// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "pieseries.h" #include "informationbox.h" #include "statscolors.h" #include "statshelper.h" #include "statstranslations.h" #include "statsview.h" #include "zvalues.h" #include "core/selection.h" #include <numeric> #include <math.h> #include <QLocale> static const double pieSize = 0.9; // 1.0 = occupy full width of chart static const double pieBorderWidth = 1.0; static const double innerLabelRadius = 0.75; // 1.0 = at outer border of pie static const double outerLabelRadius = 1.01; // 1.0 = at outer border of pie PieSeries::Item::Item(StatsView &view, const QString &name, int from, std::vector<dive *> divesIn, int totalCount, int bin_nr, int numBins) : name(name), dives(std::move(divesIn)), selected(allDivesSelected(dives)) { QFont f; // make configurable QLocale loc; int count = (int)dives.size(); // totalCount = 0 shouldn't happen, but for robustness' sake, let's not divide by zero. if (totalCount <= 0) totalCount = count = 1; angleFrom = static_cast<double>(from) / totalCount; angleTo = static_cast<double>(from + count) / totalCount; double meanAngle = M_PI / 2.0 - (from + count / 2.0) / totalCount * M_PI * 2.0; // Note: "-" because we go CW. innerLabelPos = QPointF(cos(meanAngle) * innerLabelRadius, -sin(meanAngle) * innerLabelRadius); outerLabelPos = QPointF(cos(meanAngle) * outerLabelRadius, -sin(meanAngle) * outerLabelRadius); double percentage = count * 100.0 / totalCount; QString innerLabelText = QStringLiteral("%1\%").arg(loc.toString(percentage, 'f', 1)); innerLabel = view.createChartItem<ChartTextItem>(ChartZValue::SeriesLabels, f, innerLabelText); outerLabel = view.createChartItem<ChartTextItem>(ChartZValue::SeriesLabels, f, name); outerLabel->setColor(darkLabelColor); } void PieSeries::Item::updatePositions(const QPointF ¢er, double radius) { // Note: the positions in this functions are rounded to integer values, // because half-integer values gives horrible aliasing artifacts. if (innerLabel) { QRectF labelRect = innerLabel->getRect(); QPointF pos(center.x() + innerLabelPos.x() * radius - labelRect.width() / 2.0, center.y() + innerLabelPos.y() * radius - labelRect.height() / 2.0); innerLabel->setPos(roundPos(pos)); } if (outerLabel) { QRectF labelRect = outerLabel->getRect(); QPointF pos(center.x() + outerLabelPos.x() * radius, center.y() + outerLabelPos.y() * radius); if (outerLabelPos.x() < 0.0) { if (outerLabelPos.y() < 0.0) pos -= QPointF(labelRect.width(), labelRect.height()); else pos.rx() -= labelRect.width(); } else if (outerLabelPos.y() < 0.0) { pos.ry() -= labelRect.height(); } outerLabel->setPos(roundPos(pos)); } } void PieSeries::Item::highlight(ChartPieItem &item, int bin_nr, bool highlight, int numBins) { QColor fill = highlight ? highlightedColor : binColor(bin_nr, numBins); QColor border = highlight ? highlightedBorderColor : ::borderColor; if (innerLabel) innerLabel->setColor(highlight ? darkLabelColor : labelColor(bin_nr, numBins), fill); item.drawSegment(angleFrom, angleTo, fill, border, selected); } PieSeries::PieSeries(StatsView &view, StatsAxis *xAxis, StatsAxis *yAxis, const QString &categoryName, std::vector<std::pair<QString, std::vector<dive *>>> data, bool keepOrder) : StatsSeries(view, xAxis, yAxis), item(view.createChartItem<ChartPieItem>(ChartZValue::Series, pieBorderWidth)), categoryName(categoryName), radius(0), highlighted(-1), lastClicked(-1) { // Pie charts with many slices are unreadable. Therefore, subsume slices under // a certain percentage as "other". But draw a minimum number of slices // until we reach 50% so that we never get a pie only of "other". // This is heuristics, which might have to be optimized. const int smallest_slice_percentage = 5; // Smaller than 5% = others. That makes at most 20 slices. const int min_slices = 5; // Try to draw at least 5 slices until we reach 50% // Easier to read than std::accumulate totalCount = 0; for (const auto &[name, dives]: data) totalCount += (int)dives.size(); // First of all, sort from largest to smalles slice. Instead // of sorting the initial array, sort a list of indices, so that // the original order can be easily reconstructed later. std::vector<int> sorted(data.size()); std::iota(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), 0); // Fill with 0..size-1. // Two notes: // - by negating the counts in the sort below, count is sorted descending. // - do a lexicographic sort by (count, idx) so that for equal counts the order is preserved. std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [&data](int idx1, int idx2) { return std::make_tuple(-data[idx1].second.size(), idx1) < std::make_tuple(-data[idx2].second.size(), idx2); }); auto it = std::find_if(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), [count=totalCount, &data](int idx) { return (int)data[idx].second.size() * 100 / count < smallest_slice_percentage; }); if (it - sorted.begin() < min_slices) { // Take minimum amount of slices below 50%... int sum = 0; for (auto it2 = sorted.begin(); it2 != it; ++it2) sum += (int)data[*it2].second.size(); while(it != sorted.end() && sum * 2 < totalCount && it - sorted.begin() < min_slices) { sum += (int)data[*it].second.size(); ++it; } } // Don't do a single "other" group if (sorted.end() - it == 1) ++it; // Sort the main groups and the other groups back, if requested if (keepOrder) { std::sort(sorted.begin(), it); std::sort(it, sorted.end()); } int numBins = it - sorted.begin(); if (it != sorted.end()) ++numBins; items.reserve(numBins); int act = 0; for (auto it2 = sorted.begin(); it2 != it; ++it2) { int count = (int)data[*it2].second.size(); items.emplace_back(view, data[*it2].first, act, std::move(data[*it2].second), totalCount, (int)items.size(), numBins); act += count; } // Register the items of the "other" group. if (it != sorted.end()) { std::vector<dive *> otherDives; otherDives.reserve(totalCount - act); other.reserve(sorted.end() - it); for (auto it2 = it; it2 != sorted.end(); ++it2) { other.push_back({ data[*it2].first, (int)data[*it2].second.size() }); for (dive *d: data[*it2].second) otherDives.push_back(d); } QString name = StatsTranslations::tr("other (%1 items)").arg(other.size()); items.emplace_back(view, name, act, std::move(otherDives), totalCount, (int)items.size(), numBins); } } PieSeries::~PieSeries() { } void PieSeries::updatePositions() { QRectF plotRect = view.plotArea(); center = plotRect.center(); radius = ceil(std::min(plotRect.width(), plotRect.height()) * pieSize / 2.0); QRectF rect(round(center.x() - radius), round(center.y() - radius), ceil(2.0 * radius), ceil(2.0 * radius)); item->resize(rect.size()); item->setPos(rect.topLeft()); int i = 0; for (Item &segment: items) { segment.updatePositions(center, radius); segment.highlight(*item, i, i == highlighted, (int)items.size()); // Draw segment ++i; } } std::vector<QString> PieSeries::binNames() { std::vector<QString> res; res.reserve(items.size()); for (Item &item: items) res.push_back(item.name); return res; } int PieSeries::getItemUnderMouse(const QPointF &f) const { QPointF delta = f - center; double len = sqrt(QPointF::dotProduct(delta, delta)); if (len > radius) return -1; delta /= len; double angle = 0.25 - atan2(-delta.y(), delta.x()) / 2.0 / M_PI; while (angle < 0.0) angle += 1.0; auto it = std::lower_bound(items.begin(), items.end(), angle, [](const Item &item, double angle) { return item.angleTo < angle; }); if (it == items.end()) return -1; // Floating point rounding issues? return it - items.begin(); } static QString makePercentageLine(int count, int total) { double percentage = count * 100.0 / total; QString countString = QString("%L1").arg(count); QString percentageString = QString("%L1%").arg(percentage, 0, 'f', 1); QString totalString = QString("%L1").arg(total); return StatsTranslations::tr("%1 (%2 of %3) dives").arg(countString, percentageString, totalString); } std::vector<QString> PieSeries::makeInfo(int idx) const { std::vector<QString> res; if (idx + 1 == (int)items.size() && !other.empty()) { // This is the "other" bin. Format all these items and an overview item. res.reserve(other.size() + 1); res.push_back(QString("%1: %2").arg(StatsTranslations::tr("other"), makePercentageLine((int)items[idx].dives.size(), totalCount))); for (const OtherItem &item: other) res.push_back(QString("%1: %2").arg(item.name, makePercentageLine((int)item.count, totalCount))); } else { // A "normal" item. res.reserve(2); res.push_back(QStringLiteral("%1: %2").arg(categoryName, items[idx].name)); res.push_back(makePercentageLine((int)items[idx].dives.size(), totalCount)); } return res; } bool PieSeries::hover(QPointF pos) { int index = getItemUnderMouse(pos); if (index == highlighted) { if (information) information->setPos(pos); return index >= 0; } unhighlight(); highlighted = index; // Highlight new item (if any) if (highlighted >= 0 && highlighted < (int)items.size()) { items[highlighted].highlight(*item, highlighted, true, (int)items.size()); if (!information) information = view.createChartItem<InformationBox>(); information->setText(makeInfo(highlighted), pos); information->setVisible(true); } else { information->setVisible(false); } return highlighted >= 0; } void PieSeries::unhighlight() { if (highlighted >= 0 && highlighted < (int)items.size()) items[highlighted].highlight(*item, highlighted, false, (int)items.size()); highlighted = -1; } bool PieSeries::selectItemsUnderMouse(const QPointF &pos, SelectionModifier modifier) { int index = getItemUnderMouse(pos); if (modifier.shift && index < 0) return false; if (!modifier.shift || lastClicked < 0) lastClicked = index; std::vector<dive *> divesUnderMouse; if (modifier.shift && lastClicked >= 0 && index >= 0) { // Selecting a range in a pie plot is a bit special due to its cyclic nature. // One way would be to always select the "shorter" path, but that would restrict the user. // Thus, always select in the "positive" direction, i.e. clockwise. int idx = lastClicked; int last = index; for (;;) { const std::vector<dive *> &dives = items[idx].dives; divesUnderMouse.insert(divesUnderMouse.end(), dives.begin(), dives.end()); if (idx == last) break; if (++idx >= (int)items.size()) idx = 0; } } else if (index >= 0) { divesUnderMouse = items[index].dives; } processSelection(std::move(divesUnderMouse), modifier); return index >= 0; } void PieSeries::divesSelected(const QVector<dive *> &) { for (Item &segment: items) { bool selected = allDivesSelected(segment.dives); if (segment.selected != selected) { segment.selected = selected; int idx = &segment - &items[0]; segment.highlight(*item, idx, idx == highlighted, (int)items.size()); } } }