar height is at least twice the label height), // then put the label in the middle of the bar. Otherwise, put it at the top of the bar. isOutside = !center && rect.height() < 2.0 * itemSize.height(); if (isOutside) { pos.ry() = rect.top() - (itemSize.height() + 2.0); // Leave two pixels(?) space } else { if (itemSize.height() > rect.height()) { setVisible(false); return; } pos.ry() -= round(itemSize.height() / 2.0); } item->setPos(pos); } else { if (itemSize.height() > rect.height()) { setVisible(false); return; } QPointF pos = rect.center(); pos.ry() -= round(itemSize.height() / 2.0); // Heuristics: if the label fits nicely into the bar (bar width is at least twice the label height), // then put the label in the middle of the bar. Otherwise, put it to the right of the bar. isOutside = !center && rect.width() < 2.0 * itemSize.width(); if (isOutside) { pos.rx() = round(rect.right() + 2.0); // Leave two pixels(?) space } else { if (itemSize.width() > rect.width()) { setVisible(false); return; } } item->setPos(pos); } setVisible(true); // If label changed from inside to outside, or vice-versa, the color might change. highlight(false, bin_nr, binCount, background); } BarSeries::Item::Item(BarSeries *series, double lowerBound, double upperBound, std::vector subitemsIn, const QString &binName, const StatsOperationResults &res, int total, bool horizontal, bool stacked, int binCount) : lowerBound(lowerBound), upperBound(upperBound), subitems(std::move(subitemsIn)), binName(binName), res(res), total(total) { for (SubItem &item: subitems) item.highlight(false, binCount); updatePosition(series, horizontal, stacked, binCount); } void BarSeries::Item::highlight(int subitem, bool highlight, int binCount) { if (subitem < 0 || subitem >= (int)subitems.size()) return; subitems[subitem].highlight(highlight, binCount); } void BarSeries::SubItem::highlight(bool highlight, int binCount) { fill = highlight ? highlightedColor : binColor(bin_nr, binCount); QColor border = highlight ? highlightedBorderColor : ::borderColor; item->setColor(fill, border); if (label) label->highlight(highlight, bin_nr, binCount, fill); } void BarSeries::Item::updatePosition(BarSeries *series, bool horizontal, bool stacked, int binCount) { if (subitems.empty()) return; int num = stacked ? 1 : binCount; // barWidth gives the total width of the rod or group of rods. // subBarWidth gives the the width of each bar in the case of grouped bar charts. // calculated the group width such that after applying the latter, the former is obtained. double groupWidth = (upperBound - lowerBound) * barWidth * num / (num - 1 + subBarWidth); double from = (lowerBound + upperBound - groupWidth) / 2.0; double to = (lowerBound + upperBound + groupWidth) / 2.0; double fullSubWidth = (to - from) / num; // width including gap double subWidth = fullSubWidth * subBarWidth; // width without gap for (SubItem &item: subitems) { int idx = stacked ? 0 : item.bin_nr; double center = (idx + 0.5) * fullSubWidth + from; item.updatePosition(series, horizontal, stacked, center - subWidth / 2.0, center + subWidth / 2.0, binCount); } rect = subitems[0].item->getRect(); for (auto it = std::next(subitems.begin()); it != subitems.end(); ++it) rect = rect.united(it->item->getRect()); } void BarSeries::SubItem::updatePosition(BarSeries *series, bool horizontal, bool stacked, double from, double to, int binCount) { QPointF topLeft, bottomRight; if (horizontal) { topLeft = series->toScreen(QPointF(value_from, to)); bottomRight = series->toScreen(QPointF(value_to, from)); } else { topLeft = series->toScreen(QPointF(from, value_to)); bottomRight = series->toScreen(QPointF(to, value_from)); } QRectF rect(topLeft, bottomRight); item->setRect(rect); if (label) label->updatePosition(horizontal, stacked, rect, bin_nr, binCount, fill); } std::vector BarSeries::makeSubItems(const std::vector>> &values) const { std::vector res; res.reserve(values.size()); double from = 0.0; int bin_nr = 0; for (auto &[v, label]: values) { if (v > 0.0) { res.push_back({ view.createChartItem(ChartZValue::Series, barBorderWidth, horizontal), {}, from, from + v, bin_nr }); if (!label.empty()) res.back().label = std::make_unique(view, label, bin_nr, binCount()); } if (stacked) from += v; ++bin_nr; } return res; } std::vector BarSeries::makeSubItems(double value, const std::vector &label) const { return makeSubItems(std::vector>>{ { value, label } }); } int BarSeries::binCount() const { return std::max(1, (int)valueBinNames.size()); } void BarSeries::add_item(double lowerBound, double upperBound, std::vector subitems, const QString &binName, const StatsOperationResults &res, int total, bool horizontal, bool stacked) { // Don't add empty items, as that messes with the "find item under mouse" routine. if (subitems.empty()) return; items.emplace_back(this, lowerBound, upperBound, std::move(subitems), binName, res, total, horizontal, stacked, binCount()); } void BarSeries::updatePositions() { for (Item &item: items) item.updatePosition(this, horizontal, stacked, binCount()); } // Attention: this supposes that items are sorted by position and no bar is inside another bar! BarSeries::Index BarSeries::getItemUnderMouse(const QPointF &point) const { // Search the first item whose "end" position is greater than the cursor position. auto it = horizontal ? std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), point.y(), [] (const Item &item, double y) { return item.rect.top() > y; }) : std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), point.x(), [] (const Item &item, double x) { return item.rect.right() < x; }); if (it == items.end() || !it->rect.contains(point)) return Index(); int subitem = it->getSubItemUnderMouse(point, horizontal, stacked); return subitem >= 0 ? Index{(int)(it - items.begin()), subitem} : Index(); } // Attention: this supposes that sub items are sorted by position and no subitem is inside another bar! int BarSeries::Item::getSubItemUnderMouse(const QPointF &point, bool horizontal, bool stacked) const { // Search the first item whose "end" position is greater than the cursor position. bool search_x = horizontal == stacked; auto it = search_x ? std::lower_bound(subitems.begin(), subitems.end(), point.x(), [] (const SubItem &item, double x) { return item.item->getRect().right() < x; }) : std::lower_bound(subitems.begin(), subitems.end(), point.y(), [] (const SubItem &item, double y) { return item.item->getRect().top() > y; }); return it != subitems.end() && it->item->getRect().contains(point) ? it - subitems.begin() : -1; } // Format information in a count-based bar chart. // Essentially, the name of the bin and the number and percentages of dives. static std::vector makeCountInfo(const QString &binName, const QString &axisName, const QString &valueBinName, const QString &valueAxisName, int count, int total) { double percentage = count * 100.0 / total; QString countString = QString("%L1").arg(count); QString percentageString = QString("%L1%").arg(percentage, 0, 'f', 1); QString totalString = QString("%L1").arg(total); std::vector res; res.reserve(3); res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(axisName, binName)); if (!valueAxisName.isEmpty()) res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(valueAxisName, valueBinName)); res.push_back(StatsTranslations::tr("%1 (%2 of %3) dives").arg(countString, percentageString, totalString)); return res; } // Format information in a value bar chart: the name of the bin and the value with unit. static std::vector makeValueInfo(const QString &binName, const QString &axisName, const StatsVariable &valueVariable, const StatsOperationResults &values) { QLocale loc; int decimals = valueVariable.decimals(); QString unit = valueVariable.unitSymbol(); std::vector operations = valueVariable.supportedOperations(); std::vector res; res.reserve(operations.size() + 3); res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(axisName, binName)); res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(StatsTranslations::tr("Count"), loc.toString(values.count))); res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: ").arg(valueVariable.name())); for (StatsOperation op: operations) { QString valueFormatted = loc.toString(values.get(op), 'f', decimals); res.push_back(QString(" %1: %2 %3").arg(StatsVariable::operationName(op), valueFormatted, unit)); } return res; } std::vector BarSeries::makeInfo(const Item &item, int subitem_idx) const { if (!valueBinNames.empty() && valueVariable) { if (subitem_idx < 0 || subitem_idx >= (int)item.subitems.size()) return {}; const SubItem &subitem = item.subitems[subitem_idx]; if (subitem.bin_nr < 0 || subitem.bin_nr >= (int)valueBinNames.size()) return {}; int count = (int)lrint(subitem.value_to - subitem.value_from); return makeCountInfo(item.binName, categoryName, valueBinNames[subitem.bin_nr], valueVariable->name(), count, item.total); } else if (valueVariable) { return makeValueInfo(item.binName, categoryName, *valueVariable, item.res); } else { return makeCountInfo(item.binName, categoryName, QString(), QString(), item.res.count, item.total); } } // Highlight item when hovering over item bool BarSeries::hover(QPointF pos) { Index index = getItemUnderMouse(pos); if (index == highlighted) { if (information) information->setPos(pos); return index.bar >= 0; } unhighlight(); highlighted = index; // Highlight new item (if any) if (highlighted.bar >= 0 && highlighted.bar < (int)items.size()) { Item &item = items[highlighted.bar]; item.highlight(index.subitem, true, binCount()); if (!information) information = view.createChartItem(); information->setText(makeInfo(item, highlighted.subitem), pos); information->setVisible(true); } else { information->setVisible(false); } return highlighted.bar >= 0; } void BarSeries::unhighlight() { if (highlighted.bar >= 0 && highlighted.bar < (int)items.size()) items[highlighted.bar].highlight(highlighted.subitem, false, binCount()); highlighted = Index(); }