UserSurvey 0 0 500 600 User Survey 40 560 451 32 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Save 10 10 481 16 11 Subsurface user survey 10 40 481 81 We would love to learn more about our users, their preferences and their usage habits. Please take a minute to fill out this form and submit it to the Subsurface team. Please select all options that apply to you. Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true 10 140 261 20 Recreational diver 290 140 201 20 Technical diver 10 160 421 20 Interested in dive planning 10 180 481 20 I am downloading dives from supported dive computer 10 200 481 20 I am importing dives from other software / sources 10 220 481 20 I am manually entering dives 10 300 481 101 10 240 481 20 I use the Android companion app to track dive locations 10 450 481 101 10 270 471 20 Please type suggestions (in English) in the following box 10 420 471 20 The following information about your system will also be submitted recreational tech planning download divecomputer manual companion suggestions system buttonBox