// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #ifdef __clang__ // Clang has a bug on zero-initialization of C structs. #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <git2.h> #include "dive.h" #include "subsurface-string.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "device.h" #include "membuffer.h" #include "git-access.h" #include "version.h" #include "qthelper.h" #include "gettext.h" #define VA_BUF(b, fmt) do { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); put_vformat(b, fmt, args); va_end(args); } while (0) static void cond_put_format(int cond, struct membuffer *b, const char *fmt, ...) { if (cond) { VA_BUF(b, fmt); } } #define SAVE(str, x) cond_put_format(dive->x, b, str " %d\n", dive->x) static void show_gps(struct membuffer *b, degrees_t latitude, degrees_t longitude) { if (latitude.udeg || longitude.udeg) { put_degrees(b, latitude, "gps ", " "); put_degrees(b, longitude, "", "\n"); } } static void quote(struct membuffer *b, const char *text) { const char *p = text; for (;;) { const char *escape; switch (*p++) { default: continue; case 0: escape = NULL; break; case 1 ... 8: case 11: case 12: case 14 ... 31: escape = "?"; break; case '\\': escape = "\\\\"; break; case '"': escape = "\\\""; break; case '\n': escape = "\n\t"; if (*p == '\n') escape = "\n"; break; } put_bytes(b, text, (p - text - 1)); if (!escape) break; put_string(b, escape); text = p; } } static void show_utf8(struct membuffer *b, const char *prefix, const char *value, const char *postfix) { if (value) { put_format(b, "%s\"", prefix); quote(b, value); put_format(b, "\"%s", postfix); } } static void save_overview(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { show_utf8(b, "divemaster ", dive->divemaster, "\n"); show_utf8(b, "buddy ", dive->buddy, "\n"); show_utf8(b, "suit ", dive->suit, "\n"); show_utf8(b, "notes ", dive->notes, "\n"); } static void save_tags(struct membuffer *b, struct tag_entry *tags) { const char *sep = " "; if (!tags) return; put_string(b, "tags"); while (tags) { show_utf8(b, sep, tags->tag->source ? : tags->tag->name, ""); sep = ", "; tags = tags->next; } put_string(b, "\n"); } static void save_extra_data(struct membuffer *b, struct extra_data *ed) { while (ed) { if (ed->key && ed->value) put_format(b, "keyvalue \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", ed->key ? : "", ed->value ? : ""); ed = ed->next; } } static void put_gasmix(struct membuffer *b, struct gasmix *mix) { int o2 = mix->o2.permille; int he = mix->he.permille; if (o2) { put_format(b, " o2=%u.%u%%", FRACTION(o2, 10)); if (he) put_format(b, " he=%u.%u%%", FRACTION(he, 10)); } } static void save_cylinder_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { int i, nr; nr = nr_cylinders(dive); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { cylinder_t *cylinder = dive->cylinder + i; int volume = cylinder->type.size.mliter; const char *description = cylinder->type.description; put_string(b, "cylinder"); if (volume) put_milli(b, " vol=", volume, "l"); put_pressure(b, cylinder->type.workingpressure, " workpressure=", "bar"); show_utf8(b, " description=", description, ""); strip_mb(b); put_gasmix(b, &cylinder->gasmix); put_pressure(b, cylinder->start, " start=", "bar"); put_pressure(b, cylinder->end, " end=", "bar"); if (cylinder->cylinder_use != OC_GAS) put_format(b, " use=%s", cylinderuse_text[cylinder->cylinder_use]); if (cylinder->depth.mm != 0) put_milli(b, " depth=", cylinder->depth.mm, "m"); put_string(b, "\n"); } } static void save_weightsystem_info(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { int i, nr; nr = nr_weightsystems(dive); for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { weightsystem_t *ws = dive->weightsystem + i; int grams = ws->weight.grams; const char *description = ws->description; put_string(b, "weightsystem"); put_milli(b, " weight=", grams, "kg"); show_utf8(b, " description=", description, ""); put_string(b, "\n"); } } static void save_dive_temperature(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive) { if (dive->airtemp.mkelvin != dc_airtemp(&dive->dc)) put_temperature(b, dive->airtemp, "airtemp ", "°C\n"); if (dive->watertemp.mkelvin != dc_watertemp(&dive->dc)) put_temperature(b, dive->watertemp, "watertemp ", "°C\n"); } static void save_depths(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { put_depth(b, dc->maxdepth, "maxdepth ", "m\n"); put_depth(b, dc->meandepth, "meandepth ", "m\n"); } static void save_temperatures(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { put_temperature(b, dc->airtemp, "airtemp ", "°C\n"); put_temperature(b, dc->watertemp, "watertemp ", "°C\n"); } static void save_airpressure(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { put_pressure(b, dc->surface_pressure, "surfacepressure ", "bar\n"); } static void save_salinity(struct membuffer *b, struct divecomputer *dc) { /* only save if we have a value that isn't the default of sea water */ if (!dc->salinity || dc->salinity == SEAWATER_SALINITY) return; put_salinity(b, dc->salinity, "salinity ", "g/l\n"); } static void show_date(struct membuffer *b, timestamp_t when) { struct tm tm; utc_mkdate(when, &tm); put_format(b, "date %04u-%02u-%02u\n", tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday); put_format(b, "time %02u:%02u:%02u\n", tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); } static void show_integer(struct membuffer *b, int value, const char *pre, const char *post) { put_format(b, " %s%d%s", pre, value, post); } static void show_index(struct membuffer *b, int value, const char *pre, const char *post) { if (value) show_integer(b, value, pre, post); } /* * Samples are saved as densely as possible while still being readable, * since they are the bulk of the data. * * For parsing, look at the units to figure out what the numbers are. */ static void save_sample(struct membuffer *b, struct sample *sample, struct sample *old, int o2sensor) { int idx; put_format(b, "%3u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->time.seconds, 60)); put_milli(b, " ", sample->depth.mm, "m"); put_temperature(b, sample->temperature, " ", "°C"); for (idx = 0; idx < MAX_SENSORS; idx++) { pressure_t p = sample->pressure[idx]; int sensor = sample->sensor[idx]; if (!p.mbar) continue; /* Old-style "o2sensor" syntax for CCR dives? */ if (o2sensor >= 0) { if (sensor == o2sensor) { put_pressure(b, sample->pressure[1]," o2pressure=","bar"); continue; } put_pressure(b, p, " ", "bar"); /* * Note: regardless of which index we used for the non-O2 * sensor, we know there is only one non-O2 sensor in legacy * mode, and "old->sensor[0]" contains that index. */ if (sensor != old->sensor[0]) { put_format(b, " sensor=%d", sensor); old->sensor[0] = sensor; } continue; } /* The new-style format is much simpler: the sensor is always encoded */ put_pressure(b, p, " ", "bar"); put_format(b, ":%d", sensor); } /* the deco/ndl values are stored whenever they change */ if (sample->ndl.seconds != old->ndl.seconds) { put_format(b, " ndl=%u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->ndl.seconds, 60)); old->ndl = sample->ndl; } if (sample->tts.seconds != old->tts.seconds) { put_format(b, " tts=%u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->tts.seconds, 60)); old->tts = sample->tts; } if (sample->in_deco != old->in_deco) { put_format(b, " in_deco=%d", sample->in_deco ? 1 : 0); old->in_deco = sample->in_deco; } if (sample->stoptime.seconds != old->stoptime.seconds) { put_format(b, " stoptime=%u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->stoptime.seconds, 60)); old->stoptime = sample->stoptime; } if (sample->stopdepth.mm != old->stopdepth.mm) { put_milli(b, " stopdepth=", sample->stopdepth.mm, "m"); old->stopdepth = sample->stopdepth; } if (sample->cns != old->cns) { put_format(b, " cns=%u%%", sample->cns); old->cns = sample->cns; } if (sample->rbt.seconds != old->rbt.seconds) { put_format(b, " rbt=%u:%02u", FRACTION(sample->rbt.seconds, 60)); old->rbt.seconds = sample->rbt.seconds; } if (sample->o2sensor[0].mbar != old->o2sensor[0].mbar) { put_milli(b, " sensor1=", sample->o2sensor[0].mbar, "bar"); old->o2sensor[0] = sample->o2sensor[0]; } if ((sample->o2sensor[1].mbar) && (sample->o2sensor[1].mbar != old->o2sensor[1].mbar)) { put_milli(b, " sensor2=", sample->o2sensor[1].mbar, "bar"); old->o2sensor[1] = sample->o2sensor[1]; } if ((sample->o2sensor[2].mbar) && (sample->o2sensor[2].mbar != old->o2sensor[2].mbar)) { put_milli(b, " sensor3=", sample->o2sensor[2].mbar, "bar"); old->o2sensor[2] = sample->o2sensor[2]; } if (sample->setpoint.mbar != old->setpoint.mbar) { put_milli(b, " po2=", sample->setpoint.mbar, "bar"); old->setpoint = sample->setpoint; } if (sample->heartbeat != old->heartbeat) { show_index(b, sample->heartbeat, "heartbeat=", ""); old->heartbeat = sample->heartbeat; } if (sample->bearing.degrees != old->bearing.degrees) { show_index(b, sample->bearing.degrees, "bearing=", "°"); old->bearing.degrees = sample->bearing.degrees; } put_format(b, "\n"); } static void save_samples(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc) { int nr; int o2sensor; struct sample *s; struct sample dummy = { .bearing.degrees = -1, .ndl.seconds = -1 }; /* Is this a CCR dive with the old-style "o2pressure" sensor? */ o2sensor = legacy_format_o2pressures(dive, dc); if (o2sensor >= 0) { dummy.sensor[0] = !o2sensor; dummy.sensor[1] = o2sensor; } s = dc->sample; nr = dc->samples; while (--nr >= 0) { save_sample(b, s, &dummy, o2sensor); s++; } } static void save_one_event(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct event *ev) { put_format(b, "event %d:%02d", FRACTION(ev->time.seconds, 60)); show_index(b, ev->type, "type=", ""); show_index(b, ev->flags, "flags=", ""); if (!strcmp(ev->name,"modechange")) show_utf8(b, " divemode=", divemode_text[ev->value], ""); else show_index(b, ev->value, "value=", ""); show_utf8(b, " name=", ev->name, ""); if (event_is_gaschange(ev)) { struct gasmix *mix = get_gasmix_from_event(dive, ev); if (ev->gas.index >= 0) show_integer(b, ev->gas.index, "cylinder=", ""); put_gasmix(b, mix); } put_string(b, "\n"); } static void save_events(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct event *ev) { while (ev) { save_one_event(b, dive, ev); ev = ev->next; } } static void save_dc(struct membuffer *b, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc) { show_utf8(b, "model ", dc->model, "\n"); if (dc->last_manual_time.seconds) put_duration(b, dc->last_manual_time, "lastmanualtime ", "min\n"); if (dc->deviceid) put_format(b, "deviceid %08x\n", dc->deviceid); if (dc->diveid) put_format(b, "diveid %08x\n", dc->diveid); if (dc->when && dc->when != dive->when) show_date(b, dc->when); if (dc->duration.seconds && dc->duration.seconds != dive->dc.duration.seconds) put_duration(b, dc->duration, "duration ", "min\n"); if (dc->divemode != OC) { put_format(b, "dctype %s\n", divemode_text[dc->divemode]); put_format(b, "numberofoxygensensors %d\n",dc->no_o2sensors); } save_depths(b, dc); save_temperatures(b, dc); save_airpressure(b, dc); save_salinity(b, dc); put_duration(b, dc->surfacetime, "surfacetime ", "min\n"); save_extra_data(b, dc->extra_data); save_events(b, dive, dc->events); save_samples(b, dive, dc); } /* * Note that we don't save the date and time or dive * number: they are encoded in the filename. */ static void create_dive_buffer(struct dive *dive, struct membuffer *b) { if (dive->dc.duration.seconds > 0) put_format(b, "duration %u:%02u min\n", FRACTION(dive->dc.duration.seconds, 60)); SAVE("rating", rating); SAVE("visibility", visibility); cond_put_format(dive->tripflag == NO_TRIP, b, "notrip\n"); save_tags(b, dive->tag_list); cond_put_format(dive->dive_site_uuid && get_dive_site_by_uuid(dive->dive_site_uuid), b, "divesiteid %08x\n", dive->dive_site_uuid); if (verbose && dive->dive_site_uuid && !get_dive_site_by_uuid(dive->dive_site_uuid)) fprintf(stderr, "removed reference to non-existant dive site with uuid %08x\n", dive->dive_site_uuid); save_overview(b, dive); save_cylinder_info(b, dive); save_weightsystem_info(b, dive); save_dive_temperature(b, dive); } /* * libgit2 has a "git_treebuilder" concept, but it's broken, and can not * be used to do a flat tree (like the git "index") nor a recursive tree. * Stupid. * * So we have to do that "keep track of recursive treebuilder entries" * ourselves. We use 'git_treebuilder' for any regular files, and our own * data structures for recursive trees. * * When finally writing it out, we traverse the subdirectories depth- * first, writing them out, and then adding the written-out trees to * the git_treebuilder they existed in. */ struct dir { git_treebuilder *files; struct dir *subdirs, *sibling; char unique, name[1]; }; static int tree_insert(git_treebuilder *dir, const char *name, int mkunique, git_oid *id, unsigned mode) { int ret; struct membuffer uniquename = { 0 }; if (mkunique && git_treebuilder_get(dir, name)) { char hex[8]; git_oid_nfmt(hex, 7, id); hex[7] = 0; put_format(&uniquename, "%s~%s", name, hex); name = mb_cstring(&uniquename); } ret = git_treebuilder_insert(NULL, dir, name, id, mode); free_buffer(&uniquename); if (ret) { const git_error *gerr = giterr_last(); if (gerr) { fprintf(stderr, "tree_insert failed with return %d error %s\n", ret, gerr->message); } } return ret; } /* * This does *not* make sure the new subdirectory doesn't * alias some existing name. That is actually useful: you * can create multiple directories with the same name, and * set the "unique" flag, which will then append the SHA1 * of the directory to the name when it is written. */ static struct dir *new_directory(git_repository *repo, struct dir *parent, struct membuffer *namebuf) { struct dir *subdir; const char *name = mb_cstring(namebuf); int len = namebuf->len; subdir = malloc(sizeof(*subdir)+len); /* * It starts out empty: no subdirectories of its own, * and an empty treebuilder list of files. */ subdir->subdirs = NULL; git_treebuilder_new(&subdir->files, repo, NULL); memcpy(subdir->name, name, len); subdir->unique = 0; subdir->name[len] = 0; /* Add it to the list of subdirs of the parent */ subdir->sibling = parent->subdirs; parent->subdirs = subdir; return subdir; } static struct dir *mktree(git_repository *repo, struct dir *dir, const char *fmt, ...) { struct membuffer buf = { 0 }; struct dir *subdir; VA_BUF(&buf, fmt); for (subdir = dir->subdirs; subdir; subdir = subdir->sibling) { if (subdir->unique) continue; if (strncmp(subdir->name, buf.buffer, buf.len)) continue; if (!subdir->name[buf.len]) break; } if (!subdir) subdir = new_directory(repo, dir, &buf); free_buffer(&buf); return subdir; } /* * The name of a dive is the date and the dive number (and possibly * the uniqueness suffix). * * Note that the time of the dive may not be the same as the * time of the directory structure it is created in: the dive * might be part of a trip that straddles a month (or even a * year). * * We do *not* want to use localized weekdays and cause peoples save * formats to depend on their locale. */ static void create_dive_name(struct dive *dive, struct membuffer *name, struct tm *dirtm) { struct tm tm; static const char weekday[7][4] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; utc_mkdate(dive->when, &tm); if (tm.tm_year != dirtm->tm_year) put_format(name, "%04u-", tm.tm_year); if (tm.tm_mon != dirtm->tm_mon) put_format(name, "%02u-", tm.tm_mon+1); /* a colon is an illegal char in a file name on Windows - use an '=' instead */ put_format(name, "%02u-%s-%02u=%02u=%02u", tm.tm_mday, weekday[tm.tm_wday], tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec); } /* * Write a membuffer to the git repo, and free it */ static int blob_insert(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree, struct membuffer *b, const char *fmt, ...) { int ret; git_oid blob_id; struct membuffer name = { 0 }; ret = git_blob_create_frombuffer(&blob_id, repo, b->buffer, b->len); free_buffer(b); if (ret) return ret; VA_BUF(&name, fmt); ret = tree_insert(tree->files, mb_cstring(&name), 1, &blob_id, GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB); free_buffer(&name); return ret; } static int save_one_divecomputer(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree, struct dive *dive, struct divecomputer *dc, int idx) { int ret; struct membuffer buf = { 0 }; save_dc(&buf, dive, dc); ret = blob_insert(repo, tree, &buf, "Divecomputer%c%03u", idx ? '-' : 0, idx); if (ret) report_error("divecomputer tree insert failed"); return ret; } static int save_one_picture(git_repository *repo, struct dir *dir, struct picture *pic) { int offset = pic->offset.seconds; struct membuffer buf = { 0 }; char sign = '+'; char *hash; unsigned h; int error; show_utf8(&buf, "filename ", pic->filename, "\n"); show_gps(&buf, pic->latitude, pic->longitude); hash = hashstring(pic->filename); show_utf8(&buf, "hash ", hash, "\n"); free(hash); /* Picture loading will load even negative offsets.. */ if (offset < 0) { offset = -offset; sign = '-'; } /* Use full hh:mm:ss format to make it all sort nicely */ h = offset / 3600; offset -= h *3600; error = blob_insert(repo, dir, &buf, "%c%02u=%02u=%02u", sign, h, FRACTION(offset, 60)); #if 0 /* storing pictures into git was a mistake. This makes for HUGE git repositories */ if (!error) { /* next store the actual picture; we prefix all picture names * with "PIC-" to make things easier on the parsing side */ struct membuffer namebuf = { 0 }; const char *localfn = local_file_path(pic); put_format(&namebuf, "PIC-%s", pic->hash); error = blob_insert_fromdisk(repo, dir, localfn, mb_cstring(&namebuf)); free((void *)localfn); } #endif return error; } static int save_pictures(git_repository *repo, struct dir *dir, struct dive *dive) { if (dive->picture_list) { dir = mktree(repo, dir, "Pictures"); FOR_EACH_PICTURE(dive) { save_one_picture(repo, dir, picture); } } return 0; } static int save_one_dive(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree, struct dive *dive, struct tm *tm, bool cached_ok) { struct divecomputer *dc; struct membuffer buf = { 0 }, name = { 0 }; struct dir *subdir; int ret, nr; /* Create dive directory */ create_dive_name(dive, &name, tm); /* * If the dive git ID is valid, we just create the whole directory * with that ID */ if (cached_ok && dive_cache_is_valid(dive)) { git_oid oid; git_oid_fromraw(&oid, dive->git_id); ret = tree_insert(tree->files, mb_cstring(&name), 1, &oid, GIT_FILEMODE_TREE); free_buffer(&name); if (ret) return report_error("cached dive tree insert failed"); return 0; } subdir = new_directory(repo, tree, &name); subdir->unique = 1; free_buffer(&name); create_dive_buffer(dive, &buf); nr = dive->number; ret = blob_insert(repo, subdir, &buf, "Dive%c%d", nr ? '-' : 0, nr); if (ret) return report_error("dive save-file tree insert failed"); /* * Save the dive computer data. If there is only one dive * computer, use index 0 for that (which disables the index * generation when naming it). */ dc = &dive->dc; nr = dc->next ? 1 : 0; do { save_one_divecomputer(repo, subdir, dive, dc, nr++); dc = dc->next; } while (dc); /* Save the picture data, if any */ save_pictures(repo, subdir, dive); return 0; } /* * We'll mark the trip directories unique, so this does not * need to be unique per se. It could be just "trip". But * to make things a bit more user-friendly, we try to take * the trip location into account. * * But no special characters, and no numbers (numbers in the * name could be construed as a date). * * So we might end up with "02-Maui", and then the unique * flag will make us write it out as "02-Maui~54b4" or * similar. */ #define MAXTRIPNAME 15 static void create_trip_name(dive_trip_t *trip, struct membuffer *name, struct tm *tm) { put_format(name, "%02u-", tm->tm_mday); if (trip->location) { char ascii_loc[MAXTRIPNAME+1], *p = trip->location; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXTRIPNAME; ) { char c = *p++; switch (c) { case 0: case ',': case '.': break; case 'a' ... 'z': case 'A' ... 'Z': ascii_loc[i++] = c; continue; default: continue; } break; } if (i > 1) { put_bytes(name, ascii_loc, i); return; } } /* No useful name? */ put_string(name, "trip"); } static int save_trip_description(git_repository *repo, struct dir *dir, dive_trip_t *trip, struct tm *tm) { int ret; git_oid blob_id; struct membuffer desc = { 0 }; put_format(&desc, "date %04u-%02u-%02u\n", tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday); put_format(&desc, "time %02u:%02u:%02u\n", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); show_utf8(&desc, "location ", trip->location, "\n"); show_utf8(&desc, "notes ", trip->notes, "\n"); ret = git_blob_create_frombuffer(&blob_id, repo, desc.buffer, desc.len); free_buffer(&desc); if (ret) return report_error("trip blob creation failed"); ret = tree_insert(dir->files, "00-Trip", 0, &blob_id, GIT_FILEMODE_BLOB); if (ret) return report_error("trip description tree insert failed"); return 0; } static void verify_shared_date(timestamp_t when, struct tm *tm) { struct tm tmp_tm; utc_mkdate(when, &tmp_tm); if (tmp_tm.tm_year != tm->tm_year) { tm->tm_year = -1; tm->tm_mon = -1; } if (tmp_tm.tm_mon != tm->tm_mon) tm->tm_mon = -1; } #define MIN_TIMESTAMP (0) #define MAX_TIMESTAMP (0x7fffffffffffffff) static int save_one_trip(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree, dive_trip_t *trip, struct tm *tm, bool cached_ok) { int i; struct dive *dive; struct dir *subdir; struct membuffer name = { 0 }; timestamp_t first, last; /* Create trip directory */ create_trip_name(trip, &name, tm); subdir = new_directory(repo, tree, &name); subdir->unique = 1; free_buffer(&name); /* Trip description file */ save_trip_description(repo, subdir, trip, tm); /* Make sure we write out the dates to the dives consistently */ first = MAX_TIMESTAMP; last = MIN_TIMESTAMP; for_each_dive(i, dive) { if (dive->divetrip != trip) continue; if (dive->when < first) first = dive->when; if (dive->when > last) last = dive->when; } verify_shared_date(first, tm); verify_shared_date(last, tm); /* Save each dive in the directory */ for_each_dive(i, dive) { if (dive->divetrip == trip) save_one_dive(repo, subdir, dive, tm, cached_ok); } return 0; } static void save_units(void *_b) { struct membuffer *b =_b; if (prefs.unit_system == METRIC) put_string(b, "units METRIC\n"); else if (prefs.unit_system == IMPERIAL) put_string(b, "units IMPERIAL\n"); else put_format(b, "units PERSONALIZE %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", prefs.units.length == METERS ? "METERS" : "FEET", prefs.units.volume == LITER ? "LITER" : "CUFT", prefs.units.pressure == BAR ? "BAR" : prefs.units.pressure == PSI ? "PSI" : "PASCAL", prefs.units.temperature == CELSIUS ? "CELSIUS" : prefs.units.temperature == FAHRENHEIT ? "FAHRENHEIT" : "KELVIN", prefs.units.weight == KG ? "KG" : "LBS", prefs.units.vertical_speed_time == SECONDS ? "SECONDS" : "MINUTES"); } static void save_userid(void *_b) { struct membuffer *b = _b; if (prefs.save_userid_local) put_format(b, "userid %30s\n", prefs.userid); } static void save_one_device(void *_b, const char *model, uint32_t deviceid, const char *nickname, const char *serial, const char *firmware) { struct membuffer *b = _b; if (nickname && !strcmp(model, nickname)) nickname = NULL; if (serial && !*serial) serial = NULL; if (firmware && !*firmware) firmware = NULL; if (nickname && !*nickname) nickname = NULL; if (!nickname && !serial && !firmware) return; show_utf8(b, "divecomputerid ", model, ""); put_format(b, " deviceid=%08x", deviceid); show_utf8(b, " serial=", serial, ""); show_utf8(b, " firmware=", firmware, ""); show_utf8(b, " nickname=", nickname, ""); put_string(b, "\n"); } static void save_settings(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree) { struct membuffer b = { 0 }; put_format(&b, "version %d\n", DATAFORMAT_VERSION); save_userid(&b); call_for_each_dc(&b, save_one_device, false); cond_put_format(autogroup, &b, "autogroup\n"); save_units(&b); if (prefs.tankbar) put_string(&b, "prefs TANKBAR\n"); if (prefs.dcceiling) put_string(&b, "prefs DCCEILING\n"); if (prefs.show_ccr_setpoint) put_string(&b, "prefs SHOW_SETPOINT\n"); if (prefs.show_ccr_sensors) put_string(&b, "prefs SHOW_SENSORS\n"); if (prefs.pp_graphs.po2) put_string(&b, "prefs PO2_GRAPH\n"); blob_insert(repo, tree, &b, "00-Subsurface"); } static void save_divesites(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree) { struct dir *subdir; struct membuffer dirname = { 0 }; put_format(&dirname, "01-Divesites"); subdir = new_directory(repo, tree, &dirname); free_buffer(&dirname); for (int i = 0; i < dive_site_table.nr; i++) { struct membuffer b = { 0 }; struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site(i); if (dive_site_is_empty(ds) || !is_dive_site_used(ds->uuid, false)) { int j; struct dive *d; for_each_dive(j, d) { if (d->dive_site_uuid == ds->uuid) d->dive_site_uuid = 0; } delete_dive_site(ds->uuid); i--; // since we just deleted that one continue; } else if (ds->name && (strncmp(ds->name, "Auto-created dive", 17) == 0 || strncmp(ds->name, "New Dive", 8) == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "found an auto divesite %s\n", ds->name); // these are the two default names for sites from // the web service; if the site isn't used in any // dive (really? you didn't rename it?), delete it if (!is_dive_site_used(ds->uuid, false)) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Deleted unused auto-created dive site %s\n", ds->name); delete_dive_site(ds->uuid); i--; // since we just deleted that one continue; } } struct membuffer site_file_name = { 0 }; put_format(&site_file_name, "Site-%08x", ds->uuid); show_utf8(&b, "name ", ds->name, "\n"); show_utf8(&b, "description ", ds->description, "\n"); show_utf8(&b, "notes ", ds->notes, "\n"); show_gps(&b, ds->latitude, ds->longitude); for (int j = 0; j < ds->taxonomy.nr; j++) { struct taxonomy *t = &ds->taxonomy.category[j]; if (t->category != TC_NONE && t->value) { put_format(&b, "geo cat %d origin %d ", t->category, t->origin); show_utf8(&b, "", t->value, "\n" ); } } blob_insert(repo, subdir, &b, mb_cstring(&site_file_name)); free_buffer(&site_file_name); } } static int create_git_tree(git_repository *repo, struct dir *root, bool select_only, bool cached_ok) { int i; struct dive *dive; dive_trip_t *trip; git_storage_update_progress(translate("gettextFromC", "Start saving data")); save_settings(repo, root); save_divesites(repo, root); for (trip = dive_trip_list; trip != NULL; trip = trip->next) trip->index = 0; /* save the dives */ git_storage_update_progress(translate("gettextFromC", "Start saving dives")); for_each_dive(i, dive) { struct tm tm; struct dir *tree; trip = dive->divetrip; if (select_only) { if (!dive->selected) continue; /* We don't save trips when doing selected dive saves */ trip = NULL; } /* Create the date-based hierarchy */ utc_mkdate(trip ? trip->when : dive->when, &tm); tree = mktree(repo, root, "%04d", tm.tm_year); tree = mktree(repo, tree, "%02d", tm.tm_mon + 1); if (trip) { /* Did we already save this trip? */ if (trip->index) continue; trip->index = 1; /* Pass that new subdirectory in for save-trip */ save_one_trip(repo, tree, trip, &tm, cached_ok); continue; } save_one_dive(repo, tree, dive, &tm, cached_ok); } git_storage_update_progress(translate("gettextFromC", "Done creating local cache")); return 0; } /* * See if we can find the parent ID that the git data came from */ static git_object *try_to_find_parent(const char *hex_id, git_repository *repo) { git_oid object_id; git_commit *commit; if (!hex_id) return NULL; if (git_oid_fromstr(&object_id, hex_id)) return NULL; if (git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &object_id)) return NULL; return (git_object *)commit; } static int notify_cb(git_checkout_notify_t why, const char *path, const git_diff_file *baseline, const git_diff_file *target, const git_diff_file *workdir, void *payload) { (void) baseline; (void) target; (void) workdir; (void) payload; (void) why; report_error("File '%s' does not match in working tree", path); return 0; /* Continue with checkout */ } static git_tree *get_git_tree(git_repository *repo, git_object *parent) { git_tree *tree; if (!parent) return NULL; if (git_tree_lookup(&tree, repo, git_commit_tree_id((const git_commit *) parent))) return NULL; return tree; } int update_git_checkout(git_repository *repo, git_object *parent, git_tree *tree) { git_checkout_options opts = GIT_CHECKOUT_OPTIONS_INIT; opts.checkout_strategy = GIT_CHECKOUT_SAFE; opts.notify_flags = GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_CONFLICT | GIT_CHECKOUT_NOTIFY_DIRTY; opts.notify_cb = notify_cb; opts.baseline = get_git_tree(repo, parent); return git_checkout_tree(repo, (git_object *) tree, &opts); } static int get_authorship(git_repository *repo, git_signature **authorp) { #if LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR || LIBGIT2_VER_MINOR >= 20 if (git_signature_default(authorp, repo) == 0) return 0; #endif /* Default name information, with potential OS overrides */ struct user_info user = { .name = "Subsurface", .email = "subsurace@subsurface-divelog.org" }; subsurface_user_info(&user); /* git_signature_default() is too recent */ return git_signature_now(authorp, user.name, user.email); } static void create_commit_message(struct membuffer *msg, bool create_empty) { int nr = dive_table.nr; struct dive *dive = get_dive(nr-1); if (create_empty) { put_string(msg, "Initial commit to create empty repo.\n\n"); } else if (dive) { dive_trip_t *trip = dive->divetrip; const char *location = get_dive_location(dive) ? : "no location"; struct divecomputer *dc = &dive->dc; const char *sep = "\n"; if (dive->number) nr = dive->number; put_format(msg, "dive %d: %s", nr, location); if (trip && !empty_string(trip->location) && strcmp(trip->location, location)) put_format(msg, " (%s)", trip->location); put_format(msg, "\n"); do { if (!empty_string(dc->model)) { put_format(msg, "%s%s", sep, dc->model); sep = ", "; } } while ((dc = dc->next) != NULL); put_format(msg, "\n"); } const char *user_agent = subsurface_user_agent(); put_format(msg, "Created by %s\n", user_agent); free((void *)user_agent); } static int create_new_commit(git_repository *repo, const char *remote, const char *branch, git_oid *tree_id, bool create_empty) { int ret; git_reference *ref; git_object *parent; git_oid commit_id; git_signature *author; git_commit *commit; git_tree *tree; ret = git_branch_lookup(&ref, repo, branch, GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL); switch (ret) { default: return report_error("Bad branch '%s' (%s)", branch, strerror(errno)); case GIT_EINVALIDSPEC: return report_error("Invalid branch name '%s'", branch); case GIT_ENOTFOUND: /* We'll happily create it */ ref = NULL; parent = try_to_find_parent(saved_git_id, repo); break; case 0: if (git_reference_peel(&parent, ref, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT)) return report_error("Unable to look up parent in branch '%s'", branch); if (saved_git_id) { if (existing_filename && verbose) fprintf(stderr, "existing filename %s\n", existing_filename); const git_oid *id = git_commit_id((const git_commit *) parent); /* if we are saving to the same git tree we got this from, let's make * sure there is no confusion */ if (same_string(existing_filename, remote) && git_oid_strcmp(id, saved_git_id)) return report_error("The git branch does not match the git parent of the source"); } /* all good */ break; } if (git_tree_lookup(&tree, repo, tree_id)) return report_error("Could not look up newly created tree"); if (get_authorship(repo, &author)) return report_error("No user name configuration in git repo"); /* If the parent commit has the same tree ID, do not create a new commit */ if (parent && git_oid_equal(tree_id, git_commit_tree_id((const git_commit *) parent))) { /* If the parent already came from the ref, the commit is already there */ if (ref) { git_signature_free(author); return 0; } /* Else we do want to create the new branch, but with the old commit */ commit = (git_commit *) parent; } else { struct membuffer commit_msg = { 0 }; create_commit_message(&commit_msg, create_empty); if (git_commit_create_v(&commit_id, repo, NULL, author, author, NULL, mb_cstring(&commit_msg), tree, parent != NULL, parent)) { git_signature_free(author); return report_error("Git commit create failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); } free_buffer(&commit_msg); if (git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, &commit_id)) { git_signature_free(author); return report_error("Could not look up newly created commit"); } } git_signature_free(author); if (!ref) { if (git_branch_create(&ref, repo, branch, commit, 0)) return report_error("Failed to create branch '%s'", branch); } /* * If it's a checked-out branch, try to also update the working * tree and index. If that fails (dirty working tree or whatever), * this is not technically a save error (we did save things in * the object database), but it can cause extreme confusion, so * warn about it. */ if (git_branch_is_head(ref) && !git_repository_is_bare(repo)) { if (update_git_checkout(repo, parent, tree)) { const git_error *err = giterr_last(); const char *errstr = err ? err->message : strerror(errno); report_error("Git branch '%s' is checked out, but worktree is dirty (%s)", branch, errstr); } } if (git_reference_set_target(&ref, ref, &commit_id, "Subsurface save event")) return report_error("Failed to update branch '%s'", branch); /* * if this was the empty commit to initialize a new repo, don't remember the * commit_id, otherwise we'll think that the cache is valid and fail when building * the tree when we actually try to store the dive data */ if (! create_empty) set_git_id(&commit_id); return 0; } static int write_git_tree(git_repository *repo, struct dir *tree, git_oid *result) { int ret; struct dir *subdir; /* Write out our subdirectories, add them to the treebuilder, and free them */ while ((subdir = tree->subdirs) != NULL) { git_oid id; if (!write_git_tree(repo, subdir, &id)) tree_insert(tree->files, subdir->name, subdir->unique, &id, GIT_FILEMODE_TREE); tree->subdirs = subdir->sibling; free(subdir); }; /* .. write out the resulting treebuilder */ ret = git_treebuilder_write(result, tree->files); /* .. and free the now useless treebuilder */ git_treebuilder_free(tree->files); return ret; } int do_git_save(git_repository *repo, const char *branch, const char *remote, bool select_only, bool create_empty) { struct dir tree; git_oid id; bool cached_ok; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "git storage: do git save\n"); if (!create_empty) // so we are actually saving the dives git_storage_update_progress(translate("gettextFromC", "Preparing to save data")); /* * Check if we can do the cached writes - we need to * have the original git commit we loaded in the repo */ cached_ok = try_to_find_parent(saved_git_id, repo); /* Start with an empty tree: no subdirectories, no files */ tree.name[0] = 0; tree.subdirs = NULL; if (git_treebuilder_new(&tree.files, repo, NULL)) return report_error("git treebuilder failed"); if (!create_empty) /* Populate our tree data structure */ if (create_git_tree(repo, &tree, select_only, cached_ok)) return -1; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "git storage, write git tree\n"); if (write_git_tree(repo, &tree, &id)) return report_error("git tree write failed"); /* And save the tree! */ if (create_new_commit(repo, remote, branch, &id, create_empty)) return report_error("creating commit failed"); /* now sync the tree with the remote server */ if (remote && !prefs.git_local_only) return sync_with_remote(repo, remote, branch, url_to_remote_transport(remote)); return 0; } int git_save_dives(struct git_repository *repo, const char *branch, const char *remote, bool select_only) { int ret; if (repo == dummy_git_repository) return report_error("Unable to open git repository '%s'", branch); ret = do_git_save(repo, branch, remote, select_only, false); git_repository_free(repo); free((void *)branch); return ret; }