// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "testgitstorage.h" #include "git2.h" #include "core/device.h" #include "core/dive.h" #include "core/divelist.h" #include "core/divelog.h" #include "core/errorhelper.h" #include "core/file.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include "core/format.h" #include "core/qthelper.h" #include "core/subsurfacestartup.h" #include "core/settings/qPrefProxy.h" #include "core/settings/qPrefCloudStorage.h" #include "core/git-access.h" #include <QDir> #include <QTextStream> #include <QNetworkProxy> #include <QTextCodec> #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) #include <QRandomGenerator> #endif // provide declarations for two local helper functions in git-access.c std::string get_local_dir(const std::string &remote, const std::string &branch); void delete_remote_branch(git_repository *repo, const std::string &remote, const std::string &branch); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(std::string); std::string email; std::string gitUrl; std::string cloudTestRepo; std::string localCacheDir; std::string localCacheRepo; std::string randomBranch; static void moveDir(const std::string &oldName, const std::string &newName) { QDir oldDir(oldName.c_str()); QDir newDir(newName.c_str()); QCOMPARE(newDir.removeRecursively(), true); QCOMPARE(oldDir.rename(oldName.c_str(), newName.c_str()), true); } static void localRemoteCleanup() { // cleanup the local cache dir struct git_info info; QDir localCacheDirectory(localCacheDir.c_str()); QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true); // when this is first executed, we expect the branch not to exist on the remote server; // if that's true, this will print a harmless error to stderr is_git_repository(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &info) && open_git_repository(&info); // this odd comparison is used to tell that we were able to connect to the remote repo; // in the error case we get the full cloudTestRepo name back as "branch" if (info.branch != randomBranch || info.repo == nullptr) { // dang, we weren't able to connect to the server - let's not fail the test // but just give up QSKIP("wasn't able to connect to server"); } // force delete any remote branch of that name on the server (and ignore any errors) delete_remote_branch(info.repo, info.url, info.branch); // and since this will have created a local repo, remove that one, again so the tests start clean QCOMPARE(localCacheDirectory.removeRecursively(), true); } void TestGitStorage::initTestCase() { // Set UTF8 text codec as in real applications QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForMib(106)); // first, setup the preferences an proxy information copy_prefs(&default_prefs, &prefs); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Subsurface"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("subsurface.hohndel.org"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Subsurface"); qPrefProxy::load(); qPrefCloudStorage::load(); // setup our cloud test repo / credentials but allow the user to pick a different account by // setting these environment variables // Of course that email needs to exist as cloud storage account and have the given password // // To reduce the risk of collisions on the server, we have ten accounts set up for this purpose // please don't use them for other reasons as they will get deleted regularly email = qgetenv("SSRF_USER_EMAIL").toStdString(); std::string password(qgetenv("SSRF_USER_PASSWORD").data()); if (email.empty()) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) email = format_string_std("gitstorage%d@hohndel.org", QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(10)); #else // on Qt 5.9 we go back to using qsrand()/qrand() qsrand(time(NULL)); email = format_string_std("gitstorage%d@hohndel.org", qrand() % 10); #endif } if (password.empty()) password = "please-only-use-this-in-the-git-tests"; gitUrl = prefs.cloud_base_url; if (gitUrl.empty() || gitUrl.back() != '/') gitUrl += "/"; gitUrl += "git"; prefs.cloud_storage_email_encoded = strdup(email.c_str()); prefs.cloud_storage_password = strdup(password.c_str()); gitUrl += "/" + email; // all user storage for historical reasons always uses the user's email both as // repo name and as branch. To allow us to keep testing and not step on parallel // runs we'll use actually random branch names - yes, this still has a chance of // conflict, but I'm not going to implement a distributed lock manager for this if (starts_with(email, "gitstorage")) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) randomBranch = format_string_std("%x%x", QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(0x1000000), QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(0x1000000)); #else // on Qt 5.9 we go back to using qsrand()/qrand() -- if we get to this code, qsrand() was already called // even on a 32bit system RAND_MAX is at least 32767 so this will also give us 12 random hex digits randomBranch = format_string_std("%x%x%x%x", qrand() % 0x1000, qrand() % 0x1000, qrand() % 0x1000, qrand() % 0x1000); #endif } else { // user supplied their own credentials, fall back to the usual "email is branch" pattern randomBranch = email; } cloudTestRepo = gitUrl + "[" + randomBranch + ']'; localCacheDir = get_local_dir(gitUrl.c_str(), randomBranch.c_str()); localCacheRepo = localCacheDir + "[" + randomBranch + "]"; report_info("repo used: %s", cloudTestRepo.c_str()); report_info("local cache: %s", localCacheRepo.c_str()); // make sure we deal with any proxy settings that are needed QNetworkProxy proxy; proxy.setType(QNetworkProxy::ProxyType(prefs.proxy_type)); proxy.setHostName(prefs.proxy_host); proxy.setPort(prefs.proxy_port); if (prefs.proxy_auth) { proxy.setUser(prefs.proxy_user); proxy.setPassword(prefs.proxy_pass); } QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy); // we will keep switching between online and offline mode below; let's always start online git_local_only = false; // initialize libgit2 git_libgit2_init(); // cleanup local and remote branches localRemoteCleanup(); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); } void TestGitStorage::cleanupTestCase() { localRemoteCleanup(); } void TestGitStorage::cleanup() { clear_dive_file_data(); } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageLocal_data() { // Test different paths we may encounter (since storage depends on user name) // as well as with and without "file://" URL prefix. using namespace std::string_literals; // For std::string literals: "some string"s. QTest::addColumn<std::string>("testDirName"); QTest::addColumn<std::string>("prefixRead"); QTest::addColumn<std::string>("prefixWrite"); QTest::newRow("ASCII path") << "./gittest"s << ""s << ""s; QTest::newRow("Non ASCII path") << "./gittest_éèêôàüäößíñóúäåöø"s << ""s << ""s; QTest::newRow("ASCII path with file:// prefix on read") << "./gittest2"s << "file://"s << ""s; QTest::newRow("Non ASCII path with file:// prefix on read") << "./gittest2_éèêôàüäößíñóúäåöø"s << ""s << "file://"s; QTest::newRow("ASCII path with file:// prefix on write") << "./gittest3"s << "file://"s << ""s; QTest::newRow("Non ASCII path with file:// prefix on write") << "./gittest3_éèêôàüäößíñóúäåöø"s << ""s << "file://"s; } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageLocal() { // test writing and reading back from local git storage git_repository *repo; QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/SampleDivesV2.ssrf", &divelog), 0); QFETCH(std::string, testDirName); QFETCH(std::string, prefixRead); QFETCH(std::string, prefixWrite); QDir testDir(testDirName.c_str()); QCOMPARE(testDir.removeRecursively(), true); QCOMPARE(QDir().mkdir(testDirName.c_str()), true); std::string repoNameRead = prefixRead + testDirName; std::string repoNameWrite = prefixWrite + testDirName; QCOMPARE(git_repository_init(&repo, testDirName.c_str(), false), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives((repoNameWrite + "[test]").c_str()), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf"), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); QCOMPARE(parse_file((repoNameRead + "[test]").c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3viagit.ssrf"), 0); QFile org("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf"); org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile out("./SampleDivesV3viagit.ssrf"); out.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloud() { // test writing and reading back from cloud storage // connect to the ssrftest repository on the cloud server // and repeat the same test as before with the local git storage QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/SampleDivesV2.ssrf", &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3viacloud.ssrf"), 0); QFile org("./SampleDivesV3.ssrf"); org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile out("./SampleDivesV3viacloud.ssrf"); out.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudOfflineSync() { // make a change to local cache repo (pretending that we did some offline changes) // and then open the remote one again and check that things were propagated correctly // read the local repo from the previous test and add dive 10 QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test10.xml", &divelog), 0); // calling process_loaded_dives() sorts the table, but calling add_imported_dives() // causes it to try to update the window title... let's not do that process_loaded_dives(); // now save only to the local cache but not to the remote server git_local_only = true; QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf"), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // now pretend that we are online again and open the cloud storage and compare git_local_only = false; QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10viacloud.ssrf"), 0); QFile org("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf"); org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile out("./SampleDivesV3plus10viacloud.ssrf"); out.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); // write back out to cloud storage, move away the local cache, open again and compare QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save"); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10fromcloud.ssrf"), 0); org.close(); org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile out2("./SampleDivesV3plus10fromcloud.ssrf"); out2.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream orgS2(&org); QTextStream outS2(&out2); readin = orgS2.readAll(); written = outS2.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge() { // we want to test a merge - in order to do so we need to make changes to the cloud // repo from two clients - but since we have only one client here, we have to cheat // a little: // the local cache with the 'save' extension will serve as our second client; // // (1) first we make a change and save it to the cloud // (2) then we switch to the second client (i.e., we move that cache back in place) // (3) on that second client we make a different change while offline // (4) now we take that second client back online and get the merge // (5) let's make sure that we have the expected data on the second client // (6) go back to the first client and ensure we have the same data there after sync // (1) open the repo, add dive test11 and save to the cloud git_local_only = false; QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test11.xml", &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // (2) switch to the second client by moving the old cache back in place moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "client1"); moveDir(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir); // (3) open the repo from the old cache and add dive test12 while offline git_local_only = true; QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test12.xml", &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // (4) now take things back online git_local_only = false; QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // (5) now we should have all the dives in our repo on the second client // first create the reference data from the xml files: QCOMPARE(parse_file("./SampleDivesV3plus10local.ssrf", &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test11.xml", &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(parse_file(SUBSURFACE_TEST_DATA "/dives/test12.xml", &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12.ssrf"), 0); // then load from the cloud clear_dive_file_data(); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged.ssrf"), 0); // finally compare what we have QFile org("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged.ssrf"); org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile out("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12.ssrf"); out.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); clear_dive_file_data(); // (6) move ourselves back to the first client and compare data there moveDir(localCacheDir + "client1", localCacheDir); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged-client1.ssrf"), 0); QFile client1("./SampleDivesV3plus10-11-12-merged-client1.ssrf"); client1.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream client1S(&client1); readin = client1S.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge2() { // delete a dive offline // edit the same dive in the cloud repo // merge // (1) open repo, delete second dive, save offline QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); struct dive *dive = get_dive(1); delete_single_dive(&divelog, 1); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMinus1.ssrf"), 0); git_local_only = true; QCOMPARE(save_dives(localCacheRepo.c_str()), 0); git_local_only = false; clear_dive_file_data(); // (2) move cache out of the way moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save"); // (3) now we open the cloud storage repo and modify that second dive QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); dive = get_dive(1); QVERIFY(dive != NULL); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("These notes have been modified by TestGitStorage"); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // (4) move the saved local cache backinto place and try to open the cloud repo // -> this forces a merge moveDir(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMinus1-merged.ssrf"), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); QFile org("./SampleDivesMinus1-merged.ssrf"); org.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QFile out("./SampleDivesMinus1.ssrf"); out.open(QFile::ReadOnly); QTextStream orgS(&org); QTextStream outS(&out); QString readin = orgS.readAll(); QString written = outS.readAll(); QCOMPARE(readin, written); } void TestGitStorage::testGitStorageCloudMerge3() { // create multi line notes and store them to the cloud repo and local cache // edit dive notes offline // edit the same dive notes in the cloud repo // merge // (1) open repo, edit notes of first three dives QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); struct dive *dive; QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(0)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nThat should be enough"); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(1)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nThat should be enough"); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(2)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\nThat should be enough"); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // (2) make different edits offline QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(0)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Create multi line dive notes\nDifferent line 2 and removed 3-5\n\nThat should be enough"); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(1)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Line 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5"); // keep the middle, remove first and last"); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(2)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("single line dive notes"); git_local_only = true; QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); git_local_only = false; clear_dive_file_data(); // (3) simulate a second system by moving the cache away and open the cloud storage repo and modify // those first dive notes differently while online moveDir(localCacheDir, localCacheDir + "save"); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); process_loaded_dives(); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(0)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Completely different dive notes\nBut also multi line"); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(1)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("single line dive notes"); QVERIFY((dive = get_dive(2)) != 0); free(dive->notes); dive->notes = strdup("Line 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5"); // keep the middle, remove first and last"); QCOMPARE(save_dives(cloudTestRepo.c_str()), 0); clear_dive_file_data(); // (4) move the saved local cache back into place and open the cloud repo -> this forces a merge moveDir(localCacheDir + "save", localCacheDir); QCOMPARE(parse_file(cloudTestRepo.c_str(), &divelog), 0); QCOMPARE(save_dives("./SampleDivesMerge3.ssrf"), 0); // we are not trying to compare this to a pre-determined result... what this test // checks is that there are no parsing errors with the merge } QTEST_GUILESS_MAIN(TestGitStorage)