// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #ifndef COMMAND_H #define COMMAND_H #include "core/dive.h" #include <QVector> #include <QAction> #include <vector> struct DiveAndLocation; // We put everything in a namespace, so that we can shorten names without polluting the global namespace namespace Command { // 1) General commands void init(); // Setup signals to inform frontend of clean status. void clear(); // Reset the undo stack. Delete all commands. void setClean(); // Call after save - this marks a state where no changes need to be saved. bool isClean(); // Any changes need to be saved? QAction *undoAction(QObject *parent); // Create an undo action. QAction *redoAction(QObject *parent); // Create an redo action. QString changesMade(); // return a string with the texts from all commands on the undo stack -> for commit message // 2) Dive-list related commands // If d->dive_trip is null and autogroup is true, dives within the auto-group // distance are added to a trip. dive d is consumed (the structure is reset)! // If newNumber is true, the dive is assigned a new number, depending on the // insertion position. void addDive(dive *d, bool autogroup, bool newNumber); void importDives(struct dive_table *dives, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites, int flags, const QString &source); // The tables are consumed! void deleteDive(const QVector<struct dive*> &divesToDelete); void shiftTime(const std::vector<dive *> &changedDives, int amount); void renumberDives(const QVector<QPair<dive *, int>> &divesToRenumber); void removeDivesFromTrip(const QVector<dive *> &divesToRemove); void removeAutogenTrips(); void addDivesToTrip(const QVector<dive *> &divesToAddIn, dive_trip *trip); void createTrip(const QVector<dive *> &divesToAddIn); void autogroupDives(); void mergeTrips(dive_trip *trip1, dive_trip *trip2); void splitDives(dive *d, duration_t time); void splitDiveComputer(dive *d, int dc_num); void moveDiveComputerToFront(dive *d, int dc_num); void deleteDiveComputer(dive *d, int dc_num); void mergeDives(const QVector <dive *> &dives); void applyGPSFixes(const std::vector<DiveAndLocation> &fixes); // 3) Dive-site related commands void deleteDiveSites(const QVector <dive_site *> &sites); void editDiveSiteName(dive_site *ds, const QString &value); void editDiveSiteDescription(dive_site *ds, const QString &value); void editDiveSiteNotes(dive_site *ds, const QString &value); void editDiveSiteCountry(dive_site *ds, const QString &value); void editDiveSiteLocation(dive_site *ds, location_t value); void editDiveSiteTaxonomy(dive_site *ds, taxonomy_data &value); // value is consumed (i.e. will be erased after call)! void addDiveSite(const QString &name); void importDiveSites(struct dive_site_table *sites, const QString &source); void mergeDiveSites(dive_site *ds, const QVector<dive_site *> &sites); void purgeUnusedDiveSites(); // 4) Dive editing related commands int editNotes(const QString &newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editSuit(const QString &newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editMode(int index, int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editInvalid(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editRating(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editVisibility(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editWaveSize(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editCurrent(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editSurge(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editChill(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editAirTemp(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editWaterTemp(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editAtmPress(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editWaterTypeUser(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editDepth(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editDuration(int newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editDiveSite(struct dive_site *newValue, bool currentDiveOnly); int editDiveSiteNew(const QString &newName, bool currentDiveOnly); int editTags(const QStringList &newList, bool currentDiveOnly); int editBuddies(const QStringList &newList, bool currentDiveOnly); int editDiveMaster(const QStringList &newList, bool currentDiveOnly); void pasteDives(const dive *d, dive_components what); void replanDive(dive *d); // dive computer(s) and cylinder(s) will be reset! void editProfile(dive *d); // dive computer(s) and cylinder(s) will be reset! int addWeight(bool currentDiveOnly); int removeWeight(int index, bool currentDiveOnly); int editWeight(int index, weightsystem_t ws, bool currentDiveOnly); #ifdef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE // Edits a dive and creates a divesite (if createDs != NULL) or edits a divesite (if changeDs != NULL). // Takes ownership of newDive and createDs! void editDive(dive *oldDive, dive *newDive, dive_site *createDs, dive_site *changeDs, location_t dsLocation); #endif // 5) Trip editing commands void editTripLocation(dive_trip *trip, const QString &s); void editTripNotes(dive_trip *trip, const QString &s); } // namespace Command #endif // COMMAND_H