// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #ifdef __clang__ // Clang has a bug on zero-initialization of C structs. #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "gettext.h" #include "datatrak.h" #include "subsurface-string.h" #include "units.h" #include "device.h" #include "file.h" #include "divesite.h" #include "dive.h" #include "divelog.h" #include "errorhelper.h" #include "tag.h" static unsigned int two_bytes_to_int(unsigned char x, unsigned char y) { return (x << 8) + y; } static unsigned long four_bytes_to_long(unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char z, unsigned char t) { return ((long)x << 24) + ((long)y << 16) + ((long)z << 8) + (long)t; } static bool bit_set(unsigned char byte, int bit) { return byte & (1 << bit); } /* * Datatrak stores the date in days since 01-01-1600, while Subsurface uses * time_t (seconds since 00:00 01-01-1970). Function subtracts * (1970 - 1600) * 365,2425 = 135139,725 to our date variable, getting the * days since Epoch. */ static time_t date_time_to_ssrfc(unsigned long date, int time) { time_t tmp; tmp = (date - 135140) * 86400 + time * 60; return tmp; } static unsigned char to_8859(unsigned char char_cp850) { static const unsigned char char_8859[46] = { 0xc7, 0xfc, 0xe9, 0xe2, 0xe4, 0xe0, 0xe5, 0xe7, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xe8, 0xef, 0xee, 0xec, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc9, 0xe6, 0xc6, 0xf4, 0xf6, 0xf2, 0xfb, 0xf9, 0xff, 0xd6, 0xdc, 0xf8, 0xa3, 0xd8, 0xd7, 0x66, 0xe1, 0xed, 0xf3, 0xfa, 0xf1, 0xd1, 0xaa, 0xba, 0xbf, 0xae, 0xac, 0xbd, 0xbc, 0xa1 }; return char_8859[char_cp850 - 0x80]; } static char *to_utf8(unsigned char *in_string) { int outlen, inlen, i = 0, j = 0; inlen = strlen((char *)in_string); outlen = inlen * 2 + 1; char *out_string = (char *)calloc(outlen, 1); for (i = 0; i < inlen; i++) { if (in_string[i] < 127) { out_string[j] = in_string[i]; } else { if (in_string[i] > 127 && in_string[i] <= 173) in_string[i] = to_8859(in_string[i]); out_string[j] = (in_string[i] >> 6) | 0xC0; j++; out_string[j] = (in_string[i] & 0x3F) | 0x80; } j++; } out_string[j + 1] = '\0'; return out_string; } /* * Reads the header of a datatrak buffer and returns the number of * dives; zero on error (meaning this isn't a datatrak file). * All other info in the header is useless for Subsurface. */ static int read_file_header(unsigned char *buffer) { int n = 0; if (two_bytes_to_int(buffer[0], buffer[1]) == 0xA100) n = two_bytes_to_int(buffer[7], buffer[6]); return n; } /* * Fills a device_data_t structure based on the info from g_models table, using * the dc's model number as start point. * Returns libdc's equivalent model number (also from g_models) or zero if * this a manual dive. */ static int dtrak_prepare_data(int model, device_data_t &dev_data) { dc_descriptor_t *d = NULL; int i = 0; while (model != g_models[i].model_num && g_models[i].model_num != 0xEE) i++; dev_data.model = g_models[i].name; dev_data.vendor.clear(); for (const char *s = g_models[i].name; isalpha(*s); ++s) dev_data.vendor += *s; dev_data.product = strchr(g_models[i].name, ' ') + 1; d = get_descriptor(g_models[i].type, g_models[i].libdc_num); if (d) dev_data.descriptor = d; else return 0; return g_models[i].libdc_num; } /* * Return a default name for a tank based on it's size. * Just get the first in the user's list for given size. * Reaching the end of the list means there is no tank of this size. */ static std::string cyl_type_by_size(int size) { auto it = std::find_if(tank_info_table.begin(), tank_info_table.end(), [size] (const tank_info &info) { return info.ml == size; }); return it != tank_info_table.end() ? it->name : std::string(); } /* * Reads the size of a datatrak profile from actual position in buffer *ptr, * zero padds it with a faked header and inserts the model number for * libdivecomputer parsing. Puts the completed buffer in a pre-allocated * compl_buffer, and returns status. */ static dc_status_t dt_libdc_buffer(unsigned char *ptr, int prf_length, int dc_model, unsigned char *compl_buffer) { if (compl_buffer == NULL) return DC_STATUS_NOMEMORY; compl_buffer[3] = (unsigned char) dc_model; memcpy(compl_buffer + 18, ptr, prf_length); return DC_STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * Parses a mem buffer extracting its data and filling a subsurface's dive structure. * Returns a pointer to last position in buffer, or NULL on failure. */ static char *dt_dive_parser(unsigned char *runner, struct dive *dt_dive, struct divelog *log, char *maxbuf) { int rc, profile_length, libdc_model; char *tmp_notes_str = NULL; unsigned char *tmp_string1 = NULL, *locality = NULL, *dive_point = NULL, *compl_buffer, *membuf = runner; char buffer[1024]; unsigned char tmp_1byte; unsigned int tmp_2bytes; unsigned long tmp_4bytes; char is_nitrox = 0, is_O2 = 0, is_SCR = 0; device_data_t devdata; devdata.log = log; /* * Parse byte to byte till next dive entry */ while (membuf[0] != 0xA0 || membuf[1] != 0x00) { JUMP(membuf, 1); } JUMP(membuf, 2); /* * Begin parsing * First, Date of dive, 4 bytes */ read_bytes(4); /* * Next, Time in minutes since 00:00 */ read_bytes(2); dt_dive->dc.when = dt_dive->when = (timestamp_t)date_time_to_ssrfc(tmp_4bytes, tmp_2bytes); /* * Now, Locality, 1st byte is long of string, rest is string */ read_bytes(1); read_string(locality); /* * Next, Dive point, defined as Locality */ read_bytes(1); read_string(dive_point); /* * Subsurface only have a location variable, so we have to merge DTrak's * Locality and Dive points. */ { std::string buffer2 = std::string((char *)locality) + " " + (char *)dive_point; struct dive_site *ds = log->sites->get_by_name(buffer2); if (!ds) ds = log->sites->create(buffer2); ds->add_dive(dt_dive); } free(locality); locality = NULL; free(dive_point); /* * Altitude. Don't exist in Subsurface, the equivalent would be * surface air pressure which can, be calculated from altitude. * As dtrak registers altitude intervals, we, arbitrarily, choose * the lower altitude/pressure equivalence for each segment. So * * Datatrak table * Conversion formula: * * * byte = 1 0 - 700 m * P = P0 * exp(-(g * M * h ) / (R * T0)) * byte = 2 700 - 1700m * P0 = sealevel pressure = 101325 Pa * byte = 3 1700 - 2700 m * g = grav. acceleration = 9,80665 m/s² * byte = 4 2700 - * m * M = molar mass (dry air) = 0,0289644 Kg/mol * * h = altitude over sea level (m) * * R = Universal gas constant = 8,31447 J/(mol*K) * * T0 = sea level standard temperature = 288,15 K */ read_bytes(1); switch (tmp_1byte) { case 1: dt_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = 1013; break; case 2: dt_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = 932; break; case 3: dt_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = 828; break; case 4: dt_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = 735; break; default: dt_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = 1013; } /* * Interval (minutes) */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7FFF) dt_dive->dc.surfacetime.seconds = (uint32_t) tmp_2bytes * 60; /* * Weather, values table, 0 to 6 * Subsurface don't have this record but we can use tags */ dt_dive->tag_list = NULL; read_bytes(1); switch (tmp_1byte) { case 1: taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "clear"))); break; case 2: taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "misty"))); break; case 3: taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "fog"))); break; case 4: taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "rain"))); break; case 5: taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "storm"))); break; case 6: taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "snow"))); break; default: // unknown, do nothing break; } /* * Air Temperature */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7FFF) dt_dive->dc.airtemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((double)(tmp_2bytes / 100)); /* * Dive suit, values table, 0 to 6 */ read_bytes(1); switch (tmp_1byte) { case 1: dt_dive->suit = strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "No suit")); break; case 2: dt_dive->suit = strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Shorty")); break; case 3: dt_dive->suit = strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Combi")); break; case 4: dt_dive->suit = strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Wet suit")); break; case 5: dt_dive->suit = strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Semidry suit")); break; case 6: dt_dive->suit = strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Dry suit")); break; default: // unknown, do nothing break; } /* * Tank, volume size in liter*100. And initialize gasmix to air (default). * Dtrak doesn't record init and end pressures, but consumed bar, so let's * init a default pressure of 200 bar. */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7FFF) { cylinder_t cyl; std::string desc = cyl_type_by_size(tmp_2bytes * 10); cyl.type.size.mliter = tmp_2bytes * 10; cyl.type.description = desc.c_str(); cyl.start.mbar = 200000; cyl.gasmix.he.permille = 0; cyl.gasmix.o2.permille = 210; cyl.manually_added = true; add_cloned_cylinder(&dt_dive->cylinders, cyl); } /* * Maximum depth, in cm. */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7FFF) dt_dive->maxdepth.mm = dt_dive->dc.maxdepth.mm = (int32_t)tmp_2bytes * 10; /* * Dive time in minutes. */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7FFF) dt_dive->duration.seconds = dt_dive->dc.duration.seconds = (uint32_t)tmp_2bytes * 60; /* * Minimum water temperature in C*100. If unknown, set it to 0K which * is subsurface's value for "unknown" */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7fff) dt_dive->watertemp.mkelvin = dt_dive->dc.watertemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin((double)(tmp_2bytes / 100)); else dt_dive->watertemp.mkelvin = 0; /* * Air used in bar*100. */ read_bytes(2); if (tmp_2bytes != 0x7FFF && dt_dive->cylinders.nr > 0) get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->gas_used.mliter = lrint(get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->type.size.mliter * (tmp_2bytes / 100.0)); /* * Dive Type 1 - Bit table. Subsurface don't have this record, but * will use tags. Bits 0 and 1 are not used. Reuse coincident tags. */ read_bytes(1); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 2)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "no stop"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 3)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "deco"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 4)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "single ascent"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 5)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "multiple ascent"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 6)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "fresh water"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 7)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "salt water"))); /* * Dive Type 2 - Bit table, use tags again */ read_bytes(1); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 0)) { taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup("nitrox")); is_nitrox = 1; } if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 1)) { taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup("rebreather")); is_SCR = 1; dt_dive->dc.divemode = PSCR; } /* * Dive Activity 1 - Bit table, use tags again */ read_bytes(1); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 0)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "sight seeing"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 1)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "club dive"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 2)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "instructor"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 3)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "instruction"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 4)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "night"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 5)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "cave"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 6)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "ice"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 7)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "search"))); /* * Dive Activity 2 - Bit table, use tags again */ read_bytes(1); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 0)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "wreck"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 1)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "river"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 2)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "drift"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 3)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "photo"))); if (bit_set(tmp_1byte, 4)) taglist_add_tag(&dt_dive->tag_list, strdup(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "other"))); /* * Other activities - String 1st byte = long * Will put this in dive notes before the true notes */ read_bytes(1); if (tmp_1byte != 0) { read_string(tmp_string1); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: %s\n", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Other activities"), tmp_string1); tmp_notes_str = strdup(buffer); free(tmp_string1); } /* * Dive buddies */ read_bytes(1); if (tmp_1byte != 0) { read_string(tmp_string1); dt_dive->buddy = strdup((char *)tmp_string1); free(tmp_string1); } /* * Dive notes */ read_bytes(1); if (tmp_1byte != 0) { read_string(tmp_string1); int len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s:\n%s", tmp_notes_str ? tmp_notes_str : "", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Datatrak/Wlog notes"), tmp_string1); dt_dive->notes = (char *)calloc((len +1), 1); memcpy(dt_dive->notes, buffer, len); free(tmp_string1); } free(tmp_notes_str); /* * Alarms 1 and Alarms2 - Bit tables - Not in Subsurface, we use the profile */ JUMP(membuf, 2); /* * Dive number (in datatrak, after import user has to renumber) */ read_bytes(2); dt_dive->number = tmp_2bytes; /* * Computer timestamp - Useless for Subsurface */ JUMP(membuf, 4); /* * Model number to check against equivalence with libdivecomputer table. * The number also defines if the model is nitrox or O2 capable. */ read_bytes(1); switch (tmp_1byte & 0xF0) { case 0xF0: is_nitrox = 1; break; case 0xA0: is_O2 = 1; break; default: is_nitrox = 0; is_O2 = 0; break; } libdc_model = dtrak_prepare_data(tmp_1byte, devdata); if (!libdc_model) report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "[Warning] Manual dive # %d\n"), dt_dive->number); dt_dive->dc.model = copy_string(devdata.model.c_str()); /* * Air usage, unknown use. Probably allows or deny manually entering gas * comsumption based on dc model - Useless for Subsurface * And 6 bytes without known use. */ JUMP(membuf, 7); /* * Profile data length */ read_bytes(2); profile_length = tmp_2bytes; /* * Profile parsing, only if we have a profile and a dc model. * If just a profile, skip parsing and seek the buffer to the end of dive. */ if (profile_length != 0 && libdc_model != 0) { compl_buffer = (unsigned char *) calloc(18 + profile_length, 1); rc = dt_libdc_buffer(membuf, profile_length, libdc_model, compl_buffer); if (rc == DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) { libdc_buffer_parser(dt_dive, &devdata, compl_buffer, profile_length + 18); } else { report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "[Error] Out of memory for dive %d. Abort parsing."), dt_dive->number); free(compl_buffer); goto bail; } if (is_nitrox && dt_dive->cylinders.nr > 0) get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->gasmix.o2.permille = lrint(membuf[23] & 0x0F ? 20.0 + 2 * (membuf[23] & 0x0F) : 21.0) * 10; if (is_O2 && dt_dive->cylinders.nr > 0) get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->gasmix.o2.permille = membuf[23] * 10; free(compl_buffer); } JUMP(membuf, profile_length); /* * Initialize some dive data not supported by Datatrak/WLog */ if (!libdc_model) dt_dive->dc.deviceid = 0; else dt_dive->dc.deviceid = 0xffffffff; dt_dive->dc.next = NULL; if (!is_SCR && dt_dive->cylinders.nr > 0) { get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->end.mbar = get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->start.mbar - ((get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->gas_used.mliter / get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->type.size.mliter) * 1000); } return (char *)membuf; bail: free(locality); return NULL; } /* * Parses the header of the .add file, returns the number of dives in * the archive (must be the same than number of dives in .log file). */ static int wlog_header_parser (std::string &mem) { int tmp; unsigned char *runner = (unsigned char *) mem.data(); if (!runner) return -1; if (!memcmp(runner, "\x52\x02", 2)) { runner += 8; tmp = (int) two_bytes_to_int(runner[1], runner[0]); return tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error, not a Wlog .add file\n"); return -1; } } #define NOTES_LENGTH 256 #define SUIT_LENGTH 26 static void wlog_compl_parser(std::string &wl_mem, struct dive *dt_dive, int dcount) { int tmp = 0, offset = 12 + (dcount * 850), pos_weight = offset + 256, pos_viz = offset + 258, pos_tank_init = offset + 266, pos_suit = offset + 268; char *wlog_notes = NULL, *wlog_suit = NULL, *buffer = NULL; unsigned char *runner = (unsigned char *) wl_mem.data(); /* * Extended notes string. Fixed length 256 bytes. 0 padded if not complete */ if (*(runner + offset)) { char wlog_notes_temp[NOTES_LENGTH + 1]; wlog_notes_temp[NOTES_LENGTH] = 0; (void)memcpy(wlog_notes_temp, runner + offset, NOTES_LENGTH); wlog_notes = to_utf8((unsigned char *) wlog_notes_temp); } if (dt_dive->notes && wlog_notes) { buffer = (char *)calloc (strlen(dt_dive->notes) + strlen(wlog_notes) + 1, 1); sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", dt_dive->notes, wlog_notes); free(dt_dive->notes); dt_dive->notes = copy_string(buffer); } else if (wlog_notes) { dt_dive->notes = copy_string(wlog_notes); } free(buffer); free(wlog_notes); /* * Weight in Kg * 100 */ tmp = (int) two_bytes_to_int(runner[pos_weight + 1], runner[pos_weight]); if (tmp != 0x7fff) { weightsystem_t ws = { {tmp * 10}, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "unknown"), false }; add_cloned_weightsystem(&dt_dive->weightsystems, ws); } /* * Visibility in m * 100. Arbitrarily choosed to be 5 stars if >= 25m and * then assign a star for each 5 meters, resulting 0 stars if < 5 m */ tmp = (int) two_bytes_to_int(runner[pos_viz + 1], runner[pos_viz]); if (tmp != 0x7fff) { tmp = tmp > 2500 ? 2500 / 100 : tmp / 100; dt_dive->visibility = (int) floor(tmp / 5); } /* * Tank initial pressure in bar * 100 * If we know initial pressure, rework end pressure. */ tmp = (int) two_bytes_to_int(runner[pos_tank_init + 1], runner[pos_tank_init]); if (tmp != 0x7fff) { get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->start.mbar = tmp * 10; get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->end.mbar = get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->start.mbar - lrint(get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->gas_used.mliter / get_cylinder(dt_dive, 0)->type.size.mliter) * 1000; } /* * Dive suit, fixed length of 26 bytes, zero padded if shorter. * Expected to be preferred by the user if he did the work of setting it. */ if (*(runner + pos_suit)) { char wlog_suit_temp[SUIT_LENGTH + 1]; wlog_suit_temp[SUIT_LENGTH] = 0; (void)memcpy(wlog_suit_temp, runner + pos_suit, SUIT_LENGTH); wlog_suit = to_utf8((unsigned char *) wlog_suit_temp); } if (wlog_suit) dt_dive->suit = copy_string(wlog_suit); free(wlog_suit); } /* * Main function call from file.c data is allocated (and freed) there. * If parsing is aborted due to errors, stores correctly parsed dives. */ int datatrak_import(std::string &mem, std::string &wl_mem, struct divelog *log) { char *runner; int i = 0, numdives = 0, rc = 0; char *maxbuf = mem.data() + mem.size(); // Verify fileheader, get number of dives in datatrak divelog, zero on error numdives = read_file_header((unsigned char *)mem.data()); if (!numdives) { report_error("%s", translate("gettextFromC", "[Error] File is not a DataTrak file. Aborted")); goto bail; } // Verify WLog .add file, Beginning sequence and Nº dives if(!wl_mem.empty()) { int compl_dives_n = wlog_header_parser(wl_mem); if (compl_dives_n != numdives) { report_error("ERROR: Not the same number of dives in .log %d and .add file %d.\nWill not parse .add file", numdives , compl_dives_n); wl_mem.clear(); } } // Point to the expected begining of 1st. dive data runner = mem.data(); JUMP(runner, 12); // Secuential parsing. Abort if received NULL from dt_dive_parser. while ((i < numdives) && (runner < maxbuf)) { struct dive *ptdive = alloc_dive(); runner = dt_dive_parser((unsigned char *)runner, ptdive, log, maxbuf); if (!wl_mem.empty()) wlog_compl_parser(wl_mem, ptdive, i); if (runner == NULL) { report_error("%s", translate("gettextFromC", "Error: no dive")); free(ptdive); rc = 1; goto out; } else { record_dive_to_table(ptdive, log->dives); } i++; } out: sort_dive_table(log->dives); return rc; bail: return 1; }