#!/bin/bash set -x set -e # this gets executed by Travis when building an AppImage for Linux # it gets started from inside the subsurface directory export PATH=$QT_ROOT/bin:$PATH # Make sure correct qmake is found on the $PATH for linuxdeployqt export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$QT_ROOT/lib/cmake # the global build script expects to be called from the directory ABOVE subsurface # build both desktop and mobile - first desktop without BT support and without # webkit to make sure that still works, then with all components in order # to create an AppImage cd .. bash -e -x ./subsurface/scripts/build.sh -desktop -no-bt rm -rf subsurface/build bash -e -x ./subsurface/scripts/build.sh -both -create-appdir -build-with-webkit export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$QT_ROOT/plugins export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$QT_ROOT/plugins export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 # for debugging: find $QT_ROOT/plugins env CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make -C subsurface/build check # set up the appdir mkdir -p appdir/usr/plugins/ # mv googlemaps and Grantlee plugins into place mv appdir/usr/usr/local/Qt*/plugins/* appdir/usr/plugins # the usr/usr is not a typo - that's where it ends up mv appdir/usr/lib/grantlee/ appdir/usr/plugins/ rm -rf appdir/usr/home/ appdir/usr/include/ appdir/usr/share/man/ # No need to ship developer and man files as part of the AppImage rm -rf appdir/usr/usr appdir/usr/lib/cmake appdir/usr/lib/pkgconfig # get the linuxdeployqt tool and run it to collect the libraries wget -q -c "https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/releases/download/continuous/linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage" chmod a+x linuxdeployqt*.AppImage unset QTDIR unset QT_PLUGIN_PATH unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage ./appdir/usr/share/applications/*.desktop -bundle-non-qt-libs -qmldir=./subsurface/map-widget/ -verbose=2 # create the AppImage export VERSION=$(cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/scripts ; ./get-version linux) # linuxdeployqt uses this for naming the file ./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage ./appdir/usr/share/applications/*.desktop -appimage -qmldir=./subsurface/map-widget/ -verbose=2 find ./appdir -executable -type f -exec ldd {} \; | grep " => /usr" | cut -d " " -f 2-3 | sort | uniq # SmartTrak import tool bash -e -x ./subsurface/scripts/smtk2ssrf-build.sh # Create AppImage for smtk2ssrf mkdir -p ./smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/share mkdir -p ./smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/plugins mkdir -p ./smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/bin mkdir -p ./smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/lib cp -f subsurface/icons/subsurface-icon.svg smtk2ssrf_appdir/ cp -f subsurface/smtk-import/smtk2ssrf.desktop smtk2ssrf_appdir/ cp -f install-root/bin/smtk2ssrf smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/bin/ cp -f install-root/lib/libdivecomputer.so.0 smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/lib/ cp -f install-root/lib/libgit2* smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/lib/ # Why is Grantlee needed? We have built subsurface without printing support!!! cp -f install-root/lib/libGrantlee* smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/lib/ cp -rf appdir/usr/plugins/{bearer,iconengines,imageformats,platforms,xcbglintegrations} smtk2ssrf_appdir/usr/plugins ./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage ./smtk2ssrf_appdir/smtk2ssrf.desktop -bundle-non-qt-libs -verbose=2 ./linuxdeployqt*.AppImage ./smtk2ssrf_appdir/smtk2ssrf.desktop -appimage -verbose=2 find ./smtk2ssrf_appdir -executable -type f -exec ldd {} \; | grep " => /usr" | cut -d " " -f 2-3 | sort | uniq