// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #include <QQmlContext> #include <QDebug> #include <QQuickItem> #include <QModelIndex> #include "mapwidget.h" #include "core/divesite.h" #include "core/selection.h" #include "map-widget/qmlmapwidgethelper.h" #include "qt-models/maplocationmodel.h" #include "qt-models/divelocationmodel.h" #include "commands/command.h" static const QUrl urlMapWidget = QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/qml/MapWidget.qml")); static const QUrl urlMapWidgetError = QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/qml/MapWidgetError.qml")); static bool isReady = false; #define CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID() \ if (!isReady) return MapWidget *MapWidget::m_instance = NULL; MapWidget::MapWidget(QWidget *parent) : QQuickWidget(parent) { m_rootItem = nullptr; m_mapHelper = nullptr; setResizeMode(QQuickWidget::SizeRootObjectToView); connect(this, &QQuickWidget::statusChanged, this, &MapWidget::doneLoading); connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::divesChanged, this, &MapWidget::divesChanged); connect(&diveListNotifier, &DiveListNotifier::dataReset, this, &MapWidget::reload); setSource(urlMapWidget); } void MapWidget::doneLoading(QQuickWidget::Status status) { // the default map widget QML failed; load the error QML. if (source() == urlMapWidget && status != QQuickWidget::Ready) { qDebug() << urlMapWidget << "failed to load with status:" << status; setSource(urlMapWidgetError); return; } else if (source() == urlMapWidgetError) { // the error QML finished loading. return; } isReady = true; m_rootItem = qobject_cast<QQuickItem *>(rootObject()); m_mapHelper = rootObject()->findChild<MapWidgetHelper *>(); connect(m_mapHelper, &MapWidgetHelper::selectedDivesChanged, this, &MapWidget::selectedDivesChanged); connect(m_mapHelper, &MapWidgetHelper::coordinatesChanged, this, &MapWidget::coordinatesChanged); } void MapWidget::centerOnDiveSite(struct dive_site *ds) { CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID(); m_mapHelper->centerOnDiveSite(ds); } void MapWidget::centerOnIndex(const QModelIndex& idx) { CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID(); dive_site *ds = idx.model()->index(idx.row(), LocationInformationModel::DIVESITE).data().value<dive_site *>(); if (!ds || ds == RECENTLY_ADDED_DIVESITE || !dive_site_has_gps_location(ds)) m_mapHelper->centerOnSelectedDiveSite(); else centerOnDiveSite(ds); } void MapWidget::reload() { CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID(); m_mapHelper->reloadMapLocations(); m_mapHelper->centerOnSelectedDiveSite(); } bool MapWidget::editMode() const { return isReady && m_mapHelper->editMode(); } void MapWidget::setSelected(const QVector<dive_site *> &divesites) { CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID(); m_mapHelper->setSelected(divesites); } void MapWidget::selectionChanged() { CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID(); m_mapHelper->selectionChanged(); m_mapHelper->centerOnSelectedDiveSite(); } void MapWidget::selectedDivesChanged(const QList<int> &list) { CHECK_IS_READY_RETURN_VOID(); // We get a list of dive indices, but the selection code wants a list of dives. // Therefore, transform them here. std::vector<dive *> selection; selection.reserve(list.size()); for (int idx: list) { if (dive *d = get_dive(idx)) selection.push_back(d); } setSelection(selection, current_dive); } void MapWidget::coordinatesChanged(struct dive_site *ds, const location_t &location) { Command::editDiveSiteLocation(ds, location); } void MapWidget::divesChanged(const QVector<dive *> &, DiveField field) { if (field.divesite) reload(); } // Sadly, for reasons out of our control, we can't use a normal singleton for the // map widget: In a standard singleton, the object is freed after main() exits. // However, if there is an animation running (map zooming), the thread is // terminated, when the QApplication object is destroyed, which is before main() // exits. The thread has a QQmlAnimationTimer that is freed. However, the map widget // then tries to free the object itself, leading to a crash. Clearly, a bug in // the QML MapWidget / QtQuick ecosystem. // To solve this, the mainwindow will destroy the map widget and in the destructor // the reference is cleared. Sad. MapWidget::~MapWidget() { m_instance = NULL; } MapWidget *MapWidget::instance() { if (m_instance == NULL) m_instance = new MapWidget(); return m_instance; }