#include "cylindermodel.h" #include "tankinfomodel.h" #include "models.h" #include "core/helpers.h" #include "core/dive.h" #include "core/color.h" #include "qt-models/diveplannermodel.h" #include "core/gettextfromc.h" CylindersModel::CylindersModel(QObject *parent) : CleanerTableModel(parent), changed(false), rows(0) { // enum {REMOVE, TYPE, SIZE, WORKINGPRESS, START, END, O2, HE, DEPTH, MOD, MND, USE}; setHeaderDataStrings(QStringList() << "" << tr("Type") << tr("Size") << tr("Work press.") << tr("Start press.") << tr("End press.") << tr("O₂%") << tr("He%") << tr("Deco switch at") < self(new CylindersModel()); return self.data(); } static QString get_cylinder_string(cylinder_t *cyl) { QString unit; int decimals; unsigned int ml = cyl->type.size.mliter; pressure_t wp = cyl->type.workingpressure; double value; // We cannot use "get_volume_units()", because even when // using imperial units we may need to show the size in // liters: if we don't have a working pressure, we cannot // convert the cylinder size to cuft. if (wp.mbar && prefs.units.volume == units::CUFT) { value = ml_to_cuft(ml) * bar_to_atm(wp.mbar / 1000.0); decimals = (value > 20.0) ? 0 : (value > 2.0) ? 1 : 2; unit = CylindersModel::tr("cuft"); } else { value = ml / 1000.0; decimals = 1; unit = CylindersModel::tr("ℓ"); } return QString("%1").arg(value, 0, 'f', decimals) + unit; } static QString gas_volume_string(int ml, const char *tail) { double vol; const char *unit; int decimals; vol = get_volume_units(ml, NULL, &unit); decimals = (vol > 20.0) ? 0 : (vol > 2.0) ? 1 : 2; return QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(vol, 0, 'f', decimals).arg(unit).arg(tail); } static QVariant gas_wp_tooltip(cylinder_t *cyl); static QVariant gas_usage_tooltip(cylinder_t *cyl) { pressure_t startp = cyl->start.mbar ? cyl->start : cyl->sample_start; pressure_t endp = cyl->end.mbar ? cyl->end : cyl->sample_end; int start, end, used; start = gas_volume(cyl, startp); end = gas_volume(cyl, endp); used = (end && start > end) ? start - end : 0; if (!used) return gas_wp_tooltip(cyl); return gas_volume_string(used, "(") + gas_volume_string(start, " -> ") + gas_volume_string(end, ")"); } static QVariant gas_volume_tooltip(cylinder_t *cyl, pressure_t p) { int vol = gas_volume(cyl, p); double Z; if (!vol) return QVariant(); Z = gas_compressibility_factor(&cyl->gasmix, p.mbar / 1000.0); return gas_volume_string(vol, "(Z=") + QString("%1)").arg(Z, 0, 'f', 3); } static QVariant gas_wp_tooltip(cylinder_t *cyl) { return gas_volume_tooltip(cyl, cyl->type.workingpressure); } static QVariant gas_start_tooltip(cylinder_t *cyl) { return gas_volume_tooltip(cyl, cyl->start.mbar ? cyl->start : cyl->sample_start); } static QVariant gas_end_tooltip(cylinder_t *cyl) { return gas_volume_tooltip(cyl, cyl->end.mbar ? cyl->end : cyl->sample_end); } static QVariant percent_string(fraction_t fraction) { int permille = fraction.permille; if (!permille) return QVariant(); return QString("%1%").arg(permille / 10.0, 0, 'f', 1); } QVariant CylindersModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { QVariant ret; if (!index.isValid() || index.row() >= MAX_CYLINDERS) return ret; int mapping[MAX_CYLINDERS]; int same_gas = -1; cylinder_t *cyl = &displayed_dive.cylinder[index.row()]; struct gasmix *mygas = &cyl->gasmix; switch (role) { case Qt::BackgroundRole: { switch (index.column()) { // mark the cylinder start / end pressure in red if the values // seem implausible case START: case END: pressure_t startp, endp; startp = cyl->start.mbar ? cyl->start : cyl->sample_start; endp = cyl->end.mbar ? cyl->end : cyl->sample_end; if ((startp.mbar && !endp.mbar) || (endp.mbar && startp.mbar <= endp.mbar)) ret = REDORANGE1_HIGH_TRANS; break; } break; } case Qt::FontRole: { QFont font = defaultModelFont(); switch (index.column()) { // if we don't have manually set pressure data use italic font case START: font.setItalic(!cyl->start.mbar); break; case END: font.setItalic(!cyl->end.mbar); break; } ret = font; break; } case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: ret = Qt::AlignCenter; break; case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::EditRole: switch (index.column()) { case TYPE: ret = QString(cyl->type.description); break; case SIZE: if (cyl->type.size.mliter) ret = get_cylinder_string(cyl); break; case WORKINGPRESS: if (cyl->type.workingpressure.mbar) ret = get_pressure_string(cyl->type.workingpressure, true); break; case START: if (cyl->start.mbar) ret = get_pressure_string(cyl->start, true); else if (cyl->sample_start.mbar) ret = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_start, true); break; case END: if (cyl->end.mbar) ret = get_pressure_string(cyl->end, true); else if (cyl->sample_end.mbar) ret = get_pressure_string(cyl->sample_end, true); break; case O2: ret = percent_string(cyl->gasmix.o2); break; case HE: ret = percent_string(cyl->gasmix.he); break; case DEPTH: ret = get_depth_string(cyl->depth, true); break; case MOD: if (cyl->bestmix_o2) { ret = QString("*"); } else { pressure_t modpO2; modpO2.mbar = prefs.bottompo2; ret = get_depth_string(gas_mod(&cyl->gasmix, modpO2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(1,1)), true); } break; case MND: if (cyl->bestmix_he) ret = QString("*"); else ret = get_depth_string(gas_mnd(&cyl->gasmix, prefs.bestmixend, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(1,1)), true); break; case USE: ret = gettextFromC::instance()->trGettext(cylinderuse_text[cyl->cylinder_use]); break; } break; case Qt::DecorationRole: case Qt::SizeHintRole: if (index.column() == REMOVE) { same_gas = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { mapping[i] = i; if (i == index.row() || cylinder_none(&displayed_dive.cylinder[i])) continue; struct gasmix *gas2 = &displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix; if (gasmix_distance(mygas, gas2) == 0 && is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, i)) same_gas = i; } if (same_gas == -1 && ((DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->currentMode() != DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING && DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->tankInUse(index.row())) || (DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->currentMode() == DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING && is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, index.row())))) { ret = trashForbiddenIcon(); } else ret = trashIcon(); } break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: switch (index.column()) { case REMOVE: same_gas = -1; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { mapping[i] = i; if (i == index.row() || cylinder_none(&displayed_dive.cylinder[i])) continue; struct gasmix *gas2 = &displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix; if (gasmix_distance(mygas, gas2) == 0 && is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, i)) same_gas = i; } if (same_gas == -1 && ((DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->currentMode() != DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING && DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->tankInUse(index.row())) || (DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->currentMode() == DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING && is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, index.row())))) { ret = tr("This gas is in use. Only cylinders that are not used in the dive can be removed."); } else ret = tr("Clicking here will remove this cylinder."); break; case TYPE: case SIZE: return gas_usage_tooltip(cyl); case WORKINGPRESS: return gas_wp_tooltip(cyl); case START: return gas_start_tooltip(cyl); case END: return gas_end_tooltip(cyl); case DEPTH: ret = tr("Switch depth for deco gas. Calculated using Deco pO₂ preference, unless set manually."); break; case MOD: ret = tr("Calculated using Bottom pO₂ preference. Setting MOD adjusts O₂%, set to '*' for best O₂% for max. depth."); break; case MND: ret = tr("Calculated using Best Mix END preference. Setting MND adjusts He%, set to '*' for best He% for max. depth."); break; } break; } return ret; } cylinder_t *CylindersModel::cylinderAt(const QModelIndex &index) { return &displayed_dive.cylinder[index.row()]; } // this is our magic 'pass data in' function that allows the delegate to get // the data here without silly unit conversions; // so we only implement the two columns we care about void CylindersModel::passInData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value) { cylinder_t *cyl = cylinderAt(index); switch (index.column()) { case SIZE: if (cyl->type.size.mliter != value.toInt()) { cyl->type.size.mliter = value.toInt(); dataChanged(index, index); } break; case WORKINGPRESS: if (cyl->type.workingpressure.mbar != value.toInt()) { cyl->type.workingpressure.mbar = value.toInt(); dataChanged(index, index); } break; } } bool CylindersModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) { QString vString; cylinder_t *cyl = cylinderAt(index); switch (index.column()) { case TYPE: if (!value.isNull()) { QByteArray ba = value.toByteArray(); const char *text = ba.constData(); if (!cyl->type.description || strcmp(cyl->type.description, text)) { cyl->type.description = strdup(text); changed = true; } } break; case SIZE: if (CHANGED()) { TankInfoModel *tanks = TankInfoModel::instance(); QModelIndexList matches = tanks->match(tanks->index(0, 0), Qt::DisplayRole, cyl->type.description); cyl->type.size = string_to_volume(vString.toUtf8().data(), cyl->type.workingpressure); mark_divelist_changed(true); if (!matches.isEmpty()) tanks->setData(tanks->index(matches.first().row(), TankInfoModel::ML), cyl->type.size.mliter); changed = true; } break; case WORKINGPRESS: if (CHANGED()) { TankInfoModel *tanks = TankInfoModel::instance(); QModelIndexList matches = tanks->match(tanks->index(0, 0), Qt::DisplayRole, cyl->type.description); cyl->type.workingpressure = string_to_pressure(vString.toUtf8().data()); if (!matches.isEmpty()) tanks->setData(tanks->index(matches.first().row(), TankInfoModel::BAR), cyl->type.workingpressure.mbar / 1000.0); changed = true; } break; case START: if (CHANGED()) { cyl->start = string_to_pressure(vString.toUtf8().data()); changed = true; } break; case END: if (CHANGED()) { //&& (!cyl->start.mbar || string_to_pressure(vString.toUtf8().data()).mbar <= cyl->start.mbar)) { cyl->end = string_to_pressure(vString.toUtf8().data()); changed = true; } break; case O2: if (CHANGED()) { cyl->gasmix.o2 = string_to_fraction(vString.toUtf8().data()); // fO2 + fHe must not be greater than 1 if (get_o2(&cyl->gasmix) + get_he(&cyl->gasmix) > 1000) cyl->gasmix.he.permille = 1000 - get_o2(&cyl->gasmix); pressure_t modpO2; if (displayed_dive.dc.divemode == PSCR) modpO2.mbar = prefs.decopo2 + (1000 - get_o2(&cyl->gasmix)) * SURFACE_PRESSURE * prefs.o2consumption / prefs.decosac / prefs.pscr_ratio; else modpO2.mbar = prefs.decopo2; cyl->depth = gas_mod(&cyl->gasmix, modpO2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3, 10)); cyl->bestmix_o2 = false; changed = true; } break; case HE: if (CHANGED()) { cyl->gasmix.he = string_to_fraction(vString.toUtf8().data()); // fO2 + fHe must not be greater than 1 if (get_o2(&cyl->gasmix) + get_he(&cyl->gasmix) > 1000) cyl->gasmix.o2.permille = 1000 - get_he(&cyl->gasmix); cyl->bestmix_he = false; changed = true; } break; case DEPTH: if (CHANGED()) { cyl->depth = string_to_depth(vString.toUtf8().data()); changed = true; } break; case MOD: if (CHANGED()) { if (QString::compare(vString.toUtf8().data(), "*") == 0) { cyl->bestmix_o2 = true; // Calculate fO2 for max. depth cyl->gasmix.o2 = best_o2(displayed_dive.maxdepth, &displayed_dive); } else { cyl->bestmix_o2 = false; // Calculate fO2 for input depth cyl->gasmix.o2 = best_o2(string_to_depth(vString.toUtf8().data()), &displayed_dive); } pressure_t modpO2; modpO2.mbar = prefs.decopo2; cyl->depth = gas_mod(&cyl->gasmix, modpO2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3, 10)); changed = true; } break; case MND: if (CHANGED()) { if (QString::compare(vString.toUtf8().data(), "*") == 0) { cyl->bestmix_he = true; // Calculate fO2 for max. depth cyl->gasmix.he = best_he(displayed_dive.maxdepth, &displayed_dive); } else { cyl->bestmix_he = false; // Calculate fHe for input depth cyl->gasmix.he = best_he(string_to_depth(vString.toUtf8().data()), &displayed_dive); } changed = true; } break; case USE: if (CHANGED()) { int use = vString.toInt(); if (use > NUM_GAS_USE - 1 || use < 0) use = 0; cyl->cylinder_use = (enum cylinderuse)use; changed = true; } break; } dataChanged(index, index); return true; } int CylindersModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return rows; } void CylindersModel::add() { if (rows >= MAX_CYLINDERS) { return; } int row = rows; fill_default_cylinder(&displayed_dive.cylinder[row]); displayed_dive.cylinder[row].manually_added = true; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); rows++; changed = true; endInsertRows(); } void CylindersModel::clear() { if (rows > 0) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, rows - 1); endRemoveRows(); } } void CylindersModel::updateDive() { clear(); rows = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (!cylinder_none(&displayed_dive.cylinder[i]) && (prefs.display_unused_tanks || is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, i) || displayed_dive.cylinder[i].manually_added)) rows = i + 1; } if (rows > 0) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, rows - 1); endInsertRows(); } } void CylindersModel::copyFromDive(dive *d) { if (!d) return; rows = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { if (!cylinder_none(&d->cylinder[i]) && (is_cylinder_used(d, i) || prefs.display_unused_tanks)) { rows = i + 1; } } if (rows > 0) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, rows - 1); endInsertRows(); } } Qt::ItemFlags CylindersModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.column() == REMOVE || index.column() == USE) return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } void CylindersModel::remove(const QModelIndex &index) { int mapping[MAX_CYLINDERS]; if (index.column() == USE) { cylinder_t *cyl = cylinderAt(index); if (cyl->cylinder_use == OC_GAS) cyl->cylinder_use = NOT_USED; else if (cyl->cylinder_use == NOT_USED) cyl->cylinder_use = OC_GAS; changed = true; dataChanged(index, index); return; } if (index.column() != REMOVE) { return; } int same_gas = -1; cylinder_t *cyl = &displayed_dive.cylinder[index.row()]; struct gasmix *mygas = &cyl->gasmix; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { mapping[i] = i; if (i == index.row() || cylinder_none(&displayed_dive.cylinder[i])) continue; struct gasmix *gas2 = &displayed_dive.cylinder[i].gasmix; if (gasmix_distance(mygas, gas2) == 0 && is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, i)) same_gas = i; } if (same_gas == -1 && ((DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->currentMode() != DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING && DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->tankInUse(index.row())) || (DivePlannerPointsModel::instance()->currentMode() == DivePlannerPointsModel::NOTHING && is_cylinder_used(&displayed_dive, index.row())))) return; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index.row(), index.row()); // yah, know, ugly. rows--; // if we didn't find an identical gas, point same_gas at the index.row() if (same_gas == -1) same_gas = index.row(); if (index.row() == 0) { // first gas - we need to make sure that the same gas ends up // as first gas memmove(cyl, &displayed_dive.cylinder[same_gas], sizeof(*cyl)); remove_cylinder(&displayed_dive, same_gas); mapping[same_gas] = 0; for (int i = same_gas + 1; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) mapping[i] = i - 1; } else { remove_cylinder(&displayed_dive, index.row()); if (same_gas > index.row()) same_gas--; mapping[index.row()] = same_gas; for (int i = index.row() + 1; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) mapping[i] = i - 1; } changed = true; endRemoveRows(); struct divecomputer *dc = &displayed_dive.dc; while (dc) { dc_cylinder_renumber(&displayed_dive, dc, mapping); dc = dc->next; } } void CylindersModel::updateDecoDepths(pressure_t olddecopo2) { pressure_t decopo2; decopo2.mbar = prefs.decopo2; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { cylinder_t *cyl = &displayed_dive.cylinder[i]; /* If the gas's deco MOD matches the old pO2, it will have been automatically calculated and should be updated. * If they don't match, we should leave the user entered depth as it is */ if (cyl->depth.mm == gas_mod(&cyl->gasmix, olddecopo2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3, 10)).mm) { cyl->depth = gas_mod(&cyl->gasmix, decopo2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3, 10)); } } emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(MAX_CYLINDERS - 1, COLUMNS - 1)); } void CylindersModel::updateTrashIcon() { emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(MAX_CYLINDERS - 1, 0)); } bool CylindersModel::updateBestMixes() { // Check if any of the cylinders are best mixes, update if needed bool gasUpdated = false; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYLINDERS; i++) { cylinder_t *cyl = &displayed_dive.cylinder[i]; if (cyl->bestmix_o2) { cyl->gasmix.o2 = best_o2(displayed_dive.maxdepth, &displayed_dive); // fO2 + fHe must not be greater than 1 if (get_o2(&cyl->gasmix) + get_he(&cyl->gasmix) > 1000) cyl->gasmix.he.permille = 1000 - get_o2(&cyl->gasmix); pressure_t modpO2; modpO2.mbar = prefs.decopo2; cyl->depth = gas_mod(&cyl->gasmix, modpO2, &displayed_dive, M_OR_FT(3, 10)); gasUpdated = true; } if (cyl->bestmix_he) { cyl->gasmix.he = best_he(displayed_dive.maxdepth, &displayed_dive); // fO2 + fHe must not be greater than 1 if (get_o2(&cyl->gasmix) + get_he(&cyl->gasmix) > 1000) cyl->gasmix.o2.permille = 1000 - get_he(&cyl->gasmix); gasUpdated = true; } } /* This slot is called when the bottom pO2 and END preferences are updated, we want to * emit dataChanged so MOD and MND are refreshed, even if the gas mix hasn't been changed */ emit dataChanged(createIndex(0, 0), createIndex(MAX_CYLINDERS - 1, COLUMNS - 1)); return gasUpdated; }