// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include "chartitem.h" #include "statscolors.h" #include "statsview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static int selectionOverlayPixelSize = 2; static int round_up(double f) { return static_cast(ceil(f)); } ChartItem::ChartItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z) : dirty(false), prev(nullptr), next(nullptr), zValue(z), view(v) { // Register before the derived constructors run, so that the // derived classes can mark the item as dirty in the constructor. v.registerChartItem(*this); } ChartItem::~ChartItem() { } QSizeF ChartItem::sceneSize() const { return view.size(); } void ChartItem::markDirty() { view.registerDirtyChartItem(*this); } ChartPixmapItem::ChartPixmapItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z) : HideableChartItem(v, z), positionDirty(false), textureDirty(false) { } ChartPixmapItem::~ChartPixmapItem() { painter.reset(); // Make sure to destroy painter before image that is painted on } void ChartPixmapItem::setTextureDirty() { textureDirty = true; markDirty(); } void ChartPixmapItem::setPositionDirty() { positionDirty = true; markDirty(); } void ChartPixmapItem::render() { if (!node) { createNode(view.w()->createImageNode()); view.addQSGNode(node.get(), zValue); } updateVisible(); if (!img) { resize(QSizeF(1,1)); img->fill(Qt::transparent); } if (textureDirty) { texture.reset(view.w()->createTextureFromImage(*img, QQuickWindow::TextureHasAlphaChannel)); node->node->setTexture(texture.get()); textureDirty = false; } if (positionDirty) { node->node->setRect(rect); positionDirty = false; } } void ChartPixmapItem::resize(QSizeF size) { painter.reset(); img.reset(new QImage(round_up(size.width()), round_up(size.height()), QImage::Format_ARGB32)); painter.reset(new QPainter(img.get())); painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); rect.setSize(size); setTextureDirty(); } void ChartPixmapItem::setPos(QPointF pos) { rect.moveTopLeft(pos); setPositionDirty(); } QRectF ChartPixmapItem::getRect() const { return rect; } static const int scatterItemDiameter = 10; static const int scatterItemBorder = 1; ChartScatterItem::ChartScatterItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z) : HideableChartItem(v, z), positionDirty(false), textureDirty(false), highlight(Highlight::Unselected) { rect.setSize(QSizeF(static_cast(scatterItemDiameter), static_cast(scatterItemDiameter))); } ChartScatterItem::~ChartScatterItem() { } static QSGTexture *createScatterTexture(StatsView &view, const QColor &color, const QColor &borderColor) { QImage img(scatterItemDiameter, scatterItemDiameter, QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&img); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); painter.setBrush(borderColor); painter.drawEllipse(0, 0, scatterItemDiameter, scatterItemDiameter); painter.setBrush(color); painter.drawEllipse(scatterItemBorder, scatterItemBorder, scatterItemDiameter - 2 * scatterItemBorder, scatterItemDiameter - 2 * scatterItemBorder); return view.w()->createTextureFromImage(img, QQuickWindow::TextureHasAlphaChannel); } // Note: Originally these were std::unique_ptrs, which automatically // freed the textures on exit. However, destroying textures after // QApplication finished its thread leads to crashes. Therefore, these // are now normal pointers and the texture objects are leaked. static QSGTexture *scatterItemTexture = nullptr; static QSGTexture *scatterItemSelectedTexture = nullptr; static QSGTexture *scatterItemHighlightedTexture = nullptr; static QSGTexture *selectedTexture = nullptr; // A checkerboard pattern. QSGTexture *ChartScatterItem::getTexture() const { switch (highlight) { default: case Highlight::Unselected: return scatterItemTexture; case Highlight::Selected: return scatterItemSelectedTexture; case Highlight::Highlighted: return scatterItemHighlightedTexture; } } void ChartScatterItem::render() { if (!scatterItemTexture) { scatterItemTexture = createScatterTexture(view, fillColor, borderColor); scatterItemSelectedTexture = createScatterTexture(view, selectedColor, selectedBorderColor); scatterItemHighlightedTexture = createScatterTexture(view, highlightedColor, highlightedBorderColor); } if (!node) { createNode(view.w()->createImageNode()); view.addQSGNode(node.get(), zValue); textureDirty = positionDirty = true; } updateVisible(); if (textureDirty) { node->node->setTexture(getTexture()); textureDirty = false; } if (positionDirty) { node->node->setRect(rect); positionDirty = false; } } void ChartScatterItem::setPos(QPointF pos) { pos -= QPointF(scatterItemDiameter / 2.0, scatterItemDiameter / 2.0); rect.moveTopLeft(pos); positionDirty = true; markDirty(); } static double squareDist(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) { QPointF diff = p1 - p2; return QPointF::dotProduct(diff, diff); } bool ChartScatterItem::contains(QPointF point) const { return squareDist(point, rect.center()) <= (scatterItemDiameter / 2.0) * (scatterItemDiameter / 2.0); } // For rectangular selections, we are more crude: simply check whether the center is in the selection. bool ChartScatterItem::inRect(const QRectF &selection) const { return selection.contains(rect.center()); } void ChartScatterItem::setHighlight(Highlight highlightIn) { if (highlight == highlightIn) return; highlight = highlightIn; textureDirty = true; markDirty(); } QRectF ChartScatterItem::getRect() const { return rect; } ChartRectItem::ChartRectItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, const QPen &pen, const QBrush &brush, double radius) : ChartPixmapItem(v, z), pen(pen), brush(brush), radius(radius) { } ChartRectItem::~ChartRectItem() { } void ChartRectItem::resize(QSizeF size) { ChartPixmapItem::resize(size); img->fill(Qt::transparent); painter->setPen(pen); painter->setBrush(brush); QSize imgSize = img->size(); int width = pen.width(); QRect rect(width / 2, width / 2, imgSize.width() - width, imgSize.height() - width); painter->drawRoundedRect(rect, radius, radius, Qt::AbsoluteSize); } ChartTextItem::ChartTextItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, const QFont &f, const std::vector &text, bool center) : ChartPixmapItem(v, z), f(f), center(center) { QFontMetrics fm(f); double totalWidth = 1.0; fontHeight = static_cast(fm.height()); double totalHeight = std::max(1.0, static_cast(text.size()) * fontHeight); items.reserve(text.size()); for (const QString &s: text) { double w = fm.size(Qt::TextSingleLine, s).width(); items.push_back({ s, w }); if (w > totalWidth) totalWidth = w; } resize(QSizeF(totalWidth, totalHeight)); } ChartTextItem::ChartTextItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, const QFont &f, const QString &text) : ChartTextItem(v, z, f, std::vector({ text }), true) { } void ChartTextItem::setColor(const QColor &c) { setColor(c, Qt::transparent); } void ChartTextItem::setColor(const QColor &c, const QColor &background) { img->fill(background); double y = 0.0; painter->setPen(QPen(c)); painter->setFont(f); double totalWidth = getRect().width(); for (const auto &[s, w]: items) { double x = center ? round((totalWidth - w) / 2.0) : 0.0; QRectF rect(x, y, w, fontHeight); painter->drawText(rect, s); y += fontHeight; } setTextureDirty(); } ChartPieItem::ChartPieItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, double borderWidth) : ChartPixmapItem(v, z), borderWidth(borderWidth) { } static QBrush makeBrush(QColor fill, bool selected) { if (!selected) return QBrush(fill); QImage img(2 * selectionOverlayPixelSize, 2 * selectionOverlayPixelSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(fill); for (int x = 0; x < selectionOverlayPixelSize; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < selectionOverlayPixelSize; ++y) { img.setPixelColor(x, y, selectionOverlayColor); img.setPixelColor(x + selectionOverlayPixelSize, y + selectionOverlayPixelSize, selectionOverlayColor); } } return QBrush(img); } void ChartPieItem::drawSegment(double from, double to, QColor fill, QColor border, bool selected) { painter->setPen(QPen(border, borderWidth)); painter->setBrush(makeBrush(fill, selected)); // For whatever obscure reason, angles of pie pieces are given as 16th of a degree...? // Angles increase CCW, whereas pie charts usually are read CW. Therfore, startAngle // is dervied from "from" and subtracted from the origin angle at 12:00. int startAngle = 90 * 16 - static_cast(round(to * 360.0 * 16.0)); int spanAngle = static_cast(round((to - from) * 360.0 * 16.0)); QRectF drawRect(QPointF(0.0, 0.0), rect.size()); painter->drawPie(drawRect, startAngle, spanAngle); setTextureDirty(); } void ChartPieItem::resize(QSizeF size) { ChartPixmapItem::resize(size); img->fill(Qt::transparent); } ChartLineItemBase::ChartLineItemBase(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, QColor color, double width) : HideableChartItem(v, z), color(color), width(width), positionDirty(false), materialDirty(false) { } ChartLineItemBase::~ChartLineItemBase() { } void ChartLineItemBase::setLine(QPointF fromIn, QPointF toIn) { from = fromIn; to = toIn; positionDirty = true; markDirty(); } // Helper function to set points void setPoint(QSGGeometry::Point2D &v, const QPointF &p) { v.set(static_cast(p.x()), static_cast(p.y())); } void setPoint(QSGGeometry::TexturedPoint2D &v, const QPointF &p, const QPointF &t) { v.set(static_cast(p.x()), static_cast(p.y()), static_cast(t.x()), static_cast(t.y())); } void ChartLineItem::render() { if (!node) { geometry.reset(new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 2)); geometry->setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawLines); material.reset(new QSGFlatColorMaterial); createNode(); node->setGeometry(geometry.get()); node->setMaterial(material.get()); view.addQSGNode(node.get(), zValue); positionDirty = materialDirty = true; } updateVisible(); if (positionDirty) { // Attention: width is a geometry property and therefore handled by position dirty! geometry->setLineWidth(static_cast(width)); auto vertices = geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D(); setPoint(vertices[0], from); setPoint(vertices[1], to); node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); } if (materialDirty) { material->setColor(color); node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); } positionDirty = materialDirty = false; } void ChartRectLineItem::render() { if (!node) { geometry.reset(new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 4)); geometry->setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawLineLoop); material.reset(new QSGFlatColorMaterial); createNode(); node->setGeometry(geometry.get()); node->setMaterial(material.get()); view.addQSGNode(node.get(), zValue); positionDirty = materialDirty = true; } updateVisible(); if (positionDirty) { // Attention: width is a geometry property and therefore handled by position dirty! geometry->setLineWidth(static_cast(width)); auto vertices = geometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D(); setPoint(vertices[0], from); setPoint(vertices[1], QPointF(from.x(), to.y())); setPoint(vertices[2], to); setPoint(vertices[3], QPointF(to.x(), from.y())); node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); } if (materialDirty) { material->setColor(color); node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); } positionDirty = materialDirty = false; } ChartBarItem::ChartBarItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, double borderWidth) : HideableChartItem(v, z), borderWidth(borderWidth), selected(false), positionDirty(false), colorDirty(false), selectedDirty(false) { } ChartBarItem::~ChartBarItem() { } QSGTexture *ChartBarItem::getSelectedTexture() const { if (!selectedTexture) { QImage img(2, 2, QImage::Format_ARGB32); img.fill(Qt::transparent); img.setPixelColor(0, 0, selectionOverlayColor); img.setPixelColor(1, 1, selectionOverlayColor); selectedTexture = view.w()->createTextureFromImage(img, QQuickWindow::TextureHasAlphaChannel); } return selectedTexture; } void ChartBarItem::render() { if (!node) { createNode(view.w()->createRectangleNode()); borderGeometry.reset(new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 4)); borderGeometry->setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawLineLoop); borderGeometry->setLineWidth(static_cast(borderWidth)); borderMaterial.reset(new QSGFlatColorMaterial); borderNode.reset(new QSGGeometryNode); borderNode->setGeometry(borderGeometry.get()); borderNode->setMaterial(borderMaterial.get()); node->node->appendChildNode(borderNode.get()); view.addQSGNode(node.get(), zValue); positionDirty = colorDirty = selectedDirty = true; } updateVisible(); if (colorDirty) { node->node->setColor(color); borderMaterial->setColor(borderColor); node->node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); borderNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); } if (positionDirty) { node->node->setRect(rect); auto vertices = borderGeometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D(); setPoint(vertices[0], rect.topLeft()); setPoint(vertices[1], rect.topRight()); setPoint(vertices[2], rect.bottomRight()); setPoint(vertices[3], rect.bottomLeft()); node->node->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); borderNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); } if (selectedDirty) { if (selected) { if (!selectionNode) { // Create the selection overlay if it didn't exist up to now. selectionGeometry.reset(new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_TexturedPoint2D(), 4)); selectionGeometry->setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawTriangleFan); selectionMaterial.reset(new QSGTextureMaterial); selectionMaterial->setTexture(getSelectedTexture()); selectionMaterial->setHorizontalWrapMode(QSGTexture::Repeat); selectionMaterial->setVerticalWrapMode(QSGTexture::Repeat); selectionNode.reset(new QSGGeometryNode); selectionNode->setGeometry(selectionGeometry.get()); selectionNode->setMaterial(selectionMaterial.get()); } node->node->appendChildNode(selectionNode.get()); // Update the position of the selection overlay, even if the position didn't change. positionDirty = true; } else { if (selectionNode) node->node->removeChildNode(selectionNode.get()); } } if (selected && positionDirty) { double pixelFactor = 2.0 * selectionOverlayPixelSize; // The texture image is 2x2 pixels. auto selectionVertices = selectionGeometry->vertexDataAsTexturedPoint2D(); selectionNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); setPoint(selectionVertices[0], rect.topLeft(), QPointF()); setPoint(selectionVertices[1], rect.topRight(), QPointF(rect.width() / pixelFactor, 0.0)); setPoint(selectionVertices[2], rect.bottomRight(), QPointF(rect.width() / pixelFactor, rect.height() / pixelFactor)); setPoint(selectionVertices[3], rect.bottomLeft(), QPointF(0.0, rect.height() / pixelFactor)); } positionDirty = colorDirty = selectedDirty = false; } void ChartBarItem::setColor(QColor colorIn, QColor borderColorIn) { if (color == colorIn) return; color = colorIn; borderColor = borderColorIn; colorDirty = true; markDirty(); } void ChartBarItem::setRect(const QRectF &rectIn) { if (rect == rectIn) return; rect = rectIn; positionDirty = true; markDirty(); } void ChartBarItem::setSelected(bool selectedIn) { if (selected == selectedIn) return; selected = selectedIn; selectedDirty = true; markDirty(); } QRectF ChartBarItem::getRect() const { return rect; } ChartBoxItem::ChartBoxItem(StatsView &v, ChartZValue z, double borderWidth) : ChartBarItem(v, z, borderWidth) { } ChartBoxItem::~ChartBoxItem() { } void ChartBoxItem::render() { // Remember old dirty values, since ChartBarItem::render() will clear them bool oldPositionDirty = positionDirty; bool oldColorDirty = colorDirty; ChartBarItem::render(); // This will create the base node, so no need to check for that. if (!whiskersNode) { whiskersGeometry.reset(new QSGGeometry(QSGGeometry::defaultAttributes_Point2D(), 10)); whiskersGeometry->setDrawingMode(QSGGeometry::DrawLines); whiskersGeometry->setLineWidth(static_cast(borderWidth)); whiskersMaterial.reset(new QSGFlatColorMaterial); whiskersNode.reset(new QSGGeometryNode); whiskersNode->setGeometry(whiskersGeometry.get()); whiskersNode->setMaterial(whiskersMaterial.get()); node->node->appendChildNode(whiskersNode.get()); // If this is the first time, make sure to update the geometry. oldPositionDirty = oldColorDirty = true; } if (oldColorDirty) { whiskersMaterial->setColor(borderColor); whiskersNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyMaterial); } if (oldPositionDirty) { auto vertices = whiskersGeometry->vertexDataAsPoint2D(); double left = rect.left(); double right = rect.right(); double mid = (left + right) / 2.0; // top bar setPoint(vertices[0], QPointF(left, max)); setPoint(vertices[1], QPointF(right, max)); // top whisker setPoint(vertices[2], QPointF(mid, max)); setPoint(vertices[3], QPointF(mid, rect.top())); // bottom bar setPoint(vertices[4], QPointF(left, min)); setPoint(vertices[5], QPointF(right, min)); // bottom whisker setPoint(vertices[6], QPointF(mid, min)); setPoint(vertices[7], QPointF(mid, rect.bottom())); // median indicator setPoint(vertices[8], QPointF(left, median)); setPoint(vertices[9], QPointF(right, median)); whiskersNode->markDirty(QSGNode::DirtyGeometry); } } void ChartBoxItem::setBox(const QRectF &rect, double minIn, double maxIn, double medianIn) { min = minIn; max = maxIn; median = medianIn; setRect(rect); } QRectF ChartBoxItem::getRect() const { QRectF res = rect; res.setTop(min); res.setBottom(max); return rect; }