#include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <libdivecomputer/parser.h> #include "errorhelper.h" #include "ssrf.h" #include "subsurface-string.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "file.h" #include "parse.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "import-csv.h" #include "qthelper.h" #define MATCH(buffer, pattern) \ memcmp(buffer, pattern, strlen(pattern)) static timestamp_t parse_date(const char *date) { int hour, min, sec; struct tm tm; char *p; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_mday = strtol(date, &p, 10); if (tm.tm_mday < 1 || tm.tm_mday > 31) return 0; for (tm.tm_mon = 0; tm.tm_mon < 12; tm.tm_mon++) { if (!memcmp(p, monthname(tm.tm_mon), 3)) break; } if (tm.tm_mon > 11) return 0; date = p + 3; tm.tm_year = strtol(date, &p, 10); if (date == p) return 0; if (tm.tm_year < 70) tm.tm_year += 2000; if (tm.tm_year < 100) tm.tm_year += 1900; if (sscanf(p, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &min, &sec) != 3) return 0; tm.tm_hour = hour; tm.tm_min = min; tm.tm_sec = sec; return utc_mktime(&tm); } static void add_sample_data(struct sample *sample, enum csv_format type, double val) { switch (type) { case CSV_DEPTH: sample->depth.mm = feet_to_mm(val); break; case CSV_TEMP: sample->temperature.mkelvin = F_to_mkelvin(val); break; case CSV_PRESSURE: sample->pressure[0].mbar = psi_to_mbar(val * 4); break; case POSEIDON_DEPTH: sample->depth.mm = lrint(val * 0.5 * 1000); break; case POSEIDON_TEMP: sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(val * 0.2); break; case POSEIDON_SETPOINT: sample->setpoint.mbar = lrint(val * 10); break; case POSEIDON_SENSOR1: sample->o2sensor[0].mbar = lrint(val * 10); break; case POSEIDON_SENSOR2: sample->o2sensor[1].mbar = lrint(val * 10); break; case POSEIDON_NDL: sample->ndl.seconds = lrint(val * 60); break; case POSEIDON_CEILING: sample->stopdepth.mm = lrint(val * 1000); break; } } static char *parse_dan_new_line(char *buf, const char *NL) { char *iter = buf; if (!iter) return NULL; iter = strstr(iter, NL); if (iter) { iter += strlen(NL); } else { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: No new line found\n"); return NULL; } return iter; } static int try_to_xslt_open_csv(const char *filename, struct memblock *mem, const char *tag); static int parse_dan_format(const char *filename, char **params, int pnr, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { int ret = 0, i; size_t end_ptr = 0; struct memblock mem, mem_csv; char tmpbuf[MAXCOLDIGITS]; char *ptr = NULL; char *NL = NULL; char *iter = NULL; if (readfile(filename, &mem) < 0) return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename); /* Determine NL (new line) character and the start of CSV data */ if ((ptr = strstr(mem.buffer, "\r\n")) != NULL) { NL = "\r\n"; } else if ((ptr = strstr(mem.buffer, "\n")) != NULL) { NL = "\n"; } else { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: failed to detect NL\n"); return -1; } while ((end_ptr < mem.size) && (ptr = strstr(mem.buffer + end_ptr, "ZDH"))) { char *iter_end = NULL; unsigned int pnr_local = pnr; mem_csv.buffer = malloc(mem.size + 1); mem_csv.size = mem.size; iter = ptr + 4; iter = strchr(iter, '|'); if (iter) { memcpy(tmpbuf, ptr + 4, iter - ptr - 4); tmpbuf[iter - ptr - 4] = 0; params[pnr_local++] = "diveNro"; params[pnr_local++] = strdup(tmpbuf); } //fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: BEGIN end_ptr %d round %d <%s>\n", end_ptr, j++, ptr); iter = ptr + 1; for (i = 0; i <= 4 && iter; ++i) { iter = strchr(iter, '|'); if (iter) ++iter; } if (!iter) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Data corrupt"); return -1; } /* Setting date */ memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, 8); tmpbuf[8] = 0; params[pnr_local++] = "date"; params[pnr_local++] = strdup(tmpbuf); /* Setting time, gotta prepend it with 1 to * avoid octal parsing (this is stripped out in * XSLT */ tmpbuf[0] = '1'; memcpy(tmpbuf + 1, iter + 8, 6); tmpbuf[7] = 0; params[pnr_local++] = "time"; params[pnr_local++] = strdup(tmpbuf); /* Air temperature */ memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf)); iter = strchr(iter, '|'); if (iter && iter + 1) { iter = iter + 1; iter_end = strchr(iter, '|'); if (iter_end) { memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, iter_end - iter); params[pnr_local++] = "airTemp"; params[pnr_local++] = strdup(tmpbuf); } } params[pnr_local] = NULL; /* Search for the next line */ if (iter) iter = parse_dan_new_line(iter, NL); if (!iter) return -1; /* We got a trailer, no samples on this dive */ if (strncmp(iter, "ZDT", 3) == 0) { end_ptr = iter - (char *)mem.buffer; /* Water temperature */ memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf)); for (i = 0; i < 5 && iter; ++i) iter = strchr(iter + 1, '|'); if (iter && iter + 1) { iter = iter + 1; iter_end = strchr(iter, '|'); if (iter_end) { memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, iter_end - iter); params[pnr_local++] = "waterTemp"; params[pnr_local++] = strdup(tmpbuf); } } params[pnr_local] = NULL; ret |= parse_xml_buffer(filename, "<csv></csv>", 11, table, trips, sites, (const char **)params); continue; } /* After ZDH we should get either ZDT (above) or ZDP */ if (strncmp(iter, "ZDP{", 4) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Input appears to violate DL7 specification\n"); end_ptr = iter - (char *)mem.buffer; continue; } if (ptr && ptr[4] == '}') { end_ptr += ptr - (char *)mem_csv.buffer; return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "No dive profile found from '%s'"), filename); } if (ptr) ptr = parse_dan_new_line(ptr, NL); if (!ptr) return -1; end_ptr = ptr - (char *)mem.buffer; /* Copy the current dive data to start of mem_csv buffer */ memcpy(mem_csv.buffer, ptr, mem.size - (ptr - (char *)mem.buffer)); ptr = strstr(mem_csv.buffer, "ZDP}"); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: failed to find end ZDP\n"); return -1; } mem_csv.size = ptr - (char*)mem_csv.buffer; iter = parse_dan_new_line(ptr + 1, NL); if (iter && strncmp(iter, "ZDT", 3) == 0) { /* Water temperature */ memset(tmpbuf, 0, sizeof(tmpbuf)); for (i = 0; i < 5 && iter; ++i) iter = strchr(iter + 1, '|'); if (iter && iter + 1) { iter = iter + 1; iter_end = strchr(iter, '|'); if (iter_end) { memcpy(tmpbuf, iter, iter_end - iter); params[pnr_local++] = "waterTemp"; params[pnr_local++] = strdup(tmpbuf); } } params[pnr_local] = NULL; } if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem_csv, "csv")) return -1; ret |= parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem_csv.buffer, mem_csv.size, table, trips, sites, (const char **)params); end_ptr += ptr - (char *)mem_csv.buffer; free(mem_csv.buffer); } free(mem.buffer); for (i = 0; params[i]; i += 2) free(params[i + 1]); return ret; } int parse_csv_file(const char *filename, char **params, int pnr, const char *csvtemplate, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { int ret, i; struct memblock mem; time_t now; struct tm *timep = NULL; char tmpbuf[MAXCOLDIGITS]; /* Increase the limits for recursion and variables on XSLT * parsing */ xsltMaxDepth = 30000; #if LIBXSLT_VERSION > 10126 xsltMaxVars = 150000; #endif if (filename == NULL) return report_error("No CSV filename"); mem.size = 0; if (!strcmp("DL7", csvtemplate)) { return parse_dan_format(filename, params, pnr, table, trips, sites); } else if (strcmp(params[0], "date")) { time(&now); timep = localtime(&now); strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "%Y%m%d", timep); params[pnr++] = "date"; params[pnr++] = strdup(tmpbuf); /* As the parameter is numeric, we need to ensure that the leading zero * is not discarded during the transform, thus prepend time with 1 */ strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "1%H%M", timep); params[pnr++] = "time"; params[pnr++] = strdup(tmpbuf); params[pnr++] = NULL; } if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem, csvtemplate)) return -1; /* * Lets print command line for manual testing with xsltproc if * verbosity level is high enough. The printed line needs the * input file added as last parameter. */ #ifndef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr, "(echo '<csv>'; cat %s;echo '</csv>') | xsltproc ", filename); for (i=0; params[i]; i+=2) fprintf(stderr, "--stringparam %s %s ", params[i], params[i+1]); fprintf(stderr, "%s/xslt/csv2xml.xslt -\n", SUBSURFACE_SOURCE); } #endif ret = parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem.buffer, mem.size, table, trips, sites, (const char **)params); free(mem.buffer); for (i = 0; params[i]; i += 2) free(params[i + 1]); return ret; } static int try_to_xslt_open_csv(const char *filename, struct memblock *mem, const char *tag) { char *buf; if (mem->size == 0 && readfile(filename, mem) < 0) return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename); /* Surround the CSV file content with XML tags to enable XSLT * parsing * * Tag markers take: strlen("<></>") = 5 */ buf = realloc(mem->buffer, mem->size + 7 + strlen(tag) * 2); if (buf != NULL) { char *starttag = NULL; char *endtag = NULL; starttag = malloc(3 + strlen(tag)); endtag = malloc(5 + strlen(tag)); if (starttag == NULL || endtag == NULL) { /* this is fairly silly - so the malloc fails, but we strdup the error? * let's complete the silliness by freeing the two pointers in case one malloc succeeded * and the other one failed - this will make static analysis tools happy */ free(starttag); free(endtag); free(buf); return report_error("Memory allocation failed in %s", __func__); } sprintf(starttag, "<%s>", tag); sprintf(endtag, "\n</%s>", tag); memmove(buf + 2 + strlen(tag), buf, mem->size); memcpy(buf, starttag, 2 + strlen(tag)); memcpy(buf + mem->size + 2 + strlen(tag), endtag, 5 + strlen(tag)); mem->size += (6 + 2 * strlen(tag)); mem->buffer = buf; free(starttag); free(endtag); } else { free(mem->buffer); return report_error("realloc failed in %s", __func__); } return 0; } int try_to_open_csv(struct memblock *mem, enum csv_format type, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { UNUSED(sites); char *p = mem->buffer; char *header[8]; int i, time; timestamp_t date; struct dive *dive; struct divecomputer *dc; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { header[i] = p; p = strchr(p, ','); if (!p) return 0; p++; } date = parse_date(header[2]); if (!date) return 0; dive = alloc_dive(); dive->when = date; dive->number = atoi(header[1]); dc = &dive->dc; time = 0; for (;;) { char *end; double val; struct sample *sample; errno = 0; val = strtod(p, &end); // FIXME == localization issue if (end == p) break; if (errno) break; sample = prepare_sample(dc); sample->time.seconds = time; add_sample_data(sample, type, val); finish_sample(dc); time++; dc->duration.seconds = time; if (*end != ',') break; p = end + 1; } record_dive_to_table(dive, table); return 1; } static char *parse_mkvi_value(const char *haystack, const char *needle) { char *lineptr, *valueptr, *endptr, *ret = NULL; if ((lineptr = strstr(haystack, needle)) != NULL) { if ((valueptr = strstr(lineptr, ": ")) != NULL) { valueptr += 2; } if ((endptr = strstr(lineptr, "\n")) != NULL) { char terminator = '\n'; if (*(endptr - 1) == '\r') { --endptr; terminator = '\r'; } *endptr = 0; ret = copy_string(valueptr); *endptr = terminator; } } return ret; } static char *next_mkvi_key(const char *haystack) { char *valueptr, *endptr, *ret = NULL; if ((valueptr = strstr(haystack, "\n")) != NULL) { valueptr += 1; if ((endptr = strstr(valueptr, ": ")) != NULL) { *endptr = 0; ret = strdup(valueptr); *endptr = ':'; } } return ret; } int parse_txt_file(const char *filename, const char *csv, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { UNUSED(sites); struct memblock memtxt, memcsv; if (readfile(filename, &memtxt) < 0) { return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename); } /* * MkVI stores some information in .txt file but the whole profile and events are stored in .csv file. First * make sure the input .txt looks like proper MkVI file, then start parsing the .csv. */ if (MATCH(memtxt.buffer, "MkVI_Config") == 0) { int d, m, y, he; int hh = 0, mm = 0, ss = 0; int prev_depth = 0, cur_sampletime = 0, prev_setpoint = -1, prev_ndl = -1; bool has_depth = false, has_setpoint = false, has_ndl = false; char *lineptr, *key, *value; int cur_cylinder_index = 0; unsigned int prev_time = 0; struct dive *dive; struct divecomputer *dc; struct tm cur_tm; value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Dive started at"); if (sscanf(value, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", &y, &m, &d, &hh, &mm, &ss) != 6) { free(value); return -1; } free(value); cur_tm.tm_year = y; cur_tm.tm_mon = m - 1; cur_tm.tm_mday = d; cur_tm.tm_hour = hh; cur_tm.tm_min = mm; cur_tm.tm_sec = ss; dive = alloc_dive(); dive->when = utc_mktime(&cur_tm);; dive->dc.model = strdup("Poseidon MkVI Discovery"); value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Rig Serial number"); dive->dc.deviceid = atoi(value); free(value); dive->dc.divemode = CCR; dive->dc.no_o2sensors = 2; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].cylinder_use = OXYGEN; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].type.size.mliter = 3000; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].type.workingpressure.mbar = 200000; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].type.description = strdup("3l Mk6"); dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].gasmix.o2.permille = 1000; cur_cylinder_index++; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].cylinder_use = DILUENT; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].type.size.mliter = 3000; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].type.workingpressure.mbar = 200000; dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].type.description = strdup("3l Mk6"); value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Helium percentage"); he = atoi(value); free(value); value = parse_mkvi_value(memtxt.buffer, "Nitrogen percentage"); dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].gasmix.o2.permille = (100 - atoi(value) - he) * 10; free(value); dive->cylinder[cur_cylinder_index].gasmix.he.permille = he * 10; cur_cylinder_index++; lineptr = strstr(memtxt.buffer, "Dive started at"); while (!empty_string(lineptr) && (lineptr = strchr(lineptr, '\n'))) { ++lineptr; // Skip over '\n' key = next_mkvi_key(lineptr); if (!key) break; value = parse_mkvi_value(lineptr, key); if (!value) { free(key); break; } add_extra_data(&dive->dc, key, value); free(key); free(value); } dc = &dive->dc; /* * Read samples from the CSV file. A sample contains all the lines with same timestamp. The CSV file has * the following format: * * timestamp, type, value * * And following fields are of interest to us: * * 6 sensor1 * 7 sensor2 * 8 depth * 13 o2 tank pressure * 14 diluent tank pressure * 20 o2 setpoint * 39 water temp */ if (readfile(csv, &memcsv) < 0) { free(dive); return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Poseidon import failed: unable to read '%s'"), csv); } lineptr = memcsv.buffer; for (;;) { struct sample *sample; int type; int value; int sampletime; int gaschange = 0; /* Collect all the information for one sample */ sscanf(lineptr, "%d,%d,%d", &cur_sampletime, &type, &value); has_depth = false; has_setpoint = false; has_ndl = false; sample = prepare_sample(dc); /* * There was a bug in MKVI download tool that resulted in erroneous sample * times. This fix should work similarly as the vendor's own. */ sample->time.seconds = cur_sampletime < 0xFFFF * 3 / 4 ? cur_sampletime : prev_time; prev_time = sample->time.seconds; do { int i = sscanf(lineptr, "%d,%d,%d", &sampletime, &type, &value); switch (i) { case 3: switch (type) { case 0: //Mouth piece position event: 0=OC, 1=CC, 2=UN, 3=NC switch (value) { case 0: add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position OC")); break; case 1: add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position CC")); break; case 2: add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position unknown")); break; case 3: add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Mouth piece position not connected")); break; } break; case 3: //Power Off event add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, 0, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "Power off")); break; case 4: //Battery State of Charge in % #ifdef SAMPLE_EVENT_BATTERY add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, SAMPLE_EVENT_BATTERY, 0, value, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "battery")); #endif break; case 6: //PO2 Cell 1 Average add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SENSOR1, value); break; case 7: //PO2 Cell 2 Average add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SENSOR2, value); break; case 8: //Depth * 2 has_depth = true; prev_depth = value; add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_DEPTH, value); break; //9 Max Depth * 2 //10 Ascent/Descent Rate * 2 case 11: //Ascent Rate Alert >10 m/s add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, SAMPLE_EVENT_ASCENT, 0, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "ascent")); break; case 13: //O2 Tank Pressure add_sample_pressure(sample, 0, lrint(value * 1000)); break; case 14: //Diluent Tank Pressure add_sample_pressure(sample, 1, lrint(value * 1000)); break; //16 Remaining dive time #1? //17 related to O2 injection case 20: //PO2 Setpoint has_setpoint = true; prev_setpoint = value; add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SETPOINT, value); break; case 22: //End of O2 calibration Event: 0 = OK, 2 = Failed, rest of dive setpoint 1.0 if (value == 2) add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, SAMPLE_FLAGS_END, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "O₂ calibration failed")); add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, SAMPLE_FLAGS_END, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "O₂ calibration")); break; case 25: //25 Max Ascent depth add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_CEILING, value); break; case 31: //Start of O2 calibration Event add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, 0, SAMPLE_FLAGS_BEGIN, 0, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "O₂ calibration")); break; case 37: //Remaining dive time #2? has_ndl = true; prev_ndl = value; add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_NDL, value); break; case 39: // Water Temperature in Celcius add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_TEMP, value); break; case 85: //He diluent part in % gaschange += value << 16; break; case 86: //O2 diluent part in % gaschange += value; break; //239 Unknown, maybe PO2 at sensor validation? //240 Unknown, maybe PO2 at sensor validation? //247 Unknown, maybe PO2 Cell 1 during pressure test //248 Unknown, maybe PO2 Cell 2 during pressure test //250 PO2 Cell 1 //251 PO2 Cell 2 default: break; } /* sample types */ break; case EOF: break; default: printf("Unable to parse input: %s\n", lineptr); break; } lineptr = strchr(lineptr, '\n'); if (!lineptr || !*lineptr) break; lineptr++; /* Grabbing next sample time */ sscanf(lineptr, "%d,%d,%d", &cur_sampletime, &type, &value); } while (sampletime == cur_sampletime); if (gaschange) add_event(dc, cur_sampletime, SAMPLE_EVENT_GASCHANGE2, 0, gaschange, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("gettextFromC", "gaschange")); if (!has_depth) add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_DEPTH, prev_depth); if (!has_setpoint && prev_setpoint >= 0) add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_SETPOINT, prev_setpoint); if (!has_ndl && prev_ndl >= 0) add_sample_data(sample, POSEIDON_NDL, prev_ndl); finish_sample(dc); if (!lineptr || !*lineptr) break; } record_dive_to_table(dive, table); return 1; } else { return 0; } return 0; } #define DATESTR 9 #define TIMESTR 6 #define SBPARAMS 40 static int parse_seabear_csv_file(const char *filename, char **params, int pnr, const char *csvtemplate, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites); int parse_seabear_log(const char *filename, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { char *params[SBPARAMS]; int pnr = 0; pnr = parse_seabear_header(filename, params, pnr); if (parse_seabear_csv_file(filename, params, pnr, "csv", table, trips, sites) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } static int parse_seabear_csv_file(const char *filename, char **params, int pnr, const char *csvtemplate, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { int ret, i; struct memblock mem; time_t now; struct tm *timep = NULL; char *ptr, *ptr_old = NULL; char *NL = NULL; char tmpbuf[MAXCOLDIGITS]; /* Increase the limits for recursion and variables on XSLT * parsing */ xsltMaxDepth = 30000; #if LIBXSLT_VERSION > 10126 xsltMaxVars = 150000; #endif time(&now); timep = localtime(&now); strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "%Y%m%d", timep); params[pnr++] = "date"; params[pnr++] = strdup(tmpbuf); /* As the parameter is numeric, we need to ensure that the leading zero * is not discarded during the transform, thus prepend time with 1 */ strftime(tmpbuf, MAXCOLDIGITS, "1%H%M", timep); params[pnr++] = "time"; params[pnr++] = strdup(tmpbuf); if (filename == NULL) return report_error("No CSV filename"); if (readfile(filename, &mem) < 0) return report_error(translate("gettextFromC", "Failed to read '%s'"), filename); /* Determine NL (new line) character and the start of CSV data */ ptr = mem.buffer; while ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "\r\n\r\n")) != NULL) { ptr_old = ptr; ptr += 1; NL = "\r\n"; } if (!ptr_old) { ptr = mem.buffer; while ((ptr = strstr(ptr, "\n\n")) != NULL) { ptr_old = ptr; ptr += 1; NL = "\n"; } ptr_old += 2; } else ptr_old += 4; /* * If file does not contain empty lines, it is not a valid * Seabear CSV file. */ if (NL == NULL) return -1; /* * On my current sample of Seabear DC log file, the date is * without any identifier. Thus we must search for the previous * line and step through from there. That is the line after * Serial number. */ ptr = strstr(mem.buffer, "Serial number:"); if (ptr) ptr = strstr(ptr, NL); /* * Write date and time values to params array, if available in * the CSV header */ if (ptr) { ptr += strlen(NL) + 2; /* * pnr is the index of NULL on the params as filled by * the init function. The two last entries should be * date and time. Here we overwrite them with the data * from the CSV header. */ memcpy(params[pnr - 3], ptr, 4); memcpy(params[pnr - 3] + 4, ptr + 5, 2); memcpy(params[pnr - 3] + 6, ptr + 8, 2); params[pnr - 3][8] = 0; memcpy(params[pnr - 1] + 1, ptr + 11, 2); memcpy(params[pnr - 1] + 3, ptr + 14, 2); params[pnr - 1][5] = 0; } params[pnr++] = NULL; /* Move the CSV data to the start of mem buffer */ memmove(mem.buffer, ptr_old, mem.size - (ptr_old - (char*)mem.buffer)); mem.size = (int)mem.size - (ptr_old - (char*)mem.buffer); if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem, csvtemplate)) return -1; /* * Lets print command line for manual testing with xsltproc if * verbosity level is high enough. The printed line needs the * input file added as last parameter. */ if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr, "xsltproc "); for (i=0; params[i]; i+=2) fprintf(stderr, "--stringparam %s %s ", params[i], params[i+1]); fprintf(stderr, "xslt/csv2xml.xslt\n"); } ret = parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem.buffer, mem.size, table, trips, sites, (const char **)params); free(mem.buffer); for (i = 0; params[i]; i += 2) free(params[i + 1]); return ret; } int parse_manual_file(const char *filename, char **params, int pnr, struct dive_table *table, struct trip_table *trips, struct dive_site_table *sites) { struct memblock mem; time_t now; struct tm *timep; char curdate[9]; char curtime[6]; int ret, i; time(&now); timep = localtime(&now); strftime(curdate, DATESTR, "%Y%m%d", timep); /* As the parameter is numeric, we need to ensure that the leading zero * is not discarded during the transform, thus prepend time with 1 */ strftime(curtime, TIMESTR, "1%H%M", timep); params[pnr++] = strdup("date"); params[pnr++] = strdup(curdate); params[pnr++] = strdup("time"); params[pnr++] = strdup(curtime); params[pnr++] = NULL; if (filename == NULL) return report_error("No manual CSV filename"); mem.size = 0; if (try_to_xslt_open_csv(filename, &mem, "manualCSV")) return -1; #ifndef SUBSURFACE_MOBILE if (verbose >= 2) { fprintf(stderr, "(echo '<manualCSV>'; cat %s;echo '</manualCSV>') | xsltproc ", filename); for (i=0; params[i]; i+=2) fprintf(stderr, "--stringparam %s %s ", params[i], params[i+1]); fprintf(stderr, "%s/xslt/manualcsv2xml.xslt -\n", SUBSURFACE_SOURCE); } #endif ret = parse_xml_buffer(filename, mem.buffer, mem.size, table, trips, sites, (const char **)params); free(mem.buffer); for (i = 0; i < pnr - 2; ++i) free(params[i]); return ret; }