// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 #ifndef DIVELISTMODEL_H #define DIVELISTMODEL_H #include #include #include "core/subsurface-qt/diveobjecthelper.h" class CollapsedDiveListSortModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: static CollapsedDiveListSortModel *instance(); void setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel); Q_INVOKABLE QString tripTitle(const QString &trip); Q_INVOKABLE QString tripShortDate(const QString &trip); Q_INVOKABLE void setActiveTrip(const QString &trip); Q_INVOKABLE QString activeTrip() const; // super subtle optimization alert - in order to reduce the number of model accesses from QML, // the two states where we show the dive in question have odd numbers enum CollapsedState { DontShow = 0, ShowDive = 1, ShowTrip = 2, ShowDiveAndTrip = 3 }; void updateFilterState(); void updateSelectionState(); protected: bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const; private: CollapsedDiveListSortModel(); bool isExpanded(struct dive_trip *dt) const; QString m_activeTrip; }; class DiveListSortModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel { Q_OBJECT public: static DiveListSortModel *instance(); void setSourceModel(QAbstractItemModel *sourceModel); Q_INVOKABLE void reload(); QString filterString; void updateFilterState(); public slots: int getIdxForId(int id); void setFilter(QString f); void resetFilter(); int shown(); protected: bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const; private: DiveListSortModel(); }; QString formatSac(const dive *d); QString formatNotes(const dive *d); QString format_gps_decimal(const dive *d); QStringList formatGetCylinder(const dive *d); QStringList getStartPressure(const dive *d); QStringList getEndPressure(const dive *d); QStringList getFirstGas(const dive *d); QStringList getFullCylinderList(); class DiveListModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT public: enum DiveListRoles { DiveDateRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, TripIdRole, TripNrDivesRole, DateTimeRole, IdRole, NumberRole, LocationRole, DepthRole, DurationRole, DepthDurationRole, RatingRole, VizRole, SuitRole, AirTempRole, WaterTempRole, SacRole, SumWeightRole, DiveMasterRole, BuddyRole, NotesRole, GpsDecimalRole, GpsRole, NoDiveRole, DiveSiteRole, CylinderRole, GetCylinderRole, CylinderListRole, SingleWeightRole, StartPressureRole, EndPressureRole, FirstGasRole, CollapsedRole, SelectedRole, }; static DiveListModel *instance(); void addDive(const QList &listOfDives); void addAllDives(); void insertDive(int i); void removeDive(int i); void removeDiveById(int id); void updateDive(int i, dive *d); void reload(); // Only call after clearing the model! struct dive *getDive(int i); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const; int getDiveIdx(int id) const; QModelIndex getDiveQIdx(int id); QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const; QHash roleNames() const; QString startAddDive(); void resetInternalData(); void clear(); // Clear all dives in core Q_INVOKABLE DiveObjectHelper at(int i); private: DiveListModel(); }; #endif // DIVELISTMODEL_H