ImportGPSQt::WindowModal0060060000Get dive coordinates from GPS:subsurface-icon000Synchronise the dive and the GPS track0000002000GPS track date 00Dive date Start and end times:000020 GPS Dive Start: End: 000000Qt::HorizontalQSizePolicy::Expanding002020International time zone correction0001677721560Qt::LeftToRightBy how many hours did the international time zone at the dive site differ from UCT (also regarded as Greenwich Mean Time)? Normally one would specify this value in whole hours (h:00):true2000112359592010123100020001120101231200011h:mmQt::LocalTimeEarlierLatertrueEquipment time settings correction0001677721590Qt::LeftToRightThis setting deals with differences in time settings between the GPS and the dive computer that recorded the dive. Ensure that the GPS equipment and your dive computer show the same local time. If not, adjust the time of the GPS earlier or later to coincide with that of the dive (h:min):true2000112359592010123100020001120101231200011h:mmQt::LocalTimeEarlierLatertrueQt::HorizontalQDialogButtonBox::Close|QDialogButtonBox::SaveQt::VerticalQSizePolicy::Expanding002020