// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pref.h" #include "qthelper.h" #include "git-access.h" #include "errorhelper.h" #include "core/format.h" #include "core/subsurface-string.h" #include "core/membuffer.h" #include "core/settings/qPrefCloudStorage.h" #include "checkcloudconnection.h" CheckCloudConnection::CheckCloudConnection(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), reply(0) { } // two free APIs to figure out where we are #define GET_EXTERNAL_IP_API "http://api.ipify.org" #define GET_CONTINENT_API "http://ip-api.com/line/%1?fields=continent" // our own madeup API to make sure we are talking to a Subsurface cloud server #define TEAPOT "/make-latte?number-of-shots=3" #define HTTP_I_AM_A_TEAPOT 418 #define MILK "Linus does not like non-fat milk" bool CheckCloudConnection::checkServer() { if (verbose) report_info("Checking cloud connection..."); QEventLoop loop; QNetworkAccessManager *mgr = new QNetworkAccessManager(); do { QNetworkRequest request; request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/plain"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8()); request.setUrl(QString(prefs.cloud_base_url) + TEAPOT); reply = mgr->get(request); QTimer timer; timer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, this, &CheckCloudConnection::sslErrors); for (int seconds = 1; seconds <= prefs.cloud_timeout; seconds++) { timer.start(1000); // wait the given number of seconds (default 5) loop.exec(); if (timer.isActive()) { // didn't time out, did we get the right response? timer.stop(); if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() == HTTP_I_AM_A_TEAPOT && reply->readAll() == QByteArray(MILK)) { reply->deleteLater(); mgr->deleteLater(); if (verbose) qWarning() << "Cloud storage: successfully checked connection to cloud server"; return true; } } else if (seconds < prefs.cloud_timeout) { QString text = tr("Waiting for cloud connection (%n second(s) passed)", "", seconds); git_storage_update_progress(qPrintable(text)); } else { disconnect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit())); reply->abort(); } } if (verbose) report_info("connection test to cloud server %s failed %d %s %d %s", prefs.cloud_base_url, static_cast(reply->error()), qPrintable(reply->errorString()), reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(), qPrintable(reply->readAll())); } while (nextServer()); // if none of the servers was reachable, update the user and switch to git_local_only git_storage_update_progress(qPrintable(tr("Cloud connection failed"))); git_local_only = true; reply->deleteLater(); mgr->deleteLater(); if (verbose) qWarning() << "Cloud storage: unable to connect to cloud server"; return false; } void CheckCloudConnection::sslErrors(const QList &errorList) { report_info("Received error response trying to set up https connection with cloud storage backend:"); for (QSslError err: errorList) report_info("%s", qPrintable(err.errorString())); } bool CheckCloudConnection::nextServer() { struct serverTried { const char *server; bool tried; }; static struct serverTried cloudServers[] = { { CLOUD_HOST_EU, false }, { CLOUD_HOST_US, false }, { CLOUD_HOST_E2, false }, { CLOUD_HOST_U2, false } }; const char *server = nullptr; for (serverTried &item: cloudServers) { if (strstr(prefs.cloud_base_url, item.server)) item.tried = true; else if (item.tried == false) server = item.server; } if (server) { int s = strlen(server); char *baseurl = (char *)malloc(10 + s); strcpy(baseurl, "https://"); strncat(baseurl, server, s); strcat(baseurl, "/"); report_info("failed to connect to %s next server to try: %s", prefs.cloud_base_url, baseurl); prefs.cloud_base_url = baseurl; git_storage_update_progress(qPrintable(tr("Trying different cloud server..."))); return true; } report_info("failed to connect to any of the Subsurface cloud servers, giving up"); return false; } void CheckCloudConnection::pickServer() { QNetworkRequest request(QString(GET_EXTERNAL_IP_API)); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/plain"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8()); QNetworkAccessManager *mgr = new QNetworkAccessManager(); connect(mgr, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &CheckCloudConnection::gotIP); mgr->get(request); } void CheckCloudConnection::gotIP(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { // whatever, just use the default host if (verbose) report_info("%s got error reply from ip webservice - not changing cloud host", __func__); return; } QString addressString = reply->readAll(); // use the QHostAddress constructor as a convenient way to validate that this is indeed an IP address // but then don't do annything with the QHostAdress - we need the address string... QHostAddress addr(addressString); if (addr.isNull()) { // this isn't an address, don't try to update the cloud host if (verbose) report_info("%s returned address doesn't appear to be valid (%s) - not changing cloud host", __func__, qPrintable(addressString)); return; } if (verbose) report_info("IP used for cloud server access %s", qPrintable(addressString)); // now figure out which continent we are on QNetworkRequest request(QString(GET_CONTINENT_API).arg(addressString)); request.setRawHeader("Accept", "text/plain"); request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", getUserAgent().toUtf8()); QNetworkAccessManager *mgr = new QNetworkAccessManager(); connect(mgr, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &CheckCloudConnection::gotContinent); mgr->get(request); } void CheckCloudConnection::gotContinent(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { // whatever, just use the default host if (verbose) report_info("%s got error reply from ip location webservice - not changing cloud host", __func__); return; } QString continentString = reply->readAll(); // in most cases this response comes back too late for us - we may already have // started to talk to the cloud server (this certinaly seems to be the case when // we use the cloud storage as default file). So instead of potentially changing // the server that is used in mid connection, let's just update what's stored in // our settings so the next time we'll use the server that's closer. // of course, right now the logic for that is very simplistic. Use the US server // when in the Americas, the EU server otherwise. This may need a better algorithm // at some point, but for now it seems good enough const char *base_url; if (continentString.contains("America", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) base_url = "https://" CLOUD_HOST_US "/"; else base_url = "https://" CLOUD_HOST_EU "/"; if (!same_string(base_url, prefs.cloud_base_url)) { if (verbose) report_info("remember cloud server %s based on IP location in %s", base_url, qPrintable(continentString)); qPrefCloudStorage::instance()->store_cloud_base_url(base_url); } } // helper to be used from C code bool canReachCloudServer(struct git_info *info) { if (verbose) qWarning() << "Cloud storage: checking connection to cloud server" << info->url.c_str(); bool connection = CheckCloudConnection().checkServer(); if (info->url.find(prefs.cloud_base_url) == std::string::npos) { // we switched the cloud URL - likely because we couldn't reach the server passed in // the strstr with the offset is designed so we match the right component in the name; // the cloud_base_url ends with a '/', so we need the text starting at "git/..." size_t pos = info->url.find("org/git/"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { info->url = format_string_std("%s%s", prefs.cloud_base_url, info->url.c_str() + pos + 4); if (verbose) report_info("updating remote to: %s", info->url.c_str()); } } return connection; }