#!/bin/bash # use to assemble the details for our release notes and write them to a file # # Usage: create-releasenotes.sh merge_sha json=$(gh pr list -s merged -S "$1" --json title,number,url) cp gh_release_notes_top.md gh_release_notes.md if [[ $json != "[]" ]]; then echo -n $json | jq -j '.[0]|{title}|join(" ")' > release_content_title.txt ( echo -n 'This build was created by [merging pull request ' echo -n $json | jq -j '.[0]|{number}|join(" ")' echo -n ' (' cat release_content_title.txt echo -n ')](' echo -n $json | jq -j '.[0]|{url}|join(" ")' echo ' )' ) >> gh_release_notes.md else git log --pretty=format:"%an: '%s'" -n1 > release_content_title.txt ( echo "This build was created by directly pushing to the Subsurface repo." echo "The latest commit was [$(cat release_content_title.txt)](https://github.com/subsurface/subsurface/commit/$1 )" ) >> gh_release_notes.md fi cat gh_release_notes_bottom.md >> gh_release_notes.md