// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include "templatelayout.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "printoptions.h" #include "core/divelist.h" #include "core/selection.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/string-format.h" QList grantlee_templates, grantlee_statistics_templates; void find_all_templates() { const QLatin1String ext(".html"); grantlee_templates.clear(); grantlee_statistics_templates.clear(); QDir dir(getPrintingTemplatePathUser()); const QStringList list = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (const QString &filename: list) { if (filename.at(filename.size() - 1) != '~' && filename.endsWith(ext)) grantlee_templates.append(filename); } // find statistics templates dir.setPath(getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + "statistics"); const QStringList stat = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (const QString &filename: stat) { if (filename.at(filename.size() - 1) != '~' && filename.endsWith(ext)) grantlee_statistics_templates.append(filename); } } /* find templates which are part of the bundle in the user path * and set them as read only. */ void set_bundled_templates_as_read_only() { QDir dir; const QString stats("statistics"); QStringList list, listStats; QString pathBundle = getPrintingTemplatePathBundle(); QString pathUser = getPrintingTemplatePathUser(); dir.setPath(pathBundle); list = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); dir.setPath(pathBundle + QDir::separator() + stats); listStats = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (int i = 0; i < listStats.length(); i++) listStats[i] = stats + QDir::separator() + listStats.at(i); list += listStats; for (const QString &f: list) QFile::setPermissions(pathUser + QDir::separator() + f, QFileDevice::ReadOwner | QFileDevice::ReadUser); } void copy_bundled_templates(QString src, const QString &dst, QStringList *templateBackupList) { QDir dir(src); if (!dir.exists()) return; const auto dirs = dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); for (const QString &d: dirs) { QString dst_path = dst + QDir::separator() + d; dir.mkpath(dst_path); copy_bundled_templates(src + QDir::separator() + d, dst_path, templateBackupList); } const auto files = dir.entryList(QDir::Files); for (const QString &f: files) { QFile fileSrc(src + QDir::separator() + f); QFile fileDest(dst + QDir::separator() + f); if (fileDest.exists()) { // if open() fails the file is either locked or r/o. try to remove it and then overwrite if (!fileDest.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text)) { fileDest.setPermissions(QFileDevice::WriteOwner | QFileDevice::WriteUser); fileDest.remove(); } else { // if the file is not read-only create a backup fileDest.close(); const QString targetFile = fileDest.fileName().replace(".html", "-User.html"); fileDest.copy(targetFile); *templateBackupList << targetFile; } } fileSrc.copy(fileDest.fileName()); // in all cases copy the file } } TemplateLayout::TemplateLayout(const print_options &printOptions, const template_options &templateOptions) : numDives(0), printOptions(printOptions), templateOptions(templateOptions) { } QString TemplateLayout::generate(const std::vector &dives) { QString htmlContent; State state; for (dive *d: dives) state.dives.append(d); QString templateContents = readTemplate(printOptions.p_template); numDives = state.dives.size(); QList tokens = lexer(templateContents); QString buffer; QTextStream out(&buffer); parser(tokens, 0, tokens.size(), out, state); htmlContent = out.readAll(); return htmlContent; } QString TemplateLayout::generateStatistics() { QString htmlContent; State state; int i = 0; stats_summary_auto_free stats; calculate_stats_summary(&stats, false); while (stats.stats_yearly != NULL && stats.stats_yearly[i].period) { state.years.append(&stats.stats_yearly[i]); i++; } QString templateFile = QString("statistics") + QDir::separator() + printOptions.p_template; QString templateContents = readTemplate(templateFile); QList tokens = lexer(templateContents); QString buffer; QTextStream out(&buffer); parser(tokens, 0, tokens.size(), out, state); htmlContent = out.readAll(); return htmlContent; } QString TemplateLayout::readTemplate(QString template_name) { QFile qfile(getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + template_name); if (qfile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) { QTextStream in(&qfile); return in.readAll(); } return ""; } void TemplateLayout::writeTemplate(QString template_name, QString grantlee_template) { QFile qfile(getPrintingTemplatePathUser() + QDir::separator() + template_name); if (qfile.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text)) { qfile.write(qPrintable(grantlee_template)); qfile.resize(qfile.pos()); qfile.close(); } } struct token stringToken(QString s) { struct token newtoken; newtoken.type = LITERAL; newtoken.contents = s; return newtoken; } static QRegularExpression keywordFor(R"(\bfor\b)"); static QRegularExpression keywordEndfor(R"(\bendfor\b)"); static QRegularExpression keywordBlock(R"(\bblock\b)"); static QRegularExpression keywordEndblock(R"(\bendblock\b)"); static QRegularExpression keywordIf(R"(\bif\b)"); static QRegularExpression keywordEndif(R"(\bendif\b)"); struct token operatorToken(QString s) { struct token newtoken; QRegularExpressionMatch match = keywordFor.match(s); if (match.hasMatch()) { newtoken.type = FORSTART; newtoken.contents = s.mid(match.capturedEnd()); return newtoken; } match = keywordEndfor.match(s); if (match.hasMatch()) { newtoken.type = FORSTOP; newtoken.contents = ""; return newtoken; } match = keywordBlock.match(s); if (match.hasMatch()) { newtoken.type = BLOCKSTART; newtoken.contents = s.mid(match.capturedEnd()); return newtoken; } match = keywordEndblock.match(s); if (match.hasMatch()) { newtoken.type = BLOCKSTOP; newtoken.contents = ""; return newtoken; } match = keywordIf.match(s); if (match.hasMatch()) { newtoken.type = IFSTART; newtoken.contents = s.mid(match.capturedEnd()); return newtoken; } match = keywordEndif.match(s); if (match.hasMatch()) { newtoken.type = IFSTOP; newtoken.contents = ""; return newtoken; } newtoken.type = PARSERERROR; newtoken.contents = ""; return newtoken; } static QRegularExpression op(R"(\{%([\w\s\.\|\:]+)%\})"); // Look for {% stuff %} QList TemplateLayout::lexer(QString input) { QList tokenList; int last = 0; QRegularExpressionMatch match = op.match(input); while (match.hasMatch()) { tokenList << stringToken(input.mid(last, match.capturedStart() - last)); tokenList << operatorToken(match.captured(1)); last = match.capturedEnd(); match = op.match(input, last); } tokenList << stringToken(input.mid(last)); return tokenList; } static QRegularExpression var(R"(\{\{\s*(\w+)\.(\w+)\s*(\|\s*(\w+))?\s*\}\})"); // Look for {{ stuff.stuff|stuff }} QString TemplateLayout::translate(QString s, State &state) { QString out; int last = 0; QRegularExpressionMatch match = var.match(s); while (match.hasMatch()) { QString obname = match.captured(1); QString memname = match.captured(2); out += s.mid(last, match.capturedStart() - last); QString listname = state.types.value(obname, obname); QVariant value = getValue(listname, memname, state); out += value.toString(); last = match.capturedEnd(); match = var.match(s, last); } out += s.mid(last); return out; } static QRegularExpression forloop(R"(\s*(\w+)\s+in\s+(\w+))"); // Look for "VAR in LISTNAME" static QRegularExpression ifstatement(R"(forloop\.counter\|\s*divisibleby\:\s*(\d+))"); // Look for forloop.counter|divisibleby: NUMBER template void TemplateLayout::parser_for(QList tokenList, int from, int to, QTextStream &out, State &state, const V &data, const T *&act, bool emitProgress) { const T *old = act; int i = 1; // Loop iterators start at one int olditerator = state.forloopiterator; for (auto &item: data) { act = &item; state.forloopiterator = i++; parser(tokenList, from, to, out, state); if (emitProgress) emit progressUpdated(state.forloopiterator * 100 / data.size()); } if (data.empty()) emit progressUpdated(100); act = old; state.forloopiterator = olditerator; } // Find end of for or if block. Keeps track of nested blocks. // Pos should point one past the starting tag. // Returns -1 if no matching end tag found. static int findEnd(const QList &tokenList, int from, int to, token_t start, token_t end) { int depth = 1; for (int pos = from; pos < to; ++pos) { if (tokenList[pos].type == start) { ++depth; } else if (tokenList[pos].type == end) { if (--depth <= 0) return pos; } } return -1; } static std::vector cylinderList(const dive *d) { std::vector res; res.reserve(d->cylinders.nr); for (int i = 0; i < d->cylinders.nr; ++i) res.push_back(&d->cylinders.cylinders[i]); return res; } void TemplateLayout::parser(QList tokenList, int from, int to, QTextStream &out, State &state) { for (int pos = from; pos < to; ++pos) { switch (tokenList[pos].type) { case LITERAL: out << translate(tokenList[pos].contents, state); break; case BLOCKSTART: case BLOCKSTOP: break; case FORSTART: { QString argument = tokenList[pos].contents; ++pos; QRegularExpressionMatch match = forloop.match(argument); if (match.hasMatch()) { QString itemname = match.captured(1); QString listname = match.captured(2); state.types[itemname] = listname; QString buffer; QTextStream capture(&buffer); int loop_end = findEnd(tokenList, pos, to, FORSTART, FORSTOP); if (loop_end < 0) { out << "UNMATCHED FOR: '" << argument << "'"; break; } if (listname == "years") { parser_for(tokenList, pos, loop_end, capture, state, state.years, state.currentYear, true); } else if (listname == "dives") { parser_for(tokenList, pos, loop_end, capture, state, state.dives, state.currentDive, true); } else if (listname == "cylinders") { if (state.currentDive) parser_for(tokenList, pos, loop_end, capture, state, formatCylinders(*state.currentDive), state.currentCylinder, false); else qWarning("cylinders loop outside of dive"); } else if (listname == "cylinderObjects") { if (state.currentDive) parser_for(tokenList, pos, loop_end, capture, state, cylinderList(*state.currentDive), state.currentCylinderObject, false); else qWarning("cylinderObjects loop outside of dive"); } else { qWarning("unknown loop: %s", qPrintable(listname)); } state.types.remove(itemname); out << capture.readAll(); pos = loop_end; } else { out << "PARSING ERROR: '" << argument << "'"; } } break; case IFSTART: { QString argument = tokenList[pos].contents; ++pos; QRegularExpressionMatch match = ifstatement.match(argument); if (match.hasMatch()) { int if_end = findEnd(tokenList, pos, to, IFSTART, IFSTOP); if (if_end < 0) { out << "UNMATCHED IF: '" << argument << "'"; break; } int divisor = match.captured(1).toInt(); int counter = std::max(0, state.forloopiterator); if (!(counter % divisor)) { QString buffer; QTextStream capture(&buffer); parser(tokenList, pos, if_end, capture, state); out << capture.readAll(); } pos = if_end; } else { out << "PARSING ERROR: '" << argument << "'"; } } break; case FORSTOP: case IFSTOP: out << "UNEXPECTED END: " << tokenList[pos].contents; return; case PARSERERROR: out << "PARSING ERROR"; } } } QVariant TemplateLayout::getValue(QString list, QString property, const State &state) { if (list == "template_options") { if (property == "font") { switch (templateOptions.font_index) { case 0: return "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; case 1: return "Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif"; case 2: return "Georgia, serif"; case 3: return "Courier, monospace"; case 4: return "Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif"; } } else if (property == "borderwidth") { return templateOptions.border_width; } else if (property == "font_size") { return templateOptions.font_size / 9.0; } else if (property == "line_spacing") { return templateOptions.line_spacing; } else if (property == "color1") { return templateOptions.color_palette.color1.name(); } else if (property == "color2") { return templateOptions.color_palette.color2.name(); } else if (property == "color3") { return templateOptions.color_palette.color3.name(); } else if (property == "color4") { return templateOptions.color_palette.color4.name(); } else if (property == "color5") { return templateOptions.color_palette.color5.name(); } else if (property == "color6") { return templateOptions.color_palette.color6.name(); } } else if (list == "print_options") { if (property == "grayscale") { if (printOptions.color_selected) { return ""; } else { return "-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%)"; } } } else if (list =="years") { if (!state.currentYear) return QVariant(); const stats_t *object = *state.currentYear; if (property == "year") { return object->period; } else if (property == "dives") { return object->selection_size; } else if (property == "min_temp") { return object->min_temp.mkelvin == 0 ? "0" : get_temperature_string(object->min_temp, true); } else if (property == "max_temp") { return object->max_temp.mkelvin == 0 ? "0" : get_temperature_string(object->max_temp, true); } else if (property == "total_time") { return get_dive_duration_string(object->total_time.seconds, gettextFromC::tr("h"), gettextFromC::tr("min"), gettextFromC::tr("sec"), " "); } else if (property == "avg_time") { return formatMinutes(object->total_time.seconds / object->selection_size); } else if (property == "shortest_time") { return formatMinutes(object->shortest_time.seconds); } else if (property == "longest_time") { return formatMinutes(object->longest_time.seconds); } else if (property == "avg_depth") { return get_depth_string(object->avg_depth); } else if (property == "min_depth") { return get_depth_string(object->min_depth); } else if (property == "max_depth") { return get_depth_string(object->max_depth); } else if (property == "avg_sac") { return get_volume_string(object->avg_sac); } else if (property == "min_sac") { return get_volume_string(object->min_sac); } else if (property == "max_sac") { return get_volume_string(object->max_sac); } } else if (list == "cylinders") { if (state.currentCylinder && property == "description") { return *state.currentCylinder; } } else if (list == "cylinderObjects") { if (!state.currentCylinderObject) return QVariant(); const cylinder_t *cylinder = *state.currentCylinderObject; if (property == "description") { return cylinder->type.description; } else if (property == "size") { return get_volume_string(cylinder->type.size, true); } else if (property == "workingPressure") { return get_pressure_string(cylinder->type.workingpressure, true); } else if (property == "startPressure") { return get_pressure_string(cylinder->start, true); } else if (property == "endPressure") { return get_pressure_string(cylinder->end, true); } else if (property == "gasMix") { return get_gas_string(cylinder->gasmix); } else if (property == "gasO2") { return (get_o2(cylinder->gasmix) + 5) / 10; } else if (property == "gasN2") { return (get_n2(cylinder->gasmix) + 5) / 10; } else if (property == "gasHe") { return (get_he(cylinder->gasmix) + 5) / 10; } } else if (list == "dives") { if (!state.currentDive) return QVariant(); const dive *d = *state.currentDive; if (property == "number") { return d->number; } else if (property == "id") { return d->id; } else if (property == "rating") { return d->rating; } else if (property == "visibility") { return d->visibility; } else if (property == "wavesize") { return d->wavesize; } else if (property == "current") { return d->current; } else if (property == "surge") { return d->surge; } else if (property == "chill") { return d->chill; } else if (property == "date") { return formatDiveDate(d); } else if (property == "time") { return formatDiveTime(d); } else if (property == "timestamp") { return QVariant::fromValue(d->when); } else if (property == "location") { return get_dive_location(d); } else if (property == "gps") { return formatDiveGPS(d); } else if (property == "gps_decimal") { return format_gps_decimal(d); } else if (property == "duration") { return formatDiveDuration(d); } else if (property == "noDive") { return d->duration.seconds == 0 && d->dc.duration.seconds == 0; } else if (property == "depth") { return get_depth_string(d->dc.maxdepth.mm, true, true); } else if (property == "meandepth") { return get_depth_string(d->dc.meandepth.mm, true, true); } else if (property == "divemaster") { return d->diveguide; } else if (property == "diveguide") { return d->diveguide; } else if (property == "buddy") { return d->buddy; } else if (property == "airTemp") { return get_temperature_string(d->airtemp, true); } else if (property == "waterTemp") { return get_temperature_string(d->watertemp, true); } else if (property == "notes") { return formatNotes(d); } else if (property == "tags") { return get_taglist_string(d->tag_list); } else if (property == "gas") { return formatGas(d); } else if (property == "sac") { return formatSac(d); } else if (property == "weightList") { return formatWeightList(d); } else if (property == "weights") { return formatWeights(d); } else if (property == "singleWeight") { return d->weightsystems.nr <= 1; } else if (property == "suit") { return d->suit; } else if (property == "cylinderList") { return formatFullCylinderList(); } else if (property == "cylinders") { return formatCylinders(d); } else if (property == "maxcns") { return d->maxcns; } else if (property == "otu") { return d->otu; } else if (property == "sumWeight") { return formatSumWeight(d); } else if (property == "getCylinder") { return formatGetCylinder(d); } else if (property == "startPressure") { return formatStartPressure(d); } else if (property == "endPressure") { return formatEndPressure(d); } else if (property == "firstGas") { return formatFirstGas(d); } } return QVariant(); }