#!/bin/bash -e # start from the directory above the subsurface directory # # we need to build the google maps plugin which is not part of our sources, so let's make sure # it is included in our source tar file # # a lot of this is redundant with the OBS code - but I'm trying to make both of these scripts reasonably # complete so a user could simply run one of them and not the other - well, of course a user would have # to make changes as they can't write to the OBS/COPR repos that I own... but this should be a great # starting point. if [[ ! -d subsurface || ! -d subsurface/libdivecomputer ]] ; then echo "Please start this script from the folder ABOVE the subsurface source directory" exit 1; fi if [[ ! -d googlemaps ]] ; then echo "Please make sure you have the current master of https://github.com/Subsurface/googlemaps" echo "checked out in parallel to the Subsurface directory" exit 1; fi TOPDIR=$(pwd) # ensure that the libdivecomputer module is there and current cd subsurface git submodule init git submodule update cd - GITVERSION=$(cd subsurface ; git describe --abbrev=12 | sed -e 's/-g.*$// ; s/^v//') GITREVISION=$(echo $GITVERSION | sed -e 's/.*-// ; s/.*\..*//') VERSION=$(echo $GITVERSION | sed -e 's/-/./') GITDATE=$(cd subsurface ; git log -1 --format="%at" | xargs -I{} date -d @{} +%Y-%m-%d) LIBDCREVISION=$(cd subsurface/libdivecomputer ; git rev-parse --verify HEAD) FOLDER="subsurface-$VERSION" echo "building Subsurface" $VERSION "with libdivecomputer" $LIBDCREVISION # create the file system structure that the rpmbuild tools expect rpmdev-setuptree # in order for the tools to work as expected, let's run this from the HOME directory cd $HOME if [[ ! -d $FOLDER ]]; then mkdir $FOLDER echo "copying sources" (cd "$TOPDIR"/subsurface ; tar cf - . ) | (cd $FOLDER ; tar xf - ) cd $FOLDER cp -a "$TOPDIR"/googlemaps . # make sure we only have the files we want (the builds should all be empty when running on GitHub) rm -rf .git libdivecomputer/.git googlemaps/.git build build-mobile libdivecomputer/build googlemaps/build echo $GITVERSION > .gitversion echo $GITDATE > .gitdate echo $LIBDCREVISION > libdivecomputer/revision cd .. fi if [[ ! -f rpmbuild/SOURCES/subsurface-$VERSION.orig.tar.xz ]] ; then tar ch $FOLDER | xz > rpmbuild/SOURCES/subsurface-$VERSION.orig.tar.xz fi # if the user wanted to post this automatically, do so # # because in the normal flow we should never have the need to rev the Release number in the spec # file, this is hard coded to 1 - it's entirely possible that there will be use cases where we # need to push additional versions... but it seems impossible to predict what exactly would drive # those and how to automate them if [[ "$1" = "post" ]] ; then # daily vs. release if [[ "$GITREVISION" == "" ]] ; then # this is a release echo "RELEASE PROCESS IS NOT WELL TESTED" REPO="Subsurface" SUMMARY="official Fedora RPMs from the Subsurface project" DESCRIPTION="This is the official Subsurface build, provided by the Subsurface team, including our own custom libdivecomputer." else REPO="Subsurface-test" SUMMARY="rolling build of the latest development version of Subsurface" DESCRIPTION="This is a 'daily' build of Subsurface, provided by the Subsurface team, based on the latest sources. The builds aren't always well tested." fi cd "$HOME"/rpmbuild cat "$TOPDIR"/subsurface/packaging/copr/subsurface.spec | sed "s/%define latestVersion.*/%define latestVersion $VERSION/;s/DESCRIPTION/$DESCRIPTION/;s/SUMMARY/$SUMMARY/" > SPECS/subsurface.spec rpmbuild --verbose -bs $(pwd)/SPECS/subsurface.spec copr build --nowait $REPO $(pwd)/SRPMS/subsurface-$VERSION-1.fc*.src.rpm fi