// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* divesite.c */ #include "divesite.h" #include "dive.h" #include "divelist.h" #include "errorhelper.h" #include "format.h" #include "membuffer.h" #include "subsurface-string.h" #include "sha1.h" #include int divesite_comp_uuid(const dive_site &ds1, const dive_site &ds2) { if (ds1.uuid == ds2.uuid) return 0; return ds1.uuid < ds2.uuid ? -1 : 1; } template dive_site *get_by_predicate(const dive_site_table &ds_table, PRED pred) { auto it = std::find_if(ds_table.begin(), ds_table.end(), pred); return it != ds_table.end() ? it->get() : NULL; } dive_site *dive_site_table::get_by_uuid(uint32_t uuid) const { // The table is sorted by uuid auto it = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), uuid, [] (const auto &ds, auto uuid) { return ds->uuid < uuid; }); return it != end() && (*it)->uuid == uuid ? it->get() : NULL; } /* there could be multiple sites of the same name - return the first one */ dive_site *dive_site_table::get_by_name(const std::string &name) const { return get_by_predicate(*this, [&name](const auto &ds) { return ds->name == name; }); } /* there could be multiple sites at the same GPS fix - return the first one */ dive_site *dive_site_table::get_by_gps(const location_t *loc) const { return get_by_predicate(*this, [loc](const auto &ds) { return ds->location == *loc; }); } /* to avoid a bug where we have two dive sites with different name and the same GPS coordinates * and first get the gps coordinates (reading a V2 file) and happen to get back "the other" name, * this function allows us to verify if a very specific name/GPS combination already exists */ dive_site *dive_site_table::get_by_gps_and_name(const std::string &name, const location_t loc) const { return get_by_predicate(*this, [&name, loc](const auto &ds) { return ds->location == loc && ds->name == name; }); } /* find the closest one, no more than distance meters away - if more than one at same distance, pick the first */ dive_site *dive_site_table::get_by_gps_proximity(location_t loc, int distance) const { struct dive_site *res = nullptr; unsigned int cur_distance, min_distance = distance; for (const auto &ds: *this) { if (dive_site_has_gps_location(ds.get()) && (cur_distance = get_distance(ds->location, loc)) < min_distance) { min_distance = cur_distance; res = ds.get(); } } return res; } dive_site_table::put_result dive_site_table::register_site(std::unique_ptr ds) { /* If the site doesn't yet have an UUID, create a new one. * Make this deterministic for testing. */ if (!ds->uuid) { SHA1 sha; if (!ds->name.empty()) sha.update(ds->name); if (!ds->description.empty()) sha.update(ds->description); if (!ds->notes.empty()) sha.update(ds->notes); ds->uuid = sha.hash_uint32(); } /* Take care to never have the same uuid twice. This could happen on * reimport of a log where the dive sites have diverged */ while (ds->uuid == 0 || get_by_uuid(ds->uuid) != NULL) ++ds->uuid; return put(std::move(ds)); } dive_site::dive_site() { } dive_site::dive_site(const std::string &name) : name(name) { } dive_site::dive_site(const std::string &name, const location_t loc) : name(name), location(loc) { } dive_site::dive_site(uint32_t uuid) : uuid(uuid) { } dive_site::~dive_site() { } /* when parsing, dive sites are identified by uuid */ dive_site *dive_site_table::alloc_or_get(uint32_t uuid) { struct dive_site *ds; if (uuid && (ds = get_by_uuid(uuid)) != NULL) return ds; return register_site(std::make_unique(uuid)).ptr; } size_t dive_site::nr_of_dives() const { return dives.size(); } bool dive_site::is_selected() const { return any_of(dives.begin(), dives.end(), [](dive *dive) { return dive->selected; }); } /* allocate a new site and add it to the table */ dive_site *dive_site_table::create(const std::string &name) { return register_site(std::make_unique(name)).ptr; } /* same as before, but with GPS data */ dive_site *dive_site_table::create(const std::string &name, const location_t loc) { return register_site(std::make_unique(name, loc)).ptr; } /* if all fields are empty, the dive site is pointless */ bool dive_site::is_empty() const { return name.empty() && description.empty() && notes.empty() && !has_location(&location); } static void merge_string(std::string &a, const std::string &b) { if (b.empty()) return; if (a == b) return; if (a.empty()) { a = b; return; } a = format_string_std("(%s) or (%s)", a.c_str(), b.c_str()); } /* Used to check on import if two dive sites are equivalent. * Since currently no merging is performed, be very conservative * and only consider equal dive sites that are exactly the same. * Taxonomy is not compared, as no taxonomy is generated on * import. */ static bool same(const struct dive_site &a, const struct dive_site &b) { return a.name == b.name && a.location == b.location && a.description == b.description && a.notes == b.notes; } dive_site *dive_site_table::get_same(const struct dive_site &site) const { return get_by_predicate(*this, [site](const auto &ds) { return same(*ds, site); }); } void dive_site::merge(dive_site &b) { if (!has_location(&location)) location = b.location; merge_string(name, b.name); merge_string(notes, b.notes); merge_string(description, b.description); if (taxonomy.empty()) taxonomy = std::move(b.taxonomy); } dive_site *dive_site_table::find_or_create(const std::string &name) { struct dive_site *ds = get_by_name(name); if (ds) return ds; return create(name); } void dive_site_table::purge_empty() { for (const auto &ds: *this) { if (!ds->is_empty()) continue; while (!ds->dives.empty()) { struct dive *d = ds->dives.back(); if (d->dive_site != ds.get()) { report_info("Warning: dive %d registered to wrong dive site in %s", d->number, __func__); ds->dives.pop_back(); } else { unregister_dive_from_dive_site(d); } } } } void dive_site::add_dive(struct dive *d) { if (!d) { report_info("Warning: dive_site::add_dive() called with NULL dive"); return; } if (d->dive_site == this) return; if (d->dive_site) { report_info("Warning: adding dive that already belongs to a dive site to a different site"); unregister_dive_from_dive_site(d); } dives.push_back(d); d->dive_site = this; } struct dive_site *unregister_dive_from_dive_site(struct dive *d) { struct dive_site *ds = d->dive_site; if (!ds) return nullptr; auto it = std::find(ds->dives.begin(), ds->dives.end(), d); if (it != ds->dives.end()) ds->dives.erase(it); else report_info("Warning: dive not found in divesite table, even though it should be registered there."); d->dive_site = nullptr; return ds; }